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NRF8002-DK 数据手册
nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide.v1.0 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. 2012-2-23 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide Liability disclaimer Nordic Semiconductor ASA reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic Semiconductor ASA does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein. Life support applications Nordic Semiconductor’s products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic Semiconductor ASA customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic Semiconductor ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Contact details For your nearest dealer, please see http://www.nordicsemi.com Receive available updates automatically by subscribing to eNews from our homepage or check our website regularly for any available updates. Main office: Otto Nielsens veg 12 7004 Trondheim Phone: +47 72 89 89 00 Fax: +47 72 89 89 89 www.nordicsemi.com Revision History Date February 2012 Revision 1.0 Version 1.0 Description Page 2 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................4 1.1 Who should read this user guide? ........................................................4 1.2 Minimum requirements .........................................................................4 1.3 Required reading ..................................................................................4 1.4 Writing Conventions..............................................................................4 2 Development Kit content ............................................................................5 2.1 Hardware content .................................................................................5 2.1.1 nRF8002 module (nRF2748)............................................................5 2.1.2 µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739) ..................................................5 2.2 Software content...................................................................................6 2.3 Documentation......................................................................................6 3 Test RF parameters using Direct Test Mode (DTM) .................................7 3.1 Setting up the hardware for testing with DTM.......................................7 3.2 Testing the physical layer on your product ...........................................7 4 Hardware description..................................................................................8 4.1 nRF8002 module (nRF2748) ................................................................8 4.1.1 Key features .....................................................................................8 4.1.2 nRF8002 module (nRF2748)............................................................8 4.1.3 Inputs and Outputs ...........................................................................10 4.1.4 Buzzer (PWM output) and nRF8002 current measurement .............11 4.1.5 I/O pin header...................................................................................12 4.1.6 nRFgo Starter Kit Motherboard (nRF6310) extension connectors ...13 4.2 µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739) .......................................................14 4.2.1 Module schematics and PCB layouts...............................................14 4.2.2 Block diagram...................................................................................15 5 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................16 Revision 1.0 Page 3 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 1 Introduction The nRF8002 Development Kit provides a complete solution for quick evaluation and prototyping of proximity tags based on the nRF8002 device. Integrating a PWM-controlled piezoelectric buzzer, three LEDs, two buttons, and a coin cell battery holder, the nRF8002 module (nRF2748) provides out-of-the box hardware implementation of a Bluetooth® low energy proximity tag. By uploading the default configuration in nRFgo Studio, a nRF8002 Development Kit can be used to demonstrate nRF8002 features using the µBlue Master Emulator and the Proximity Demo application provided with this kit. The kit also allows you to track and control the traffic between the nRF8002 device and a master. nRF8002 can be configured to respond to different pin pattern inputs and to issue different pattern outputs depending on activity in the embedded Bluetooth low energy services. Use the nRF8002 configuration tool in nRFgo Studio to change and upload new configurations to adjust the nRF8002 behavior to match your application needs. For further HW development, the nRF8002 I/O pins can be accessed through the nRF2748 or by plugging nRF8002 into a nRFgo Motherboard (sold separately with the nRFgo Starter Kit) and using the protoyping and development features offered. This User Guide provides descriptions of the hardware provided with the Kit and explains how you can set up the hardware to test with Direct Test Mode. 1.1 Who should read this user guide? Anyone developing a Bluetooth product using nRF8002 should read this User Guide. To fully understand this User Guide, a background in software development and/or electronic engineering is required and you will need knowledge of the Bluetooth low energy specification and terminology. 1.2 • • • 1.3 Minimum requirements Computer with 1 USB port (2 USB ports are recommended) Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 nRFgo Studio v1.12 or later Required reading The nRF8002 Preliminary Product Specification contains all background information on nRF8002 and you should read the nRF8002 Getting Started Guide before using this. 1.4 Writing Conventions This product specification follows a set of typographic rules that makes the document consistent and easy to read. The following writing conventions are used. The requirements specified here will most likely be identical to the requirements cited in the Getting Started Guide for this same kit. • • • Commands are written in Courier New. File names and User Interface components are written in bold. Cross references are underlined and highlighted in blue. Revision 1.0 Page 4 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 2 Development Kit content The nRF8002 Development Kit consists of hardware and software components, and a Proximity Demo application. 2.1 Hardware content Figure 1. Hardware Content 2.1.1 nRF8002 module (nRF2748) The nRFready nRF8002 (nRF2748) includes: • • • • 2.1.2 Fully functional Bluetooth low energy proximity tag Buzzer LEDs Buttons µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739) The µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739) is a dongle that enables you to run the Proximity Demo application. Revision 1.0 Page 5 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 2.2 Software content From the www.nordicsemi.com website you can download the nRF8002 Proximity Demo installation file and the nRFgo Studio. 2.3 Documentation Documentation for this Kit can be downloaded from www.nordicsemi.com and includes: • • • This User Guide Getting Started Guide Tutorial available in nRFgo Studio Revision 1.0 Page 6 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 3 Test RF parameters using Direct Test Mode (DTM) 3.1 Setting up the hardware for testing with DTM Follow these steps in order to start DTM: 1. 2. 3. 3.2 Connect the nRF8002 module (nRF2748) to your PC using a USB cable. Start the nRFgo Studio application. In the Features pane underneath Bluetooth, click Direct Test Mode. Testing the physical layer on your product nRF8002 can only enter DTM before it has been configured with a setup. This means that in order to test your own product, leave nRF8002 unconfigured and go to the Features pane in nRFgo Studio, select Bluetooth and then select Direct Test Mode. The DTM must be available on your product so that it can be qualified as a Bluetooth low energy product. This means that your design must have a way to connect to the UART interface. Note: A nRF8002 in test mode draws considerable battery power. To avoid rapidly draining the on board coin cell battery, a module in DTM should not be disconnected from the USB cable for prolonged periods of time. Revision 1.0 Page 7 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 4 Hardware description This chapter describes the nRF8002 (nRF2748) module and the µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739). nRF8002 can be configured to respond to different pin pattern input and to issue different pattern output depending on activity in the embedded Bluetooth low energy services and profiles. Use nRFgo Studio to change and upload new configurations to adjust the nRF8002 behavior. 4.1 nRF8002 module (nRF2748) The nRF8002 module (nRF2748) provides an out-of-the-box solution for quick evaluation and prototyping of Bluetooth low energy. Integrated features like those listed below in “Key features” help you get started on your Bluetooth PCB design. 4.1.1 • • • • • • 4.1.2 Key features Bluetooth low energy radio Coin cell battery powered On-board buttons, LEDs, and Buzzer Input/output availability on pin header for extended usage nRF6310 Motherboard integration (nRFgo) USB (UART emulator) configuration interface nRF8002 module (nRF2748) Figure 2. nRF2748 top view Revision 1.0 Page 8 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide Figure 3. nRF2748 bottom view Revision 1.0 Page 9 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 4.1.3 Inputs and Outputs Figure 4. LEDs and buttons nRF8002 has the following input signals: • • The button SW1 is routed to signal IN1 The button SW2 is routed to IN2 In addition, nRF8002 has three digital outputs and a PWM output. The three digital output signals are routed to three LEDs in the following way: • • • OUT1 is routed to the LED LD1 OUT2 is routed to the LED LD2 OUT3 is routed to the LED LD3 JP1, JP2, and JP3 disconnects the output LEDs LD1, LD2, and LD3 respectively. When using external LEDs through either the I/O pin header or the motherboard, it’s a good idea to disconnect onboard LEDs by removing these jumpers. The PWM output is described in the following section. Revision 1.0 Page 10 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 4.1.4 Buzzer (PWM output) and nRF8002 current measurement Figure 5. Buzzer connected to PWM through a jumper nRF2748 is populated with a buzzer, shown in Figure 5. The PWM signal from nRF8002 goes to the buzzer driver (transistor Q1) via jumper JP4. This jumper must be fitted in order for you to use the onboard buzzer. Removing this jumper will disconnect the onboard buzzer. You can also use an external buzzer with the PWM signal. Figure 5. also shows the current measurement pin header with jumper JP5. You can measure the current drawn by nRF8002. Since nRF8002 current consumption appears in short pulses and varies significantly depending on activity, a normal ampere meter will not give you an accurate picture. Replace this jumper with a 5-10 ohm resistor and use an oscilloscope to measure nRF8002 current consumption. See the nRF Performance Test Guidelines (nWP-006) on our website for details on how to measure dynamic current. You can download nRF8002 Development Kit hardware schematics and PCB layout files from www.nordicsemi.com. Revision 1.0 Page 11 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 4.1.5 I/O pin header Figure 6. I/O expansion pin header for inputs and outputs Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Label IN1 IN2 GND OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 GND PWM GND VDD Description Input pin 1, nRF8002 Input pin 2, nRF8002 Ground Output pin 1, nRF8002 Output pin 2, nRF8002 Output pin 3, nRF8002 Ground PWM output, nRF8002 Ground VDD supply (same voltage level as the nRF8002) Table 1.Pinouts for I/O header P3 To directly access the I/O pins of the nRF8002 device, an optional pin header P3 (not mounted) is available. This pin header is populated with all of the inputs, outputs, and the PWM signal available on the nRF8002. Note: To access the nRF8002 output pins through this header without conflicts, Jumper JP1 to JP4 must be removed. Revision 1.0 Page 12 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 4.1.6 nRFgo Starter Kit Motherboard (nRF6310) extension connectors nRF2748 can be used with the nRFgo Starter Kit by connecting the P1 and P2 connectors to the nRfgo Starter Kit Motherboard extension connectors. Figure 7. Pinouts for the nRF2748 module connector, P1 (Left) and P2 (Right) The two figures above show the pinouts for these connectors. Only the used pins in the nRF6310 are described in these figures. Note: Only P1 carries the input and output resources to nRF2748. P2 carries only the power support and the BoardID interface. You can download nRF8002 Development Kit hardware schematics and PCB layout files from www.nordicsemi.com. Revision 1.0 Page 13 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 4.2 µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739) The µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739) is a dongle that enables you to use the Proximity Demo Application with nRF8002. The µBlue Master Emulator is a peer device for nRF8002 allowing you to set up the wireless connection. Figure 8. µBlue Master Emulator Note: The LED is lit when nRF2739 is connected and ready. 4.2.1 Module schematics and PCB layouts You can download nRF8002 Development Kit hardware schematics and PCB layout files from www.nordicsemi.com. Revision 1.0 Page 14 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 4.2.2 Block diagram Figure 9. is a block diagram and description of the main parts of nRF8002 including the radio, configuration interface, Starter Kit Motherboard (nRF6310) integration, and pin header for extended I/O usage. Figure 9. nRF8002 Block diagram Revision 1.0 Page 15 of 16 nRF8002 Development Kit User Guide 5 Troubleshooting The nRF8002 on the SoC module (nRF2748) does not respond when I try to contact it. What has happened? Verify that the jumper JP5 is connected. LED D0 on the µBlue Master Emulator (nRF2739) does not light up when I plug in the USB cable. What has happened? Verify that the Master Emulator (nRF2739) has been plugged into a USB port on your computer. Revision 1.0 Page 16 of 16
- 物料型号:nRF8002 Development Kit,包括nRF8002模块(nRF2748)和µBlue Master Emulator(nRF2739)。 - 器件简介:nRF8002开发套件提供了一个完整的解决方案,用于基于nRF8002设备的接近标签的快速评估和原型设计。它集成了一个PWM控制的压电蜂鸣器、三个LED、两个按钮和一个硬币电池座。 - 引脚分配:文档详细描述了nRF8002模块的输入输出引脚分配,包括按钮、LED和PWM输出。 - 参数特性:nRF8002模块支持蓝牙低功耗无线电,由硬币电池供电,具有板载按钮、LED和蜂鸣器,以及用于扩展使用的引脚头输入/输出。 - 功能详解:开发套件允许用户通过nRFgo Studio上传默认配置,使用µBlue Master Emulator和随套件提供的接近演示应用程序展示nRF8002的功能。 - 应用信息:nRF8002可以配置为响应不同的引脚模式输入,并根据嵌入式蓝牙低功耗服务的活动发出不同的模式输出。 - 封装信息:文档提供了nRF8002模块的封装视图和底部视图,以及I/O引脚头的详细信息。
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