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IP6808_NF 数据手册
IP6808 Wireless Power Transmitter Compliant with WPC V1.2.4 protocol of 7.5W/10W Features                Description Compliant with the WPC V1.2.4 specificatiosn transmitter design Support 5~10W applications  Single 5W applications  Fast charge input for 5~10W applications  5V DC input for step-up of 5~10W output applications  9~15V DC input for step-down of 5~10W output applications Input withstand voltage up to 25V Integrate NMOS full bridge driver Integrate voltage/current demodulator Support FOD (Foreign Object Detection) function  High sensitivity  Support dynamic FOD  Adjustable FOD parameters Low quiescent dissipation and high efficiency  4mA quiescent current  Charging efficiency is up to 79% Compatible with NPO and CBB capacitors Support online firmware upgrade Support Dynamic Power Modulation (DPM) for insufficient USB power source  Support low voltage charger of 5V/500mA Input overvoltage, overcurrent protection Support PD3.0 input Support NTC 2 LEDs for system states indication Pacage: QFN32 5mm*5mm 0.5 pitch http://www.injoinic.com/ 1 / 18 IP6808 is a wireless power transmitter controller SoC that integrates all required functions for the latest WPC Qi V1.2.4 specifications compliant wireless power transmitter design. Support A11 coil, support 5W, Apple 7.5W, Samsung 10W charging. It used analog PING to detect a RX wireless device for charging with low standby power. Once RX device is detected, the IP6808 establish a communication with the RX wireless device and controls the coil power transfer by adjusting operation frequency, depended on calculating the data packages, received from RX device, with PID algorithm. IP6808 terminate power transfer when RX device is fully charged. IP6808 integrate full-bridge driver, includes voltage and current two-way ASK demodulation module, and input overvoltage/current protection and FOD module. IP6808 is a highly integrated SoC for small-size and low bom cost solutions and reduced time-to-market. Applications   Charge Jacket, wireless charging base Car wireless charging device Version 1.0 IP6808 Vcoil_Sense NTC SENSEP SENSEN DCH_V DCH_G System Functional Diagram Comm_V External gate Control Communication/ Decode ADC Comm_I VBUS LFP OP AMP HVCC VSYS VCC POWER HG1 VDD BST1 HVCC LX1 CC1 CC2 TYPE-C PD PHY MCU LG1 Driver DP LG2 DM LX2 Test1 Test2 Debug Test/ Debug BST2 IO HG2 LED1 LED2 FB HVCC Figure System functional diagram Product Package Introduction Product Description IP6808_5W 5W wireless charging application, support 5V DC input IP6808_10W 5W~10W wireless charging application, same application schematic diagram with IP6808_5W, support 5V/9V DC input IP6808_10W_DC 5W~10W wireless charging application, additional DCDC is added, support 5V/9V DC input V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 2 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 1. Pin Description BST1 LX1 HG1 Test1 LED1 Debug Test2 LED2 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 NTC_Sense 25 16 LG1 GND 26 15 HVCC Comm_V 27 14 LG2 Comm_I 28 13 BST2 VDD 29 IP6808 12 LX2 VCC 30 QFN32 11 HG2 VSYS 31 10 FB VBUS 32 33 EPAD DCH_V 6 7 8 DP SENSEN 5 DM SENSEP 4 CC2 3 CC1 2 DCH_G 1 9 Vcoil_Sense Pin No. Pin Name Description 1 SENSEP VBUS current positive sense node 2 SENSEN VBUS current negative sense node 3 DCH_V Power rail voltage detect pin, can be float when external PMOS is not used 4 DCH_G Control the gate of external PMOS, can be float when external PMOS is not used 5 CC1 Type-C port CC1 line, support firmware upgrade. Connect to ID line when applied in Micro USB port 6 CC2 Type-C port CC2 line, support firmware upgrade 7 DM USB DM 8 DP USB DP 9 Vcoil_Sense Coil voltage sense input 10 FB External DCDC voltage control pin 11 HG2 H-bridge high-side NMOS drive 12 LX2 H-bridge switching node 13 BST2 Internal high voltage drive, connect to capacitor to LX2 V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 3 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 14 LG2 H-bridge low-side NMOS drive 15 HVCC 5V LDO output, used for H-bridge high-sied MOSFET boost drive 16 LG1 H-bridge low-side NMOS drive 17 BST1 Internal high voltage drive, connect to capacitor to LX1 18 LX1 H-bridge switching node 19 HG1 H-bridge high-side NMOS drive 20 Test1 Test1 21 LED1 LED1 output 22 DEBUG Debug pin 23 Test2 Test2 24 LED2 LED2 output 25 NTC_Sense NTC output 26 GND Analog Ground 27 Comm_V Voltage communication/demodulation input 28 Comm_I Current communication/demodulation input 29 VDD VDD internal power source output, connect to 1uF capacitor 30 VCC VCC internal power source output, connect to 1uF capacitor 31 VSYS System power input 32 VBUS VBUS charge/discharge detect pin 33 EPAD (PGND) Power dissipation ground, connect with ground well V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 4 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters Symbol Min Max VBUS -0.3 25 VSYS -0.3 6 VCC -0.3 5 DCH_V -0.3 25 SENSEN -0.3 25 SENSEP -0.3 25 VCC -0.3 3.3 VDD -0.3 2.2 LED1,LED2 -0.3 VCC+0.3 TEST1, TEST2 -0.3 VCC+0.3 CC1, CC2 -0.3 25 DP, DM -0.3 20 Junction Temperature Range TJ -40 125 ℃ Storage Temperature Range Tstg -60 125 ℃ Package Thermal Resistance θJA 18 Human Body Model (HBM) ESD Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Range I/O Voltage Range Unit V V V ℃/W V *Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. *Voltages are referenced to GND unless otherwise noted. 3. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameters Input Voltage Range Symbol Min Typ Max VBUS 4.5 22 VSYS 2.9 7.4 VCC 2.8 3.3 LED1,LED2 GND-0.3V VCC+0.3V TEST1, TEST2 GND-0.3V VCC+0.3V CC1, CC2 GND-0.3V 5.5 DP, DM GND-0.3V 5.5 I/O Voltage Range Unit V V *Devices’ performance cannot be guaranteed when working beyond those Recommended Operating Conditions. V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 5 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 4. Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, TA =25℃ Parameters Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition BST HVCC 5 V VCC 3.15 V VDD 1.8 V VBUS 4.5 Typ 22 V Max Unit Parameters Symbol Min Test Condition VIH Input high level 0.7x VCC VIL Input low level VOH Input high level VCC V VOL Input low level GND V Rpu Pull-up resistor 10 k Pull-up resistor enable Source current Output current capability 2 mA Source current to output high level is 0.8*VCC V 0.3x VCC 4 V 5. Function Description Full-bridge/half-bridge Drive IP6808 includes two symmetry half-bridge drive module, support multi-level of deadtime control and drive capability control to match with various external NMOS. PWM frequency adjustable range is 110kHz~205kHz with 0.25kHz/step. V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 6 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 HVCC Vin Comm_V HG1 BST1 LFP LX1 LG1 20mΩ IP6808 LG2 LX2 BST2 OP AMP HG2 Vin Comm_I HVCC Figure full-bridge drive application circuit DPM IP6808 support Dynamic Power Management function for USB power source with insufficient power supply ability, which can guarantee the charging status will not break off or suspend. When the system detect the input voltage is lower than 4.0V, DPM function will be enabled and the transmitting power will be reduced. When the input voltage returns to above 4.8V and the input current is reduced by 200mA compared to when entering DPM, the system exits the DPM state. Digital Demodulation Integrate two-way ASK demodulation module, sampling the voltage and current of the coil separately. Current demodulation, additional separate devices are needed for low pass filters and first amplifier, signals is send to IC for digital demodulation and decode after DC blocked. V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 7 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 Vcoil 3.3kΩ Vcoil_Sens e 15nf Comm_V 100kΩ 15nf 47nf Figure 10kΩ Voltage ASK demodulation external circuit 3.3kΩ + 20mΩ Sample resister 15nf 15nf Comm_I - 1kΩ 100kΩ Figure Current ASK demodulation external circuit NTC Thermal Protection IP6808 5W typical application do not need additional thermal protection. The NTC thermal shutdown protection is for enhancement application, but not limited to thermal shutdown. When NTC voltage is lower than 1V, the system will terminate the power transmittion. After entering NTC protection, the NTC voltage is greater than 1.3V, and normal charging resumes. If NTC is not used, NTC pin must pull high. NTC resistor selection, refer to the following stage: 1. Refer to NTC resistor data handbook, search the resistor-temperature relation sheet 2. Find the related resistor R_NTC according to the protection temperature 3. Calculate the pull-up resistor R_SetPoint value according to the expression: R_Setpoint = (VCC-1)*R_NTC V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 8 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 VCC R_SetPoint NTC_Sense RNTC 15nf Figure NTC application LED Status Indicator IP6808 can drive 2 LEDs directly through serial current-limit resistor. LEDs’ status and system status relations are listed below: Status Over temperature Trigger VBUS input undervoltage loop Overvoltage/overcurrent FOD Charging accomplished In charging Normal LED2 toggle toggle toggle On On Off Off LED1 Toggle On Off Off On Toggle On Toggle: 500ms high level->500ms low level->500ms high level On: Off: high level low level Firmware Upgrade Different wireless charging application regulation method is different, different applications has its own firmware and can not be exchanged, otherwise abnormal working situation may occur and lead to high voltage at RX side. Method 1: Use TEST1, TEST2 two pins for firmware upgrade, it is not convenient for online upgrade, test points should be reserved on PCB board for debug and upgrade. Method 2: In Type-C USB application, the standard Type-C firmware upgrade method can be used for online upgrade, a firmware upgrade tool is provided for IP6808. Method 3: In Micro USB application, if online upgrade is needed, connect CC1 pin to ID line of Micro USB port, and use V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 9 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 dedicated firmware upgrade tool for IP6808. 6. Test Waveform Using TI bq51020 solution for RX device, the relationship of efficiency and system output power and test method are outlined below. (VOUT=5V). 85.00% e f f i / c % i e n c y 80.00% 75.00% 70.00% 65.00% 60.00% 55.00% 50.00% Load current/mA Figure System efficiency (using bq51020 RX) 7. Typical Application Schematic IP6808 wireless charging solution only needs MOSFET, a OP amp, capacitors, resistors and few passive devices. V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 10 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 5W~10W non-DCDC Application V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 11 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 BOM List Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Qty 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 5 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 3 Reference U1 Q1-4 U2 TP6-7 D04 D05-06 D01 D02 R00 R01 R04 R11,R14 R07,R15 R08 R06,R10 R02-03 R05 R13 R09,R12 C15-18 C20-23 C5,C7,C13-14,C24 C25 C1,C4,C6,C8-9 C3,C12 C10 C2,C11 USB2 J6 TP1-3 V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com Part Name IP6808_5W or IP6808_10W NMOS,RU207C LM321 or BL321 A11 DIODE,IN4148 or IN5819 DIODE,IN5819 LED_BLUE,GREEN LED_BLUE,RED 1210R,0.02R,1% 1210R,0.01R,1% R0603,100R R0603,100k R0603,10k R0603,10k NTC R0603,1k R0603,2R R0603,330R R0603,33k R0603,3k3 C1210,100nF,100V C0603,15nF C0603,47nF C0603,NC/2nF C0603,1uF,10% C0805,22uF,10% C0603,33nF,10% C0603,NC/10uF,10% MINIUSB_7PIN USB_TYPEC-1 TP,nc 12 / 18 Description IP6808_QFN32 Full-bridge NMOS OP amp Wireless charging coil Diode Schottky diode LED LED SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor NPO or CBB capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor Micro_USB TYPEC Test point Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 5W~10W with DCDC V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 13 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 BOM List Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 V1.0 Qty 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 4 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 3 Reference U1 Q1-4 Q5 U2 U3 TP6-7 D04 D05-06 D01 D02 R00 R01 R04 R11,R14,R16 R07,R15,R18 R08 R06,R10 R02-03 R05 R13 R09,R12 R17 C15-18 C5 C20-23 C7,C13-14,C24 C25 C1,C4,C6,C8-9 C3,C12 C10 C2,C11 USB2 J6 TP1-3 Email: service@injoinic.com Part Name IP6808_10W_DC NMOS,RU207C PMOS,RU20P7C LM321 or BL321 SCT2321 or other DCDC A11 DIODE,IN4148 or IN5819 DIODE,IN5819 LED_BLUE,GREEN LED_BLUE,RED 1210R,0.02R,1% 1210R,0.01R,1% R0603,100R R0603,100k R0603,10k R0603,10k NTC R0603,1k R0603,2R R0603,330R R0603,33k R0603,3k3 R0603,? (resistor is related to FB voltage) C1210,100nF,100V C0603,2.2nf C0603,15nF C0603,47nF C0603,NC/2nF C0603,1uF,10% C0805,22uF,10% C0603,33nF,10% C0603,NC/10uF,10% MINIUSB_7PIN USB_TYPEC-1 TP,nc 14 / 18 Description IP6808_QFN32 Full-bridge NMOS PMOS OP amp DCDC IC Wireless charging coil Diode Schottky diode LED LED SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor SMD resistor NPO or CBB capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor SMD capacitor Micro_USB TYPEC Test point Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 8. Layout Notifications Here list some notifications that may affect the function and performance, other notes will be described in other attached files. Layout methods has great influence on function and performance of the wireless charging system, un-appropriate layout may affect the ASK communication and the sensitivity of FOD detection. 1. Make sure IP6808 pins and EPAD GND PAD has a good continuous current loop. 2. The 20mOhm sample resistor for current demodulating , should differentially layout to OP amp inputs or use other low noise interference method. 3. CODE_DET_I and CODE_DET_V are sensitive signals should be wrapped up by ground and placed far away from switching MOSFET. 4. H-bridge input capacitor and NMOS loop area should be as small as possible. V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 15 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 5. The 10mOhm sample resistor for the input current detecting ,the sampling line should be directly from the the sample resistor at both ends of the lead; pay attention to the IP6808 32 pin power supply VBUS routing, to separate the line, do not It is coincident with the sampling line of VBUS (the 1 pin); V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 16 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 9. Package V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 17 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp. IP6808 10. IMPORTANT NOTICE INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”) are sold subject to INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers' products. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers' products and applications, Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products, and any use of INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's components in its applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY. Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, monitor failures and their consequences, lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions. Buyer will fully indemnify INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's components in safety-critical applications. Reproduction of significant portions of INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's information in INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY will update this document from time to time. The actual parameters of the product may vary due to different models or other items. This document voids all express and any implied warranties. Resale of INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY's component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. INJOINIC TECHNOLOGY is not responsible or liable for any such statements. V1.0 Email: service@injoinic.com 18 / 18 Copyright © 2018, Injoinic Corp.
IP6808_NF 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 7.48181 1+ 0
    • 10+ 6.82604 10+ 0
    • 30+ 6.4584 30+ 0
    • 100+ 6.05103 100+ 0
    • 500+ 5.3257 500+ 0
    • 1000+ 5.23628 1000+ 0
