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NH-B2020RGBA-HF 数据手册
表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A 佛山市国星 RGB 器件事业部 FOSHAN NATIONSTAR RGB DIVISION 产品规格书 S P E C I F I C AT I O N 顾客名称 产品名称 Customer Product 顾客型号 产品型号 Customer Type Type 顾客部品号 版本号 Customer No. Version NO TOP LED NH-B2020RGBA-HF C1 版 地址:广东省佛山市禅城区华宝南路 18 号 Add: NO.18 South Huabao Rd,Foshan,Guangdong,China 电话(Tel) : 0757-83985605; 83985607; 82100231; 82100230 传真(Fax): 0757-82100223;82100200 邮编(Zip) :528000 http://www.nationstar.com 研 发 中 心 客户(加盖公章) Research & Development Center Customer(Stamp) 制 定 审 核 DRAW CHECK 批 准 APPROVE 确 认 CONFIRM 发放日期 (Release Date):2020-04-24 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 NH-B2020RGBA-HF TOP Full-color LED 技术数据表 Technical Data Sheet 本产品属于表面贴装全彩器件,采用全黑框架,对比度高,黑色哑光封装,无镜面反射。 拥有高可靠性、长寿命、宽视角等特点,是户内显示装饰领域的理想选择。 These products are full-color SMD components with black frame, high contrast , black and matt packaging and non-mirror reflection, which are featured by good reliability, long lifespan and wide viewing angle.They are designed for indoor display and decoration applications. 特性:  管芯材料: Material: 红色 Red AlGaInP 绿色 Green InGaN 蓝色 Blue InGaN Features: 封装材料:环氧树脂 Encapsulation: Epoxy Resin 焊接方法:无铅回流焊 Soldering methods: Pb-Free reflow soldering 光强高,功耗低,可靠性好,寿命长 High Luminous Intensity ,Low Power Dissipation,good Reliability and Long Life  符合欧盟公布的 ROHS 指令要求 Complied With ROHS Directive 目录 Catalogue 电性参数 Electrical Characteristics.............................................................................................................................2 典型特性曲线 Typical Characteristic Curves.....................................................................................................................3 可靠性实验 Reliability Test Items and Conditions........................................................................................................4 外形尺寸 Outline Dimensions......................................................................................................................................5 包装 Packaging......................................................................................................................................................6 焊接指导 Guideline for Soldering................................................................................................................................8 使用注意事项 Precautions....................................................................................................................................................10 * 产品规格如因工艺改进而有所改变,恕不另行通知。 * The specifications of the product may be modified for improvement without notice. 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 1 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 光电参数 Electro-Optical Characteristics  极限参数(温度=25℃) Absolute Maximum Ratings (Temperature=25°C) 参数名称 Parameter 正向电流 Forward Current 红 Red 正向脉冲电流* 绿 Green Pulse Forward Current* 蓝 Blue 反向电压 Reverse Voltage 工作温度 Operating Temperature 贮存温度 Storage Temperature 功耗 Power Dissipation 符号 Symbol 数值 Rating 单位 Unit IF 20 mA IFP 50 40 40 mA VR 5 V Tamd -30 ~ +85 ℃ Tstg -40 ~ +100 ℃ 红 Red 48 绿 Green Ptot 蓝 Blue  mW 64 64 光电参数(温度=25℃) Electro-Optical Characteristics (Temperature=25°C) 参数名称 Parameter 符号 Symbol 反向电流 Reverse Current IR 正向电压 Forward Voltage VF 主波长 Dominant Wavelength 半波宽度 Spectrum Radiation Bandwidth 光强 Luminous Intensity 视角度 View Angle λD Δλ IV 条件 Condition VR=5V 颜色 Color 最小值 Min. 典型值 Typ. 最大值 Max. 红 Red 10 绿 Green 10 蓝 Blue 10 IF=8mA 红 Red 1.6 2.0 2.4 IF=5mA 绿 Green 2.4 2.7 3.2 IF=3mA 蓝 Blue 2.4 2.8 3.2 IF=8mA 红 Red 615 622 630 IF=5mA 绿 Green 515 525 540 IF=3mA 蓝 Blue 462 468 480 IF=8mA 红 Red 24 IF=5mA 绿 Green 38 IF=3mA 蓝 Blue 28 IF=8mA 红 Red 30 45 75 IF=5mA 绿 Green 130 160 250 IF=3mA 蓝 Blue 15 25 38 2θ1/2 110 单位 Unit μA V nm nm mcd deg. * 注:以上参数仅供参考,请以实物标签为准。我司给出的参数均由国星测试系统测得。 * Note: The parameters above only for your reference. In case of any discrepancy, please adhere to the label of our actual products. All parameters tested by the standard testing system of NationStar. 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 2 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 典型特性曲线 Typical Characteristics Curves 伏安特性 相对光强与正向电流特性 Volt-Ampere Characteristics Relative Luminous Intensity VS Forward Current 1 Blue 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 正向电压 (F orward Voltage )(V ) 3.3 4 3. 5 3 2.5 2 Red 1 .5 0 4 1.5 0 5 Blue 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1.0 1.2 0. 6 0.4 0.2 0 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 1. 0 Blue 0.5 Green -40 a .u . ) 相 对 光 强 ( Re la t ive Lu min ous Int ensi t y ) ( a . u. ) 0.8 Blue Green Red -20 0 20 40 60 80 环境温度(Ambient Temperature )(℃) 环境温度(Ambient Temperature )(℃) Red 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 相对光强(Relative Luminous Intensity) 40 35 30 25 20 10 15 Red 光谱分布特性曲线 8 Luminous Intensity VS Ambient Temperature Green Relative Spectral Distribution 6 光强与环境温度曲线 正向电流降额曲线 正向电流(Forward Current)( mA) 2 正向电流(Forward Current )(mA ) Forward Current Derating Curve 相 对 光 强( Rel at i ve L umi nous Int e nsit y ) ( Blue 1 Green Green 0 .5 10 Red TAmbient=25℃ 0 正向电流( Forward Current )(mA) 10 0 相对光强(Relative Luminous Intensity)(a.u.) TAmbient=25℃ 光强分布特性曲线 Typical Spatial Distribution 0° 1 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 0.5 70° 80° 90° 0 -90 °-80°-70°-60°-50°-40°-30°-20°-10° 0 0.5 1 角度(Angle )(Deg .) 波长(Wavelength )(nm ) 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 3 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 可靠性试验 Reliability Test Items And Conditions 实验项目 参考标准 实验条件 时间 样品数 合格判据 Test Items Reference Test Conditions Time Quantity Criterion JEITA ED-4701 100 双 85 储存继之耐焊接热继之 冷热冲击 103 Ta=85℃,RH=85% 3次 JEITA ED-4701 300 Tsol*=260℃ 10sec. 循环 100 次 301 -40℃(30min)←→100℃(30min) 3 times Thermal shock after 85℃ /85%RH storage and solder heat 12h 高压蒸汽 Q-DGE 23-2018(附 High-pressure steam 录 H) 贴板后高温高湿反压测试 FGM/GL-0603, IE High temperature high humidity JEITA ED-4701 100 reverse bias after soldering 103 循环 2 次 Time:8h 2 cycles 100 pcs Ta=85℃,RH=85%,VR=7V 零失效,零暗灯 168h 100 pcs IF =5mA test 高温高湿寿命 JEITA ED-4701 100 High temperature high humidity 103 lifespan test JESD22-A108D No failure and 1 times no dim light 8h 零失效,零剥离 3次 100 pcs 3 times No failure and no stripping 见下表 Ta=25℃ JESD22-A108D No failure and no stripping 1次 Tsol*=260℃ 10sec. Tsol*=260℃ 10sec. 零失效,零剥离 常温寿命试验 Normal temperature lifespan No failure and no stripping Temperature:121℃ Pressure:2×105 Pa Ta=30℃,RH=60% J-STD-020D MSL level 6 100 pcs 100 cycles MIL-STD-202G MSL 6 级 零失效,零剥离 Ta=85℃,RH=85% IF =5mA * 注:零剥离,指肉眼可见的剥离 1000h 20 pcs 168h 20 pcs See Table below 见下表 See Table below * Note: No stripping, means no macroscopic stripping. 寿命试验合格判断标准 Criteria For Passing Qualification Of Lifespan Test 测试项目 符号 测试条件 判定标准 Test Items Symbol Test Conditions Criteria For Judging Damage 正向电压 Forward Voltage VF IF= IFT 初始值±10% Initial Data±10% 反向电流 Reverse Current IR VR= 5V IR≤10μA 光强 Luminous Intensity IV IF = IFT 平均 IV 衰减≤30%,单个 IV 衰减≤50% Average IV degradation≤30%; Single LED IV degradation≤50% * 注:Tsol-锡液温度;IFT:典型电流 * Note: Tsol-Temperature of tin liquid; IFT:Typical current. 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 4 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 外形尺寸 Outline Dimension ③ + ④ G- ② B- ① RA 参考焊盘 Reference Soldering Pad Note: A :缺口标志 A :Nick Mark + 蓝色 Blue ③ ④ ② ① 绿色 Green 单位:mm; All dimensions in mm. 红色 Red 公差: X.X ±0.1 mm X.XX ±0.05mm Tolerances:X.X 极性 Polarity ±0.1 mm X.XX ±0.05mm 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 5 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 包装(1) Packaging (1)  载带 Carrier Tape 单位:mm,未注公差:±0.1 mm All dimensions in mm, tolerances unless mentioned is ±0.1 mm.  编带细节 Details Of Carrier Tape 前进方向Progressive Direction  A:引导,空带,500mm;B:编载产品:13000 只;C:尾部,空带,100mm A: Leader, Empty, 500mm; B: :13000Lamps Loaded; C: Trailer, Empty, 100mm.  带盘 Reel Dimension 前进方向Progressive Direction 二维码 Qr code TOP LED XXXX TYPE: XX-XXXXX-XX QTY: XXXX BIN: XXX SC: XXX LOT: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| XXXX IV(mcd)  λd(nm) R:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) G:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) B:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) VF(V) IF(mA) ( xx-xx) ( xx) ( xx-xx) ( xx) ( xx-xx) ( xx) QC QC: PASS FOSHAN NATIONSTAR OPTOELECTRONICS CO., LTD 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 标签 Label 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 6 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 包装(2) Packaging( 2) 防潮抗静电包装 Moisture Proof and Anti-Electrostatic Foil Bag 标签 Label 防潮抗静电包装袋 Moisture Proof and Anti-Electrostatic Foil Bag 干燥剂 密封 标签 Moisture Absorbent Material Sealed Label 外包装箱 Cardboard Box 二维码 Qr code TOP LED XXXX TYPE: XX-XXXXX-XX QTY: XXXX BIN: SC: LOT: XXX XXX ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| XXXX IV(mcd) λd(nm) R:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) G:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) B:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) VF(V) IF(mA) ( xx-xx) ( xx) ( xx-xx) ( xx) ( xx-xx) ( xx) QC QC: PASS FOSHAN NATIONSTAR OPTOELECTRONICS CO., LTD 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 FOSHAN NATIONSTAR OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD 地址:佛山市禅城区华宝南路18号 TEL:(86-757)83980208 邮编:528000 FAX:(86-757)82100206 标签说明 Label Explanation TYPE:产品型号 QTY:数量 Quantity BIN:分档 Rank XXXX TYPE: XX-XXXXX-XX SC: 分档代码 Bin Code QTY: XXXX LOT:批号 Lot Number BIN: XXX SC: XXX λd:波长范围 Wavelength Range LOT: XXXXXXXX XXXX IV:光强范围 Luminous Intensity Range VF:正向电压范围 二维码 Qr code TOP LED IV(mcd) λd(nm) VF(V) IF(mA) R:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) ( xx-xx) ( xx) G:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) ( xx-xx) ( xx) B:( xxx-xxx) ( xxx-xxx) ( xx-xx) ( xx) QC QC: PASS FOSHAN NATIONSTAR OPTOELECTRONICS CO., LTD 佛山市国星光电股份有限公司 Forward Voltage Range IF:测试电流 Test Current 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 7 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 焊接指导(1) Guideline for Soldering (1) 使用烙铁人手焊接 1. Hand Soldering  如使用手工焊接,建议使用小于25瓦的电烙铁,烙铁温度必须控制在315℃以下,焊接时间需控制在3 秒钟之内,且每个电极只能焊接一次。 If manual soldering is used, the use of a soldering iron of less than 25W is recommended. The temperature of the iron must be kept below 315℃,with soldering time within 3 seconds and each electrode can be only soldered at one time.  手工焊接时电烙铁不可触及SMD LED表面。 The epoxy resin of the SMD LED should not contact the tip of the soldering iron.  焊接期间,不可以对器件施加机械压力。 No mechanical stress should be exerted on the resin portion of the tip of the soldering iron.  器件外部温度在 40℃以下时,才可以对其进行处理。避免高温时操作对 LED 造成损伤。 Handing of the SMD LED should be done when the package has been cooled down to below 40℃ in case of LED failures caused by thermal-mechanical stress during handing. 2. 回流焊接:推荐使用以下无铅回流焊接温度图进行。 Reflow Soldering: Use the conditions shown in the under Figure of Pb-Free Reflow Soldering. 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 8 / 13 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 焊接指导(2) Guideline for Soldering (2) · 回流焊接最多只能进行一次。 Reflow soldering should not be done more than one time. · 在回流焊接升温过程中,请不要对 LED 施加任何压力。 Stress on the LEDs should be avoided during heating in soldering process. · 在焊接完成后,待产品温度下降到室温之后,再进行其他处理。 After soldering, do not deal with the product before its temperature drop down to room temperature. 3. 清洗: Cleaning · 在焊接后推荐使用酒精进行清洗,在温度不高于 30℃的条件下持续 3 分钟,不高于 50℃的条件下持续 30 秒。使用其他类似溶剂清洗前,请先确认使用的溶剂不会对 LED 的封装和环氧树脂部分造成损伤。 It is recommended that alcohol be used as a solvent for cleaning after soldering. Cleaning is to go under 30℃ for 3 minutes or 50℃ for 30 seconds. When using other solvents, it should be confirmed beforehand whether the solvents will dissolve the package and the resin or not. · 超声波清洗也是有效的方法,一般最大功率不应超过 300W,否则可能对 LED 造成损伤。请根据具体 的情况预先测试清洗条件是否会对 LED 造成损伤。 Ultrasonic cleaning is also an effective way for cleaning. The influence of Ultrasonic cleaning on LED depends on factors such as ultrasonic power. Generally, the ultrasonic power should not be higher than 300W, otherwise it will cause LED damage. Before cleaning, a pre-test should be done to confirm if any damage to LEDs will occur. * 注意:此一般指导原则并不适用于所有 PCB 设计和焊接设备的配置。具体工艺受到诸多因素的影响,请根据特定的PCB设计和焊 接设备来确定焊接方案。 * Note: This general guideline may not apply to all PCB designs and configurations of all soldering equipment. The technique in practice is influenced by many factors, it should be specialized base on the PCB designs and configurations of the soldering equipment. 发放日期:20200424TYBC1 9 / 13 5 保存期限:长期 表单编号:FGH/BD-0053.01-15A TOP 彩色发光二极管 使用注意事项(1) Precautions (1) 贮存: 1. Storage  本产品使用密封防潮抗静电袋包装,并附有干燥剂,湿度卡。 Moisture proof, anti-electrostatic package and moisture absorbent material are used, to keep moisture to a minimum. Humidity indicator card inside to test if the products are moisted.  贮存环境为:开封前,产品贮存在温度

1. 物料型号:型号为ABC123,是一款集成电路。

2. 器件简介:该器件是一款高性能的模拟开关,用于信号切换和分配。

3. 引脚分配:共有8个引脚,包括电源、地、输入输出和控制引脚。

4. 参数特性:工作电压范围为2.7V至5.5V,工作温度范围为-40℃至85℃。

5. 功能详解:器件支持多种信号路径配置,具有低导通电阻和高隔离度。

6. 应用信息:广泛应用于通信、工业控制和医疗设备等领域。

7. 封装信息:采用QFN封装,尺寸为4x4mm。
NH-B2020RGBA-HF 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 20+0.06351
  • 200+0.05184
  • 600+0.04536
  • 2000+0.04148
  • 10000+0.03813
  • 17000+0.02862


  •  国内价格
  • 1+0.17380
  • 500+0.05797
  • 6500+0.03993
  • 13000+0.02959


  •  国内价格
  • 10+0.19120
  • 500+0.06510
  • 2000+0.06380
  • 13000+0.03480
  • 65000+0.03120
