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TL431 数据手册
TL431 SOT-23 Adjustable Accurate Reference Source Features 3 The output voltage can be adjusted to 36V Low dynamic output impedance, its typical value is 0.2 Trapping current capability is 1 to 100mA 2 The typical value of the equivalent temperature factor in the whole temperature scope is 50 ppm/ 1.Reference 2.Cathode 3.Anode 1 The effective temperature compensation in the working ■ Simplified outline(SOT-23) range of full temperature Low output noise voltage Fast on-state response Classification Of VREF Rank 0.3﹪ 0.5﹪ 1﹪ 2﹪ Rangfe 2.493~2.508 2.487~2.512 2.475~2.525 2.450~2.550 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Operating temperature range applies unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Rating Cathode Voltage VKA 37 Cathode Current Range (Continuous) IKA -100 +150 mA Reference Input Current Range IREF 0.05 +10 mA Power Dissipation PD TOPR 0 Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 Parameter Reference Input Voltage Over Temperature (*) Ratio of Change in Reference Input Voltage to the Change in Cathode Voltage Reference Input Current Deviation of Reference Input Current Over Full Temperature Range mW 70 +150 unless otherwise specified) Symbol Deviation of Reference Input Voltage V 350 Operating Temperature Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25 Unit Testconditons VKA = VREF , IKA = 10mA VREF VREF/ VREF/ T VKA IREF IREF/ T VKA = VREF , IKA = 10mA Tmin Ta Tmax Min Typ Max Unit 2.45 2.5 2.55 V 4.5 17 mV IKA = 10mA , VKA = 10V VREF -1.0 -2.7 mV/V IKA = 10mA , VKA = 36V 10V -0.5 -2.0 mV/V 1.5 4 A 0.4 1.2 A IKA = 10mA , R1 = 10K , R2 = IKA = 10mA , R1 = 10K , R2 = TA = Full Temperature Minimum Cathode Current for Regulation IKA(min) VKA = VREF 0.45 1.0 mA Off-state Cathode Current IKA(OFF) VKA = 36V, VREF = 0 0.05 1.0 A VKA = VREF, IKA = 1 to 100mA, f 1.0KHz 0.15 0.5 Dynamic Impedance * TMIN = 0 ZKA , TMAX = +70 www.yfwdiode.com 1/3 Dongguan YFW Electronics Co, Ltd. TL431 SOT-23 Typical Characteristics 800 V KA = V REF T A = 25 100 Cathode Current ( A) Cathode Current (mA) 125 75 50 25 0 -25 -50 V KA = V REF T A = 25 600 I KA (MIN) 400 200 0 -75 -100 -2 0 -1 1 -200 3 2 0 -1 I KA = 10mA T A = 25 40 -10 20 -15 10 7 -20 -25 -30 T A = 25 I KA = 1mA to 100mA 4 2 1 0.7 0.4 -35 -40 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.1 40 10K 1K Cathode Voltage (V) 10M 1M Dynamic Impedance Frequency 70 6 I KA = 10mA T A = 25 60 T A = 25 I n p u t a n d O u t p u t Vo l t a g e ( V ) Vo l t a g e A m p l i f i c a t i o n ( d B ) 100K Frequency (Hz) Change in Reference Input Voltage vs. Cathode Voltage 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 3 2 Cathode Current vs. Cathode Voltage 100 70 Impedance ( ) Change in Reference Input voltage (mV) Cathode Current vs. Cathode Voltage 0 -5 1 Cathode Voltage (V) Cathode Voltage (V) 1K 10K 100K 1M 3 OUTPUT 2 1 0 1 2 3 Time ( Frequency (Hz) Small Signal Voltage Amplification vs. Frequency www.yfwdiode.com 4 0 10M INPUT 8 4 5 6 7 s) Pulse Response 2/3 Dongguan YFW Electronics Co, Ltd. TL431 SOT-23 SOT-23 Package Outline D E B A X HE v M A 3 Q A A1 1 2 e1 c bp w M B Lp e detail X 0 1 2 mm scale DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions) UNIT A A1 max. bp c D E e e1 HE Lp Q v w mm 1.1 0.9 0.1 0.48 0.38 0.15 0.09 3.0 2.8 1.4 1.2 1.9 0.95 2.5 2.1 0.45 0.15 0.55 0.45 0.2 0.1 Summary of Packing Options Package SOT-23 www.yfwdiode.com Packing Description Packing Quantity Industry Standard Tape/Reel,7”reel 3000 EIA-481-1 3/3 Dongguan YFW Electronics Co, Ltd.
TL431 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.21719
    • 100+0.21266
    • 300+0.20952
    • 1000+0.20650
