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GR9230RKKAG 数据手册
Preliminary GR9230RK Multi-Mode PWM Power Switch with Integrated Protections Features Description  Built-in 650V Power MOSFET The GR9230RK integrates a high performance  Low Start-Up Current (6us*) 0.80 0.85 0.90 V Maximum input voltage at High Line, VcsmaxL (ON TimeVSMAX* 69 kHz Green Mode Frequency 25 kHz Jitter Frequency (CCM, Vcomp>Vsmax) ±8 % 8 ms 10.8 μs Soft Start Time (CS Pin) Soft Start Time* PWM SECTION Maximum On Time (CCM Fs=70kHz) Open Loop Protection (COMP Pin) OLP trip level, Vcomp 4.2 4.35 4.5 V OLP delay time after start-up 55 69 84 ms Internal OTP (Guaranteed by design) OTP* Hysteresis* 145 ℃ 30 ℃ MOSFET SECTION BVdss Vgs=0 Rds (on) 650 V 2 Ω *Guaranteed by Design. 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 6 Preliminary GR9230RK 5 17 4 16.5 UVLO (ON) (V) Istartip( uA ) Typical Performance Characteristics 3 2 16 15.5 1 15 0 14.5 -40 0 40 80 120 -40 0 Temperature(℃) Istartup current vs. Temperature 9 68 8.5 66 8 7.5 7 120 64 62 60 6.5 58 -40 0 40 Temperature(℃) 80 120 -40 Fig. 3 UVLO (OFF) vs. Temperature 0 40 80 Temperature(℃) 120 Fig. 4 CCM Frequency vs. Temperature 27 0.9 26 0.88 Vcsmax (V) Green Mode Frequency(kHz) 80 Fig. 2 UVLO (ON) vs. Temperature Frequency(kHz) UVLO (OFF) (V) Fig. 1 40 Temperature(℃) 25 24 0.86 0.84 0.82 23 0.8 22 -40 0 40 80 Temperature(℃) 120 Fig. 5 Green Mode Frequency vs. Temperature 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com -40 0 40 80 120 Temperature(℃) Fig. 6 Vcsmax vs. Temperature 7 Preliminary GR9230RK 0.74 5.7 0.72 5.5 Vcomp (open) ( V ) VcsmaxL (V) Typical Performance Characteristics 0.7 0.68 0.66 0.64 5.3 5.1 4.9 4.7 -40 0 40 80 120 -40 0 Temperature(℃) 4.8 80 4.6 75 4.4 70 4.2 4 3.8 0 40 80 Temperature(℃) 120 60 55 -40 9 29.5 VCC OVP ( V ) VCC mode ( V ) 30.5 8.5 8 7.5 7 40 80 Temperature(℃) 120 Fig. 11 VCC Mode (Entry) vs. Temperature 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 0 40 Temperature(℃) 80 120 Fig. 10 OLP delay time vs. Temperature 9.5 0 120 65 Fig. 9 Vcomp (OLP) vs. Temperature -40 80 Fig. 8 Vcomp open loop voltage vs. Temperature OLP Delay Time ( ms ) Vcomp (OLP) (V) Fig. 7 VcsmaxL vs. Temperature -40 40 Temperature(℃) 28.5 27.5 26.5 25.5 -40 0 40 80 Temperature(℃) 120 Fig. 12 VCC OVP vs. Temperature 8 Preliminary GR9230RK Application Information increased, the on-time TON is increased, and thus Overview The GR9230RK integrates a high performance multi-mode (QR/CCM) PWM controller and a high voltage power MOSFET of 650V. This results in a low-cost solution for low power AC/DC adapters. It integrated more functions to reduce the external components counts and the size. Its major features the switching frequency decreases. If the switching frequency lowers than 65kHz frequency, the controller adaptively transitions to a CCM mode. Thus, small size transformer can be used with high power conversion efficiency. As the output load current is decreased, the on-time TON is decreased, and thus the switching frequency are described as below. increases. If the switching frequency increases till Start-up Current over the clamp of 69kHz, IC will skip the first valley The typical start-up current is 1.5uA. Very low to turn on in 2 nd rd or 3 valley. start-up current allows the PWM power switch to At light load conditional, the VCOMP is lower than increase the value of start-up resistor and then VSG1 and the system operates in green mode for reduce the power dissipation on it. high Under-voltage Lockout (UVLO) switching frequency clamp will start to linearly A hysteresis UVLO comparator is implemented in decrease from 69kHz to 25kHz. The valley GR9230RK, then the turn-on and turn-off thresholds switching characteristic is still preserved in green level are fixed at 16V and 7.5V respectively. This mode. That is, when load decreases, the system hysteresis shown in Fig.13 ensures that the start-up automatically skip more and more valleys and the capacitor will be adequate to supply the chip during switching frequency is thus reduced. start-up. At zero load or very light load conditions (Vcomp< power conversion efficiency. The max Burst mode voltage), the gate output pin of the Vcc GR9230RK will be disabled immediately under such condition, enhancing power saving. UVLO (on) Frequency UVLO (off) Improve light load eff. Lower switching loss Lower conduction loss 69 K 65K Fig.13 Multi-Mode Operation for High Efficiency 25K Burst Mode Green Mode Valley Skip QR Mode CCM COMP GR9230RK is a multi-mode QR/CCM controller. The controller changes the mode of operation according to switching frequency and comp pin voltage, as shown in the Fig.14. At the normal operating condition, the IC operates in QR mode to reduce the switching loss. In the QR mode, the frequency varies depending on the line voltage and Fix Frequency Fig.14 Quasi-Resonant Detection The QR detection block will detect auxiliary winding voltage to turn on the MOSFET. The time-out2 generates a MOSFET turn-on signal as the driver output drops to low level for more than 150μs (Time Out) with the falling the load conditions. As the output load current is 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 9 Preliminary GR9230RK edge of the driver output. Leading-edge Blanking (LEB) Output OVP on QRD - Auto Recovery mode Each time the power MOSFET is switched on, a An output overvoltage protection is implemented in turn-on spike will inevitably occur at the sense the GR9230RK, as shown in Fig. 16 and 17. It resistor. To avoid fault trigger, a leading-edge senses the auxiliary voltage via the divided resistors. blanking time is built in. During this blanking period, The overvoltage protection works by sampling the the current-limit comparator is disabled and cannot plateau voltage after a delay time. The sampling switch off the gate driver. voltage level is compared with internal threshold voltage 3.5V. If the sampling voltage exceeds the Internal Slope Compensation A built-in slope compensation circuit is constructed in GR9230RK. When the switch is on, a ramp voltage is added to the sensed voltage across the CS pin, which helps to stabilize the system and QRD OVP trip level, the QRD OVP circuit switches the power MOSFET off. The QRD OVP function is an auto-recovery type protection. The de-bounce time of QRD OVP is 128μs to prevent incorrect OVP detection which might occur during ESD or lightning prevent sub-harmonic oscillations. events. Over-voltage Protection (OVP) on VCC Auto Output Under-voltage Protection (UVP) on QRD– Recovery mode To prevent power MOSFET from being damaged, the GR9230RK is implemented an OVP function on VCC. When the VCC voltage is higher than the OVP threshold voltage, the output gate driver circuit will be shut down immediately to stop the switching of power MOSFET. The VCC OVP function is an auto-recovery type protection. If OVP happens, the pulses will be stopped and recover at the next Auto Recovery mode To protect the circuit from damage due to output short condition, an auto-recovery type of UVP protection is implemented for it. If the QRD voltage declines below 0.5V for over the 8ms, the protection will be activated to turn off the gate until the next UVLO-ON. 0.5V NAUX + - UVP Debounce 8ms + - OVP Debounce 64us UVLO on. The GR9230RK is working in a hiccup mode as shown in Fig. 15. QRD S/H 3.5V VCC OVP Tripped Fig.16 OVP Level OUT UVLO(on) UVLO(off) t OUT Switching QRD Non-Switching Switching Sample t Fig.15 Fig.17 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 10 Preliminary OLP (Open Loop Protection) – Auto Recovery GR9230RK and no power delivers to the secondary. If there is without any mechanism to prevent this situation, the mode VCC pin voltage will down to UVLO off and the IC The GR9230RK has open loop protection function. will re-start again. In the GR9230RK, before the An internal circuit detects the Vcomp level, when VCC is down to UVLO off, it will force the OUT pin the Vcomp is larger than an OLP threshold level outputs the specified duty to pull the VCC higher and continues over OLP delay time, the protection than UVLO off. will be activated and then turn off the gate output to The VCC mode function is used to prevent the stop the switching of power circuit. Then VCC output re-start again when load changes. So never decreases below UVLO off level, the controller let the system operate on the VCC mode at no load. resets again. The system should operate on burst mode, Gate Clamp/Soft Driving otherwise the input power maybe become larger. Driver output is clamped by an internal 13.5V clamping circuit to prevent from undesired Fault Protection over-voltage gate signals. And under the conditions There are several critical protections integrated in listed below, the gate output will turn off immediately the to protect the power circuit. The GR9230RK also . CS pin floating has soft driving function to minimize EMI. . Comp pin shorting VCC Mode Operation . Comp pin floating In order to avoid the output voltage shut down by . QRD pin shorting load changing from full to no load, the GR9230RK is built-in the VCC mode function. When the load from full changes to no load, the output voltage will overshoot and pull low the COMP pin by feedback loop (Into burst mode). Thus the duty will disappear 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 11 Preliminary GR9230RK Package Information SOP-7 SOP-7 SYMBOL MILLIMETERS MIN. MAX. A 1.75 A1 0.10 0.25 A2 1.25 b 0.31 0.51 c 0.10 0.25 D 4.70 5.10 E 5.80 6.20 E1 3.70 4.10 e 1.27 BSC e1 2.54 BSC L θ 0.40 o 0 1.27 o 8 Note: 1. Dimension “D” does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusion or gate burrs shall not exceed 6 mil per side. 2. Dimension “E” does not include inter-lead flash or protrusions. Inter-lead flash and protrusions shall not exceed 10 mil per side. 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 12 Preliminary GR9230RK DIP-8 DIP-8 SYMBOL MILLIMETERS MIN. INCHES MAX. A MIN. MAX. 5.33 0.210 A1 0.38 0.015 A2 2.92 4.95 0.115 0.195 b 0.36 0.56 0.014 0.022 b2 1.14 1.78 0.045 0.070 c 0.20 0.35 0.008 0.014 D 9.01 10.16 0.355 0.400 D1 0.13 E 7.62 8.26 0.300 0.325 E1 6.10 7.11 0.240 0.280 0.005 e 2.54 BSC eA 7.62 BSC eB L 0.100 BSC 0.300 BSC 10.92 2.92 3.81 0.430 0.115 0.150 Note: 1. Followed from JEDEC MS-001 BA. 2. Dimension D, D1 and E1 do not include mold flash or protrusions. Mold flash or protrusions shall not exceed 10 mil. 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 13 Preliminary GR9230RK Carrier Tape & Reel Dimensions SOP- 7 PKG TYPE W E F P0 A0 P SOP-7/ 1.75±0. 5.5±0.0 12±0.3 4±0.1 6.4±0.2 8±0.1 8/8P 1 5 P1 B0 K0 A B T1 2±0.2 5.2±0.2 2.1±0.2 330±2 50min 12.4+2 /-0 Devices Per Unit Application Carrier Width Devices Per Reel SOP- 7 12 2500 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 14 Preliminary GR9230RK Tape and Specification Reel SOP- 7 Direction of feed ________________________________________________________________________ Grenergy OPTO, Inc. reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. 2015.06. Ver.A Copyright Grenergy OPTO, Inc. www.grenergy-ic.com 15
GR9230RKKAG 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+2.60928
    • 10+2.03040
    • 30+1.77984
    • 100+1.46880
    • 500+1.33056
    • 1000+1.24416
