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SCT2230TVBR 数据手册
SILICONCONTENT TECHNOLOGY SCT2230 17V Vin, 3A Synchronous Step-down DCDC Converter FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • DESCRIPTION Wide Input Voltage: 4.2-17V 3A Continuous Output Current with Integrated 75mΩ/45mΩFETs Wide Output Voltage Range:0.8V-7V Quiescent Current 150uA Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting Internal 2ms Soft-Start Limits the inrush current Fixed 750kHz Switching Frequency Input Under-Voltage Lockout Power save mode at light load Over-Temperature Protection Available in a SOT563 and TSOT23 Package The SCT2230 is a fully integrated high efficiency synchronous step-down DCDC converter capable of delivering 3A current. The devices operate over a wide input voltage range from 4.2V to 17V and fully integrate high-side power MOSFETs and synchronous MOSFETs with very low Rdson to minimize the conduction loss. With 750 kHz switching frequency, low output voltage ripple, small external inductor and capacitor size are achieved. SCT2230 adopts adaptive constant ONtime control architecture to achieve fast load transient responses for step-down applications. The SCT2230 operates in power saving mode, which maintains high efficiency during light load operation. APPLICATIONS • • • • • • It includes full protection features, such as over current protection, output under-voltage protection, input under-voltage lockout, and thermal shutdown. Flat Panel Digital TV and Monitors Surveillance Set Top Boxes Networking Systems Consumer Electronics General Purpose The SCT2230 requires a minimal number of external components and is available in a space-saving SOT563 and TSOT23-6 package. TYPICAL APPLICATION Power Efficiency 100 90 L1 3 5 VIN SW VOUT 2 C2 EN S C T 22 30 BST T S O T 23 -6 6 R1 C1 1 GND FB 4 R2 C3 80 Efficiency (%) VIN 70 60 50 40 30 SCT2230, VOUT=5V 20 SCT2230, VOUT=3.3V 10 0 1 10 100 1000 Output Current (mA) For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved Product Folder Links: SCT2230 1 SCT2230 REVISION HISTORY NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Rev 1.0 Released to Market. DEVICE ORDER INFORMATION PART NUMBER PACKAGE MARKING PACKAGE DISCRIPTION SCT2230TVA 2230 SOT563-6L SCT2230TVB 2230 TSOT23-6L * (1) FOR TAPE & REEL, ADD SUFFIX R (E.G. SCT2230TVAR). ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Over operating free-air temperature unless otherwise noted(1) SYMBOL PARAMETER RATING UNIT VIN Supply Voltage -0.3 to 20 V VSW Switch Node Voltage -1 to VIN+0.3 V VBST Bootstrap VSW-0.3 to VSW+6 V VFB Feedback Voltage -0.3 to 6.5 V VEN Enable/UVLO Voltage -0.3 to 6.5 V -40 to 125 C -65 to 150 C TJ TSTG (1) (2) Operating junction temperature(2) Storage temperature Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Rating may cause device permanent damage. The device is not guaranteed to function outside of its Recommended Operation Conditions. The IC includes over temperature protection to protect the device during overload conditions. Junction temperature will exceed 150°C when over temperature protection is active. Continuous operation above the specified maximum operating junction temperature will reduce lifetime PIN CONFIGURATION SOT563 Top View TSOT23-6 Top View (2.8mm x 2.8mm) (1.6mm x 1.6mm) 2 For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 PIN FUNCTIONS NAME PIN NUMBER SOT563 TSOT23-6 PIN FUNCTION VIN 1 3 Power supply input. VIN supplies the power to the IC, as well as the stepdown converter switches. Drive VIN with a 4.2V to 17V power source. Bypass VIN to GND with a suitably large capacitor to eliminate noise on the input to the IC. See Input Capacitor. SW 2 2 Power Switching Output. SW is the switching node that supplies power to the output. Connect the output LC filter from SW to the output load. Note that a capacitor is required from SW to BST to power the high-side switch. GND 3 1 Power ground. Must be soldered directly to ground plane. BST 4 6 Power supply for the high-side power MOSFET gate driver. Must connect a 0.1uF or greater ceramic capacitor between BST pin and SW node. EN 5 5 Enable logic input. Floating the pin enables the device. Connect 100K resistor to VIN to enable the device. The device has precision enable thresholds 1.18V rising / 1.1V falling for programmable UVLO threshold and hysteresis. FB 6 4 Buck converter output feedback sensing voltage. Connect a resistor divider from VOUT to FB to set up output voltage. The device regulates FB to the internal reference of 0.8V typical. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise noted PARAMETER VIN TJ DEFINITION Input voltage range Operating junction temperature MIN MAX UNIT 4.2 -40 17 125 V °C MIN MAX UNIT -2 +2 kV -0.5 +0.5 kV ESD RATINGS PARAMETER VESD DEFINITION Human Body Model(HBM), per ANSI-JEDEC-JS-0012014 specification, all pins(1) Charged Device Model(CDM), per ANSI-JEDEC-JS-0022014specification, all pins(1) (1) HBM and CDM stressing are done in accordance with the ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2014 specification THERMAL INFORMATION PARAMETER RθJA RθJC THERMAL METRIC Junction to ambient thermal resistance(1) Junction to case thermal resistance(1) SOT563 TSOT23-6 120 88 8 12 UNIT °C/W (1) SCT provides RθJA and RθJC numbers only as reference to estimate junction temperatures of the devices. RθJA and RθJC are not a characteristic of package itself, but of many other system level characteristics such as the design and layout of the printed circuit board (PCB) on which the SCT2230 are mounted, and external environmental factors. The PCB board is a heat sink that is soldered to the leads and thermal pad of the SCT2230. Changing the design or configuration of the PCB board changes the efficiency of the heat sink and therefore the actual RθJA and RθJC. For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 3 Product Folder Links: SCT2230 SCT2230 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VIN=12V, TJ=-40°C~125°C, typical values are tested under 25°C. SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITION MIN Power Supply and Output VIN Operating input voltage ISD Input UVLO Hysteresis Shutdown current IQ Quiescent current VIN_UVLO TYP MAX 4.0 300 1.5 4.15 4.2 VIN rising EN=0, No load, VIN=12V EN=2V, No load, No switching. VIN=12V. BST-SW=5V 17 155 Enable, Soft Start and Working Modes VEN_H Enable high threshold 1.18 VEN_L Enable low threshold IEN Enable pin input current EN=1V IEN_HYS Enable pin hysteresis current EN=1.5V 5 1.03 1.1 1 1.5 UNIT V V mV uA uA 1.25 V V 2 uA 6.8 uA Power MOSFETs RDSON_H High side FET on-resistance 75 mΩ RDSON_L Low side FET on-resistance 45 mΩ Feedback and Error Amplifier VFB Feedback Voltage 0.78 Current Limit ILIM_LSD LSD valley current limit Switching Frequency FSW Switching frequency 3.2 VIN=12V, VOUT=5V 0.8 0.82 V 3.7 4.2 A 750 kHz tON_MIN Minimum on-time 90 ns tOFF_MIN Minimum off-time 220 ns Soft Start Time tSS Internal soft-start time 2.5 ms 160 20 °C Protection TSD 4 Thermal shutdown threshold Hysteresis TJ rising For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5.250 80 5.000 70 4.750 60 4.500 50 4.250 VOUT (V) 5.500 90 Efficiency (%) 100 40 30 SCT2230, VOUT=5V 20 SCT2230, VOUT=3.3V 10 4.000 3.750 IOUT = 0A IOUT = 1A 3.500 IOUT = 2A IOUT = 3A 3.250 0 1 10 100 3.000 1000 4 6 8 10 Output Current (mA) 18 125 150 20 5.08 0.808 5.06 0.806 5.04 0.804 5.02 0.802 5.00 0.800 VFB (V) VOUT (V) 16 Figure 2. VOUT Vs. VIN Figure 1. SCT2230 Efficiency, Vin=12V 0.798 4.98 0.796 4.96 4.94 0.794 4.92 0.792 4.90 0.790 0.788 4.88 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 -50 4.0 -25 0 Figure 2. Load Regulation 210 4.1 200 VIN Rising POR 3.9 50 75 100 Figure 4. FB Voltage Vs. Temperature 4.2 4.0 25 Temperature (°C) IOUT (A) 190 VIN Falling UVLO 180 3.8 IQ (μA) VIN (V) 12 14 VIN (V) 3.7 3.6 170 160 150 3.5 140 3.4 130 3.3 120 3.2 110 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Temperature (°C) -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Temperature (°C) Figure 5. UVLO Vs. Temperature Figure 6. Quiescent Current Vs. Temperature For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 5 Product Folder Links: SCT2230 SCT2230 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VIN EN Bootstrap Regulator VCC regulator BST Bias& Reference On Timer PWM comparator Control logic and Protection Driver SW FB Ramp compesation Current limitor GND 6 For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 OPERATION Adaptive On-time Control The SCT2230 device is 4.2-17V input, 3A output, synchronous step-down converters with internal power MOSFETs. Adaptive constant on-time (ACOT) control is employed to provide fast transient response and easy loop stabilization. At the beginning of each cycle, the high-side MOSFET is turned on for a fixed one shot time ON-time period. The one shot time is calculated by the converter’s input voltage (VIN) and the output voltage (VOUT) cycle-by-cycle based to maintain a pseudo-fixed frequency over the input voltage range, hence it is called adaptive on-time control. SCT2230 turns off high-side MOSFET after the fixed on time and turns on the low-side MOSFET. SCT2230 turns off the low-side MOSFET once the output voltage dropped below the output regulation, the one-shot timer then reset and the high-side MOSFET is turned on again. The on-time is inversely proportional to the input voltage and proportional to the output voltage. It can be calculated using the following equation (1): t ON = VOUT VIN  f S (1) Where: VOUT is the output voltage. VIN is the input voltage. fs is the switching frequency. After an ON-time period, the regulator goes into the OFF-time period. The OFF-time period length depends on VFB in most cases. It will end when the FB voltage decreases below 0.8V, at which point the ON-time period is triggered. If the OFF-time period is less than the minimum OFF time, the minimum OFF time will be applied, which is around 200ns typical. Power Saving Mode (PSM) The SCT2230 is designed with Power Save Mode (PSM) at light load conditions for high power efficiency. The regulator automatically reduces the switching frequency and extends Toff while no Ton changing during the light load condition to get high efficiency and low output ripple. As the output current decreases from heavy load condition, the inductor current decreases as well, eventually nearing zero current, this is the boundary between CCM and DCM. The low side MOSFET is turned off when the inductor current reaches zero level. The load is provided only by output capacitor, when FB voltage is lower than 0.8V, the next ON cycle begins. The on-time is the minimum on time that benefits for decreasing VOUT ripple at light load condition. When the output current increases from light to heavy load the switching frequency increases to keep output voltage. The transition point to light load operation can be calculated using the following equation (2): V − VOUT ILOAD = IN  TON 2L (2) Where: TON is on-time VIN Power The SCT2230 is designed to operate from an input voltage supply range between 4.2V to 17V, at least 0.1uF decoupling ceramic cap is recommended to bypass the supply noise. If the input supply locates more than a few inches from the converter, an additional electrolytic or tantalum bulk capacitor or with recommended 10uF may be required in addition to the local ceramic bypass capacitors. For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 7 Product Folder Links: SCT2230 SCT2230 Under Voltage Lockout UVLO The SCT2230 Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO) default startup threshold is typical 3.9V with VIN rising and shutdown threshold is 3.6V with VIN falling. The more accurate UVLO threshold can be programmed through the precision enable threshold of EN pin. Enable and Start up When applying a voltage higher than the EN high threshold (typical 1.18V/rise), the SCT2230 enables all functions and the device starts soft-start phase. The SCT2230 has the built in 2ms soft-start time to prevent the output overshoot and inrush current. When EN pin is pulled low, the internal SS net will be discharged to ground. Buck operation is disabled when EN voltage falls below its lower threshold (typically 1.1V/fall). An internal 1.5uA pull up current source connected from internal LDO power rail to EN pin guarantees that floating EN pin automatically enables the device. For the application requiring higher VIN UVLO voltage than the default setup, there is a 6.8uA hysteresis pull up current source on EN pin which configures the VIN UVLO voltage with an off-chip resistor divider R3 and R4, shown in Figure 9. The resistor divider R3 and R4 are calculated by equation (3) and (4). EN pin is a high voltage pin, and can be directly connected to VIN to automatically start up the device with VIN rising to its internal UVLO threshold. VIN I2 6.8uA I1 1.5uA R3 20K EN + EN 1.21V R4 Figure 7. Adjustable VIN UVLO 𝑅3 = 𝑅4 = 𝑉𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 ( 𝑉𝐸𝑁𝐹 ) − 𝑉𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑉𝐸𝑁𝑅 𝑉𝐸𝑁𝐹 𝐼1 (1 − 𝑉𝐸𝑁𝑅 ) + 𝐼2 (3) 𝑅3 × 𝑉𝐸𝑁𝐹 𝑉𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑝 − 𝑉𝐸𝑁𝐹 + 𝑅3 (𝐼1 + 𝐼2 ) (4) Where: • • 8 Vstart: Vin rise threshold to enable the device Vstop: Vin fall threshold to disable the device For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 • • • • I1=1.5uA I2=6.8uA VENR=1.18V VEMF=1.1V Over Current Protection (OCP) and Hiccup Mode In each switching cycle, the inductor current is sensed by monitoring the low-side MOSFET during the OFF period. When the voltage between GND pin and SW pin is lower than the over current threshold voltage, the OCP will be triggered and the controller keeps the OFF state. A new switching cycle will begin only when the measured voltage is higher than limit voltage. If output loading continues to increase, output will dropped below the UVP, and SS pin is discharged such that output is 0V. Then the device will count for 7 cycles of soft-start time for hiccup waiting time and restart normally after 7 cycles’ soft-start period. Bootstrap Voltage Regulator An external bootstrap capacitor between BST and SW pin powers floating high-side power MOSFET gate driver. The bootstrap capacitor voltage is charged from an integrated voltage regulator when high-side power MOSFET is off and low-side power MOSFET is on. The floating supply (BST to SW) UVLO threshold is 2.2V rising and hysteresis of 200mV. When the converter operates with high duty cycle or prolongs in sleep mode for certain long time, the required time interval to recharging bootstrap capacitor is too long to keep the voltage at bootstrap capacitor sufficient. When the voltage across bootstrap capacitor drops below 2.2V, BST UVLO occurs. The SCT2230 intervenes to turn on low side MOSFET periodically to refresh the voltage of bootstrap capacitor to guarantee operation over a wide duty range. Thermal Shutdown Once the junction temperature in the SCT2230 exceeds 160°C, the thermal sensing circuit stops converter switching and restarts with the junction temperature falling below 140°C. Thermal shutdown prevents the damage on device during excessive heat and power dissipation condition. For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 9 Product Folder Links: SCT2230 SCT2230 APPLICATION INFORMATION Typical Application VIN BST VIN L1 3.3μH VOUT 3.3V SW EN C1 10μF C3 100nF SCT2230 C0 0.1μF R1 31.6kΩ FB R2 10kΩ C2 2x22μF GND Figure 8. 12V Input, 3.3V/3A Output Design Parameters Design Parameters Example Value Input Voltage 12V Output Voltage 3.3V Output Current 3A Switching Frequency 750kHz Input Capacitor Selection For good input voltage filtering, choose low-ESR ceramic capacitors. A ceramic capacitor 10μF is recommended for the decoupling capacitor anda0.1μF ceramic bypass capacitor is recommended to be placed as close as possible to the VIN pin of the SCT2230. Use Equation (5) to calculate the input voltage ripple: ∆𝑉𝐼𝑁 = (5) 𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 VOUT 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 × × (1 − ) 𝐶𝐼𝑁 × 𝑓𝑆𝑊 VIN 𝑉𝐼𝑁 Where: • CIN is the input capacitor value • fsw is the converter switching frequency • IOUT is the maximum load current Due to the inductor current ripple, the input voltage changes if there is parasitic inductance and resistance between the power supply and the VIN pin. It is recommended to have enough input capacitance to make the input voltage 10 For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 ripple less than 100mV. Generally, a 25V/10uF input ceramic capacitor is recommended for most of applications. Choose the right capacitor value carefully with considering high-capacitance ceramic capacitors DC bias effect, which has a strong influence on the final effective capacitance. Inductor Selection The performance of inductor affects the power supply’s steady state operation, transient behavior, loop stability, and buck converter efficiency. The inductor value, DC resistance (DCR), and saturation current influences both efficiency and the magnitude of the output voltage ripple. Larger inductance value reduces inductor current ripple and therefore leads to lower output voltage ripple. For a fixed DCR, a larger value inductor yields higher efficiency via reduced RMS and core losses. However, a larger inductor within a given inductor family will generally have a greater series resistance, thereby counteracting this efficiency advantage. Inductor values can have ±20% or even ±30% tolerance with no current bias. When the inductor current approaches saturation level, its inductance can decrease 20% to 35% from the value at 0-A current depending on how the inductor vendor defines saturation. When selecting an inductor, choose its rated current especially the saturation current larger than its peak current during the operation. To calculate the current in the worst case, use the maximum input voltage, minimum output voltage, maxim load current and minimum switching frequency of the application, while considering the inductance with -30% tolerance and low-power conversion efficiency. For a buck converter, calculate the inductor minimum value as shown in equation (6). 𝐿𝐼𝑁𝐷𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (6) 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 × (𝑉𝐼𝑁𝑀𝐴𝑋 − 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 ) 𝑉𝐼𝑁𝑀𝐴𝑋 × 𝐾𝐼𝑁𝐷 × 𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 × 𝑓𝑆𝑊 Where: • KIND is the coefficient of inductor ripple current relative to the maximum output current. Therefore, the peak switching current of inductor, ILPEAK, is calculated as in equation (7). 𝐼𝐿𝑃𝐸𝐴𝐾 = 𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 + 𝐾𝐼𝑁𝐷 × 𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 2 (7) Set the current limit of the SCT2230 higher than the peak current ILPEAK and select the inductor with the saturation current higher than the current limit. The inductor’s DC resistance (DCR) and the core loss significantly affect the efficiency of power conversion. Core loss is related to the core material and different inductors have different core loss. For a certain inductor, larger current ripple generates higher DCR and ESR conduction losses and higher core loss. Table 1 lists recommended inductors for the SCT2230. Verify whether the recommended inductor can support the user's target application with the previous calculations and bench evaluation. In this application, the WE's inductor 744325330 is used on SCT2230 evaluation board. Table 1. Recommended Inductors Part Number L (uH) DCR Max (mΩ) Saturation Current/Heat Rating Current (A) Size Max (LxWxH mm) Vendor 744325330 3.3 5.9 15 10.5x10.5x4.7 Wurth Electronik For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 11 Product Folder Links: SCT2230 SCT2230 Output Feedback Resistor Divider Selection The SCT2230 features external programmable output voltage by using a resistor divider network R1 and R2 as shown in the typical application circuit Figure 8. Use equation (8) to calculate the resistor divider values. 𝑅1 = (𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 − 𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 ) × 𝑅2 𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑓 (8) Table 2. Recommended Component Selections Output Voltage (V) 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5 3.3 5.0 12 SCT2231 R1 (kΩ) 4.99 8.66 12.4 21.5 31.6 52.3 R2 (kΩ) L (µH) C1 (µF) C2 (µF) C3 (nF) 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 x 22 2 x 22 2 x 22 2 x 22 2 x 22 2 x 22 100 100 100 100 100 100 For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 Application Waveforms Figure 9. SW node waveform and Output Ripple VIN=12V, IOUT=3A Figure 10. SW node Waveform and Output Ripple VIN=12V, IOUT=10mA Figure 11. Power Up VIN=12V, VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=3A Figure 12. Power Down VIN=12V, VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=3A Figure 13. Load Transient VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=0.3A to 2.7A, SR=250mA/us Figure 14. Load Transient VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=0.75A to 2.25A, SR=250mA/us For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 13 Product Folder Links: SCT2230 SCT2230 Layout Guideline The regulator could suffer from instability and noise problems without carefully layout of PCB. Radiation of highfrequency noise induces EMI, so proper layout of the high-frequency switching path is essential. Minimize the length and area of all traces connected to the SW pin, and always use a ground plane under the switching regulator to minimize coupling. The input capacitor needs to be very close to the VIN pin and GND pin to reduce the input supply ripple. Place the capacitor as close to VIN pin as possible to reduce high frequency ringing voltage on SW pin as well. Figure 15 is the recommended PCB layout of SCT2230. The layout needs be done with well consideration of the thermal. A large top layer ground plate using multiple thermal vias is used to improve the thermal dissipation. The bottom layer is a large ground plane connected to the top layer ground by vias. VOUT GND VIN GND BST SW EN VIN FB Figure 15. PCB Layout Example Thermal Considerations The maximum IC junction temperature should be restricted to 125°C under normal operating conditions. Calculate the maximum allowable dissipation, PD(max), and keep the actual power dissipation less than or equal to PD(max) . The maximum-power-dissipation limit is determined using Equation (9). 𝑃𝐷(𝑀𝐴𝑋) = 125 − 𝑇𝐶𝐴 𝑅θJA (9) where • TA is the maximum ambient temperature for the application. • RθJA is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance given in the Thermal Information table. The real junction-to-ambient thermal resistance RθJA of the package greatly depends on the PCB type, layout, thermal pad connection and environmental factor. Using thick PCB copper and soldering the GND to a large ground plate enhance the thermal performance. Using more vias connects the ground plate on the top layer and bottom layer around the IC without solder mask also enhance the thermal capability. 14 For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 PACKAGE INFORMATION (TSOT23-6) TSOT23-6 TOP VIEW TSOT23-6 BOTTOM VIEW SYMBOL TSOT23-6 SIDE VIEW NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Drawing proposed to be made a JEDEC package outline MO220 variation. Drawing not to scale. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Thermal pad shall be soldered on the board. Dimensions of exposed pad on bottom of package do not include mold flash. Contact PCB board fabrication for minimum solder mask web tolerances between the pins. A A1 A2 D E E1 b c e L ɵ Unit: Millimeter MIN TYP MAX ------1.10 0.000 0.10 0.70 1.00 2.85 2.95 2.65 2.95 1.55 1.65 0.30 0.50 0.08 0.20 0.95(BSC) 0.30 0.60 0º 8º For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 15 Product Folder Links: SCT2230 SCT2230 PACKAGE INFORMATION (SOT563) SOT563 TOP VIEW SOT563 BOTTOM VIEW SYMBOL SOT563 SIDE VIEW NOTE: 7. Drawing proposed to be made a JEDEC package outline MO220 variation. 8. Drawing not to scale. 9. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. 10. Thermal pad shall be soldered on the board. 11. Dimensions of exposed pad on bottom of package do not include mold flash. 12. Contact PCB board fabrication for minimum solder mask web tolerances between the pins. 16 A A1 b b1 c c1 D E E1 e L L1 For more information www.silicontent.com © 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. Product Folder Links: SCT2230 Unit: Millimeter MIN TYP MAX 0.53 0.6 0.000 0.05 0.19 0.27 0.18 0.2 0.23 0.11 0.16 0.1 0.11 0.12 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.1 1.2 1.3 0.50BSC 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 All Rights Reserved SCT2230 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION (TSOT23-6) Feeding Direction For more information www.silicontent.com© 2019 Silicon Content Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 17 Product Folder Links: SCT2230
SCT2230TVBR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.74800
    • 200+0.73700
    • 1500+0.72600
    • 3000+0.71500
