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SQT4.00M 数据手册
Revision: A Date: 2018-09-26 Page No.: 1 OF 5 塑封方形慢断 FUSE 电路保护元器件专业制造商 SQT Series 1. 适用范围/ Scope ofApplication: 本产品适用于各类电子设备电路的过流保护作用, 广泛应用于电池充电、消费电子、电源供应、工业控制器等领 域。 This product is suitable for various kinds of electronic devices’circuitover current protection.Widely used in industrial of Battery Charges,Consumer Electronics, Power supplies, Industrial Controllers, etc. 2. 安规认证标准及编号/Standards and Agency Approvals 2.1 执行标准:遵循IEC60127-1,IEC60127-3标准规格单4, GB9364.1-1997,GB9364.3-1997。Standards:In accordance with IEC60127-1, IEC60127-3 Standardsheet4, GB9364.1-1997, GB9364.3-1997. 2.2 证书编号(Agency File Number) UR:E467707 CUL:E467707 TUV:PENDING 3. 形状,外观及尺寸如下图(单位:mm) The out view, construction and dimensions to the following figure.(Unit:mm) max min max ① ③ ② ④ 序号 NO. 部品名 Parts Name 材料 Material 可熔体 Fuse Element 合金线 Alloy Wire ③ 外壳 case ④ 引线 Lead Wire 耐热性塑料 Polymide66 Thermoplastic,UL-94V0 镀锡铜线 Tin plated Copper Wire ① 数量 Quantity 1 1 2 4. 产品标志(Marking) 4.1 保险丝上的标志应易于看清。 The relevant markings shall be marked on the caps of the fuse and shall be easily visible. T__A 300V SQT TEL: 86-0769-3892 0511 FAX: 86-0769-8793 2077 E-mail:sales@tlcet.com.cn Address:No.18,5th GaoLi Road,TangXia Town,DongGuan,GuangDong,P.R China 523710 Revision: A Date: 2018-09-26 Page No.: 2 OF 5 塑封方形慢断 FUSE 电路保护元器件专业制造商 SQT Series 4.2 保险丝上必须有下列标示: The markings for every fuse shall be prescribed as below according to the types. 1) 制造工厂的标志(Trademark): 2) 熔断特性符号(Characteristic Symbol):T (延时性的保险丝符号 symbol for Time-Lag) 3) 额定电流(Rated Current):_A 4) 额定电压(Rated Voltage):250V or 300V 5) 认证标示(Approval Logo): 6)系列号 / Series No.: SQT 注意:对标示的大小和位置没有规定 Note: Size and position of the markings shall not be provided. 5. 外观与形状(Appearance and shape) 5.1 外观(Shape) 外观不应有显著的污点,铁锈或裂纹且标示应很容易辨认的. Appearance should not stain, rust or cracks and marked should be easily recognizable 5.2 形状(Appearance) 带直线引脚的微型保险丝(Radial leaded Micro Fuse) 6. 机械特性( Mechanical Performances) 保险丝应能承受下列二项试验。Fuse shall withstand the following two tests. 6.1 拉力试验(Tensile Test) 将保险丝保持在一个固定的位置,沿引线方向施加 10N 的拉力,引线、方形塑料帽不能松动并且方形塑料帽 不应破裂。 When fuse is fixed and the tensile force 10N is applied in a direction to lead, no looseness of leads and square thermoplastic cap or damage of square thermoplastic cap shall occur. 6.2 推力试验(Thrust Test) 将保险丝保持在一个固定的位置,沿引线方向旋加 2N 的推力,引线、方形塑料不能松动并且方形塑料不应破 裂。 When fuse is fixed and the thrust 2N is applied in a direction to lead, no looseness of leads and square thermoplastic cap or damage of square thermoplastic cap shall occur. 7. 电气特性(Electrical Characteristic) 7.1 实验条件(Test Condition) 所有测试环境温度 25+5℃,测试期间室内温度变化不得超过 5℃ All the test environment temperature of 25 +5℃ during the test the indoor temperature must not exceed 5℃ 7.2 负载能力(Load Capacity) 在通过 150%的额定电流 1 小时保险丝不能熔断,通电实验中保险丝连接处不能融化,保险丝外壳不能有烧焦,破 裂现象. A current 150% Rated Current is then passed through the fuse-link for 1hour, Power experiments, the fuse junction can not melt, fuse housing can not be burnt, rupture phenomenon. TEL: 86-0769-3892 0511 FAX: 86-0769-8793 2077 E-mail:sales@tlcet.com.cn Address:No.18,5th GaoLi Road,TangXia Town,DongGuan,GuangDong,P.R China 523710 Revision: A Date: 2018-09-26 Page No.: 3 OF 5 塑封方形慢断 FUSE 电路保护元器件专业制造商 SQT Series 7.3 熔断时间/电流特性 Fusing Time-Current Characteristics 额定电流 Rated Current 150% 熔断时间 Disconnection time 1 Hour Min (大于 1 小时) 210% 120 sec Max (小于 120 秒) 275% 0.4~10s(0.4 到 10 秒) 400% 0.15~3s(0.15 到 3 秒) 1000% 0.02~0.15s(0.02 到 0.15 秒) 8. 电压降(Voltage Drop) 熔断体在额定电流条件下,两端的电压降不应超过下表规定的最大值。 The voltage drop across the fuse-link at their rated current shall not exceed the maximum values is in Follows. SQT0.10M 100mA 350  ○ SQT0.125M 125mA 300  ○ SQT0.16M 160mA 280  ○ SQT0.20M 200mA 260  ○ SQT0.25M 250mA 240  ○ SQT0.315M 315mA  ○ SQT0.40M 400mA  ○ SQT0.50M 500mA 190  ○ SQT0.63M 630mA 180  ○ SQT0.80M 800mA 160  ○ SQT1.00M 1A 140  ○ SQT1.25M 1.25A 130  ○ 250V AC 300V AC FAX: 86-0769-8793 2077 分断能力 Breaking Capacity Safety Approvals 额定电流 Rated Current TEL: 86-0769-3892 0511 额定电压 Rated Voltage 最大电压降 Maximum Voltage Drop (mV) 产品型号 Model 220 200 100A@300V AC E-mail:sales@tlcet.com.cn Address:No.18,5th GaoLi Road,TangXia Town,DongGuan,GuangDong,P.R China 523710 Revision: A Date: 2018-09-26 Page No.: 4 OF 5 塑封方形慢断 FUSE 电路保护元器件专业制造商 SQT Series SQT1.60M 1.6A 120  ○ SQT2.00M 2A 100  ○ SQT2.50M 2.5A 100  ○ SQT3.15M 3.15A 100  ○ SQT4.00M 4A 100  ○ SQT5.00M 5A 100  ○ SQT6.30M 6.3A 100  ○ SQT7.00M 7.0A 100  ○ SQT8.00M 8.0A 100  ○ ● Approved ○ Pending 9. 温度上升(Temperature Rise) 在 150%额定电流条件下,通电 15min 后,将电流以每 15min 增加 10%, 直到保险丝断线,保险丝各部位温度不超过 135℃ Power after 15min in 150% of rated current conditions, the current per 15min10%, until the fuse blows, the fuse various parts of the temperature does not exceed 135 ℃ 10.耐久性试验/ ENDURANCE TEST 耐久性试验过程(The process of endurance test is as follows.) 1)对熔断体通过 1 倍的额定电流 1 小时,然后切断电流 15 分钟,重复此循环 100 次。 current 1.0In is passed through the fuse-link for a period of 1hour. The current is then switched off for a period of 15 minutes. The cycle is repeated 100 times. 2)然后对熔断体通以 1.5 倍额定电流 1 小时;并测量两端电压降,计算其最大功耗不能超过上表所规定的最大 值。 Fuse through to 1.5 times the rated current of 1 hour; and measure the voltage drop across, to calculate the maximum power consumption can not exceed the above table under the maximum 3)测量熔断体两端的电压降,且电压降的增大量不大于试验前测得值 10%。 Measuring both ends of the fuse voltage drop, and a large number of the increased voltage drop is not greater than 10% of the measured value before the test. 4) 试验后,标记仍应清晰可辨,而且诸如端帽上的焊点不应出现任何明显的劣变。 After the test, the marking shall still be legible and soldered joints on end caps, for example, shall not show and appreciable deterioration. TEL: 86-0769-3892 0511 FAX: 86-0769-8793 2077 E-mail:sales@tlcet.com.cn Address:No.18,5th GaoLi Road,TangXia Town,DongGuan,GuangDong,P.R China 523710 Revision: A Date: 2018-06-13 Page No.: 5 OF 5 塑封方形慢断 FUSE 电路保护元器件专业制造商 SQT Series 11. 分断能力(Breaking Capacity) 额定分断能力为: 100A@300V。保险丝分断电路后,方形塑料帽不应飞脱、损坏。 Rated breaking capacity is 100A@300V, tested with A.C. And after this test, there shall be not damaged or shattered of the square thermoplastic cap. 12. 焊接参数(Soldering Parameters) 1) 波峰焊接( Wave soldering): 260℃, 10sec. Max.. 2) 手工焊接(Manual soldering): 300℃, 3sec. Max.. 13. 操作温度: -55℃至+125℃ Operating temperature: -55 ℃ to +125 ℃ 14. 保存条件 温度(Temperature): +10℃~+60℃ 湿度(Humidity):相对温度≦75%下平均可以存放 3 年 Average relative temperature ≦ 75% can be stored for 3 years 在非露天的情况下,相对湿度为 95%,最多可存放 30 天. In the case of non-open, the relative humidity of 95%, can store up to 30 days 15. 包装要求(Packing Details) 15.1 包装方式(Packing Mode) 1) 散装(Bulk):500 个/小袋 500pcs/little plastic-bag 2) 盒装(Boxed):1000 个/盒,10 小盒/大盒 1000pcs/box,10 little boxes/big box 15.2 所有产品的包装应能达到防潮、抗振的作用,以防在运输或贮存过程中产品受潮或损坏 Packing should meet the requirements of anti-moisture and anti-shaking so that the products will not absorb moisture or be damaged during transportation or storage. TEL: 86-0769-3892 0511 FAX: 86-0769-8793 2077 E-mail:sales@tlcet.com.cn Address:No.18,5th GaoLi Road,TangXia Town,DongGuan,GuangDong,P.R China 523710
SQT4.00M 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.32519
    • 100+0.26298
    • 500+0.21428
    • 1000+0.19095
    • 5000+0.17226
    • 10000+0.16298
