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GS8052-FR 数据手册
GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N 250MHZ CMOS Rail-to-Rail Output Opamps Features • Single-Supply Operation from +2.5V ~ +5.5V GS8051 Available in SOT23-5 and SC70-5 Packages • Rail-to-Rail Output GS8052 Available in SOP-8,MSOP-8 and DFN-8 • -3dB Bandwidth(G=+1): 250MHz (Typ) Packages • Low Input Bias Current: 1pA (Typ) GS8054 Available in SOP-14 and TSSOP-14 Packages • Quiescent Current: 2.8mA/Amplifier (Typ) GS8051N Available in SOT23-6 and SC70-6 Packages • Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ +125°C GS8052N Available in MSOP-10 Packages • Small Package: General Description The GS8051/1N(single), GS8052/2N(dual), GS8054(quad) are rail-to-rail output voltage feedback amplifiers offering ease of use and low cost. They have bandwidth and slew rate typically found in current feedback amplifiers. All have a wide input common-mode voltage range and output voltage swing, making them easy to use on single supplies as low as 2.5V. Despite being low cost, the GS805X series provide excellent overall performance. They offer wide bandwidth to 250MHz (G = +1) along with 0.1dB flatness out to 52MHz (G = +2) and offer a typical low power of 2.8mA/amplifier. The GS805X series is low distortion and fast settling make it ideal for buffering high speed A/D or D/A converters. The GS8051/2N has a power-down disable feature that reduces the supply current to 50µA. These features make the GS8051/2N ideal for portable and battery-powered applications where size and power are critical. All are specified over the extended -40 ℃ to +125℃ temperature range. Applications • Imaging • Photodiode Preamp • DVD/CD • Filters • Professional Video and Cameras • Hand Sets • Base Stations • A-to-D Driver March 2020-REV_V2 Vo=0.1Vp-p G=+1 RF=24 Ω G=+2 1/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Pin Configuration Figure 1. Pin Assignment Diagram Absolute Maximum Ratings Condition Min Max -0.5V +7.5V Analog Input Voltage (IN+ or IN-) Vss-0.5V VDD+0.5V PDB Input Voltage Vss-0.5V +7V -40°C +125°C Power Supply Voltage (VDD to Vss) Operating Temperature Range Junction Temperature +160°C Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) Package Thermal Resistance (TA=+25 -55°C ℃) +150°C +260°C SOP-8, θJA 125°C/W MSOP-8, θJA 216°C/W SOT23-5, θJA 190°C/W SOT23-6, θJA 190°C/W SC70-5, θJA 333°C/W SC70-6, θJA 333°C/W ESD Susceptibility HBM 6KV MM 400V Note: Stress greater than those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions outside those indicated in the operational sections of this specification are not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. March 2020-REV_V2 2/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Package/Ordering Information PACKAGE PACKAGE MARKING DESCRIPTION OPTION INFORMATION GS8051-CR SC70-5 Tape and Reel,3000 8051 GS8051-TR SOT23-5 Tape and Reel,3000 8051 GS8052-SR SOP-8 Tape and Reel,4000 GS8052 GS8052-MR MSOP-8 Tape and Reel,3000 GS8052 GS8052-FR DFN-8 Tape and Reel,3000 GS8052 GS8054-TR TSSOP-14 Tape and Reel,3000 GS8054 GS8054-SR SOP-14 Tape and Reel,2500 GS8054 Single With GS8051N-CR SC70-6 Tape and Reel,3000 8051N shutdown GS8051N-TR SOT23-6 Tape and Reel,3000 8051N GS8052N-MR MSOP-10 Tape and Reel,2500 GS8052N MODEL CHANNEL GS8051 Single GS8052 GS8054 GS8051N GS8052N March 2020-REV_V2 Dual Quad Dual With shutdown ORDER NUMBER 3/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Electrical Performance Characteristics (G= +2, RF=887Ω, RG=887Ω, and RL=150Ω connected to VS/2, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25°C.) GS8051/52/54/51N/52N PARAMETER CONDITIONS TYP MIN/MAX OVER TEMPERATURE ℃to +25℃ to70℃ 85℃ 0 +25 ℃ ℃ -40 -40 ℃ to125 MIN/ ℃ UNITS MAX 180 MHz TYP 250 MHz TYP G = +2, Vo = 0.1V p-p, RL = 50Ω 55 MHz TYP G = +2, Vo = 0.1V p-p, RL = 150Ω 93 MHz TYP G = +2, Vo = 0.1V p-p, RL = 1kΩ 122 MHz TYP 130 MHz TYP DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE -3dB Small Signal Bandwidth G = +1, Vo = 0.1V p-p, RF G = +2, Vo = 0.1V p-p, Gain-Bandwidth Product Ω = 24Ω, R G = +1, Vo = 0.1V p-p, RF = 24 , RL = 150Ω L = 1kΩ RL = 10kΩ G = +10, RL = 150Ω 115 MHz TYP G = +10, RL = 1kΩ 150 MHz TYP 52 MHz TYP Ω Bandwidth for 0.1dB Flatness G = +2, Vo = 0.1V p-p, RL = 150 , RF =887Ω Slew Rate G = +1, 2V Output Step 77/-151 G = +2, 2V Output Step 88/-119 G = +2, 4V Output Step 93/-131 μs V/μs V/μs G = +2, Vo = 0.2Vp-p, 10% to 90% 4.5 ns TYP G = +2, Vo = 2Vp-p, 10% to 90% 18 ns TYP Settling Time to 0.1% G = +2, 2V Output Step 50 ns TYP Overload Recovery Time VIN 18 ns TYP nV/ Hz TYP Rise-and-Fall Time · G = +VS V/ TYP TYP TYP NOISE/DISTORTION PERFORMANCE Input Voltage Noise f = 1MHz 4.9 Differential Gain Error (NTSC) G = +2, RL = 150Ω 0.03 % TYP Differential Phase Error (NTSC) G = +2, RL = 150Ω 0.08 degree TYP mV MAX DC PERFORMANCE Input Offset Voltage (VOS) ±2 Input Offset Voltage Drift 2 μV/℃ TYP Input Bias Current (IB) 1 PA TYP Input offset Current (IOS) 2 PA TYP Open-Loop Gain (AOL) ±8 ±8.9 ±9.5 ±9.8 VO = 0.3V to 4.7V, RL = 150Ω 80 75 74 74 73 dB MIN VO = 0.2V to 4.8V, RL = 1kΩ 104 92 91 91 80 dB MIN V TYP dB MIN INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Input Common-Mode Voltage Range (VCM) Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) March 2020-REV_V2 -0.2 to +3.8 VCM = -0.1V to +3.5V 80 66 65 65 62 4/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Electrical Performance Characteristics (G= +2, RF=887Ω, RG=887Ω, and RL=150Ω connected to VS/2, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25°C.) GS8051/52/54/51N/52N PARAMETER CONDITIONS TYP MIN/MAX OVER TEMPERATURE ℃ to70℃ 0 +25 ℃ +25 ℃ ℃to 85℃ -40 ℃ to125℃ -40 MIN/ UNITS MAX OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS RL = 150Ω 0.12 V TYP RL = 1kΩ 0.03 V TYP mA MIN 0.08 Ω TYP Turn-On Time 236 ns TYP Turn-Off Time 52 ns TYP Output Voltage Swing from Rail Output Current Closed-Loop Output Impedance 80 < f 100kHz 60 POWER-DOWN DISABLE (GS8051/2N only) DISABLE Voltage-Off 0.8 V MAX DISABLE Voltage-On 2 V MIN POWER SUPPLY Operating Voltage Range 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 V MIN 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 V MAX mA MAX Quiescent Current (per amplifier) 2.8 3.65 Supply Current when Disabled per 50 70 85 100 137 μA MAX 80 67 67 65 62 dB MIN amplifier(GS8051/2N only) Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) March 2020-REV_V2 ∆VS = +2.7V to +5.5V, VCM = (-VS) +0.5 5/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Typical Performance characteristics (Vs=+5V,G= +2, RF=887Ω,RG=887Ω,and RL=150Ωconnected to Vs/2, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25°C.) Non-Inverting Small-Signal Step Response Output Voltage (50mV/div) Time (50ns/div) Time (50ns/div) Supply Current vs. Temperature Sutdown Current vs. Temperature Vs=5V Vs=3V Vs=2.7V Shutdown Current ( A) Supply Current (mA) Output Voltage (500mV/div) Non-Inverting Large-Signal Step Response µ Vs=5V Vs=2.7V ℃ ℃ Temperature ( ) Temperature ( ) Output Voltage Swing vs. Output Current Output Voltage vs. Output Current Sourcing Current Output Voltage (V) ℃ 25 ℃ -50 Vs=5V ℃ 135 ℃ 25 ℃ -50 Sinking Current Output Current (mA) March 2020-REV_V2 Sourcing Current ℃ 135 Output Voltage (V) ℃ 135 ℃ 25 ℃ -50 Vs=3V ℃ -50 ℃ 135 ℃ 25 Sinking Current Output Current (mA) 6/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Typical Performance characteristics ((Vs=+5V,G= +2, RF=887Ω,RG=887Ω,and RL=150Ωconnected to Vs/2, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25°C.) Non-Inverting Small Signal Frequency Response G=+1 RF=24 Ω G=+2 G=+5 G=+10 Vo=0.1Vp-p Normalized Gain (dB) ormalized Gain (dB) Vo=0.1Vp-p Inverting Small Signal Frequency Response G=-5 G=-10 Frequency(MHz) Frequency Response For Various RL 0.1dB Gain Flatness For Various RF RL=1KΩ CL=0pF Vo=0.1Vp-p RL=150Ω RL=50Ω CL=0pF Vo=0.1Vp-p Normalized Gain (dB) Normalized Gain (dB) G=-2 Frequency(MHz) RL=10KΩ RF=900Ω RF=1KΩ RF=887Ω Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Frequency Response For Various CL Frequency Response vs.Capacitive Load CL=100pF CL=0pF Vo=0.1Vp-p CL=47pF CL=6pF Frequency (MHz) March 2020-REV_V2 Vo=0.1Vp-p Normalized Gain (dB) Normalized Gain (dB) G=-1 CL=100pF RS=37.4Ω CL=6pF RS=100Ω CL=47pF RS=66.5Ω Frequency (MHz) 7/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Typical Performance characteristics (Vs=+5V,G= +2, RF=887Ω,RG=887Ω,and RL=150Ωconnected to Vs/2, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25°C.) Input Voltage Noise Spectral Density vs. Frequency Overload Recovery Time ± Voltage Noise (nV/√Hz) VS= 2.5V VIN=1.58V G=+2 Large-Signal Disable/Enable Response Closed-Loop Output Impedance vs Frequency Vout=1.5V VS=5V fIN=2MHz G=+2 Time (500n/div) March 2020-REV_V2 Output Impedance (ohm) Time(25ns/div) Output Voltage (1V/div) Frequency(KHz) Frequency (MHz) 8/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Application Note Driving Capacitive Loads GS805X series op amps are unity-gain stable and suitable for a wide range of general-purpose applications. The small footprints of the GS805X series packages save space on printed circuit boards and enable the design of smaller electronic products. Power Supply Bypassing and Board Layout GS805X series operates from a single 2.5V to 5.5V supply or dual ±1.25V to ±2.75V supplies. For best performance, a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor should be placed close to the VDD pin in single supply operation. For dual supply operation, both VDD and VSS supplies should be bypassed to ground with separate 0.1µF ceramic capacitors. Low Supply Current The low supply current (typical 2.8mA per channel) of GS805X series will help to maximize battery life. They are ideal for battery powered systems. Operating Voltage GS805X series operate under wide input supply voltage (2.5V to 5.5V). In addition, all temperature specifications apply from o o -40 C to +125 C. Most behavior remains unchanged throughout the full operating voltage range. These guarantees ensure operation throughout the single Li-Ion battery lifetime. Rail-to-Rail Output Rail-to-Rail output swing provides maximum possible dynamic range at the output. This is particularly important when operating in low supply voltages. The output voltage of GS805X series can typically swing to less than 8mV from supply rail in light resistive loads (>1kΩ), and 30mV of supply rail in moderate resistive loads (150Ω). Capacitive Load Tolerance The GS805X family is optimized for bandwidth and speed, not for driving capacitive loads. Output capacitance will create a pole in the amplifier’s feedback path, leading to excessive peaking and potential oscillation. If dealing with load capacitance is a requirement of the application, the two strategies to consider are (1) using a small resistor in series with the amplifier’s output and the load capacitance and (2) reducing the bandwidth of the amplifier’s feedback loop by increasing the overall noise gain. Figure 2. shows a unity gain follower using the series resistor strategy. The resistor isolates the output from the capacitance and, more importantly, creates a zero in the feedback path that compensates for the pole created by the output capacitance. - RISO VOUT VIN + CL Figure 2. Indirectly Driving a Capacitive Load Using Isolation Resistor March 2020-REV_V2 9/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N The bigger the RISO resistor value, the more stable VOUT will be. However, if there is a resistive load RL in parallel with the capacitive load, a voltage divider (proportional to RISO/RL) is formed, this will result in a gain error. The circuit in Figure 3 is an improvement to the one in Figure 2. RF provides the DC accuracy by feed-forward the VIN to RL. CF and RISO serve to counteract the loss of phase margin by feeding the high frequency component of the output signal back to the amplifier’s inverting input, thereby preserving the phase margin in the overall feedback loop. Capacitive drive can be increased by increasing the value of CF. This in turn will slow down the pulse response. Figure 3. Indirectly Driving a Capacitive Load with DC Accuracy March 2020-REV_V2 10/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Typical Application Circuits Differential amplifier The differential amplifier allows the subtraction of two input voltages or cancellation of a signal common the two inputs. It is useful as a computational amplifier in making a differential to single-end conversion or in rejecting a common mode signal. Figure 4. shown the differential amplifier using GS805X. Figure 4. Differential Amplifier VOUT= ( RR13++RR24 ) RR41 VIN − RR12 VIP +( RR13++RR24 ) RR13 VREF If the resistor ratios are equal (i.e. R1=R3 and R2=R4), then VOUT = R2 R1 (VIP − VIN ) + VREF Low Pass Active Filter The low pass active filter is shown in Figure 5. The DC gain is defined by –R2/R1. The filter has a -20dB/decade roll-off after its corner frequency ƒC=1/(2πR3C1). Figure 5. Low Pass Active Filter March 2020-REV_V2 11/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Driving Video The GS805X can be used in video applications like in Figure 6. Figure 6. Typical video driving March 2020-REV_V2 12/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N Package Information MSOP-8 March 2020-REV_V2 13/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N SOP-8 March 2020-REV_V2 14/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N SOT23-5 March 2020-REV_V2 15/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N SOT23-6 March 2020-REV_V2 16/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N MSOP-10 March 2020-REV_V2 17/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N SC70-5 March 2020-REV_V2 18/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N SOP-14 March 2020-REV_V2 19/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N TSSOP-14 March 2020-REV_V2 20/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N DFN-8 March 2020-REV_V2 21/22 GS8051/8052/8054/8051N/8052N SC70-6 March 2020-REV_V2 22/22
GS8052-FR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 2.916 1+ 0
    • 10+ 2.268 10+ 0
    • 30+ 1.9872 30+ 0
    • 100+ 1.6416 100+ 0
    • 500+ 1.4904 500+ 0
    • 1000+ 1.404 1000+ 0
