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MT9223CT-50BR5 数据手册
MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation 1 Product Description 2 Features The MagnTek® MT9223 product series is a fully integrated Hall Effect-based isolated linear current sensor device family designed for AC or DC current sensing in industrial, commercial, and communications systems. Each of the MT9223 consists of a precise, lowoffset, linear Hall circuit with a low-resistance current conductor path located near the surface of the die. Applied current flowing through this low-resistance current conductor path generates a magnetic field that the Hall IC converts into a proportional voltage. The current is sensed differentially in order to reject common-mode fields, improving accuracy in magnetically noisy environments. Device accuracy is optimized through the close proximity of the magnetic field to the Hall transducer. ■ ±1.9% Typical Total Output Error ■ ±0.5% Typical Linearity Over Temperature ■ Fast Output Response Time: 4 μs (typ.) ■ 150kHz Signal Bandwidth ■ 5.0V Single Supply Operation ■ -40℃~125℃ Operating Temperature A precise, proportional voltage is provided by the lowoffset, chopper-stabilized BCD Hall IC, which has been accurately calibrated when it is manufactured. The output of the device has a positive slope (>VOQ) when an increasing current flows through the primary current conduction path (from pins 1 and 2, to pins 3 and 4). The internal resistance of this conductive path is 1.2 mΩ typical, providing low-power loss. The terminals of the conductive path are electrically isolated from the signal leads (pins 5 through 8). This allows the MT9223 current sensor IC to be used in high-side current sense applications without use other costly isolation techniques. ■ Output Voltage Proportional to AC or DC Current ■ Ratiometric Output from Supply Voltage ■ Extremely Stable Quiescent Output Voltage ■ Low-Noise Analog Signal Path ■ Device Bandwidth is Set via FILTER Pin ■ Near Zero Magnetic Hysteresis ■ Isolation Voltage: ---2.4kVrms Dielectric Surge Isolation ■ Package Option: The MT9223 family provides SOP-8 package to customers, The package is RoHS compliant. ■ ■ Primary Conductor Resistance ---1.2mΩ ■ Sensing Current Range: (AC or DC) ---±20A, ±25A, ±30A, ±40A, ±50A ---+20A, +30A, +35A ---SOP-8 RoHS Compliant: (EU)2015/863 3 Applications ■ Low-power inverter current sensing ■ Motor phase and rail current sensing ■ PV String Inverters ■ Chargers and Converters ■ Switching Power Supplies ■ Overcurrent Protection 4 Product Overview of MT9223 Not to scale magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 1 Part No. Description MT9223CT SOP-8, tape & reel (3000pcs/bag) Rev 0.3 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation Table of Contents 1 Product Description………...…….……………….……...…………………………………….…….………1 2 Features……………………………….……..……………………………………………………………….…….1 3 Applications……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 4 Product Overview of MT9223…………………………………………………………………………….1 5 Functional Block Diagram …………………………………………………….………………….3 6 Pin Configuration and Function…..……………………………………………………………………..3 7 Naming Specification.………………………….…………………………………………………………….4 8 Selection Guide………………………………………………………………………………………………….4 9 Output Voltage vs. Input Current.………………………………………………………………………5 10 Typical Application Circuit………...…………………………………………………………………….....6 11 Electrical and Magnetic Characteristics………………………………………………………………7 11.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings………………….…………………………………………………………….7 11.2 Isolation and Package Characteristics…..……………………………………………………………..7 11.3 ESD Rating……………………….…………………………………………………………………………………8 11.4 Electrical Characteristics…...………………………………………………………………………8 11.5 Accuracy Specifications…………….………..…………………………………………………………….9 12 Characteristic Definitions……….…………………………………………………………………………14 13 Package Material Information…………………………………………………………………………17 13.1 SOP-8 Package Information…………………………………………………………………..17 14 Copy Rights and Disclaimer………………………………………………………………………..……..18 1 2 3 Originally Version 0.2 Version 0.3 Version Reversion History magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change Update Application Figure Update Absolute Maximum Ratings 2 Rev 0.3 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation 5 Functional Block Diagram Figure.1 Functional Block Diagram 6 Pin Configuration and Functions IP+ VCC IP+ VOUT IP- FILTER IP- GND Top View Figure.2 Pin Configuration & Functions (SOP-8) No. Name Description 1, 2 IP+ Input Current Positive Pin 3, 4 IP- Input Current Negative Pin 5 GND Signal Ground 6 FILTER Filter Pin to Set Bandwidth 7 VOUT Analog Output Signal 8 VCC Power Supply magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 3 Rev 0.3 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation 7 Naming Specification Part Number MT9223 CT 30 B R 5 ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❹ Current Polarity ❶ Series Name ❷ Package Type Type Package Type CT SOP-8 Type Current Polarity B Bidirectional---AC Current U Unidirectional---DC Current ❺ Output Mode ❸ Input Current Range Type Input Current Range Type Output Mode 20 Full scale sensing range: 20A R Ratiometry output 25 Full scale sensing range: 25A 30 Full scale sensing range: 30A 35 Full scale sensing range: 35A 40 Full scale sensing range: 40A 50 Full scale sensing range: 50A ❻ Power Supply Type Power Supply 5 VCC=5V 8 Selection Guide Current Range (A) VCC (V) Sensitivity (mV/A) Package Qty per Reel (pcs) MT9223CT-20UR5 +20 5 200 SOP-8 3000 MT9223CT-30UR5 +30 5 133.3 SOP-8 3000 MT9223CT-35UR5 +35 5 114.3 SOP-8 3000 MT9223CT-20BR5 ±20 5 100 SOP-8 3000 MT9223CT-25BR5 ±25 5 80 SOP-8 3000 MT9223CT-30BR5 ±30 5 66.6 SOP-8 3000 MT9223CT-40BR5 ±40 5 50 SOP-8 3000 MT9223CT-50BR5 ±50 5 40 SOP-8 3000 Ordering Part Number magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 4 Rev 0.3 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation 9 Output Voltage vs. Input Current MT9223CT – xxUR5 MT9223CT – xxBR5 IP+ VOUT IP+ IP- FILTER IP- FILTER IP- GND IP- GND IP+ Top View IP = 0A Vout=0.5V VOUT Top View IP = 0A Vout=2.5V VCC VCC IP+ VOUT IP+ IP- FILTER IP- FILTER IP- GND IP- GND IP+ IP+ Top View VOUT Top View IP > 0A Vout=2.5~4.5V IP > 0A Vout=0.5~4.5V VCC IP+ VOUT IP+ IP- FILTER IP- FILTER IP- GND IP- GND IP+ IP+ Top View VCC VOUT Top View IP < 0A Vout=2.5~0.5V 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 Output Voltage (V) 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 IP < 0A Vout=0.5V~0V Output Voltage (V) VCC VCC IP+ 0 10 20 30 40 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 Input Current (A) Figure.3 0 10 20 30 Rev 0.3 Input Current (A) Output Voltage vs. Input Current magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 5 40 50 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation 10 Typical Application Circuit The typical application circuits of MT9223 series products include a bypass capacitor (CBYPASS capacitor between VCC and GND is necessary) and a filter capacitor as an additional external components. On the input side, pins 1 and 2 are shorted together, pins 3 and 4 are shorted together. The analog signal output is measured directly from the VOUT pin. The signal is proportional to the IP of the primary sensing current of AC or DC within the specified measurement range. The FILTER pin can be used to reduce bandwidth to optimize noise performance, but at the same time proportionally increase response time. VCC IP+ IP- IP+ VCC IP+ VOUT IP- Filter IP- GND VCC CBYPASS 0.1uF CFILTER CLOAD ADC VREF VIN 1nF GND fc=1/2*π*RF*CFILTER Figure.4 Typical Application Circuit Figure.5 Simplified Three-Phase Inverter Schematic magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 6 Rev 0.3 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation 11 Electrical Magnetic Characteristics 11.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings are limited values to be applied individually, and beyond which the serviceability of the circuit may be impaired. Functional operability is not necessarily implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for an extended period of time may affect device reliability. Symbol Parameters Min Max Units VCC Supply Voltage - 6 V VRCC Reverse Battery Voltage -0.1 - V VOUT Output Voltage - VCC+0.5 V VROUT Reverse Output Voltage -0.1 - V IOUT(source) Continuous Output Current - 80 mA IOUT(sink) Continuous Output Current - 40 mA TA Operating Ambient Temperature -40 125 ℃ TS Storage Temperature -50 150 ℃ TJ Junction Temperature - 165 ℃ Value Units 11.2 Isolation and Package Characteristics Symbol Parameters Test Conditions VSURGE Dielectric Surge Strength Test Voltage Tested ±5 pulses at 30 seconds in compliance to IEC 61000-4-5 1.2 / 50 μs (width). 6000 V VISO Dielectric Strength Test Voltage Test method per UL standard 60950-1 (edition 2). VTEST = VISO, t = 60 s (qualification); VTEST = 1.2 × VISO, t = 1 s (100% production) 2400 Vrms DCL External Clearance Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance through air. 4 mm DCR External Creepage Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance path along body. 4 mm magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 7 Rev 0.3 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation 11.3 ESD Ratings Symbol VESD Parameters Reference Values Unit Human-body model (HBM) AEC-Q100-002 Class IIIA Grade Charged-device model (CDM) AEC-Q100-011 Class C3 Grade Latch up AEC-Q100-004 Class IIA Grade 11.4 Electrical Specifications At TA =-40~125 ℃, VCC=5V (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameters Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit VCC Supply Voltage - 4.5 5 5.5 V ICC Supply Current TA = 25°C - 14 20 mA RIP Primary Conductor Resistance TA = 25°C - 1.2 - mΩ BW Internal Bandwidth Small signal –3 dB; CL = 1 nF - 150 - KHz TPO Power on time TA = 25°C, CL = 1nF, IP=IPR(max) applied - 190 - us TR Rise time IP = IPR(max), A = 25°C, CL = 1nF - 3 - us TPD Propagation Delay IP = IPR(max), TA = 25°C, CL = 1nF - 2 - us TRESP Response Time IP = IPR(max), TA = 25°C, CL = 1nF - 4 5 us VOL Analog Output Low Saturation Level RL>=4.7KΩ - - 0.3 V VOH Analog Output High Saturation Level RL>=4.7KΩ VCC-0.3 - - V CL Output CAP Load OUT to GND - 1 10 nF ROUT DC Output resistance - 5 - Ω RL Output RES Load Pull-down to Ground 4.7 - - KΩ Pull-up to VCC 4.7 - - KΩ RF(int) Internal filter resistance - 1.8 - KΩ IND Noise Density Input-referenced noise density; TA = 25°C, CL = 1 nF - 120 - uA/√Hz ELIN Nonlinearity error Through full range of IP -1.5 - 1.5 % ERAT_SNST Ratiometry Sensitivity Error VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, TA = 25°C - ±1.5 - % ERAT_VOQ Ratiometry Quiescent Voltage Output Error VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, TA = 25°C - ±1 - % * Device may be operated at higher primary current levels, ambient temperatures, and internal leadframe temperatures, provided the Maximum Junction Temperature, is not exceeded. Continued on the next page… magntek.com.cn | Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 8 Rev 0.3 MT9223 Fully Integrated, Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor IC with 150kHz Bandwidth and 2.4 kVRMS Isolation Electrical Specifications (continued) At TA =-40~125 ℃, VCC=5V (unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameters Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit CMFRR Common Mode Field Rejection Ratio Uniform external magnetic field - 40 - dB SNST(match) Hall Plate Sensitivity Matching TA = 25°C ±1 - % VPORH Power-On Reset High Voltage TA = 25°C, VCC rising 3.75 4 4.25 V VPORL Power-On Reset Low Voltage TA = 25°C, VCC falling - 3.5 - V VPORHYS Power-On Reset Hysteresis TA = 25°C - 0.5 - V TPORR Power-On Reset Release Time TA = 25°C, VCC rising - 30 - us TPORA Power-On Reset Analog Delay TA = 25°C, VCC rising - 5 - us ISCLP Source Current of Over-CurrentLimit - - 80 - mA ISCLN Sink Current of Over-CurrentLimit - - 40 - mA TSCLD Detect Time for Over-CurrentLimit TA = 25°C, IOUT>ISCLP or IOUT
MT9223CT-50BR5 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+8.85600
    • 10+7.63560
    • 30+6.97680
    • 100+6.35040
