JTAG-Booster for
P.O: Box 1103
Kueferstrasse 8
Tel. +49 (7667) 908-0
D-79200 Breisach, Germany
D-79206 Breisach, Germany
Fax +49 (7667) 908-200
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Copyright 1995..2003:
Postfach 1103, D-79200 Breisach, Germany
Release of Document:
Program Version:
April 30, 2003
Dieter Fögele
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any
form or by any means without the prior written consent of FS FORTH-SYSTEME
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Table of Contents
1. General ..........................................................................................................4
1.1. Ordering Information ............................................................................5
1.2. System Requirements ..........................................................................5
1.3. Contents of Distribution Disk ................................................................6
1.4. Connecting your PC to the target system .............................................7
1.5. First Example .......................................................................................9
1.6. Trouble Shooting ................................................................................ 13
1.7. Error Messages .................................................................................. 14
1.8. Configuration file JTAGARM7.CFG .................................................... 19
1.8.1. Valid Keywords ....................................................................... 19
1.8.2. General Syntax rules .............................................................. 20
1.9. Supported flash devices ..................................................................... 21
2. JTAGARM7 Parameter Description .............................................................. 22
2.1. Programming a Flash Device ............................................................. 25
2.2. Read a Flash Device to file................................................................. 28
2.3. Verify a Flash Device with file ............................................................. 30
2.4. Dump target memory.......................................................................... 32
2.5. List of supported Flash Devices.......................................................... 33
3. Implementation Information .......................................................................... 34
4. Converter Program HEX2BIN.EXE............................................................... 35
5. Support for Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP ......................... 37
5.1. Installation on a clean system............................................................. 37
5.2. Installation with already installed version 5.x/6.x of Kithara................. 37
5.3. Installation with already installed version 4.x of Kithara ...................... 37
5.4. De-Installation version 5.x/6.x:............................................................ 38
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
1. General
The program JTAGARM7.EXE uses the JTAG port of the ARM7TDMI
embedded microprocessor in conjunction with the small JTAG-BOOSTER:
to program data into flash memory
to verify and read the contents of a flash memory
to make a memory dump
to stop the target and show the register configuration
This tool uses the EmbeddedICE macro cell of the ARM7TDMI core. If there is
no target RAM available, all functions are done without any piece of software
running in the target. No firmware or BIOS must be written. Bootstrap software
may be downloaded into initially unprogrammed memories.
If there is target RAM available, the flash programming algorithm is loaded into
target RAM to speed up programming performance. In this case the flash is
programmed with about 100kByte/sec.
This tool is a generic tool for all ARM7TDMI based systems. By adapting the
configuration file customers can adapt the tool to their own CPU and hardware
This tool does not support boundary scan, even if the used chip does have a
boundary scan chain. If you need a tool, which combines usage of the boundary
scan chain of a specific chip and the EmbeddedICE macro cell of the
ARM7TDMI in one program, please contact us.
For latest documentation and a list of explicit supported and tested target CPUs
please refer to the file README.TXT on the distribution disk.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
1.1. Ordering Information
The following related products are available
9005 JTAG-Booster ARM7TDMI, 3.3V,
delivered with adapter type 285
System Requirements
To successfully run this tool the following requirements must be met:
MSDOS, WIN3.x, WIN9x, WinNT, Win2000 or WindowsXP
(WinNT/Win2000/WindowsXP is supported with an additional tool, see
chapter 5 “Support for Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP”)
Intel 80386 or higher
205 kByte of free DOS memory
Parallel Port
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
1.3. Contents of Distribution Disk
Tool for ARM7TDMI
Converter program to convert Intel HEX and Motorola
S-Record files to binary. See chapter 4 "Converter
Program HEX2BIN.EXE"
Support for Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows
XP. See chapter 5 "Support for Windows NT, Windows
2000 and Windows XP"
List of all supported Flash devices
Release notes, new features, known problems
This subdirectory holds the configuration file and batch
files for some specific target CPUs. Actually the
following CPUs are supported:
NS7520 : NetSilicon NS7520, little and big endian
NET40 : NetSilicon NET+40, little and big endian
NET50 : NetSilicon NET+50, little and big endian
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Connecting your PC to the target system
The JTAG-Booster can be plugged into standard parallel ports (LPT1-3) with a
Module Élan486
The target end of the cable has the following reference:
*PIN 2 can be detected by the white thick cable.
To connect your design to the JTAG-BOOSTER you need a single row berg
connector with a spacing of 2.54mm on your PCB. The names refer to the
target: Pin 7 is the target’s TDO pin and is connected to the JTAG-Booster’s TDI
The standard version of the JTAG-BOOSTER for this target type operates at
3.3V (Ordering number 285). If your target operates at a different voltage,
please contact us.
Before you start the program, the JTAG-BOOSTER must be plugged to a
parallel interface of your PC and to the 8 pin JTAG connector on the target.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
The utility is started with the general command line format:
JTAGARM7 /function [filename] [/option_1] ... [/option_n].
Note that the function must be the first argument followed (if needed) by the
If you want to cancel execution of JTAGARM7, press CTRL-Break-Key.
On any error the program aborts with an MSDOS error level of one.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
First Example
In the following simple example it is assumed that the JTAG-Booster is
connected to LPT1 of your PC, target power is on and the target runs a "good"
at the DOS prompt results in the following output:
JTAGARM7 --- JTAG utility for ARM7TDMI
Copyright FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH, Breisach
Version 4.xx of mm/dd/yyyy
Using LPT at I/O-address 0378h
JTAG-Booster detected
1 Device detected in JTAG chain
Device 0: IDCODE=3F0F0F0F ARM7TDMI, Revision 3
Sum of instruction register bits : 4
CPU position
Instruction register offset
Target is running
Target stopped by debug request at 0800028C
Configuration loaded from file NS7520L.CFG
Target: NetSilicon NS7520, Little Endian, 2003/04/29
GEN_SSR (0xFFB00004) = 288007FF
CPU is a NetSilicon NS7520-1
Target is Little Endian
Last Reset caused by External Reset
Last Reset caused by PLL updated
SYSCLK=55.296Mhz @ FXTAL=18.432MHz
Setting Chip Selects
CS0 at 0x00000000
CS1 at 0x02000000, use option /DEVICE-BASE=02000000 to activate CS1
CS2 at 0x04000000, use option /DEVICE-BASE=04000000 to activate CS2
CS3 at 0x06000000, use option /DEVICE-BASE=06000000 to activate CS3
CS4 at 0x08000000, use option /DEVICE-BASE=08000000 to activate CS4
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Looking for a known flash device. Please wait..
Dual STM 29W800B detected
Bus size is 32 bit
Loading Flash Algorithm (328 Bytes)
Erasing Flash-EPROM Block #:0 1 2
Programming File MYAPP.BIN (65536 Bytes)
65536 Bytes programmed
Calculating checksum 0031B460
Programming successful
Erase Time
Programming Time :
0.2 sec
1.9 sec
If this examples works successfully on your target add the options /DRIVER=1
and /FAST or /FAST= to speed up the programming performance. (In the
example above these options reduce the programming time down to 0.5 sec!!)
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
The resulting I/O-address of the parallel port is printed here.
A JTAG-Booster connected to the parallel port was found.
The JTAG chain is analyzed. There may be several parts in the JTAG
chain. The chain is analyzed and all parts except the ARM7TDMI are
switched to bypass mode.
Actually only the Revision 3a of the ARM7TDMI debug interface is
The length of all instruction registers in the JTAG chain are added.
The position of the ARM7TDMI in the JTAG chain is checked.
The position of the JTAG instruction register of the ARM7TDMI is checked
In this example the target is regularly running when starting the tool
For using the debug interface and flash programming the target execution
must be stopped.
(10) The configuration file NS7520L.CFG is opened and the commands in this
file are interpreted. The lines (11) to (16) are generated while executing
the commands of the configuration file.
(11) This line is used to identify the used configuration file
(12) The NetSilicon's NET+ARM CPUs do have an identification register
(mapped to the standard memory space, instead of being accessible via
the coprocessors interface). The raw register value is printed here.
(13) The value of the identification register is checked and printed as a
readable CPU type.
(14) The endianess of the target is checked and printed here.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
(15) The value of the PLL configuration register is read and translated to a
readable text.
(16) One of the most important tasks of the configuration file is to configure the
chip select unit of the microcontroller to give access to all available chip
(17) Two Flash-EPROMs STM 29W800B selected by chip select CS0# are
(18) The resulting data bus size is printed here.
(19) The flash programming algorithm is loaded to target memory.
(20) In this example three blocks must be erased.
(21) A 32 bit checksum over the programmed flash address range is calculated
and compared with the estimated value.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Trouble Shooting
Avoid long distances between your Host-PC and the target. If you are using
standard parallel extension cable, the JTAG-BOOSTER may not work. Don't use
Dongles between the parallel port and the JTAG-BOOSTER.
Switch off all special modes of your printer port (EPP, ECP, ...) in the BIOS
setup. Only standard parallel port (SPP) mode is allowed.
If there are problems with autodetection of the flash devices use the /DEVICE=
option. To speed up autodetection specify one of the options /8BIT /16BIT or
Don't use hardware protected flash memories.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Error Messages
80386 or greater required
The JTAG-BOOSTER does not work on a 8088/8086 or a 80286 platform.
Cable not connected or target power fail
The JTAG-Booster (or one of the simple Parallel Port JTAG adapters
selected with the options /LATTICE /PPJARM /PLS /UNCBAS) wasn't
found. Please check connection to parallel port and connection to target.
Check target power. Check the command line options. Check your BIOSSetup. If you are using this program with WinNT, Win2000 or WinXP you
must specify /LPT2 or /LPT-BASE=378 to get access to the standard
printer port.
Can't open x:\yyy\zzz\JTAGARM7.OVL
The overlay file JTAGARM7.OVL must be in the same directory as
Configuration file XYZ not found.
The file specified with the option /CFG= wasn't found.
Device offset out of range
The value specified with the option /OFFSET= is greater than the size of
the detected flash device.
Disk full
Writing a output file was aborted as a result of missing disk space.
Do not specify option /BYTE-MODE. Flash device does not have a byte
mode pin.
The flash device specified with the option /DEVICE= does not support
switching between 16 (or 32) bit mode and 8 bit mode. In practice it does not
have a pin with the name BYTE#
Error creating file:
The output file could not be opened. Please check free disk space or write
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Error loading Flash Algorithm. Check Target RAM and CFG-File.
For higher programming performance the flash programming algorithm is
loaded into target memory, if the keyword RAM_BASE is available in the
configuration file. If there is a problem with the target RAM, this error
message is printed.
illegal function:
The first parameter of the command line must be a valid function. See
chapter 2 “JTAGARM7 Parameter Description” for a list of supported
illegal number:
The specified number couldn’t be interpret as a valid number. Check the
relevant number base.
illegal option:
See chapter 2 “JTAGARM7 Parameter Description” for a list of supported
illegal Flash Type:
The name specified with the option /DEVICE= must be one of the list of
chapter 1.9 ”Supported flash devices”.
Input file not found:
The specified file cannot be found
Input file is empty:
Files with zero length are not accepted
" " is undefined
Please check the syntax in your configuration file. (See chapter 1.8
“Configuration file JTAGARM7.CFG”).
LPTx not installed
The LPT port specified with /LPTx cannot be found. Please check the LPT
port or specify a installed LPT port. Check your BIOS setup. If you are using
this program with WinNT, Win2000 or WinXP you 1st must install the WinNT
support package as described in chapter 5 "Support for Windows NT,
Windows 2000 and Windows XP"
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
missing filename
Most functions need a filename as second parameter.
missing option /LENGTH=
Some functions need the option /LENGTH= to be defined.
Missing parameter
There is a syntax error in the configuration file. Please check your
configuration file. (See chapter 1.8 “Configuration file JTAGARM7.CFG”
More than 9 devices in the JTAG chain or TDI pin stuck at low level
The JTAG chain is limited to 9 parts. Check target power. Check the target’s
TDO pin.
No devices found in JTAG chain or TDI pin stuck at high level
A stream of 32 high bits was detected on the pin TDI. TDI may stuck at high
level. Check the connection to your target. Check the target power. Check
the target’s TDO pin. Check the target's reset status.
Option /CPUPOS= out of range
The number specified with the option /CPUPOS= must be less or equal to
the number of parts minus 1.
Option /IROFFS= out of range
Please specify a smaller value
Part at specified position is not a ARM7TDMI
The option /CPUPOS= points to a part not a ARM7TDMI
Specify only one of these options:
Some options are exclusive (i.e. /8BIT and /16BIT). Don't mix them.
Sum of instruction register bits to low. Should be at least 4 bits for a
The sum of all instruction register bits in the JTAG chain does not fit to the
ARM7TDMI. Check the target connection. Check the target CPU type. Check
the settings for /IROFFS= and /CPUPOS= , if there are several parts in
the JTAG chain.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Target is in Thumb mode. Not supported.
Thumb mode is actually not supported. If the target runs in thump mode, the
target can not be stopped.
Target no longer connected
There is a cyclic check of the JTAG chain. Check target power. Check target
Target out of Sync. Try again
During flash programming the communication between host and target has
broken. This may be a result of using the option /FAST or /FAST=. Please
omit this options or increase the value of the option /FAST=. Another reason
could be an unreliable target RAM. To overcome this problem you may
specify the option /NORAM to avoid using the target's RAM. The
programming performance is reduced dramatically in this case.
Tests Aborted
During loading the configuration file (specified by the option /CFG= or the
file JTAGARM7.CFG) there was an error condition (a line with the command
MEM_TESTxx"). The succeeding line with the command TEST_STOP,
forces a program abort.
There are unknown parts in the JTAG chain. Please use the option
/IROFFS= to specify the instr. reg. offset of the CPU.
If there are unknown parts in the JTAG chain, the program isn’t able to
determine the logical position of the CPU’s instruction register.
There is no ARM7TDMI in the JTAG chain
No ARM7TDMI was found in the JTAG chain. Check the target power. Try
with option /DRIVER=4 again.
Value of option /FILE-OFFSET out of range
The value of the option /FILE-OFFSET= points behind end of file.
wrong driver #
The value specified with the option /DRIVER= is out of range.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Wrong Flash Identifier (xxxx)
No valid identifier found. Check the specified chip select signal and the bus
width. Try with the option /DEVICE= . Use the option /8BIT or /16BIT or
/32BIT to specify the correct data bus size.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Configuration file JTAGARM7.CFG
The configuration file is intended to configure the target, especially the target's
memory configuration. Furthermore the configuration file can be used to do
hardware tests and to analyse the target's current register settings.
This file must be carefully adapted to your design with the ARM7TDMI. Use
the examples in the subdirectory \TARGETS as a template.
When the program JTAGARM7.EXE is started it scans the current directory for
an existing configuration file named JTAGARM7.CFG. You may also specify the
configuration file with the option /CFG= . If the specified file isn't found, the
program aborts with an error message.
1.8.1. Valid Keywords
The remainder of the line is treated as an comment
Prints an identification line, inclusive the keyword Target:
Similar as keyword TARGET:, but the keyword itself is not printed
Write to memory. Use read- modify-write if necessary.
Read memory and mask it with the and mask. Print a message, if the
resulting bit pattern is identical with the specified.
Read memory and mask it with the and mask. Print an error message,
if the resulting bit pattern is different to the specified. Set an error
status. Stop execution at the next TEST_STOP keyword.
Read memory and print the read value together with a message
The interpretation of the configuration file is stopped and the program
is aborted, if the error status was set by an previous error condition.
Specifies the target address, where the flash programming algorithm
should be loaded to.
Reset the program counter during debug. This keyword is needed to
fix a problem with the NetSilicon's debugger implementation.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
1.8.2. General Syntax rules
All keywords are case sensitive.
Number base is hexadecimal.
32 bit constants must identified by a trailing dot.
Letters within numbers must be in upper case.
All keywords and numbers must be separated by an space or an end of line.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
1.9. Supported flash devices
Type JTAGARM7 /LIST [optionlist]
to get a online list of all flash types which could be used with the /DEVICE=
See separate file JTAG_V4xx_FLASHES.pdf to get a complete list of supported
flash types.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
2. JTAGARM7 Parameter Description
When you start JTAGARM7.EXE without any parameters the following help
screen with all possible functions and options is displayed:
JTAGARM7 --- JTAG utility for the ARM7TDMI
Copyright © FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH, Breisach
Version 4.xx of mm/dd/yyyy
Programming of Flash-EPROMs and hardware tests on targets with the
The JTAG-Booster is needed to connect the parallel port of the PC
to the JTAG port of the ARM7TDMI.
Usage: JTAGARM7 /function [filename] [/option_1] ... [/option_n]
Supported functions:
: Program a Flash Device
: Read a Flash Device to file
: Verify a Flash Device with file
: Make a target dump
: Print a list of supported Flash devices
Supported Options:
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
The following options are valid for most functions:
This option switches the byte ordering to big endian mode. This option must fit to
the target's endianess. Normally the target is configured to the right endianess
after reset. In some cases, the endianess can be changed within the
configuration file.
Little Endian
Specifies the position of the ARM7TDMI within the JTAG chain.
An configuration file may be specified. By default the current directory is
searched for the file JTAGARM7.CFG. If this file is not found and no
configuration file is specified in the command line, the target's memory is left
unchanged, i.e. the target's register remain in the reset state (see also chapter
1.8 “Configuration file JTAGARM7.”).
/DRIVER=x with x = 1,2,3,4
A driver for the interface to the JTAG-BOOSTER on the parallel port may be
specified. /DRIVER=1 selects the fastest available driver, /DRIVER=4 selects
the slowest one. Use a slower driver if there are problems with JTAGBOOSTER.
Specifies the position of the ARM7TDMI instruction register within the JTAG
chain. In most cases this option is not needed.
Besides the standard JTAG-Booster interface there are several simple "ParallelPort-JTAG" interfaces supported. With this interfaces the programming
performance, of course, is reduced.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
A printer port may be specified where the JTAG-Booster resides. If you are
using this program with WinNT, Win2000 or WinXP you must specify /LPT2 or
/LPT-BASE=378 to get access to the standard printer port.
The physical I/O-Address of the printer port may be specified instead of the
logical printer name. Useful option, if you work with WinNT, Win2000 or WinXP,
because the standard printer port is mapped as LPT2 here. Use the option
/LPT-BASE=378 to get a command line which works independent of the
operation system.
Normally the program forces a target reset at program termination. (Since the
JTAG-Booster does not have a pin to be connected to the target's reset, the
user is asked to press the target's reset button instead.)
All screen outputs are redirected to the specified file or device. Note that you
can't redirect to the same parallel port where the JTAG-Booster resides.
With the option /PAUSE you can force the program to stop after each screen.
Please do not use this option if you redirect the output to a file.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Programming a Flash Device
JTAGARM7 /P filename [optionlist]
The specified file is programmed into the flash memory. The flash status is
polled after programming of each cell (cell=8, 16 or 32 bit, depending on current
data bus width). In case of a programming error, the contents of the flash
memory is written to a file with the extension DMP.
If you want a complete verify after programming, please use an additional
command line with the verify function. See chapter 2.3 “Verify a Flash Device
with file”. In most cases this additional verify step is not needed, since there is a
32 bit checksum calculated after programming and the result is compared with
the estimated value.
The type of the flash device is normally detected by the software. When
autodetection fails you should use the /DEVICE= option together with /8BIT or
/16BIT or /32BIT to set the right flash device and configuration. The known flash
devices are shown in chapter 1.9 “Supported flash devices”.
The flash device is detected automatically by switching to autoselect mode. In
case of trouble you should select the flash device by using this parameter to
avoid autodetection. Combine this option with one of the following options which
specify the data bus width and the option /BYTE-MODE if applicable.
/8BIT /16BIT /32BIT
Specifies the data bus width to the target flash device. You can speed up
autodetection, if you specify the correct data bus size. You need this option
together with the option /DEVICE= to explicit specify a specific flash
If there is a flash device connected to the CPU which does have a byte mode pin
(8 bit and 16/32 bit bus mode), you can force it to be used as 8 bit mode with the
option /BYTE-MODE. In most cases this option will not be needed.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
If you use a flash device which is identical to one of the supported parts, but is
from a different manufacturer, with this option you can suppress the comparison
of the manufacturer identification code. We recommend to use this option
together with the /DEVICE= option to avoid failures in autodetection.
Here you can specify a flash device starting address. Since the different chip
selects of the CPU are normally all mapped to different address ranges by the
configuration file (See chapter 1.8 "Configuration file JTAGARM7.CFG"), with
this option you can switch between the different chip selects.
The programming starts at an offset of hhhhhh relative to the start address of
the flash device. If the offset is negative, the offset specifies an address relative
to the end of the flash device. See also option /TOP
If the option /TOP is used the option /OFFSET= specifies the address where the
programming ends (plus one) instead of the starting address. This option is very
important for Intel CPU architectures, because target execution always starts at
the top of the address space.
If FILE-OFFSET is specified, the first hhhhhh bytes of the file are skipped and
not programmed to target.
hhhhhh=number base is hex
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
The number of programmed bytes may be limited to LENGTH. If no LENGTH is
specified the whole file is programmed.
/LENGTH=4000000 (64 MByte)
In case of a verify error the contents of the flash memory is written to a file with
the extension .DMP. With /NODUMP you can suppress this feature.
Erase the whole flash device. If this option isn't set, only those blocks are erased
where new data should be written to.
This option prevents the flash device from being erased.
To speed up the programming performance the flash programming algorithm is
loaded into target RAM, when the keyword RAM_BASE is specified in the
configuration file. If there are problems during programming, you should avoid
using the RAM by adding this option.
If you specify the option /FAST the host sends the data to be programmed to
the target without polling the status of the communication interface. This
increases the programming performance dramatically. But, when the target is
slow or the host is very fast, this can result in a data lost and the program aborts
with the message: "Target out of Sync. Try again". You can overcome this
problem by using the option /FAST= which does add some extra delay before
sending the next programming data to the target.
This example programs up to 128 Kbytes of the file ROMDOS.ROM (with i.e.
512 Kbytes) to the bottom of the flash memory.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Read a Flash Device to file
JTAGARM7 /R filename [optionlist]
The contents of a flash device is read and written to a file.
The type of the flash device is normally detected by the software. When
autodetection fails you should use the /DEVICE= option together with /8BIT or
/16BIT or /32BIT to set the right flash device and configuration. The known
devices are shown in chapter 1.9 “Supported flash devices”.
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
/8BIT /16BIT /32BIT
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
Reading of the flash memory starts at an offset of hhhhhh relative to the start
address of the flash device. If the offset is negative, the offset specifies a
address relative to the end of the flash device.
See also option /TOP.
hhhhhh=number base is hex
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
If the option /TOP is used the option /OFFSET= specifies the address where
reading ends (plus one) instead of the starting address.
The number of read bytes may be limited to LENGTH. If no LENGTH is specified
the whole flash device is read (if no offset is specified).
This example may be used to read the upper most 64 Kbyte of the flash memory
to the file BIOS.ABS.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Verify a Flash Device with file
JTAGARM7 /V filename [optionlist]
The contents of a flash device is compared with the specified file. If there are
differences the memory is dumped to a file with the extension DMP.
The type of flash device is normally detected by the software. When autodetect
fails you should use the /DEVICE= option together with /8BIT or /16BIT or
/32BIT to set the right flash device and configuration. The known devices are
shown in chapter 1.9 “Supported flash devices”.
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
/8BIT /16BIT /32BIT
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
See function /P (Chapter 2.1)
This example may be used to verify the upper most 128 Kbytes of the flash
memory with the file ROMDOS.ROM (with i.e. 512 Kbytes).
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Dump target memory
JTAGARM7 /DUMP [optionlist]
A Hex-Dump of the target memory is printed on the screen, if not redirected to
file or device.
/8BIT /16BIT /32BIT
The memory dump starts at an offset of hhhhhh plus the device start address
(see option /DEVICE-BASE=).
The device start address is used as an additional offset. This gives the function
/DUMP the same behavior as function /P /V and /R.
If the option /TOP is used the option /OFFSET= specifies the address where
the dump ends (plus one) instead of the starting address
This example makes a memory dump of the first 256 bytes of the Boot-EPROM.
hhhhhh=number base is hex
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
List of supported Flash Devices
JTAGARM7 /LIST [optionlist]
This command lists all supported flash devices to screen if not redirected to file
or device. Flash devices signed with ´*´ are not yet tested.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
3. Implementation Information
This chapter summarizes some information about the implementation of the
JTAG-Booster and describes some restrictions.
Actually only the revision 3a (Identifier: 3F0F0F0F) of the ARM7TDMI
EmbeddedICE is supported. The revision 4 (Identifier: 40700F0F) is not
tested and may not work.
The flash programming algorithm is loaded into target memory. Actually this
algorithm has a size of less than 512 bytes. This size may increase in further
implementations to up to 1kByte.
High speed flash programming is actually not available for Intel. Use the
option /NORAM if you want to program this flash types.
The function /V (verify flash) and /R (read flash) are much slower than the
function /P. This is the result of the extremely optimized programming
function, but the programming is the most important function.
Thumb mode is actually not supported. If the target runs in thump mode, the
target can not be stopped. An error message is printed.
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
4. Converter Program HEX2BIN.EXE
Since the JTAG-Booster software is not able to handle Intel-HEX or Motorola SRecord files, an separate converter tool is delivered with this product package.
Five types of HEX formats can be converted to BIN file:
D : Digital Research
M : MOTOROLA S HEX format (BYTE oriented)
T : TEKTRONICS HEX format (BYTE oriented)
H : Intel HEX-32
: INTEL HEX format (BYTE oriented)
Maximum conversion size is 256 kBytes. A 4 parameter for starting address
can be specified to skip out the leading garbage and you will maintain a small
size of output binary file.
If you start the HEX2BIN without any additional parameter all necessary
parameters will be asked for in a prompt mode:
Input HEX file name: MYAPP.H86
Output BIN file name[MYAPP.BIN]:
HEX file format
ntel /otorola /igital Research /ektronics /[H] Intel HEX-32[I] : H
Input CODE segment start address[0000000]: 10000
Input CODE segment end address[FFFFFFF]:
Unused bytes will be 00 FF [1] : 2
Instead of using the prompt mode, you can directly specify all necessary
parameters in the command line. This is essential for making batch files:
It is very important to fill unused bytes with 0xFF, because this are simply
skipped by the JTAG-Boosters software and so it speeds up the programming
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
Please Note: "CODE segment start address" is interpreted as a Intel x86
architecture segment address: You have to specify a start address of 10000 to
start the conversion at 1 MByte.
This converter is a relatively old DOS tool and therefore it has problems with non
DOS compliant file and directory names. Avoid names with spaces, limit names
to eight characters. Otherwise the converter does not convert the input file without any error message!!
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
5. Support for Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP
A configured run time version of the "Kithara DOS Enabler, Version 6.x" is used
to give support for some of our DOS based tools (like the JTAG-Booster) for
Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. After installation of the "DOS
Enabler" the accesses to the LPT ports are allowed for the all programs listed in
file Readme_WinNT.txt
Note: Accesses to the ports are only allowed for the programs listed in file
Readme_WinNT.txt. If you rename one of our tools, the DOS Enabler does not
Important: You need administrator rights to install or de-install this program.
5.1. Installation on a clean system
If you have a clean system without having installed a previous version of the
"Kithara Tool Center", this tool is really simple to install. Extract the ZIP file to a
new folder and start KSETUP.EXE. Everything is done within a few seconds. No
additional input is needed. Now reboot your PC.
5.2. Installation with already installed version 5.x/6.x of Kithara
If you have already installed an older WinNT support (Kithara Version 5.x or 6.x),
you have to de-install it 1 as described in chapter 5.4.
After rebooting your PC you can install the Kithara 6.x as described above.
5.3. Installation with already installed version 4.x of Kithara
Important!! If you have already installed an older WinNT support, you have to
deinstall it completely!!!
Start kcenter
Select Register "Einstellungen" (=Settings)
and deactivate "VDD benutzen"
and "speziellen seriellen Treiber benutzen".
Stop Kernel
JTAG-Booster for ARM7TDMI
exit the kcenter program
Now you can deinstall the Kithara Package with:
Settings - Control Panel.
All unused parts must be removed.
Reboot your PC
Now you can install the Kithara 6.x as described above.
5.4. De-Installation version 5.x/6.x:
For deinstallation of the runtime version of the "Kithara DOS-Enabler Version
use: Settings - Control-Panel - Add/Remove Programs
and remove the
“WinNT Support for JTAG-Booster and FLASH166”
Reboot your PC