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STM32-P103 数据手册
STM-P103 development board User's manual Document revision C, August 2016 Copyright(c) 2014, OLIMEX Ltd, All rights reserved INTRODUCTION STM32-P103 board is development board which allows you to explore thee features of the ARM Cortex M3 STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller produced by ST Microelectronics Inc. The board has SD/MMC card connector and allows USB Mass storage device demo to be evaluated. The RS232 driver and connector allows USB to Virtual COM port demo to be evaluated. The CAN port and driver allows CAN applications to be developed. The UEXT connector allows access to all other UEXT modules produced by OLIMEX (like MOD-MP3, MOD-NRF24LR, MOD-NOKIA6610, etc) to be connected easily. In the prototype area the customer can solder his own custom circuits and interface them to USB, CAN, RS232 etc. STM32-P103 is almost identical in hardware design to STM32-P405. The major difference is the microcontroller used (STM32F103 vs STM32F405). Another board with STM32F103 and a display is STM32-103STK. A smaller (and cheaper board) with STM32F103 is the STM32-H103. Both boards mentioned also have a version with the newer microcontroller STM32F405 used. The names are respectively STM32-405STK and STM32-H405. BOARD FEATURES STM32-P103 board features: - - CPU: STM32F103RBT6 ARM 32 bit CORTEX M3™ JTAG connector with ARM 2×10 pin layout for programming/debugging with ARM-JTAG, ARM-USBOCD, ARM-USB-TINY USB connector CAN driver and connector RS232 driver and connector UEXT connector which allow different modules to be connected (as MOD-MP3, MOD-NRF24LR, etc) SD-MMC connector backup battery connector user button RESET button status LED power supply LED on board voltage regulator 3.3V with up to 800mA current single power supply: takes power from USB port or extension connector pin 8 Mhz crystal oscillator 32768 Hz crystal and RTC backup battery connector extension headers for all uC ports RESET button status LED power supply LED on board voltage regulator 3.3V with up to 800mA current single power supply: takes power from USB port or power supply jack PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), soldermask, silkscreen component print Dimensions: 100×90mm (3.94×3.5") ELECTROSTATIC WARNING The STM32-P103 board is shipped in protective anti-static packaging. The board must not be subject to high electrostatic potentials. General practice for working with static sensitive devices should be applied when working with this board. BOARD USE REQUIREMENTS Cables: USB A-B cable (up to 1.8 meters) to connect to USB host. Hardware: Any ARM JTAG programmer or debugger with standard 2×10 pin JTAG connector. You can use one of the Olimex ARM JTAG debuggers: ARM-JTAG, ARM-JTAG-EW, ARM-USBOCD, ARM-USB-OCD-H, ARM-USB-OCD-TINY, ARM-USB-OCD-H. Note that Olimex OpenOCD debuggers lack SWD interface by default. There is the adapter ARM-JTAG-SWD that adds SWD to any of the programmers/debuggers mentioned above. Additionally you can use our ARM-JTAG-COOCOX debugger which has both JTAG and SWD interfaces and works with CooCox IDE natively and with Keil uVision via plug-in. Note the board can be programmed without a debugger using a serial cable with level shifter and the software provided by ST (STM32 Flash Loader demonstrator). Software: ARM C compiler and debugger software, among the possible options are: - BOARD LAYOUT The free open source platform: GNU C compiler + OpenOCD and Eclipse (support all low cost Olimex JTAG debuggers) The free CooCox IDE – good choice for ARM Cortex microcontrollers The commercial software IAR EW for ARM from IAR Systems AB The commercial software CrossWorks from Rowley – supports all Olimex low cost JTAG debuggers and features of number of examples for Olimex boards VDDA VDDA 3.3V L1 ferrite bead 0 2 GNDA C9 13 BAT_3V CON2PV2-2.54MM 10uF/10V100nF 12 1 2 2 VCC 1 32 48 RST 1 RESET 1 BAT_E R8 10k U2 NA 0 2 19 64 GND C5 C6 C7 C8 C28 RESET C22 2.2uF/6.3V C24 2.2uF/6.3V 100nF 3.3V 31 47 63 18 RST RST R1 R13 R6 R5 R3 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k RST R15 3.3V R-T 7 BOOT0 60 100K WAKE-UP UART2_RTS USART2_TX 14 USART2_RX SPI1_NSS 17 TCK TDO SPI1_SCK SPI1_MISO 21 13 16 15 RST SPI1_MOSI 23 18 17 20 19 2 1 4 3 TRST 6 5 TDI 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 PA1 TMS 10k R2 10k 100K R11 R17 VDDA PB0/ADC8/TIM3_CH3/TIM1_CH2N 26 PB1/ADC9/TIM3_CH4/TIM1_CH3N 27 VSSA PB2/BOOT1 28 PB3/JTDO/TIM2_CH2/TRACESWO/SPI1_SCK TDO 55 VBAT PB4/JTRST/TIM3_CH1/SPI1_MISO TRST 56 PB5/I2C1_SMBAI/TIM3_CH2/SPI1_MOSI 57 VDD PB6/I2C1_SCL/TIM4_CH1/USART1_TX I2C1_SCL 58 PB7/I2C1_SDA/TIM4_CH2/USART1_RX I2C1_SDA 59 VDD PB8/TIM4_CH3/I2C1_SCL/CANRX 61 CAN_RX PB9/TIM4_CH4/I2C1_SDA/CANTX 62 CAN_TX VDD VDD PB10/I2C2_SCL/USART3_TX/TIM2_CH3 29 PB11/I2C2_SDA/USART3_RX/TIM2_CH4 30 10uF/10V 100nF 100nF 100nF 2 15 16 20 22 PA8 JTAG D2 41 USART1_TX USART1_RX 42 USBDM USBDP 44 TMS TCK 46 TDI 50 43 45 49 1N5819S 1 3.3V U1 C11 3.3V B1_H/B1_L 3.3V 1 3.3V_MCU_E VSS VCAP_1 VSS VCAP_2 PB0 PB1 PB2 PB14/SPI2_MISO/USART3_RTS/TIM1_CH2N SPI2_MISO 35 PB15/SPI2_MOSI/TIM1_CH3N SPI2_MOSI 36 VSS NRST PC0/ADC10 8 PC1/ADC11 9 BOOT0 PC2/ADC12 10 PC3/ADC13 11 PA0-WKUP/USART2_CTS/ADC0/TIM2_CH1_ETR PC4/ADC14 24 PC5/ADC15 25 PA1/USART2_RTS/ADC1/TIM2_CH2 USB_P ADC15 WP PC6/TIM3_CH1 37 PC7/TIM3_CH2 38 PA2/USART2_TX/ADC2/TIM2_CH3 PA3/USART2_RX/ADC3/TIM2_CH4 CP PC8/TIM3_CH3 39 PC9/TIM3_CH4 40 PA4/SPI1_NSS/USART2_CK/ADC4 PA5/SPI1_SCK/ADC5 PC10/USART3_TX CNTRL 51 PC11/USART3_RX DISC 52 PA6/SPI1_MISO/ADC6/TIM3_CH1/TIM1_BKIN PA7/SPI1_MOSI/ADC7/TIM3_CH2/TIM1_CH1N PC12/USART3_CK LED 53 PC13/ANTI_TAMP 2 PA8/USART1_CK/TIM1_CH1/MCO PA9/USART1_TX/TIM1_CH2 PC14/OSC32_IN 3 PC15/OSC32_OUT 4 PA10/USART1_RX/TIM1_CH3 PA11/USART1_CTS/CANRX/USBDM/TIM1_CH4 PA12/USART1_RTS/CANTX/USBDP/TIM1_ETR PA14/JTCK/SWCLK PA15/JTDI/TIM2_CH1_ETR/SPI1_NSS STM32F405RET6(LQFP64) C23 I2C1_SDA PB8 PB9 SPI1_MISO SPI1_MOSI SPI1_SCK SPI1_NSS PB10 PB11 PB13 PB14 PB15 3.3V PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC12 PC13 R39 2K WP_E WP 1 10 14 0 C15 SPI2_NSS SPI2_MOSI 10pF 1 2 1M 1 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 27pF Q1 8MHz R49 R44 R45 CP_E 10K 10K 10K +5V_USB C27 100n1 +5V_USB 3.3V 3 R20 10k C26 100n4 R52 47k USART2_TX 11 Q3 BC817 R53 DISC 5 Q4 BC817 1K R50 UART2_RTS 1 2 WAKE-UP 1 2 RTS_E R51 33k 10 2 1 CP D1 9 CTS_E R43 C1- 4 2 V- 6 CMD/DI VSS1 VDD CLK/SCLK VSS2 DAT0/DO DAT1/RES DAT2/RES CP1 CP2 SD_CARDBOT R42 C20 2K C29 3.3V C19 100n C25 100n CNTRL 1 3 R23 NC T1OUT14 T2OUT7 T1IN T2IN R1IN 13 R2IN 8 R1OUT R2OUT 10K R28 1 C2- VCC CD/DAT3/CS 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 RS232_2 3.3V U3 CAN 8 RS 3 7 CANH 2 6 CANL 1 5 VREF CON33.5MM R27 120 GND 15 CAN_TX 1 TXD 2 VSS 3 VDD 4 RXD CAN_RX C37 R16 330 SN65HVD230 100nF C41 100nF USBLC6-2P6(NA) 3 V+ C2+ 16 WP2 3.3V U4 2 13 0 U5PWR 3.3V 1 9 WP1 CNTRL/HS C1+ 1N5819S 7 15 27pF U5 ST3232 USART2_RX 12 1.5K 5 8 STM32-P103, hardware revsion D 3.3V 470nH SPI2_MISO TRST,TDI,TMS,TCK,TDO,RST 22K 4 6 10pF 33K USB_P 2 L2 SPI2_SCK GND R12 3 3.3V Q2 32768 C14 PD2 R38 33K SD/MMC 2 STM32F103RBT6(LQFP64) R24 USART1_RX R18 10K USB_P R19 UEXT-1 UEXT-2 UEXT-3 UEXT-4 UEXT-5 UEXT-6 UEXT-7 UEXT-8 UEXT-9 UEXT-10 USART1_TX I2C1_SCL R4 10K C13 15K R36 10k R37 10k PB5 C12 PD2/TIM3_ETR 54 3.3V R54 100K R59 10K PD0/OSC_IN 5 PD1/OSC_OUT 6 PA13/JTMS/SWDIO 3.3V 100nF PB12/SPI2_NSS/I2C2_SMBAL/USART3_CK/TIM1_BKIN SPI2_NSS 33 PB12 PB13/SPI2_SCK/USART3_CTS/TIM1_CH1N SPI2_SCK 34 VSS 3.3V 3 1 6 2 5 3 4 R21 22 USBDP R22 22 USBDM 3.3V When STM32F103RBT6(LQFP64) is mounted, C22 and C24 must be short circuit(for example with 0 Ohm resistor) C10 USB 3.3V Notes: ===== C17 100nF WAKE-UPC18 C16 STAT RED 47pF(NA) 47pF(NA) 100nF R34 WAKE-UP 1K VR1(3.3V) LM1117 VIN VIN 3.3V IN R35 2k VCC OUT 3.3V G1 R10 DB104(SMD) 240/1% C21 C1 100nF 5VAC 6VDC 2 0 R33 22K 1 LED_E ADJ/GND PWR_JACK LED C2 PWR C3 C30 STM32-P103, hardware revsion D C4 R9 R7 390/1% 2k R14 OLIMEX LTD, PLOVDIV, BULGARIA 0R 0R(Board_Mounted) GND www.OLIMEX.com PROCESSOR FEATURES STM-P103 board use ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 CPU STM32F103RBT6 from ST Microelectronics with these features: - CPU clock up to 72Mhz - FLASH 128KB - RAM 20KB - DMA x7 channels - RTC - WDT - Timers x3+1 - SPI x2 - I2C x2 - USART x3 - USB x1 - CAN x1 (multiplexed with USB so both can't be used at the same time) - GPIO up to 51 (multiplexed with peripherals) - 2 ADC 12-bit - operating voltage 2.0 – 3.6V - operating temperature (-40 to +85)C MEMORY MAP POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT STM32-P103 can take power from three sources: - USB connector where 5V power supply is applied by USB host PWR jack where +6-9VDC or 5-9V AC may be applied, as there is bridge rectifier the polarity doesn’t matter Li-Po battery attached to the BAT_3V connector. IMPORTANT: By default you can have either battery or external power supply connected. If you connect both you might damage the board or the battery. If you need to keep the physical connection consider changing the default position of the BAT_E jumper! The board power consumption is: about 50mA with all peripherals and MCU running at full speed, there are different power saving modes which may put STM32F103RBT6 in power sleep mode and in these modes the consumption of the MCU is only few micro ampers. RESET CIRCUIT STM32-P103 reset circuit is made with RC group R8 – 10K and C28 – 100nF. Although on the schematic we have provided pads for external reset IC, such is not necessary as STM32 have build-in brown out detector. Manual reset is possible by the RESET button. CLOCK CIRCUIT Quartz crystal 8Mhz is connected to STM32F103RBT6. Internal PLL circuit can multiply this frequency up to 72Mhz. 32.768 KHz quartz crystal is connected to STM32F103RBT6 for it’s internal Real Time Clock. PROTOTYPE AREA CONNECTOR DESCRIPTION Please take a look at board's layout picture, all signals are printed on the silkscreen. JUMPER DESCRIPTION: R-T Connects JTAG TRST signal to STM32F103RBT6 RESET Default state closed (shorted) BAT_E Connects 3.3V to STM32F103RBT6 Vbat pin.1 Default state closed (shorten), Vbat signal is also available to BAT_3V connector, so if you want to connect external backup battery to the STM32F103RBT6 this jumper should be opened (unshorted) and the external battery to be connected to BAT_3V connector(see connector description for BAT_3V connector pining.).VBAT accept 2 - 3.6V. USBP-E Connects USB power supply to STM32F103RBT6 pin.24 PC4/ADC14 and allow to detect if the board is connected to USB host. Default state closed (shorten) LED-E Connects STATUS LED to STM32F103RBT6 pin.53 PC12 Default state closed (shorten) BOOT0, BOOT1 boot sequence select B1_H/B1_L (Boot1_High/Boot1_Low) B0_H/B0_L (Boot0_High/Boot0_Low) B1_H/B1_L Default position: Boot1 is log. 0 B0_H/B0_L Boot0 is log. 0 CAN0_T Connect 120 Ohm terminator between CAN_L and CAN_H busses. Default state closed (shorten CNTRL/HS 1. CNTRL/HS jumper is open CNTRL/HS IS OPEN 10 KOhm resistor is connected to slope control pin of SN65HVD230 CAN driver i.e. 15V/uS driver output signal slop. 2. CNTRL/HS is connected to HS side HS IS CLOSED High speed of output CAN drivers (>20v/uS) – No slope control 3. CNTRL/HS is connected to CNTRL side CNTRL IS CLOSED Enable PC10(pin 51) of STM32F103RBT6 to control CAN driver modes. Log. 1 of PC10 disable CAN driver. Log. 0 of PC10enable CAN driver with high speed mode. Default state – open RTS_E Connect PA1/USART2_RTS pin to COM port driver(ST3232). USART2_RTS function of PA1 is used for handshake mode of COM port. Default state – open CTS_E Connect PA0-WKUP/USART2_CTS pin to COM port driver(ST3232). USART2_CTS function of PA1 is used for handshake mode of COM port. By default is used Wake Up function(PA is permanent tied to Wake Up button). Default state – open CP_E Card Present Enable – Allow PC7(pin 38) to detect Multi Media Card present in socket. Log. 1 of PC7 – MMC present. Log.0 of PC7 – Card absent. Default state closed (shorten) WP_E Write Protect Enable – Allow PC6(pin 37) to detect write protected state of multi media card. Log. 1 of PC6 – MMC no write protected. Log.0 of PC7 – MMC is write protected. Default state closed (shorten) 3.3V_MCU_E Connects 3.3V regulated voltage to STM32F103RBT6 power pins. 3.3V_MCU_E jumper is used if you need to measure current consumption of the microcontroller. Default state closed (shorten) INPUT/OUTPUT: User button with name BUT – connected to STM32F103RBT6 pin.14 PA0.WKUP; Status green LED with name STAT connected to STM32F103RBT6 pin.53 PC12, note that LED-E SMT jumper should be shorted to may LED work properly (it’s shorted by default), if you decide to use PC12 port for other purpose you have to remove the solder short on this jumper which will disconnect the LED from PC12 port; Power supply red LED with name PWR – indicates that 3.3V power supply is applied; JTAG: The JTAG connector allows the software debugger to talk via a JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) port directly to the core. Instructions may be inserted and executed by the core thus allowing STM32F103RBT6 memory to be programmed with code and executed step by step by the host software. For more details refer to IEEE Standard 1149.1 – 1990 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture and STM32F103RBT6 datasheets and users manual. JTAG CONNECTOR PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin # Signal Name 1 TVCC 3.3V 3 TRST 5 TDI 7 TMS 9 TCK 11 NC 13 TDO 15 RST 17 NC 19 NC TMS TCK TDI TDO TRST Pin # Signal Name 2 TVCC 3.3V 4 GND 6 GND 8 GND 10 GND 12 GND 14 GND 16 GND 18 GND 20 GND Input Input Test Mode Select. The TMS pin selects the next state in the TAP state machine. Test Clock. This allows shifting of the data in, on the TMS and TDI pins. It is a positive edgetriggered clock with the TMS and TCK signals that define the internal state of the device. Input Test Data In. This is the serial data input for the shift register. Output Test Data Output. This is the serial data output from the shift register. Data is shifted out of the device on the negative edge of the TCK signal. Input Test Reset. The TRST pin can be used to reset the test logic within the EmbeddedICE logic. RS232: STM32F103RBT6 have 3 USARTs which are available on the extension headers. One of them can operate up to 4.5 Mbit/s, the other two up to 2.25 Mbit/s. They provide hardware management of the CTS and RTS signals, IrDA SIR ENDEC support, are ISO 7816 compliant and have LIN Master/Slave capability. All USART interfaces can be served by the DMA controller. USART1.TX – pin.42 PA9 EXT1-4 USART1.RX – pin.43 PA10 EXT1-7 USART2.TX – pin.16 PA2 EXT2-7 USART2.RX – pin.17 PA3 EXT2-10 USART3.TX – pin.29 PB10 EXT2-14 USART3.RX – pin.30 PB11 EXT2-15 Pin # Signal Name 1 NC 2 TxD 3 RxD 4 NC 5 GND SPI: Pin # Signal Name 6 NC 7 CTS 8 RTS 9 NC STM32F103RBT6 have 2 SPIs which able to communicate up to 18 Mbits/s in slave and master modes in fullduplex and simplex communication modes. The 3-bit prescaler gives 8 master mode frequencies and the frame is configurable from 8-bit to 16-bit. The hardware CRC generation/verification supports basic SD Card/MMC modes. Both SPIs can be served by the DMA controller. SPI1.NSS – pin.20 PA4 EXT2-11 SPI1.SCK – pin.21 PA5 EXT1-18 SPI1.MISO – pin.22 PA6 EXT1-14 SPI1.MOSI – pin.23 PA7 EXT1-22 SPI2.NSS – pin. PB12 SPI2.SCK – pin. PB13 SPI2.MISO – pin. PB14 SPI2.MOSI – pin. PB15 I2C: STM32F103RBT6 have two I²C bus interfaces which can operate in multi-master and slave modes. They can support standard and fast modes. They support dual slave addressing (7-bit only) and both 7/10-bit addressing in master mode. A hardware CRC generation/verification is embedded. They can be served by DMA and they support SM Bus 2.0/PM Bus. I2C1.SDA – pin.59 PB7 EXT1-15 I2C1.SCL – pin.58 PB6 EXT1-13 I2C1.SMBA – pin.57 PB5 EXT1-12 I2C2.SDA – pin.30 PB11 EXT2-15 I2C2.SCL – pin. 29 PB10 EXT2-14 I2C2.SMBA – pin.33 PB12 EXT2-17 CAN: The STM32F103RBT6 CAN is compliant with specifications 2.0A and B (active) with a bit rate up to 1 Mbit/s. It can receive and transmit standard frames with 11-bit identifiers as well as extended frames with 29-bit identifiers. It has three transmit mailboxes, two receive FIFOs with 3 stages and 14 scalable filter banks. The CAN and USB share same pins PA11/EXT1-1 and PA12/EXT1-3, so you can’t use both CAN and USB on same time. Pin # Signal Name 1 GND 2 CANL 3 CANH USB: The STM32F103RBT6 embeds a USB device peripheral compatible with the USB Full-speed 12 Mbs. The USB interface implements a full speed (12 Mbit/s) function interface. It has software configurable endpoint setting and suspend/resume support. The dedicated 48 MHz clock source is generated from the internal main PLL. The CAN and USB share same pins PA11/EXT1-1 and PA12/EXT1-3, so you can’t use both CAN and USB on same time. Pin # Signal Name 1 +5V 2 USBDM 3 USBDP 4 GND ADC: STM32F103RBT6 has two 12-bit Analog to Digital Converters which share up to 16 external channels, performing conversions in singleshot or scan modes. In scan mode, automatic conversion is performed on a selected group of analog inputs. Additional logic functions embedded in the ADC interface allows: - Simultaneous sample and hold - Interleaved sample and hold - Single shunt The ADC can be served by the DMA controller. An analog watchdog feature allows very precise monitoring of the converted voltage of one, some or all selected channels. An interrupt is generated when the converted voltage is outside the programmed thresholds. The events generated by the standard timers (TIMx) and the Advanced Control timer (TIM1) can be internally connected to the ADC start trigger, injection trigger, and DMA trigger respectively, to allow the application to synchronize A/D conversion and timers. HOW TO USE THE INERNAL BOOTLOADER: The STM32F103 chip has internal bootloader that can be accessed via serial connection. Unlike bigger microcontrollers of the same family the bootloader in STM32F103 can NOT be accessed via USB – only via serial connection. In most cases you would need a USB ↔ serial cable with a level shifter. During the test here we used our cable BB-CH340T. Install the drivers for the cable and then establish the hardware connection. The connections between the cable and the board's UEXT connector are as follows: 1. Connect the GND line of the cable to pin #2 of the UEXT (also GND) 2. Connect the RX line of the cable to pin #3 of the UEXT (named TX) 3. Connect the TX line of the cable to pin #4 of the UEXT (named RX) In order to start the bootloader you need to change the PTH jumper B0_L/B0_H to position B0_H. This requires cutting between the pads of the original position with a sharp tool and soldering the pads of the new position together. Remember to switch back to B0_L after your program is uploaded. If you have to do a lot of programming using the bootloader it might be a good idea to place PTH jumpers or a switch to change between the boot modes easily without much soldering. After you have established the hardware connection – download and install “STM32 Flash Loader Demonstrator”, also known as “FLASHER-STM32”. After you start the software select the proper COM port, parity is even, timeout 5, echo disabled, baudrate 57600. For more information on how to use the software refer to the documentation provided by ST. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS: AVAILABLE DEMO SOFTWARE: DEMO1.Blinking LED for IAR EW for ARM 5.41 Blinks the on-board LED. DEMO2.USB mouse for EW-ARM 5.41 Creates USB mouse and when board is connected to PC it starts moving the mouse cursor in circle. DEMO3.UEXT demo with MOD-LCD3310 for EW-ARM 6.3x Shows UEXT connection to MOD-LCD3310 module. DEMO4.Blinking LED for GCC+OpenOCD+Eclipse Blinks the on-board LED. ORDER CODE: STM32-P103 – assembled and tested (no kit, no soldering required) How to purchase? You can purchase directly from our web shop or from any of our distributors. List of distributors: https://www.olimex.com/Distributors. Please visit https://www.olimex.com/ for more info. All boards produced by Olimex are ROHS compliant Document revision history: REV. A – released April 2008 REV. B – released September 2014 REV. C – released August 2016 – added information about using the internal bootloader DISCLAIMER © 2014 Olimex Ltd. Olimex®, logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks of Olimex Ltd. Other product names may be trademarks of others and the rights belong to their respective owners. The information in this document is provided in connection with Olimex products. No license, express or implied or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Olimex products. The hardware design of the device is proprietary and would not be distributed nor shared with the end customer. It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board. The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by OLIMEX in good faith. However all warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. OLIMEX Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any incorrect use of the product. This product is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by OLIMEX to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. Persons handling the product must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards. Olimex currently deals with a variety of customers for products, and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive. Olimex assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, or infringement of patents or services described herein. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE DESIGN MATERIALS AND THE COMPONENTS USED TO CREATE STM32-P103. THEY ARE CONSIDERED SUITABLE ONLY FOR STM32-P103.
STM32-P103 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 5+ 0.37455 5+ 0
    • 50+ 0.36645 50+ 0
    • 150+ 0.36105 150+ 0
