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NANO130 ARM® Cortex® -M0 32-bit Microcontroller NuMicro® Family NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 User Manual Nuvoton is providing this document only for reference purposes of NuMicro microcontroller based system design. Nuvoton assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. All data and specifications are subject to change without notice. For additional information or questions, please contact: Nuvoton Technology Corporation. www.nuvoton.com Feb. 26, 2018 Page 1 of 19 Rev 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL The information described in this document is the exclusive intellectual property of Nuvoton Technology Corporation and shall not be reproduced without permission from Nuvoton. NANO130 Table of Contents 1 OVERVIEW ......................................................................................... 3 2 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 INTRODUCTION.................................................... 4 NuTiny -SDK-NANO130 Jumper Description ..................................................... 5 2.1 2.1.1 Power Setting ................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Debug Connector ............................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 USB Connector ................................................................................................. 5 2.1.4 Extended Connector ........................................................................................... 5 2.1.5 Button ............................................................................................................. 5 2.1.6 Power Connector ............................................................................................... 5 2.2 Pin Assignment for Extended Connector .......................................................... 6 2.3 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 PCB Placement .......................................................... 9 How to Start NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 on the Keil μVision® IDE .......................... 10 3 3.1 Keil uVision® IDE Software Download and Install ...............................................10 3.2 Nuvoton Nu-Link Driver Download and Install ...................................................10 3.3 Hardware Setup .......................................................................................10 3.4 Example Program.....................................................................................11 How to Start NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 on the IAR Embedded Workbench .............. 12 4 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL 4.1 IAR Embedded Workbench Software Download and Install ...................................12 4.2 Nuvoton Nu-Link Driver Download and Install ...................................................12 4.3 Hardware Setup .......................................................................................12 4.4 Example Program.....................................................................................13 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 Schematic ........................................................... 14 5 6 5.1 NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 Schematic ................................................................ 14 5.2 GPIO for 128 pin Schematic ........................................................................15 5.3 Nu-Link-Me Schematic ...............................................................................16 5.4 4x42 TN LCD Schematic ............................................................................17 REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................ 18 Feb. 26, 2018 Page 2 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 1 OVERVIEW ® NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 is the specific development tool for NuMicro NANO130 series. Users can use NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 to develop and verify the application program easily. NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 includes two portions. One is NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 and the other is NuLink-Me. NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 is the evaluation board and Nu-Link-Me is its Debug Adaptor. Thus, users do not need other additional ICE or debug equipments. NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD includes one 4x42 LCD panel for NuTiny-EVB-NANO130. Users can connect NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD to NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 to develop and verify the application. Figure 1-1 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 with NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Feb. 26, 2018 Page 3 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 2 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 INTRODUCTION NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 uses the NANO130KE3BN as the target microcontroller. Figure 2-1 is NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 for NANO130 series, the left portion is called NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 and the right portion is Debug Adaptor called Nu-Link-Me. Figure 2-2 is NuTiny-SDKNANO130_TNLCD for NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 LCD display applications. NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 is similar to other development boards. Users can use it to develop and verify applications to emulate the real behavior. The on board chip covers NANO130 series features. The NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 can be a real system controller to design users’ target systems. The Nu-Link-Me is a Debug Adaptor. The Nu-Link-Me Debug Adaptor connects your PC's USB port to your target system (via Serial Wired Debug Port) and allows you to program and debug embedded programs on the target hardware. To use Nu-Link-Me Debug adaptor with IAR or Keil, ® ® please refer to “Nuvoton NuMicro IAR ICE driver user manual “or Nuvoton NuMicro Keil ICE driver user manual” in detail. These two documents will be stored in the local hard disk when the user installs each driver. Extended Connector (JP15, JP11) Target Chip ICE Controller VDD33 (JP2) Extended Connector (JP5, JP1) ICE Controller USB Connector (ICE J2) I/O LED GND (JP3) Extended Connector (JP7, JP6) USB Connector (J1) Reset Button (SW1) Button (SW2) Extended Connector (JP16, JP17) NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Figure 2-1 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 (PCB Board) Extended Connector (JP5, JP1) 4x42 TNLCD Panel Extended Connector (JP7, JP6) Figure 2-2 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD (PCB Board) Feb. 26, 2018 Page 4 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 2.1 2.1.1 NuTiny -SDK-NANO130 Jumper Description Power Setting  JP2: VDD33 Voltage connecter in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130  ICE J2: USB port in Nu-Link-Me  J1: USB port in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 Model JP2 VDD33 ICE J2 ICE USB Port J1 USB Port MCU Voltage Model 1 DC 3.3V Output Connect to PC X DC 3.3V Model 2 DC 3.3V Output X Connect to PC DC 3.3V Model 3 DC 1.8V ~ 3.6V Input X X Voltage by JP2 Input X: Unused. 2.1.2 Debug Connector  JP4: Connector in target board (NuTiny-EVB-NANO130) for connecting with Nuvoton ICE adaptor (Nu-Link-Me)  ICE JP8: Connector in ICE adaptor (Nu-Link-Me) for connecting with a target board (NuTiny-EVB-NANO130) 2.1.3 USB Connector 2.1.4 Extended Connector  JP11, JP15, JP16, and JP17: Show all chip pins in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130  JP1, JP5, JP6, JP7: Show all chip pins in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130, and connected to NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD 2.1.5 Button  SW1: Reset button in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130  SW2: PC.12 button in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 2.1.6 Power Connector  JP2: VDD connector in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130  JP3: GND connector in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 Feb. 26, 2018 Page 5 of 19 Rev 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL  J1: Micro USB Connector in NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 connected to a PC USB port  ICE J2: Micro USB Connector in Nu-Link-Me connected to a PC USB port NANO130 2.2 Pin Assignment for Extended Connector NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 provides NANO130KE3BN on board and the extended connector for LQFP128-pin. Table 2-1 is the pin assignment for NANO130KE3BN. Pin No Pin Name Pin No Pin Name NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL 01 PE.13 65 PE.4/SPI0_MOSI0 02 PB.14/INT0/SC2_CD/SPI2_SS1 66 PE.3/SPI0_MISO0 03 PB.13/EBI_AD1 67 PE.2/SPI0_CLK 04 PB.12/EBI_AD0/FCLKO 68 PE.1/PWM1_CH3/SPI0_SS0 05 NC 69 PE.0/PWM1_CH2/I2S_MCLK 06 X32_OUT 70 PC.13/SPI1_MOSI1/PWM1_CH1/SNOO PER/INT1/I2C0_SCL 07 X32_IN 71 PC.12/SPI1_MISO1/PWM1_CH0/INT0/I 2C0_SDA 08 NC 72 PC.11/SPI1_MOSI0/UART1_TXD 09 PA.11/I2C1_SCL/EBI_nRD/SC0_RST/S PI2_MOSI0 73 PC.10/SPI1_MISO0/UART1_RXD 10 PA.10/I2C1_SDA/EBI_nWR/SC0_PWR/ SPI2_MISO0 74 PC.9/SPI1_CLK/I2C1_SCL 11 PA.9/I2C0_SCL/SC0_DAT/SPI2_CLK 75 PC.8/SPI1_SS0/EBI_MCLK/I2C1_SDA 12 PA.8/I2C0_SDA/SC0_CLK/SPI2_SS0 76 PA.15/PWM0_CH3/I2S_MCLK/TC3/SC0 _PWR/UART0_TXD 13 PD.8 77 PA.14/PWM0_CH2/EBI_AD15/TC2/UAR T0_RXD 14 PD.9 78 PA.13/PWM0_CH1/EBI_AD14/TC1/I2C0 _SCL 15 PD.10 79 PA.12/PWM0_CH0/EBI_AD13/TC0/I2C0 _SDA 16 PD.11 80 PF.0/INT0/ICE_DAT 17 PD.12 81 PF.1/FCLKO/INT1/ICE_CLK 18 PD.13 82 NC 19 PB.4/UART1_RXD/SC0_CD/SPI2_SS0 83 VDD 20 PB.5/UART1_TXD/SC0_RST/SPI2_CLK 84 NC 21 PB.6/UART1_RTSn/EBI_ALE/SPI2_MIS O0 85 VSS 22 PB.7/UART1_CTSn/EBI_nCS/SPI2_MO SI0 86 VSS 23 NC 87 AVSS Feb. 26, 2018 Page 6 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 LDO_CAP 88 AVSS 25 NC 89 PA.0/AD0/SC2_CD 26 NC 90 PA.1/AD1/EBI_AD12 27 VDD 91 PA.2/AD2/EBI_AD11/UART1_RXD 28 NC 92 PA.3/AD3/EBI_AD10/UART1_TXD 29 VSS 93 PA.4/AD4/EBI_AD9/SC2_PWR/I2C0_S DA 30 VSS 94 PA.5/AD5/EBI_AD8/SC2_RST/I2C0_SC L 31 VSS 95 PA.6/AD6/EBI_AD7/TC3/SC2_CLK/PW M0_CH3 32 VSS 96 PA.7/AD7/EBI_AD6/TC2/SC2_DAT/PW M0_CH2 33 PE.12 97 VREF 34 PE.11 98 NC 35 PE.10 99 AVDD 36 PE.9 100 PD.0/UART1_RXD/SPI2_SS0/SC1_CLK /AD8 37 PE.8 101 PD.1/UART1_TXD/SPI2_CLK/SC1_DAT /AD9 38 PE.7 102 PD.2/UART1_RTSn/I2S_LRCLK/SPI2_ MISO0/SC1_PWR/AD10 39 NC 103 PD.3/UART1_CTSn/I2S_BCLK/SPI2_M OSI0/SC1_RST/AD11 40 NC 104 NC 41 NC 105 PD.4/I2S_DI/SPI2_MISO1/SC1_CD 42 NC 106 PD.5/I2S_DO/SPI2_MOSI1 43 NC 107 PC.7/DA1_OUT/EBI_AD5/TC1/PWM0_ CH1 44 PB.0/UART0_RXD/SPI1_MOSI0 108 PC.6/DA0_OUT/EBI_AD4/TC0/SC1_CD/ PWM0_CH0 45 PB.1/UART0_TXD/SPI1_MISO0 109 PC.15/EBI_AD3/TC0/PWM1_CH2 46 PB.2/UART0_RTSn/EBI_nWRL/SPI1_C LK 110 PC.14/EBI_AD2/PWM1_CH3 47 PB.3/UART0_CTSn/EBI_nWRH/SPI1_S S0 111 PB.15/INT1/SNOOPER/SC1_CD 48 PD.6 112 NC Feb. 26, 2018 Page 7 of 19 Rev 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL 24 NANO130 49 PD.7 113 XT1_IN 50 PD.14 114 XT1_OUT 51 PD.15 115 NC 52 PC.5/SPI0_MOSI1 116 nRESET 53 PC.4/SPI0_MISO1 117 VSS 54 PC.3/SPI0_MOSI0/I2S_DO/SC1_RST 118 VSS 55 PC.2/SPI0_MISO0/I2S_DI/SC1_PWR 119 NC 56 PC.1/SPI0_CLK/I2S_BCLK/SC1_DAT 120 VDD 57 PC.0/SPI0_SS0/I2S_LRCLK/SC1_CLK 121 NC 58 PE.6 122 PF.4/I2C0_SDA 59 NC 123 PF.5/I2C0_SCL 60 NC 124 VSS 61 PE.5/PWM1_CH1 125 PVSS 62 PB.11/PWM1_CH0/TM3/SC2_DAT/SPI0 _MISO0 126 PB.8/STADC/TM0/INT0/SC2_PWR 63 PB.10/SPI0_SS1/TM2/SC2_CLK/SPI0_ MOSI0 127 PE.15 64 PB.9/SPI1_SS1/TM1/SC2_RST/INT0 128 PE.14 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Table 2-1 Pin Assignment for NANO130 Feb. 26, 2018 Page 8 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 2.3 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 PCB Placement Users can refer to Figure 2-2 for the NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 PCB placement and Figure 2-4 for the NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD PCB placement. Figure 2-3 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 PCB Placement NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Figure 2-4 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD PCB Placement Feb. 26, 2018 Page 9 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 3 3.1 HOW TO START NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 ON THE KEIL ΜVISION® IDE Keil uVision® IDE Software Download and Install ® Please visit the Keil company website (http://www.keil.com) to download the Keil μVision IDE and install the RVMDK. 3.2 Nuvoton Nu-Link Driver Download and Install ® Please visit the Nuvoton company NuMicro website (http://www.nuvoton.com/NuMicro) to ® ® download “NuMicro Keil μVision IDE driver” file. When the Nu-Link driver has been well downloaded, please unzip the file and execute the “Nu-Link_Keil_Driver.exe” to install the driver. 3.3 Hardware Setup The hardware setup is shown as Figure 3-1. NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Figure 3-1 Hardware Setup Feb. 26, 2018 Page 10 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 3.4 Example Program This example demonstrates the ease of downloading and debugging an application on a NuTinySDK-NANO130 board. It can be found on Figure 3-2 list directory and downloaded from Nuvoton ® NuMicro website. Directory C:\Nuvoton\BSP Library\Nano100B_Series_BSP_CMSIS_v3.02.002\SampleCode\NUTINY-EVBNANO130\LCD_DEMO\KEIL Project File To use this example: Connects the NuTuny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD to NuTiny-SDK-NANO130. The LCD panel will display a NUVOTON logo.   Start μVision®  may: Project-Open Open the SYS.uvproj project file  Project - Build Compile and link the SYS application  Flash – Download Program the application code into onchip Flash ROM Feb. 26, 2018 Start debug mode Using the debugger commands, you  Review variables in the watch window  Single step through code  Reset the device  Run the application Page 11 of 19 Rev 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Figure 3-2 Example Directory NANO130 4 4.1 HOW TO START NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 ON THE IAR EMBEDDED WORKBENCH IAR Embedded Workbench Software Download and Install Please connect to IAR company website (http://www.iar.com) to download the IAR Embedded Workbench and install the EWARM. 4.2 Nuvoton Nu-Link Driver Download and Install ® Please visit the Nuvoton company NuMicro website (http://www.nuvoton.com/NuMicro ) to ® download the “NuMicro IAR EWARM Driver” file. When the Nu-Link driver has been well downloaded, please unzip the file and execute the “Nu-Link_Keil_Driver.exe” to install the driver. 4.3 Hardware Setup The hardware setup is shown as Figure 4-1. NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Figure 4-1 Hardware Setup Feb. 26, 2018 Page 12 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 4.4 Example Program This example demonstrates the ease of downloading and debugging an application on a NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 board. It can be found on Figure 4-2 list directory and downloaded from ® Nuvoton NuMicro website. Directory C:\Nuvoton\BSP Library\Nano100B_Series_BSP_CMSIS_v3.02.002\SampleCode\NUTINY-EVBNANO130\LCD_DEMO\IAR Project File To use this example: Connects the NuTuny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD to NuTiny-SDK-NANO130. The LCD panel will display a NUVOTON logo.    Start IAR Embedded Workbench  Project – Download and Debug Program the application code into on-chip Flash ROM File-Open-Workspace Open the SYS.eww workspace file Project - Make Compile and link the SYS application Feb. 26, 2018 Page 13 of 19  Single step through code  Reset the device  Run the application Rev 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Figure 4-2 Example Directory NANO130 5 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 SCHEMATIC 5.1 NuTiny-EVB-NANO130 Schematic VDD33 PIN[1..128] R1 10K 0603R C1 10uF/10V TANT-A DVDD Reset Circuit VDD33 1 0 0603R VDD33 U1 VCC33(A) VCC33(A) TICE_DAT TICE_CLK TICE_RST 2 4 6 8 10 C4 10uF/10V TANT-A HEADER 5PX2 HEADER 5PX2 X32KO X32KI ICE Interface C2 C3 DVDD R2 XTAL2 20pF 0603C X2 12MHz XTAL3-1 33 R4 0603R 1M/DNE 0603R 10uF/10V TANT-A C5 XTAL1 PIN1 PIN2 PIN3 PIN4 PIN5 PIN6 PIN7 PIN8 PIN9 PIN10 PIN11 PIN12 PIN13 PIN14 PIN15 PIN16 PIN17 PIN18 PIN19 PIN20 PIN21 PIN22 PIN23 PIN24 PIN25 PIN26 PIN27 PIN28 PIN29 PIN30 PIN31 PIN32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PE.13 PB.14 PB.13 PB.12 NC X32O X32I NC PA.11 PA.10 PA.9 PA.8 PD.8 PD.9 PD.10 PD.11 PD.12 PD.13 PB.4 PB.5 PB.6 PB.7 NC LDO NC NC VDD NC VSS VSS VSS VSS C14 1uF C0603 CB2 0.1uF C0603 PIN33 PIN34 PIN35 PIN36 PIN37 PIN38 PIN39 PIN40 PIN41 PIN42 PIN43 PIN44 PIN45 PIN46 PIN47 PIN48 PIN49 PIN50 PIN51 PIN52 PIN53 PIN54 PIN55 PIN56 PIN57 PIN58 PIN59 PIN60 PIN61 PIN62 PIN63 PIN64 X32KO NANO130_LQFP128 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 PIN96 PIN95 PIN94 PIN93 PIN92 PIN91 PIN90 PIN89 PIN88 PIN87 PIN86 PIN85 PIN84 PIN83 PIN82 PIN81 PIN80 PIN79 PIN78 PIN77 PIN76 PIN75 PIN74 PIN73 PIN72 PIN71 PIN70 PIN69 PIN68 PIN67 PIN66 PIN65 DVDD TICE_CLK TICE_DAT DVDD CB5 0.1uF C0603 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 DVDD C7 PA.7 PA.6 PA.5 PA.4 PA.3 PA.2 PA.1 PA.0 AVSS AVSS VSS VSS NC VDD NC ICE_CK/PF.1 ICE_DAT/PF.0 PA.12 PA.13 PA.14 PA.15 PC.8 PC.9 PC.10 PC.11 PC.12 PC.13 PE.0 PE.1 PE.2 PE.3 PE.4 PE.12 PE.11 PE.10 PE.9 PE.8 PE.7 NC VBUS VDD33 USB_DM USB_DP PB.0 PB.1 PB.2 PB.3 PD.6 PD.7 PD.14 PD.15 PC.5 PC.4 PC.3 PC.2 PC.1 PC.0 PE.6 VLCD NC PE.5 PB.11 PB.10 PB.9 20pF 0603C 6pF 0603C SW PUSH BUTTON C13 0.1uF C0603 PE.14 PE.15 PB.8 PVSS VSS PF.5 PF.4 NC VDD NC VSS VSS RESET NC XT1_Out XT1_In NC PB.15 PC.14 PC.15 PC.6 PC.7 PD.5 PD.4 NC PD.3 PD.2 PD.1 PD.0 AVDD NC VREF SS24A RB060L 1 3 5 7 9 nINT0 SW2 2 From ICE Bridge's USB Power JP4 CB4 0.1uF C0603 PIN128 PIN127 PIN126 PIN125 PIN124 PIN123 PIN122 PIN121 PIN120 PIN119 PIN118 PIN117 PIN116 PIN115 PIN114 PIN113 PIN112 PIN111 PIN110 PIN109 PIN108 PIN107 PIN106 PIN105 PIN104 PIN103 PIN102 PIN101 PIN100 PIN99 PIN98 PIN97 D1 C15 1uF C0603 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 VCC33(B) DVDD R15 PIN1 PIN2 PIN3 PIN4 PIN5 PIN6 PIN7 PIN8 PIN9 PIN10 PIN11 PIN12 PIN13 PIN14 PIN15 PIN16 PIN17 PIN18 PIN19 PIN20 PIN21 PIN22 PIN23 PIN24 PIN25 PIN26 PIN27 PIN28 PIN29 PIN30 PIN31 PIN32 PIN33 PIN34 PIN35 PIN36 PIN37 PIN38 PIN39 PIN40 PIN41 PIN42 PIN43 PIN44 PIN45 PIN46 PIN47 PIN48 PIN49 PIN50 PIN51 PIN52 PIN53 PIN54 PIN55 PIN56 PIN57 PIN58 PIN59 PIN60 PIN61 PIN62 PIN63 PIN64 DVDD PIN71 CB3 0.1uF C0603 XTAL2 XTAL1 SW PUSH BUTTON TICE_DAT TICE_CLK TICE_RST TICE_DAT TICE_CLK TICE_RST TICE_RST TICE_RST SW1 X1 32.768KHz XTAL3-1 PIN24 TICE_RST PIN65 PIN66 PIN67 PIN68 PIN69 PIN70 PIN71 PIN72 PIN73 PIN74 PIN75 PIN76 PIN77 PIN78 PIN79 PIN80 PIN81 PIN82 PIN83 PIN84 PIN85 PIN86 PIN87 PIN88 PIN89 PIN90 PIN91 PIN92 PIN93 PIN94 PIN95 PIN96 PIN97 PIN98 PIN99 PIN100 PIN101 PIN102 PIN103 PIN104 PIN105 PIN106 PIN107 PIN108 PIN109 PIN110 PIN111 PIN112 PIN113 PIN114 PIN115 PIN116 PIN117 PIN118 PIN119 PIN120 PIN121 PIN122 PIN123 PIN124 PIN125 PIN126 PIN127 PIN128 DVDD C8 C9 0.1uF C0603 VDD33 C10 1uF C0603 1 C12 1uF C0603 VDD33 1 6pF 0603C 1 X32KI TP1 SIP/1P TP2 SIP/1P TP3 SIP/1P JP2 R11 330 0603R Crystal 1 2 2 1 HEADER 2PX1 HEADER 2PX1 PIN58 IO KPT-2012 KP-2012 JP3 1 2 HEADER 2PX1 HEADER 2PX1 Tit le NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL NuTiny-EVB-Nano130-LQFP128 V1.2 Size Docum ent Num ber Custom Rev Sheet Friday , December 06, 2013 Feb. 26, 2018 Page 14 of 19 V1.2 NANO130KE3BN.SCH Dat e: of 2 3 Rev 1.02 NANO130 5.2 GPIO for 128 pin Schematic PIN127 PIN125 PIN123 PIN121 PIN119 PIN117 PIN115 PIN113 PIN111 PIN109 PIN107 PIN105 PIN103 PIN101 PIN99 PIN97 PIN[1..128] PIN1 PIN2 PIN3 PIN4 PIN5 PIN6 PIN7 PIN8 PIN9 PIN10 PIN11 PIN12 PIN13 PIN14 PIN15 PIN16 PIN17 PIN18 PIN19 PIN20 PIN21 PIN22 PIN23 PIN24 PIN25 PIN26 PIN27 PIN28 PIN29 PIN30 PIN31 PIN32 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 U4 RT9164A-3.3V JP11 USB_DM USB_DP R12 33 0603R R13 33 0603R 1 2 3 4 5 J1 VCC DM DP NC GND SHIELD SHIELD SHIELD SHIELD 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 OUT PIN128 PIN126 PIN124 PIN122 PIN120 PIN118 PIN116 PIN114 PIN112 PIN110 PIN108 PIN106 PIN104 PIN102 PIN100 PIN98 CT4 10uF/10V TANT-A 6 7 8 9 PIN127 PIN125 PIN123 PIN121 PIN119 PIN117 PIN115 PIN113 PIN111 PIN109 PIN107 PIN105 PIN103 PIN101 PIN99 PIN97 PIN42 PIN43 VBUS mini USB 5pin USB_MINI_B L1 L0603 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 PIN40 4 3 1 2 IN GND OUT HEADER 16PX2 VCC33(B) JP1 PIN65 PIN66 PIN67 PIN68 PIN69 PIN70 PIN71 PIN72 PIN73 PIN74 PIN75 PIN76 PIN77 PIN78 PIN79 PIN80 PIN81 PIN82 PIN83 PIN84 PIN85 PIN86 PIN87 PIN88 PIN89 PIN90 PIN91 PIN92 PIN93 PIN94 PIN95 PIN96 PIN97 PIN98 PIN99 PIN100 PIN101 PIN102 PIN103 PIN104 PIN105 PIN106 PIN107 PIN108 PIN109 PIN110 PIN111 PIN112 PIN113 PIN114 PIN115 PIN116 PIN117 PIN118 PIN119 PIN120 PIN121 PIN122 PIN123 PIN124 PIN125 PIN126 PIN127 PIN128 PIN128 PIN126 PIN124 PIN122 PIN120 PIN118 PIN116 PIN114 PIN112 PIN110 PIN108 PIN106 PIN104 PIN102 PIN100 PIN98 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 HEADER 16PX2, 2.00mm PIN33 PIN34 PIN35 PIN36 PIN37 PIN38 PIN39 PIN40 PIN41 PIN42 PIN43 PIN44 PIN45 PIN46 PIN47 PIN48 PIN49 PIN50 PIN51 PIN52 PIN53 PIN54 PIN55 PIN56 PIN57 PIN58 PIN59 PIN60 PIN61 PIN62 PIN63 PIN64 JP15 PIN1 PIN3 PIN5 PIN7 PIN9 PIN11 PIN13 PIN15 PIN17 PIN19 PIN21 PIN23 PIN25 PIN27 PIN29 PIN31 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 JP5 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 PIN1 PIN3 PIN5 PIN7 PIN9 PIN11 PIN13 PIN15 PIN17 PIN19 PIN21 PIN23 PIN25 PIN27 PIN29 PIN31 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 JP6 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 PIN2 PIN4 PIN6 PIN8 PIN10 PIN12 PIN14 PIN16 PIN18 PIN20 PIN22 PIN24 PIN26 PIN28 PIN30 PIN32 PIN96 PIN94 PIN92 PIN90 PIN88 PIN86 PIN84 PIN82 PIN80 PIN78 PIN76 PIN74 PIN72 PIN70 PIN68 PIN66 HEADER 16PX2, 2.00mm 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 JP16 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 PIN95 PIN93 PIN91 PIN89 PIN87 PIN85 PIN83 PIN81 PIN79 PIN77 PIN75 PIN73 PIN71 PIN69 PIN67 PIN65 PIN96 PIN94 PIN92 PIN90 PIN88 PIN86 PIN84 PIN82 PIN80 PIN78 PIN76 PIN74 PIN72 PIN70 PIN68 PIN66 HEADER 16PX2, 2.00mm 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 PIN95 PIN93 PIN91 PIN89 PIN87 PIN85 PIN83 PIN81 PIN79 PIN77 PIN75 PIN73 PIN71 PIN69 PIN67 PIN65 HEADER 16PX2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 PIN34 PIN36 PIN38 PIN40 PIN42 PIN44 PIN46 PIN48 PIN50 PIN52 PIN54 PIN56 PIN58 PIN60 PIN62 PIN64 HEADER 16PX2 PIN2 PIN4 PIN6 PIN8 PIN10 PIN12 PIN14 PIN16 PIN18 PIN20 PIN22 PIN24 PIN26 PIN28 PIN30 PIN32 JP7 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 PIN34 PIN36 PIN38 PIN40 PIN42 PIN44 PIN46 PIN48 PIN50 PIN52 PIN54 PIN56 PIN58 PIN60 PIN62 PIN64 PIN33 PIN35 PIN37 PIN39 PIN41 PIN43 PIN45 PIN47 PIN49 PIN51 PIN53 PIN55 PIN57 PIN59 PIN61 PIN63 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 HEADER 16PX2, 2.00mm JP17 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 HEADER 16PX2 PIN33 PIN35 PIN37 PIN39 PIN41 PIN43 PIN45 PIN47 PIN49 PIN51 PIN53 PIN55 PIN57 PIN59 PIN61 PIN63 Tit le NuTiny-EVB-Nano130-LQFP128 V1.2 Size Docum ent Num ber Custom Rev V1.1 OTHER.SCH Dat e: Sheet Friday , December 06, 2013 of 3 3 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Feb. 26, 2018 Page 15 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 5.3 Nu-Link-Me Schematic VCC33 VCC33 VCC33 VCC33 1 2 iceD3 SS24A RB060L 1 AVDD RTIDA1 100K 0603R RICK1 100K 0603R 2 VCC33 iceD2 SS24A RB060L ICE CONNECT IF iceJP9 iceL4 1 2 3 4 5 OUT L0603 VCC33 4 USBVBUS 3 1 2 IN GND OUT U3 RT9164A-3.3V iceL5 ICE_DAT ICE_CLK ICE_RST VCC33(A) HEADER 5PX1 HEADER 5PX1 iceJP8 ADAVSS POWER 1 3 5 7 9 TICE_DAT TICE_CLK TICE_RST TICE_DAT TICE_CLK TICE_RST L0603 CT3 10uF/10V TANT-A ICER18 0 0603R DEBUG 2 4 6 8 10 HEADER 5PX2 HEADER 5PX2 1 TP4 SIP/1P iceC6 33 R0603 20pF C0603 12M_O VCC33 iceR13 1M/DNE R0603 iceX3 12MHz XTAL3-1 USB_DUSB_D+ DI_DIR2 ICE 1 KPT-2012 KP-2012 ICPLED 2 ICP 1 (YELLOW) 1 3 5 7 iceRP1 2 4 6 8 8P4R-330 8P4RA ICELED ICPLED RED GREEN KP-2012 KPT-2012 2 RED IDLE VCC33 1 (RED) iceCT1 10uF/10V TANT-A KPT-2012 KP-2012 GREEN 2 iceCB3 0.1uF C0603 6 7 8 9 USBVBUS iceL6 L0603 TP7 SIP/1P INT0/PB14 CPO1/PB13 CPO0/PB12 X32I X32O I2C1SCL/PA11 I2C1SDA/PA10 I2C0SCL/PA9 I2C0SDA/PA8 RX1/PB4 TX1/PB5 RTS1/PB6 CTS1/PB7 LDO VDD VSS NUC12SRE3AN BUSY 1 (GREEN) PA4/ADC4 PA3/ADC3 PA2/ADC2 PA1/ADC1 PA0/ADC0 AVSS ICE_CK ICE_DAT PA12/PWM0 PA13/PWM1 PA14/PWM2 PA15/PWM3 PC8/SS10 PC9/SPCLK1 PC10/SDI10 PC11/SDO10 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 TP6 SIP/1P VCC33 ICE_CLK ICE_DAT RRSET1 100K 0603R RTCK1 100K 0603R RTDA1 100K 0603R TICERST TICECLK TICEDAT RTDA2 0 0603R RTDA3 33 0603R 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 KPT-2012 KP-2012 1 STADC/TM0/PB8 PVSS VDD1 VSS1 /RESET XT1_In XT1_Out INT1/PB15 CPP1/PC14 CPN1/PC15 CPP0/PC6 CPN0/PC7 AVDD ADC7/PA7 ADC6/PA6 ADC/PA5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VBUS VDD33 DD+ PB0/RX0 PB1/TX0 PB2/RTS0 PB3/CTS0 PC3/SDO00 PC2/SDI00 PC1/SPCLK0 PC0/SS00 PE5 PB11/TM3 PB10/SS01/TM2 PB9/SS11/TM1 VCC33 2 SHIELD SHIELD SHIELD SHIELD 1 iceU2 ICELED 1 ICE_RST 12M_I 12M_O Crystal (RED) VCC DM DP NC GND mini USB 5pin USB_MINI_B AVDD TP5 SIP/1P iceJ2 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 20pF C0603 1 2 3 4 5 iceR16 33 0603R iceC7 12M_I USBVBUS iceR14 33 0603R ADAVSS iceR12 MCU and USB USBVBUS iceC8 1uF C0603 VCC33 DO_DIR1 iceCB4 0.1uF C0603 USB_D+ USB_D- iceR17 10K R0603 VCC33 ICE_RST iceC9 10uF/10V TANT-A Reset Circuit VCC33 TICEDAT iceCB1 0.1uF C0603 VCC33(A) 1 2 3 4 iceU3 VCCA VCCB A1 B1 A2 B2 GND DIR 8 7 6 5 SN74LVC2T45DCUR SSOP-8 TICE_DAT DI_DIR2 VCC33 TICECLK TICERST VCC33(A) 1 2 3 4 iceU4 VCCA VCCB A1 B1 A2 B2 GND DIR 8 7 6 5 VCC33(A) TICE_CLK TICE_RST DO_DIR1 iceCB2 0.1uF C0603 Tit le SN74LVC2T45DCUR SSOP-8 Nu-Link-Me V1.5 Size Docum ent Num ber Custom Rev V1.5 ICE_LQFP64.SCH Dat e: Sheet Wednesday , June 25, 2014 of 1 3 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Feb. 26, 2018 Page 16 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 PIN105 PIN111 PIN109 NuTiny-SDK-NANO130_TNLCD Schematic PIN127 5.4 JP1 JP5 PIN1 PIN3 PIN9 PIN11 PIN13 PIN15 PIN17 PIN19 PIN21 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 PIN2 PIN4 PIN10 PIN12 PIN14 PIN16 PIN18 PIN20 PIN22 HOLDER 16PX2, 2.00mm PIN51 PIN50 PIN49 PIN48 PIN47 PIN46 PIN45 PIN44 PIN38 PIN37 PIN22 PIN21 PIN20 PIN19 PIN18 PIN17 PIN16 PIN15 PIN14 PIN13 PIN12 PIN11 PIN10 PIN9 SEG0 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 SEG13 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 SEG17 SEG18 SEG19 SEG20 SEG21 SEG22 SEG23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PIN106 PIN110 PIN128 PIN126 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 HOLDER 16PX2, 2.00mm U1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 COM3 COM2 COM1 COM0 SEG39 SEG38 PIN52 PIN53 PIN54 PIN55 PIN93 PIN94 SEG37 SEG36 PIN95 PIN96 SEG35 SEG34 PIN105 PIN106 SEG33 SEG32 SEG31 SEG30 SEG29 SEG28 SEG27 SEG26 SEG25 SEG24 PIN109 PIN110 PIN111 PIN126 PIN127 PIN128 PIN1 PIN2 PIN3 PIN4 JP6 PIN96 PIN94 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 PIN95 PIN93 HOLDER 16PX2, 2.00mm TN LCD 4X42 DH2 PIN56 DH1 PIN57 V1 V2 V3 PIN62 PIN63 PIN64 PIN62 PIN64 PIN44 PIN46 PIN48 PIN50 PIN52 PIN54 PIN56 C1 1uF C0603 C2 1uF C0603 C3 1uF C0603 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 PIN38 C4 1uF C0603 JP7 PIN63 PIN45 PIN47 PIN49 PIN51 PIN53 PIN55 PIN57 PIN37 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 HOLDER 16PX2, 2.00mm Tit le NuTiny-EVB-TNLCD-Nano130-LQFP128 V1.0 Size Docum ent Num ber Custom Rev Page 17 of 19 of 1 1 Rev 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Sheet Thursday , July 12, 2012 Feb. 26, 2018 V1.0 4X42 TN LCD glass.SCH Dat e: NANO130 6 REVISION HISTORY Date Revision Description 2012.10.16 1.00 1. Initially issued. 2013.01.08 1.01 1. Change the value of C7 and C8 in the schematics from 10 pF to 6 pF. 1. Updated the figure of NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 PCB Board in chapter 1. 2. Updated th descriptions in chapter 2. 3. Updated the example program descriptions in chapter 3 and 4. 4. Updated NuTiny-SDK-NANO130 schematics in chapter 5. 2018.02.26 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Feb. 26, 2018 Page 18 of 19 Rev 1.02 NANO130 Nuvoton Products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in systems or equipment, any malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or severe property damage. Such applications are deemed, “Insecure Usage”. Insecure usage includes, but is not limited to: equipment for surgical implementation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, the control or operation of dynamic, brake or safety systems designed for vehicular use, traffic signal instruments, all types of safety devices, and other applications intended to support or sustain life. All Insecure Usage shall be made at customer’s risk, and in the event that third parties lay claims to Nuvoton as a result of customer’s Insecure Usage, customer shall indemnify the damages and liabilities thus incurred by Nuvoton. Feb. 26, 2018 Page 19 of 19 Rev 1.02 NUTINY-SDK-NANO130 USER MANUAL Important Notice

