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A000074 数据手册
Ardu uino Ettherne et Overview w The Ardu uino Etherneet is a microcontroller bo oard based o on the ATmeega328 (dataasheet). It haas 14 digital in nput/output pins, 6 analo og inputs, a 16 MHz crysstal oscillato or, a RJ45 co onnection, a power jacck, an ICSP header, and a reset button. NB: Pinss 10, 11, 12 an nd 13 are resserved for in nterfacing w with the Etheernet modulle and shoulld not be used otherwise. o This T reduces the number of availablee pins to 9, w with 4 availa able as PWM M outputs. An option nal Power ov ver Ethernett module can n be added tto the board as well. The Etheernet differs from other boards b in that it does no ot have an on nboard USB-to-serial drriver chip, butt has a Wizneet Ethernet interface. i Th his is the sam me interface found on th he Ethernet shield. An onboa ard microSD D card readerr, which can n be used to sstore files fo or serving ovver the netwo ork, is accessiible through h the SD Librrary. Pin 10 is i reserved ffor the Wizn et interface, SS for the S SD card is on n Pin 4. The 6-pin n serial prog gramming heeader is com mpatible with h the USB Seerial adapterr and also wiith the FTDII USB cabless or with Spa arkfun and Adafruit A FTD DI-style basicc USB-to-serial breakou ut boards. It I features su upport for au utomatic reset, allowing sketches to be uploaded d without pressing the reset bu utton on the board. b When n plugged in nto a USB to Serial adaptter, the Ardu uino Ethernett is powered from the adapter. Summarry Microcon ntroller ATmega328 8 Operatin ng Voltage 5V Input Vo oltage Plug (rrecommendeed) 7-12V Input Vo oltage Plug (llimits) 6-20V Input Vo oltage PoE (liimits) 36-57V Digital I//O Pins h 4 provide P PWM outputt) 14 (of which Arduino Pinss reserved: 10 to 13 used for S SPI 4 used for SD carrd 2 W5100 interrup pt (when bridged d)       nput Pins Analog In 6 DC Curreent per I/O Pin P 40 mA DC Curreent for 3.3V Pin 50 mA Flash Meemory mega328) of which 0.5 K KB used by 32 KB (ATm bootloader SRAM 2 KB (ATmeega328) M EEPROM 1 KB (ATmeega328) Clock Speed 16 MHz W5100 TCP/IP T Embedded Etherrnet Controlleer   Power Ov ver Ethernett ready Magn netic Jack   Micro SD D card, with active voltag ge translato ors   Schemattic & Referen nce Design EAGLE files: f arduino o-ethernet-rreference-dessign.zip Schematiic: arduino-eethernet-sch hematic.pdf Power The boarrd can also be b powered via v an extern nal power sup pply, an optiional Powerr over Ethern net (PoE) mo odule, or by using a FTD DI cable/USB B Serial conn nector. External power can come c either from f an AC--to-DC adap pter (wall-waart) or batterry. The adap pter can be co onnected by plugging a 2.1mm 2 centeer-positive pllug into the board's pow wer jack. Leaads from a ba attery can bee inserted in n the Gnd and Vin pin heeaders of thee POWER co onnector. The boarrd can operate on an exteernal supplyy of 6 to 20 vvolts. If supp plied with lesss than 7V, however,, the 5V pin may supply less than fiv ve volts and tthe board m may be unstab ble. If using more tha an 12V, the voltage v regullator may ov verheat and d damage the b board. The rrecommendeed range is 7 to 12 volts.. The poweer pins are as a follows:     VIN.. The input voltage v to the Arduino board when itt's using an external pow wer source (as opposed to 5 voltts from the USB U connecttion or otherr regulated p power sourcee). You can supplly voltage th hrough this pin, p or, if sup pplying voltaage via the p power jack, aaccess it thro ough this pin. p 5V. This T pin outp puts a regula ated 5V from m the regulattor on the bo oard. The bo oard can be suppllied with pow wer either frrom the DC power p jack ((7 - 12V), thee USB conneector (5V), orr the       VIN pin p of the bo oard (7-12V). Supplying voltage v via tthe 5V or 3.3 3V pins bypaasses the regullator, and can damage yo our board. We W don't advvise it. 3V3.. A 3.3 volt supply generrated by the on-board o reggulator. Maxximum curreent draw is 5 50 mA. GND D. Ground piins. The optio onal PoE mo odule is desig gned to extract power frrom a conven ntional twistted pair Cateegory 5 Ethernet cable:        IEEE E802.3af com mpliant Low output o ripple and noise (100mVpp) Inputt voltage ran nge 36V to 57 7V Overlload and sho ort-circuit prrotection 9V Output High efficiency DC/DC D conveerter: typ 75% @ 50% lo oad 1500V V isolation (input ( to outtput) NB: the Power P over Ethernet E mo odule is prop prietary harrdware not m made by Arduino, it is a third parrty accessorry. For moree information n, see the da atasheet When using the poweer adapter, power p can co ome either fr from an AC-tto-DC adaptter (wall-warrt) or battery. The T adapter can be conn nected by plu ugging a 2.1m mm center-p positive plug g into the board's power jacck. Leads fro om a batteryy can be inseerted in the G Gnd and Vin n pin headerss of the POW WER connecto or. The boarrd can operate on an exteernal supplyy of 6 to 20 vvolts. If supp plied with lesss than 7V, however,, the 5V pin may supply less than fiv ve volts and tthe board m may be unstab ble. If using more tha an 12V, the voltage v regullator may ov verheat and d damage the b board. The rrecommendeed range is 7 to 12 volts.. Memory The ATm mega328 has 32 KB (with h 0.5 KB useed for the boo otloader). Itt also has 2 K KB of SRAM M and 1 KB of EEPROM E (wh hich can be read and wrritten with th he EEPROM M library). Input and Output Each of the t 14 digitall pins on thee Ethernet bo oard can be used as an in nput or outp put, using pinModee(), digitalWrrite(), and digitalRead() d ) functions. T They operatee at 5 volts. E Each pin can n provide or o receive a maximum m off 40 mA and d has an inteernal pull-up p resistor (disconnected b by default) of o 20-50 kOh hms. In add dition, some pins p have sp pecialized fu unctions:      Seria al: 0 (RX) and a 1 (TX)). Used to recceive (RX) aand transmitt (TX) TTL sserial data. Exte ernal Interr rupts: 2 an nd 3. These pins p can be configured tto trigger an n interrupt on na low value, v a rising or falling edge, e or a ch hange in valu ue. See the atttachInterru upt() functio on for detaills. PWM M: 3, 5, 6, 9, 9 and 10. Provide P 8-bitt PWM outp put with the aanalogWritee() function. SPI: 10 (SS), 111 (MOSI), 12 1 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins ssupport SPI communicaation using g the SPI librrary. LED: 9. There iss a built-in LED L connectted to digitall pin 9. When n the pin is H HIGH valuee, the LED is on, when the pin is LO OW, it's off. On most oth her arduino b boards, this LED is foun nd on       pin 13 3. It is on pin n 9 on the Ethernet E boarrd because p pin 13 is used d as part of tthe SPI connection. The Etheernet board has h 6 analog g inputs, labeeled A0 thro ough A5, each ch of which p provide 10 biits of resolutio on (i.e. 1024 different vallues). By deffault they meeasure from ground to 5 volts, thoug gh is it possiblle to change the upper en nd of their range using tthe AREF pi n and the an nalogReferen nce() function.. Additionallly, some pinss have specialized functiionality:  TWII: A4 (SDA)) and A5 (S SCL). Suppo ort TWI com mmunication n using the W Wire library. There aree a couple off other pins on o the board d:   ARE EF. Referencce voltage forr the analog inputs. Used d with analo ogReference((). Rese et. Bring thiss line LOW to t reset the microcontro m oller. Typicallly used to ad dd a reset bu utton to shiields which block b the on ne on the boa ard. See also the t mapping g between Arrduino pins and ATmegaa328 ports. Commun nication The Ardu uino Etherneet has a num mber of facilities for com municating with a comp puter, another Arduino,, or other miicrocontrolleers. A Softwa areSerial librrary allows fo or serial com mmunication n on any of th he Uno's dig gital pins. The ATm mega328 also o supports TWI T and SPI communicaation. The Arrduino softw ware includess a Wire librrary to simpllify use of th he TWI bus; see s the docu umentation ffor details. F For SPI commun nication, use the SPI libra ary. The boarrd also can co onnect to a wired w netwo ork via ethern net. When cconnecting to o a network, you will need d to provide an a IP addresss and a MAC C address. T The Ethernett Library is ffully supportted. The onbo oard microSD card readeer is accessib ble through the SD Libraary. When w working with h this library, SS S is on Pin 4. 4 Program mming It is posssible to progrram the Arduino Ethern net board in ttwo ways: th hrough the 6 pin serial programming headerr, or with an n external ISP P programm mer. The 6-pin n serial prog gramming heeader is com mpatible with h FTDI USB cables and tthe Sparkfun n and Adafruit FTDI-style basic b USB-to o-serial brea akout boardss including tthe Arduino USB-Serial connecto or. It features support for automatic reset, allowiing sketchess to be uploaaded withoutt pressing the reset bu utton on the board. b When n plugged in nto a FTDI-sstyle USB adapter, the Arduino Ethernet is powered p offf the adapterr. You can also a program m the Ethern net board with an extern nal programm mer like an A AVRISP mkIII or USBTiny yISP. To set up u your enviironment forr burning a ssketch with a programm mer, follow th hese instructio ons. This willl delete the serial bootlo oader, howevver. All the Etthernet exam mple sketchees work as th hey do with tthe Ethernett shield. Mak ke sure to change th he network settings s for your y network k.       Physical Characterisstics The maxiimum length h and width of the Etherrnet PCB aree 2.7 and 2.1 inches respectively, witth the RJ45 con nnector and power jack extending e beeyond the fo ormer dimen nsion. Four sscrew holes aallow the board d to be attach hed to a surfface or case.. Note that th he distance b between dig gital pins 7 an nd 8 is 160 miil (0.16"), no ot an even multiple m of thee 100 mil sp pacing of thee other pins. Setup If you wa ant to use a FTDI F cable to t download your sketch hes on the Arrduino Etherrnet, please refer to this gu uide: Upgrad de the Arduino Ethernett bootloader to the latestt version        
A000074 价格&库存

