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DFR0144 数据手册
    Relay Shield for Arduino V2.1 (SKU:DFR0144) From Robot Wiki      Contents     1 Introduction  2 Specification  3 PinOut  4 Tutorial   o 4.1 Connection Diagram    4.1.1 Plugging in an appliance  o 4.2 Sample Code  Introduction The DFRobot Relay shield V2.1 is capable of controlling 4 relays. The max switching power is DC 90W or AC 360VA. It is possible to control the Relay shield through Arduino/DFRduino using digital IOs with external 7 to 12V supply. With the built in xbee socket, it can be wirelessly controlled via Xbee/bluetooth/WPM. This makes it an ideal solution for automation and robotics. Specification           Compatible with Arduino Rev3  4 buttons to test module  LED status indicator of relay  Support Xbee IO directly control  Xbee socket for wireless communication  Selectable digital IO pin for control(Default digital 2,7,8,10)   6 channels Analog IO & 13 channels Digital IO   Up to 4 Relay with photo‐coupled circuit  Relay information:   o Contact Rating 3A AC 120V / DC 24V  o Max Switching Voltage AC 240V / DC 60V  o Max Switching Current 5A  o Max Switching Power AC 360VA / DC 90W  o Electrical Life (Min) 100,000 Operations  o Mechanical Life (Min) 10,000,000 Operations  o Safety Standard(relay) UL cUL TUV CQC  o Coil Working Voltage 9VDC  o Working temperature ‐30  to +85   o Working temperature 40% ‐ 85%  Size:95x65mm  PinOut Instruction of Digital Pin State   Pin  Pin State:HIGH  Pin State:LOW   Digital 2  NC1 is disconnected with COM1  NC1 is connected with COM1     NO1 is connected with COM1 NO1 is disconnected with COM1   Digital 7   NC2 is disconnected with COM2  NC2 is connected with COM2     NO2 is connected with COM2 NO2 is disconnected with COM2   Digital 8   NC3 is disconnected with COM3  NC3 is connected with COM3     NO3 is connected with COM3 NO3 is disconnected with COM3     Digital 10   NC4 is disconnected with COM4  NC4 is connected with COM4     NO4 is disconnected with COM4   NO4 is connected with COM4 Note: NC: Normally Closed; NO: Normally Open.     More detalis:      PROG SWITCH:   o PROG: When programming or download the code if you plug the Xbee/bluetooth on the  module  o RGN: Run the module after finishing downloading the code   S1,S2,S3,S4: 4 Buttons to test the module that you needn't program,S1‐ S4 correspond to relay1‐ relay4  Servo Power Supply: Just can supply power to the digital IO pins. 4 Digital IO selection headers for the Relays:   o D2,D7,D8,D10: Default,connect to Arduino digital 2,7,8,10 to drive the relays  o IO0,IO1,IO2,IO3:Connect to XBee's IO pins  o You can connect the middle pin header after you unplug the jumper, to Arduino digital  IO with jumper cables depend on your needed pin mapping to drive relays. For  example, when you use the board with an Arduino Ethernet board. They will conflict  the digital 10, so you should remove the jumper on D10, and connect the middle pin  to other digital IO.  XBee interface: The XBee module supports Xbee radios, Bluetooth Bee, and the Wireless  programming module. This gives the project a versatile wireless communications capability.  Tutorial Connection Diagram In this sample connection diagram it shows how LED can be controlled via relays, while this is a bit of overkill for controlling LEDs its only meant to be an example. These relays can be used to control lamps, or some other mid-voltage range appliances.   Figure1:Controlling LEDs with one relay  Plugging in an appliance We will use "NO" for our example, using "NC" will simply reverse the logic, as explained above. We recommend using a swappable cable to do this with, as using a relay requires you to perform some minor surgery on the appliance's cable. To plug in an appliance such as a lamp: Cut and strip a portion of the positive wire so that you end up with two ends of the wire as shown in Figure 2. The relay should have the positive wire of the device being used connected to "COM" and to "NO" as shown in figure 2, and any digital signal pin on the arduino end (For example pin 13). Sending a digital high or a "1" will trigger the relay. Sending a digital low or "0" will disable the relay.   Figure2:Lamp Demo    Please be vary carful not to play with live circuits! 120V or 220V should not be taken lightly. Make sure the appliance to be tinckered with is unplugged from mains. DO NOT CONNECT IT TO THE WALL WHILE MESSING WITH THE CABLE! Sample Code byte relayPin[4] = {2,7,8,10}; //D2 -> RELAY1 //D7 -> RELAY2 //D8 -> RELAY3 //D10 -> RELAY4 void setup(){ for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) pinMode(relayPin[i],OUTPUT); } // an sample to switch the 4 relays void loop(){ int i; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) digitalWrite(relayPin[i],HIGH); delay(1000); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) digitalWrite(relayPin[i],LOW); delay(1000); } A more elaborate sample code /* # This Sample code is for testing the Relay shield V2.1 for Arduino. # Editor : Phoebe # Date : 2013.2.28 # Ver : 0.1 # Product: Relay shield for Arduino # SKU : DRI0144 # Hardwares: 1. Arduino UNO 2. Relay Shield For Arduino V2.1 3 */ Power Supply:7~ 12V byte relayPin[4] = { 2,7,8,10}; //D2 -> RELAY1 //D7 -> RELAY2 //D8 -> RELAY3 //D10 -> RELAY char input=0; int val; void setup() { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) pinMode(relayPin[i],OUTPUT); Serial.begin(57600); delay(100); Serial.println("Press 1-4 to control the state of the relay"); Serial.println("waiting for input:"); for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) digitalWrite(relayPin[j],LOW); } void loop() { if (Serial.available()) { char input= Serial.read(); if(input != -1) { switch(input) { case '1': Serial.println("Relay1"); val=digitalRead(relayPin[0]); val=!val; digitalWrite(relayPin[0],val); break; case '2': Serial.println("Relay2"); val=digitalRead(relayPin[1]); val=!val; digitalWrite(relayPin[1],val); break; case '3': Serial.println("Relay3"); val=digitalRead(relayPin[2]); val=!val; digitalWrite(relayPin[2],val); break; case '4': Serial.println("Relay4"); val=digitalRead(relayPin[3]); val=!val; digitalWrite(relayPin[3],val); break; default: if(input != '\r' && input != '\n') Serial.println("invalid entry"); break; } } // else unablerelay(); } } Powered By DFRobot © 2008-2017
DFR0144 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+325.49917
    • 2+308.73905
    • 3+306.97482
