Adafruit Ethernet FeatherWing
Created by lady ada
Last updated on 2021-11-15 06:45:06 PM EST
©Adafruit Industries
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Table of Contents
• Power Pins
• SPI Data Pins
• Other Breakouts
• Prepare the header strip:
• Add the FeatherWing:
• And Solder!
• Install Ethernet Library
• Connect Cable
• Run Example Code
Usage with CircuitPython
Power over Ethernet
• Passive PoE
• Files & Datasheets
• Schematic
• Fabrication Print
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Wireless is wonderful, but sometimes you want the strong reliability of a wire. If your
Feather board is going to be part of a permanent installation, this Ethernet
FeatherWing will let you add quick and easy wired Internet. Just plug in a standard
Ethernet cable, and run the Ethernet2 library for cross-platform networking.
Ethernet is a tried-and-true networking standard. It's supported by every hub and
switch, and because there's a physical connection you don't have to noodle around
with SSIDs, passwords, authentication schemes or antennas. It works great with any
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of our Feathers, the WIZ5500 chip communicates over SPI plus a single CS pin. The
Arduino Ethernet2 library works great, and within a few seconds after connecting, will
do the DHCP setup for you. As a nice extra, the RJ-45 jack has both link and activity
lights that will light/blink to let you know the current connection status.
Each order comes with one assembled and tested FeatherWing, plus some header.
You will need to solder in the header yourself but its a quick task.
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The Ethernet FeatherWing plugs into any Feather and adds hard-wired networking. To
make it as cross-platform compatible as possible, we use only SPI plus one extra,
configurable pin. It's not going to be gigabit (or even multi-megabit) speeds but it will
Power Pins
The WIZ5500 Ethernet chip (and really any ethernet chip) are fairly high current
devices, requring about 150mA whether or not actively transmitting. The chip is
powered from the 3.3V and GND pins indicated and does not have an internal
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SPI Data Pins
Configuration, setup, and data is received/transmitted over SPI. All Feathers have the
default SPI port on the same pins, so we use MOSI/MISO/SCK in this location. They
are 3.3V logic, 5V tolerant.
A Chip Select pin is also required. By default we use this pin:
Which is connected to pin #10 on Feather Teensy 3, 32u4, 328p, M4 and M0, pin #15
on ESP8266, and PB4 on WICED.
You can also get to the CS pin from the left group of breakouts. To change CS pin,
solder this pad to a different pin and cut this jumper:
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Other Breakouts
You can also connect to and use the IRQ and WIZ ReSeT pins. These are not used in
the library and are there for advanced usage. They are 3.3V logic, 5V tolerant.
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Prepare the header strip:
Cut the strip to length if necessary. It will
be easier to solder if you insert it into a
breadboard - long pins down
Add the FeatherWing:
Place the featherwing over the pins so
that the short pins poke through the two
rows of breakout pads
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And Solder!
Be sure to solder all pins for reliable
electrical contact.
(For tips on soldering, be sure to check
out ourGuide to Excellent
Soldering (
Start by soldering the first row of header
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Now flip around and solder the other row
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You're done !
Attach an ethernet cable, & plug it into
your feather of choice!
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The Ethernet chipset we are using (Wiz5500) is well supported and works for all
Feathers, all you need is a little library support and you will be sending packets in no
Install Ethernet Library
Start by installing the support library for the Wiz5500. We recommend the Arduino
Ethernet library (
Start by downloading the library. You can do that by using the library manager
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Make sure you're running at least version 2.0.0 (or higher)
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
Connect Cable
Make sure you have the FeatherWing plugged into your Feather, and an Ethernet
cable connected to your hub, router or switch.
Run Example Code
We recommend opening up the WebClient example
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At the top of setup() change this section
void setup() {
// You can use Ethernet.init(pin) to configure the CS pin
//Ethernet.init(10); // Most Arduino shields
// MKR ETH shield
// Teensy 2.0
//Ethernet.init(20); // Teensy++ 2.0
//Ethernet.init(15); // ESP8266 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet
//Ethernet.init(33); // ESP32 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet
By uncommenting the line that matches your board:
• ESP8266 Feather uses CS pin 15
• ESP32 Feather uses CS pin 33
• WICED Feather uses CS pin PB4
• nRF52832 Feather uses CS pin 11
• Teensy, nRF52840, 32u4, 328p, M0 and M4 Feather uses CS pin 10
Change this line
char server[] = ""; // name address for Google (using
char server[] = ""; // name address for adafruit
(using DNS)
and these lines
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client.println("GET /search?q=arduino HTTP/1.1");
client.println("GET /testwifi/index.html HTTP/1.1");
If you're using a LoRa/RFM69 Feather, make sure to add a pinMode(8,
INPUT_PULLUP) to disable the LoRa or RFM69 radio
Then open up the serial console of your Feather to see the connection and data:
If you don't get an IP address, check you have a green link light, and that your
Ethernet is going out to an internet connected router. You may also have to set up the
MAC address to allow it access, check with your system admin if you're not sure.
Usage with CircuitPython
Usage with CircuitPython (
Power over Ethernet
To keep the FeatherWing small, simple and inexpensive, we do not include PoE
support. However, it's a common request that some people want to simplify cabling
when the device is far away.
This all-in-one solution will let you plug an Ethernet cable to a PoE switch/hub then
split into data and a Feather-friendly micro USB connector on the other
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PoE Splitter with MicroUSB Plug - Isolated
12W - 5V 2.4 Amp
Power over Ethernet (PoE) splitters can
make your project wiring a breeze - and
best of all they work to connect any
802.3af-capable router to any Ethernet
device, even if it...
Passive PoE
If you don't even have a PoE hub, here's a solution that doesn't even require a PoE
hub: passive PoE injectors! (
Passive PoE Injector Cable Set
Simplify your Internet of Things with a
passive PoE injector cable. These are
quite handy for projects that have
Ethernet connectivity and also need a
power cable. Of course, you can...
These cables don't have any active PoE negotation circuitry, intstead, we just use the
extra unused wires in the Cat-5+ wires to carry power and ground. They're a simple
and afforable solution.
On one end, plug in the Ethernet cable to your router, and a 5V wall adapter into the
2.1mm jack (
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5V 2A (2000mA) switching power supply UL Listed
This is an FCC/CE certified and UL listed
power supply. Need a lot of 5V power?
This switching supply gives a clean
regulated 5V output at up to 2000mA. 110
or 240 input, so it works...
Then run any standard Ethernet cable to the other end where you will use a 2.1mm to
microUSB adapter cable (
MicroUSB Plug to 5.5/2.1mm DC Barrel
Jack Adapter
The premise of this MicroUSB Plug to
5.5/2.1mm Jack adapter is simple. There's
a MicroUSB plug on one end and a
5.5mm/2.1mm DC barrel jack with center...
And plug that directly into the Feather. For long power runs there might be a slight
voltage droop but since the regulator on board will reduce the input voltage to 3.3V
for the chip and peripherals (all Feathers are 3.3V logic) it should not be noticable
Files & Datasheets
• WIZ5500 Datasheet (
• EagleCAD PCB files on GitHub (
• Fritzing object in Adafruit Fritzing repo (
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Click to embiggen
Fabrication Print
dimensions in inches
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