Using Your
To Have Fun With
by Alex Eames
Adding 8 Channels of Analog Input
The RasPiO®1 Analog Zero offers a compact, inexpensive, easy way to
add eight analog2 channels to your Raspberry Pi.
This enables simultaneous reading of 8 input Voltages up to 3.3V (or
more with some tricks I'll show you later). This can be used to...
• read sensors
• use potentiometer dials for control or display
• make a weather station
• make a digital thermometer
• make a multi-channel Voltmeter
Ben Nuttall and Dave Jones have created GPIO Zero as the ideal way
into Python GPIO programming. Using it with the RasPiO Analog Zero
means there is nothing to install before you can start playing.
Also, by keeping the board inexpensive, I hope it's realistic for
individuals, schools and jams to be able to get hold of some and
discover the joys of measuring and controlling the world with the
RasPiO Analog Zero, Raspberry Pi and GPIO Zero.
All code in this guide and in the analogzero Github repository is in
Python 3.
RasPiO is a trademark of Alex Eames. Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi
I use the US spelling for the word analog. In British English it's spelt analogue, but I got in the
habit of using analog when learning Arduino programming. Perhaps it's a silly reason, but
everyone has their quirks.
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Analog Zero Instructions
The RasPiO Analog Zero uses the BCM GPIO port numbering scheme.
This is a perfect match for GPIO Zero.
Hardware Technical Overview
This page is mainly for the technically minded. If you just want to get on
with experimenting, you can skip to the next section.
RasPiO Analog Zero uses an MCP3008 analog to digital converter. It's
an SPI driven, 10-bit, 8-channel ADC. The MCP3008 datasheet is here.
Ports Used by the Board
The MCP3008 analog to digital converter chip is connected to the SPI
ports MOSI, MISO, SCLK and CE0. All the Pi's GPIO ports3 are broken
out to through-holes.
Vref is Tweakable
The MCP3008 is powered by the Pi's 3.3V (3V3) rail. This means that
the highest voltage the chip can measure directly is 3.3V.
If you are reading a sensor that outputs a lower voltage, you can tweak
Vref to a lower value in order to set the full-scale range of the 10-bit
(1023 steps) resolution. e.g. a TMP36 temperature sensor outputs 1V at
50°C. If you're going to be measuring temperatures below that,
tweaking Vref to 1.0V would get you 0.1°C resolution. If you used 3V3,
you'd have 0.33°C resolution.
Except GPIO26
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By default Vref is set to 3V3 by placing the
jumper to connect Vref to 3V3 (as in the photo).
To set Vref to your own value (not greater than
3.3V) connect the Vref pin to your chosen
voltage source (it must have common GND
with the Pi).
Vref pin showing jumper
SPI Usage
The Pi's SPI can handle two devices natively. If you wish to add another
SPI device, ensure its chip-select pin is connected to CE1 or it will
interfere with the MCP3008 chip, which uses CE0.
SMT Pads On Rear
There are two surface mount pads on
the rear of the board.
These give an alternative location for
the bypass capacitors (for VDD and
If you prefer to use these you can fit
your own 1µF 1206 capacitors (not
SMT pads on reverse of board
If You Want More Than 10-bit Resolution...
The MCP3008 is a 10-bit ADC. 10-bit gives you 210 – 1 = 1023 steps of
resolution (values 0 to 1023).
If you have an application that requires greater resolution, the 12-bit
MCP3208 chip (not supplied) is a pin-compatible drop-in replacement.
It's also supported in GPIO Zero. 12-bit provides 4095 steps of
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Know Your RasPiO Analog Zero
The RasPiO Analog Zero has been designed to fit directly4 on any 40pin consumer model of Raspberry Pi and make it as easy as possible
for people to get into analog sensing and control using GPIO Zero on
the Pi.
Anatomy of RasPiO Analog Zero
The RasPiO Analog Zero connects an MCP3008 ADC chip to your Pi,
breaks out the GPIO ports and provides a prototyping area with power
and ground rails, where you can add components of your choice.
There is also an 8-way female header for the analog inputs if you
choose to fit it.
It can fit on older 26-pin Pis with the use of a 26-pin stacking header. The MCP3008 will still
work, but some of the GPIO breakouts (the bottom 8) will not
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Analog to Digital Converters
We live in an analog world, but computers can only “speak” digital
information. For a computer to process information, it has to be
converted into 0s and 1s, (On/Off, HIGH/LOW, 0V/3V3 etc).
So we need a mechanism of converting the analog information around
us into digital form so that we can do something with it. To do this, we
use a device called an analog to digital converter (also known as ADC
or AD).
Your eyes, with their vast numbers of rods and cones are an incredible
example of an analog to digital converter. Even the most modern
camera sensor with all its millions of pixels cannot simultaneously
determine as many colours, shades and intensities as your eyes.
Analog information is continuous, whereas digital information comes in
steps. If you have enough steps, you can get a usefully high degree of
measurement precision. The MCP3008 is a 10-bit ADC. This means that
it has 210 - 1 = 1023 steps. This is referred to as “resolution”. In
practice, the ADC output values are 0 to 1023. (In GPIO Zero, this is
converted into a float variable where 0 is 0 and 1023 = 1.0)
ADCs are used to measure the voltage of a signal. Most sensors are
designed to output a voltage proportional to the property they are
measuring. So this gives us an elegant way of getting information from
the analog world into the Raspberry Pi.
The MCP3008 ADC is powered via 3V3 from the Raspberry Pi. This is
also its default reference voltage5 Vref. So if the measured analog input
signal is 3.3V, the ADC will output 1023. If the input signal is 0V, the
ADC output will be 0.
See Vref is Tweakable to find out how to adjust the reference voltage
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If we divide 3.3V by 1023, we get the resolution of the device. 3.3V /
1023 = 0.00322 V/step. That's 3 mV.
If we want to read an analog sensor's voltage we do the following
ADC reading / 1023 * 3.3 V = Sensor Voltage
From the sensor voltage, we can usually calculate temperature,
pressure or whatever our sensor is measuring.
But we can just measure and report the voltage(s) as well.
GPIO Zero Converts ADC Output For Us
When using GPIO Zero, the ADC output (0 to 1023) is converted into a
float variable where 0 = 0 and 1023 = 1.0
This can simplify our calculations, as we'll see a little later on in the
code section.
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Soldering Instructions
If you prefer an assembly video, you can find one here, with lots of
background information. It's 17 minutes, but covers every single joint...
It's usually best to start with "low" components and get progressively
higher. Suggested assembly order is...
chip socket
capacitors (doesn't matter which way round they are)
2-way male header
8-way female header
40-way GPIO header
gently roll the legs of the chip on a flat surface to push them
inwards slightly, then press into the chip socket with the dimple at
the top end (next to capacitors)
7. fit the jumper connecting Vref to 3V3
Now it should look something like this...
If you want to use the Pi's hardware SPI capability, you can ensure that
SPI is enabled in the same way as enabling i2c here. GPIO Zero will fall
back to 'bit-banging' if SPI is not enabled, but should still work.
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Basic Usage of GPIO Zero with MCP3008
To read and display the value of a single analog channel...
from gpiozero import MCP3008
adc = MCP3008(channel=0, device=0)
channel=0 specifies that we want to read channel 0 (A0).
device=0 specifies SPI device 0.
The default is 0, which is correct for the RasPiO Analog Zero, so it may
be omitted.
adc.value returns a float variable from 0.0 to 1.0. The output will look
something like this...
Read & display a single channel
This is a scaled representation of the 0 to 1023 that the MCP3008
returns via SPI (in this case 0.69208 represents 708).
To read and display the voltage of a single analog channel...
from gpiozero import MCP3008
adc = MCP3008(channel=0)
voltage = 3.3 * adc.value
print("channel 0 voltage is: ", voltage)
The only thing we're doing differently here is multiplying the
adc.value by 3.3 to calculate the value of the voltage at A0 (ADC
channel 0). voltage will be a float variable from 0.0 to 3.3. The script
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output will look something like this...
As you can see, this is just the raw output.
Continually read/display voltage of all 8 analog channels...
from gpiozero import MCP3008
from time import sleep
voltage = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
vref = 3.3
while True:
for x in range(0, 8):
with MCP3008(channel=x) as reading:
voltage[x] = reading.value * vref
print(x,": ", voltage[x])
Output from the above script
This was a quick overview of the basics to get you up and running.
We'll make the raw output look more presentable a bit later on. Now
let's look at some specific experiments and circuits...
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Using the MCP3008 with GPIO Zero
LDR Circuit
If we tried to read the channels on the MCP3008 now, without
connecting anything to them, the reading values would likely be
jumping all over the place due to random RF and electrostatic
Let's do something a bit more controlled than that. Let's use the Light
Dependent Resistor (LDR) and 10 kΩ resistor from the kit...
10 kΩ resistor (top), LDR (bottom)
The circuit will look like this...
10 kΩ resistor and LDR circuit
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In the circuit, the LDR is connected to A7 and 3V3. The 10 kΩ resistor
is connected to A7 and GND.
A wire connects A6 to GND and another wire connects A5 to 3V3.
So the values of A5 and A6 should stay constant and the value of A7
will vary with light level. Let's write a script to read the values and
show them on the screen...
LDR Code
The following code reads all eight channels (0 to 7) of the
MCP3008 and displays their value on the screen, repeatedly, forever...
from gpiozero import MCP3008
from time import sleep
while True:
for x in range(0, 8):
with MCP3008(channel=x) as reading:
print(x,": ", reading.value)
GPIO Zero outputs an MCP3008 reading as a float variable between 0.0
and 1.0, where 0.0 is 0V and 1.0 = 3.3V (unless you change Vref - it's
3.3V by default).
Your output should look something like this...
Simple LDR script output
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This script will keep reading the MCP3008 until you hit + C
The output from channels 0-4 is a bit random. It's floating about.
5 should stay fixed firmly at 1.0 as it's connected to 3V3 (3.3V).
6 should stay fixed firmly at 0.0 as it's connected to GND (0V).
7 should vary with changing light conditions. You can verify this with a
torch to increase light and a pen lid to decrease it.
In total darkness, channel 7 should read very close to 0. In bright light it
will be very close to 1.0.
If you change the range, you can ignore the channels we're not
interested in...
for x in range(0, 8):
for x in range(5, 8):
Then our program only reads and displays 5, 6 and 7 - the channels
we're interested in...
Modified LDR script output
Measuring Actual Voltages?
We can tweak our script by adding three lines and changing one to
show the measured voltage instead of a float between 0.0 and 1.0.
Our code (with changes highlighted) becomes...
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from gpiozero import MCP3008
from time import sleep
voltage = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
vref = 3.3
while True:
for x in range(5, 8):
with MCP3008(channel=x) as reading:
voltage[x] = reading.value * vref
print(x,": ", voltage[x], "V")
And the output now looks like this...
LDR tweak 2 output
But that long value on channel 7 looks a bit silly. There's no way we can
claim an accuracy or resolution of that many decimal places. With a 10bit (1023 steps) ADC we have 0.003V of resolution (at Vref = 3.3V), so we
should only quote an absolute maximum of 3 decimal places, but 2 will
be less “flickery” and more “trustworthy”.
Format Output to 2 Decimal Places
To format the output we can use string formatting...
print(x,": ", voltage[x], "V")
print(x,": ", '{:.2f}'.format(voltage[x]), "V")
The .2f makes the output two decimal places. Your output should now
look nice and neat, like this...
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LDR tweak 3 output
And this is what the final script should now look like...
from gpiozero import MCP3008
from time import sleep
voltage = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
vref = 3.3
while True:
for x in range(5, 8):
with MCP3008(channel=x) as reading:
voltage[x] = reading.value * vref
print(x,": ", '{:.2f}'.format(voltage[x]), "V")
Using ADC Output to Make a Decision
So we've learned how to display ADC output on the screen and how to
convert the reading into a voltage and format it. Now let's use the
measured LDR value to make a decision. We'll add an LED and 330 Ω
resistor to our circuit and switch the LED on when the LDR shows less
than half brightness.
Connect LED positive end (long leg) to GPIO12.
LED negative end (flat side) to a 330 Ω resistor.
Connect the other end of the 330 Ω resisor to GND.
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Decision-making circuit
And now we just write a few simple lines of code The yellow
highlights show the parts we use to control the LED.
from gpiozero import MCP3008, LED
from time import sleep
red = LED(12)
ldr = MCP3008(channel=7)
while True:
print("LDR: ", ldr.value)
if ldr.value < 0.5:
print ("LED on")
print ("LED off")
We only read one channel (7) this time, so the code is a bit simpler.
We create ldr = MCP3008(channel=7) on channel 7 and read it with
ldr.value Then, if ldr.value is lower than 0.5, we switch on the LED,
otherwise we switch it off.
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The on-screen output looks something like this. I caught the moment of
covering the LDR, and when the LED switched on...
Switching an LED using LDR reading
You now know how to read one or more analog channels of the
MCP3008 and manipulate, display and format the results or use them to
make a decision.
Next we're going to look at a couple of RasPiO Analog Zero projects
involving i2c character LCDs...
• Weather Station/Digital Thermometer
• Voltmeter
But before we can do that properly, we'll need to install some simple
scripts and make sure our Pi is set up to use an i2c character LCD.
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Setting Up for Weather Station & Voltmeter
Ensure i2c is Enabled
Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration
Click the Interfaces tab and ensure i2c is enabled
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Then click OK. If it asks you to reboot, do that now.
Install Python i2c Drivers
These projects use i2c LCDs so we need to be able to run these from
Open a terminal window...
and type...
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-smbus i2c-tools python3smbus
Once this has installed, type...
i2cdetect -y 1
(for original rev 1 model B Pi, change 1 to 0)
No i2c devices attached
This tool allows us to check the i2c address of any i2c devices we have
connected to the Pi. For example, our character LCDs are usually on
0x27 (or 0x3f). So, if connected, the output would look like this...
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i2c device at 0x27
If i2cdetect -y 1 shows a number other than 27, we'll need to edit
one of our LCD driver files ( to change the address. But we
haven't installed them yet. It's only a couple of files. We'll get them from
github with the following command...
git clone
This will create a directory called analogzero and place all the required
files in it. To go there...
cd analogzero
The python drivers for the i2c LCDs
These files must be in the same directory as the scripts which use
them. If your LCD's i2c address is not 27, you'll need to edit to change line 7 ADDRESS = 0x27 to show the correct
i2c address (e.g. 0x3f). If your LCD is 0x3f, it should be labelled.
Now let's have a play with the LCD and make it display something...
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In the analogzero directory there are two LCD demo scripts (one for
each screen size)...
Choose the right one for your LCD, and run it with...
This should demonstrate the capabilities of the display and give you a
nice clock (only accurate if connected to internet).
Demo script showing 20x4 LCD clock
Let's go through some of the key parts of the code to highlight the LCD
import lcddriver
imports the driver files.
# LCD custom character variables
degree = chr(0)
squared = chr(1)
cust_chars = [[0x1c,0x14,0x1c,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0],
Using RasPiO Analog Zero with GPIO Zero
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# degree
# squared
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Allows us to create and use our own custom characters. In this case
I've made characters for ° and 2. If you want to create your own custom
characters (you can have up to 8), there is a useful web page here to
help generate the hex codes.
lcd = lcddriver.lcd()
...creates and object lcd to control the LCD with. Then we load the
custom characters and clear the LCD.
# display an intro message
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^16}'.format("RasPiO Analog Zero"), 1)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^16}'.format("16x2 Weather Kit"), 2)
...displays 2 lines of text center justified '{:^16}'.format() to 16
character length.
def update():
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^16}'.format(row_one), 1)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^16}'.format(row_two), 2)
...defines a function to write the value of row_one and row_two to their
respective rows. So all we have to do to write to the LCD is change the
value of these variables and call update()
# activate every single pixel to test the display
pixel_test = chr(255) * 16
for x in range(1,3):
lcd.lcd_display_string(pixel_test, x)
Character 255 is a solid bar with every pixel illuminated. You can use
the above technique to display any of the built-in characters, but you
can also use normal Latin-based keyboard characters (ASCII) as well.
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You can find the character table for the LCDs here. (ROM code A00)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:16}'.format("align right"), 2)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^16}'.format("center"), x)
These lines show you how to align text using < left, > right, ^ center
# swap 0 for 1 turns backlight on
Switches off the lcd backlight.
Now we've learnt a bit about the LCD, let's see how to build a weather
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Weather Station / Thermometer Project
This project is designed around the optional RasPiO 16x2 and 20x4
weather station kits.
RasPiO 16x2 weather/thermometer/voltmeter kit
RasPiO 20x4 weather/thermometer/voltmeter kit
Each kit contains...
• an i2c LCD
• two TMP36 temperature sensors
• two LDRs
• 20 jumper wires
• some resistors
The weather station and thermometer circuits and code are essentially
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the same, so we'll treat those together. Wire up the following circuit...
Weather Station/Thermometer circuit
Each LDR has one end in 3V3 and one end in A6 or A7.
A 10kΩ resistor connects A6 and A7 to GND. Be careful not to short
3V3 to GND with the LDR and resistor wires.
The TMP36 temperature sensors have their middle pins connected to
A0 and A1. Their other pins are connected to 3V3 and GND.
The i2c LCDs (same for both) connect to SDA, SCL, 5V and GND.
So we have temperature sensors on channels 0 and 1 and light sensors
on channels 6 and 7.
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You can use jumper wires for the temperature sensors. They don't have
to be mounted on the PCB proto area. I've just shown it that way for
clarity. You can even attach the temperature sensor to really long wires
and put them in a remote location if you want to.
TMP36 sensor connected to jumper wires
So now we have a circuit, let's write some code to make it work.
As before, there are two Python 3 scripts – one for each LCD size...
The 16x2 display
has a lot less 'realestate', so we
temperature and
light readings to
be able to fit it all in
16x2 Weather Station output
With the 20x4 we don't need to do this, so can display it all at once.
You've even got space to display something else as well...
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20x4 Weather Station output
The terminal output is the same
for both. It just prints the voltage
reading for each of the 8 ADC
channels on the terminal
Terminal output for both
Weather Station / Thermometer Code
Below is a listing of
The script reads each of the analog channels. If everything is wired
according to the diagram, the output on the LCDs and terminal should
be as described above.
from time import sleep
from gpiozero import MCP3008
import lcddriver
vref = 3.3
channels = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
temperatures = [0,0]
light_levels = [0,0]
count = 0
lcd = lcddriver.lcd()
# create object for lcd control
# clear LCD ready for start
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def update():
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^16}'.format(row_one), 1)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^16}'.format(row_two), 2)
# display a centered intro message
= '{:^16}'.format("RasPiO Analog Zero")
row_two = '{:^16}'.format("16x2 Weather Kit")
while True:
for x in range(8):
adc = MCP3008(channel=x)
volts = 0.0
for y in range(20):
volts = volts + (vref * adc.value)
volts = volts / 20.0
if x < 2:
temperatures[x] = '{:4.1f}'.format((volts - 0.5) * 100)
if x > 5:
light_levels[x-6] = '{:4.1f}'.format(volts / vref * 100)
volts = '{:.3f}'.format(volts)
channels[x] = volts
# on-screen output useful for debug when tweaking
# shows the actual voltage at each analog input
print("channel " + str(x) + ":", volts,"Volts")
# update the character LCD once every cycle then a short delay
# because we have limited characters, we alternate display
if x == 7:
if count % 2 == 0:
row_one = "Temp 0: " + temperatures[0] + "C"
row_two = "Temp 1: " + temperatures[1] + "C"
row_one = "Light 0: " + light_levels[0] + "%"
row_two = "Light 1: " + light_levels[1] + "%"
count += 1
# you can adjust refresh rate here
This script uses techniques we've already covered, such as...
• reading the analog channels
• converting the reading to a voltage or percentage
• displaying results in the terminal
• formatting the output to the required number of characters
• displaying output on an i2c character LCD
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But we also use a couple of new techniques...
• converting a voltage reading to a temperature
selectively treating different channels differently
if x < 2:
temperatures[x] = '{:4.1f}'.format((volts - 0.5) * 100)
if x > 5:
light_levels[x-6] = '{:4.1f}'.format(volts / vref * 100)
We've connected our TMP36 temperature sensors to channels 0 and 1,
so we only want to convert the voltages from those two channels into
temperatures. We use if x < 2: to select these two only. Then
(volts - 0.5) * 100 us the temperature measured by the TMP36 in °C. So a voltage
of 0.712V would give 21.2 °C.
In the same way, we've used channels 6 and 7 for the LDRs so we use
if x > 5: to select just those channels for our light level percentage
calculations. LDRs are not linear, so they only give an approximate
indication of light level. Hence expressing the output as a percentage,
rather than trying to pretend it's measuring something really
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Suggested Ideas to Extend Your Weather Station
This is just a simple introduction to the weather station concept. There
is a lot more you could do with it to make it your own...
• add custom characters for ° (see demo script)
• change the LCD output to suit your own needs
• add internet weather feed information
• indoor/outdoor temperatures
• add more sensors to use the 4 remaining channels (could place
them further away on longer wires)
• monitor your refrigerator or freezer temperature
• add a news or stock ticker or twitter feed
• sms, tweet, or push notifications alerts to your phone
You could end up making a sophisticated device just by adding more
and more to it.
But what about the Voltmeter Project? That's up next...
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Voltmeter Project
We've already seen that the MCP3008 can measure up to 3.3V when
connected to the Pi. But what if we wanted to measure a higher
voltage? Is there a way we could achieve that?
Voltage Dividers
Yes there is. We can use a voltage divider (also known as a resistor
divider) to reduce the input voltage below 3V3 so we can measure it...
Voltage divider circuit and formula
If you choose your values for R1 and R2 appropriately, you can divide
your input voltage (Vin) by any number you choose. This is ideal for us.
In this case R2 is fixed at 3.3kΩ and we've chosen three different R1
values for to make three voltage dividers. Each one gives us a different
range. This is exactly why you have three 3kΩ, one 6.8kΩ, one 12kΩ
and one 18kΩ resistors in your kit.
Using voltage dividers allows us to make inputs which can measure up
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to 10V, 15V and 20V respectively by reducing the voltage that the ADC
'sees' (Vout) to below 3.3V so it can be measured.
If that makes your head hurt, don't worry. Just take care to make sure
the resistors are in the correct places.
18kΩ Brown, Grey, Orange
Brown, Red, Orange
Blue, Grey, Red
3.3kΩ Orange, Orange, Red
Voltmeter Circuit
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The divided 20V input goes to A2.
The divided 15V input goes to A1.
The divided 10V input goes to A0.
You don't strictly need the short orange, blue and green wires. They are
included just for clarity. You can use the resistor leads to make those
connections directly if you are careful to avoid shorting against other
resistors or connections.
When I made up this circuit, I put the resistors on the underside of the
board so they were out of the way.
Voltmeter circuit on underside of board
I also labelled my Vin headers 20, 15, 10 so I would not connect too high
a voltage to the wrong input.
Labelled headers to avoid confusion
If you connected, say, a 20V voltage to the 10V input, you'd be sending
6.5V into the ADC and would quite possibly damage it. So do be careful
and have your wits about you to avoid damage.
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Voltmeter Code
As usual, there are two scripts for the voltmeter, one for each size of
The 20x4 version displays all three channels on the screen at once. You
can see in the photo below I just caught it updating the 15V range
The 16x2 version alternates the displayed channels every few seconds.
Both versions output the same data to the console...
A code listing of follows, with comments
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from time import sleep
from gpiozero import MCP3008
import lcddriver
vref = 3.296
adc_list = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
conversion_factors = [3.080,4.668,6.43,1,1,1,1,1]
lcd = lcddriver.lcd()
# create object for lcd control
# clear LCD ready for start
def update():
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^20}'.format(row_one), 1)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^20}'.format(row_two), 2)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^20}'.format(row_three), 3)
lcd.lcd_display_string('{:^20}'.format(row_four), 4)
# display an intro message
row_one = "Hi 20x4 RasPiO"
row_two = "Analog Zero"
row_three = "Multi-range"
row_four = "Voltmeter"
while True:
for x in range(3):
adc = MCP3008(channel=x)
readings = 0.0
repetitions = 200
# how many times we sample
for y in range(repetitions):
readings += adc.value
average = readings / repetitions
volts = '{:6.3f}'.format(vref * average *
print("channel " + str(x) + ":", volts,"Volts")
adc_list[x] = volts
if x == 2:
= str("10V range:"+adc_list[0])+"V"
= str("15V range:"+adc_list[1])+"V"
row_three = str("20V range:"+adc_list[2])+"V"
row_four = str("RasPiO Analog Zero")
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Picking out some key parts of the code...
vref = 3.296
This is is an accurate measurement on the Pi's 3V3 rail output.
conversion_factors = [3.080,4.668,6.43,1,1,1,1,1]
This also relates to calibration of our 20V, 15V and 10V input channels.
It's fully explained in the calibration section
repetitions = 200
# how many times we sample
for y in range(repetitions):
readings += adc.value
average = readings / repetitions
This little block of code reads the inputs multiple times and averages
them. This helps to give more stable readings. You can change the
value of repetitions from 200 to something else. If you change it to 1,
you'll see that the display is likely to be more 'jittery'. If you change it to
a really high number, the program will slow down.
The rest of the program uses techniques and code we've already
Calibrating the Voltmeter – Why?
• The accuracy of any instrument can only ever be as good as its
calibration. The voltmeter scripts contain the calibration factors
for my setup. This section will show you how to tweak your setup
so that it is calibrated to your own voltmeter or voltage source.
• Remember that the 3V3 regulator on the Pi may not be exactly
3.3000V. Mine, measured with my best multimeter, was 3.296V.
That's only 0.13% low if we believe my multimeter. But in any case
it's close enough for nearly anything you might need.
• Resistor tolerances. We're using 5% resistors. They're usually
pretty close to their nominal value, but they are specified to be
within 5%. In theory, if your voltage divider was made up of a
resistor that was 5% high and another that was 5% low, your
division could be “a little off”.
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By calibrating our meter we can ensure that it is as accurate as it can
be. It's never going to be perfect, but it's surprisingly good.
Step 1: Set your vref in line 5.
Using your best measuring device, measure the voltage between GND
and 3V3 of your Pi. The most convenient way to do this is to use the
GND and 3V3 outputs on the RasPiO Analog Zero board. Then edit line
5 of the voltmeter script to show your measured value. It should be
pretty close to 3.3 Volts. (e.g. 3.296V)
Step 2: Reset conversion factors.
In line 7 of the voltmeter script, change all the conversion_factors =
[3.080,4.668,6.43,1,1,1,1,1] values to 1, like this...
conversion_factors = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
Step 3: Connect Inputs to 3V3. Connect all three inputs (20V, 15V, 10V)
to the Pi's 3V3 and run the voltmeter script.
Step 4: Note Values
The script will show some wrong-looking values on the screen and
LCD. Don't worry! These will enable us to calculate our conversion
factors and calibrate our voltage dividers to our specific setup.
Step 5: Calculate and amend conversion_factors
Taking the results from above, conversion factors are calculated thus...
vref / 1.070 = conversion factor
Channel 0 (10V input): 3.296 / 1.070 = 3.080
Channel 1 (15V input): 3.296 / 0.706 = 4.668
Channel 2 (20V input): 3.296 / 0.512 = 6.438
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Now we change line 7 of the voltmeter script...
conversion_factors = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] use our new numbers. It should look something like this...
conversion_factors = [3.080,4.668,6.438,1,1,1,1,1]
And now if you re-run the voltmeter script (with all three inputs
connected to 3V3), your values should be very close to your vref value
(3.296V in my case).
Remember the resolution of the ADC is 0.0032V. So we should really
treat the 3rd decimal place with suspicion. But also note that all three
channels are now reading within 0.0032V of 'the true value'.
So now you've made and calibrated your multi-channel, multi-range
Voltmeter! I hope you enjoyed making it. Now enjoy trying it out and
measuring some voltages with it. Stay away from the mains and AC
Suggested Ideas to Extend the Voltmeter
• modify the code to use more channel(s)
• add more dividers for more ranges e.g. 5V (but be warned –
voltages above 20V can bite – best stay in that region and NEVER
try to use this on mains or AC)
• add a button to switch on/off the LCD backlight
• add other button/menu features
• add calibrate or auto-calibrate functionality to the
• add auto-ranging to the hardware/software
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Final Word
You should now have a thorough overview of how to use the RasPiO
Analog Zero with GPIO Zero.
I hope you have a lot of fun with it. There is always more to learn and
further to go. As time goes by, I hope to add more to this guide to cover
more aspects of GPIOZero and more components.
You can check for the latest version at
And if you haven't yet got yourself a RasPiO Analog Zero, or need
another, you can get that from here as well...
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