Adafruit 7-Segment LED FeatherWings
Created by lady ada
Last updated on 2021-11-15 06:41:13 PM EST
©Adafruit Industries
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Table of Contents
Power Pins
I2C pins
Address Jumpers
Changing Addresses
• Prepare the header strips:
• Add the FeatherWing PCB:
• And Solder!
Arduino Usage
• Install Adafruit GFX
• Run Test!
• Library Reference
Adafruit CircuitPython Module Install
Bundle Install
I2C Initialization
LED Matrix
Brightness and Blinking
LED 7-segment Display
Setting Individual Digits
Display Numbers and Hex Values
LED 14-segment Quad Alphanumeric Display
• Schematic
• Fabrication Print
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One segment? No way dude! 7-Segments for life!
This is the Adafruit 0.56" 4-Digit 7-Segment Display w/ FeatherWing Combo Pack!
Available in Blue, Green (, Red (, White (http://, and Yellow (!
7-Segment Matrices like these are 'multiplexed' - so to control all the seven-segment
LEDs you need 14 pins. That's a lot of pins, and there are driver chips like the
MAX7219 ( that can control a matrix for you but there's a lot of
wiring to set up and they take up a ton of space. Here at Adafruit we feel your pain!
After all, wouldn't it be awesome if you could control a matrix without tons of wiring?
That's where these LED Matrix FeatherWings ( come in!
The 7-segment FeatherWing backpack makes it really easy to add a 4-digit numeric
display with decimal points and even 'second colon dots' for making a clock.
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The LEDs themselves do not connect to the Feather. Instead, a matrix driver chip
(HT16K33) does the multiplexing for you. The Feather simply sends i2c commands to
the chip to tell it what LEDs to light up and it is handled for you. This takes a lot of the
work and pin-requirements off the Feather. Since it uses only I2C for control, it works
with any Feather and can share the I2C pins for other sensors or displays.
The product kit comes with:
• A fully tested and assembled Adafruit 4-Digit 7-Segment LED Matrix Display
FeatherWing (
• Ultra-bright 4-digit 0.56" tall seven-segment display
• Two sixteen pin headers
A bit of soldering is required to attach the matrix onto the FeatherWing but its very
easy to do and only takes about 5 minutes!
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Of course, in classic Adafruit fashion, we also have a detailed tutorial showing you
how to solder, wire and control the display ( We even wrote a
very nice library for the backpacks so you can get running in under half an hour,
displaying images on the matrix or numbers on the 7-segment ( If
you've been eyeing matrix displays but hesitated because of the complexity, his is the
solution you've been looking for!
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The 7-segment backpack makes it really easy to add a 4-digit numeric display with
decimal points and even 'second colon dots' for making a clock
The LEDs themselves do not connect to the Feather. Instead, a matrix driver chip
(HT16K33) does the multiplexing for you. The Feather simply sends i2c commands to
the chip to tell it what LEDs to light up and it is handled for you. This takes a lot of the
work and pin-requirements off the Feather. Since it uses only I2C for control, it works
with any Feather and can share the I2C pins for other sensors or displays.
Power Pins
The LED matrix uses only the 3V and GND pins for power and logic. Current draw
depends on how many LEDs are lit but you can approximate it as about 40mA for
most uses. Check the PCB file/schematic to verify which pin is ground!
Note that the 3.3V power supply is a tiny bit lower than the forward voltage for the
pure green, blue and white LED matrices but we didn't find any significant
degredation in brightness. Really, they're still very bright.
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I2C pins
All LED control is done over I2C using the HT16K33 interface library. This means SDA
and SCL must be connected, see above for those pins.
The default address is 0x70 but you can change the address to 0x71-0x77 by bridging
solder onto the address pins.
Address Jumpers
Changing Addresses
You can change the address of a backpack very easily. Look on the back to find the
two or three A0, A1 or A2 solder jumpers. Each one of these is used to hardcode in
the address. If a jumper is shorted with solder, that sets the address. A0 sets the
lowest bit with a value of 1, A1 sets the middle bit with a value of 2 and A2 sets the
high bit with a value of 4. The final address is 0x70 + A2 + A1 + A0. So for example if A
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2 is shorted and A0 is shorted, the address is 0x70 + 4 + 1 = 0x75. If only A1 is
shorted, the address is 0x70 + 2 = 0x72
When you buy a pack from Adafruit, it
comes with the fully tested and
assembled backpack as well as a 7segment display in one of the colors we
provide (say, red, yellow, blue or green).
You'll need to solder the matrix onto the
backpack but it's an easy task.
Prepare the header strips:
You'll need a 16-pin and a 12-pin strip of
header to attach the Featherwing to your
Feather. Cut the header strip to length if
necessary. It will be easier to solder if
you insert it into a breadboard - long pins
Add the FeatherWing PCB:
Place the circuit board over the pins so
that the short pins poke through the
breakout pads
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And Solder!
Be sure to solder all pins for reliable
electrical contact.
(For tips on soldering, be sure to check
out our Guide to Excellent
Soldering (
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Do both strips completely!
Check your solder joints visually and
continue onto the next step
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Next we'll attach the LED matrix
Check the Matrix and line it up next to
the FeatherWing
Check the image to make sure the
'decimal point' dots are on the bottom,
matching the silkscreen.
Slot the LED module on top, check again
that you have it right way up!
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Solder the matrix in place. Note this will
be a little tougher because there's not as
much space. Go slow, do one pin at a
time and you can clip it after each point if
you need!
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Once soldered, clip each wire short
You're done! You can now install software
and get blinking
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Arduino Usage
To talk to the LED helper chip you'll need to use our Arduino Adafruit LED Backpack
library from github (
To download you can visit the repository, or simply click on this button:
Download Adafruit LED Backpack
Rename the uncompressed folder Adafruit_LEDBackpack. Check that the Adafruit_L
EDBackpack folder contains Adafruit_LEDBackpack.cpp and Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h
Place the Adafruit_LEDBackpack library folder your arduinosketchfolder/libraries/
You may need to create the libraries subfolder if it's your first library. We also have a
great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
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Install Adafruit GFX
You will need to do the same for the Adafruit_GFX library available here (https://
Download Adafruit GFX Library
Rename the uncompressed folder Adafruit_GFX and check that the Adafruit_GFX
folder contains Adafruit_GFX.cpp and Adafruit_GFX.h
Place the Adafruit_GFX library folder your arduinosketchfolder/libraries/ folder like
you did with the LED Backpack library
If using an older (pre-1.8.10) version of the Arduino IDE, also locate and install Adafruit
_BusIO ( (newer versions do this automatically when installing
Adafruit_GFX with the Arduino Library Manager).
GFX isn’t actually used for the 7-segment display, it's only for the matrix backpacks
but it's still required by the library so please install it to avoid errors! Restart the IDE.
Run Test!
Once you've restarted you should be able to select the File->Examples>Adafruit_LEDBackpack->sevenseg example sketch. Upload it to your Feather as
usual. You should see a basic test program that goes through a bunch of different
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Library Reference
Once you're happy that the matrix works, you can write your own sketches.
There's a few ways you can draw to the display. The easiest is to just call print - just
like you do with Serial
• print(variable,HEX) - this will print a hexidecimal number, from 0000 up to FFFF
• print(variable,DEC) or print(variable) - this will print a decimal integer, from 0000
up to 9999
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If you need more control, you can call writeDigitNum(location, number) - this will write
the number (0-9) to a single location. Location #0 is all the way to the left, location #2
is the colon dots so you probably want to skip it, location #4 is all the way to the right.
If you want a decimal point, call writeDigitNum(location, number, true) which will paint
the decimal point. To draw the colon, use drawColon(true or false)
If you want even more control, you can call writeDigitRaw(location,bitmask) to draw a
raw 8-bit mask (as stored in a uint8_t) to that location.
All the drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
There are also a few small routines that are special to the backpack:
• setBrightness(brightness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.
Adafruit CircuitPython Module Install
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( modul
e on your board. Remember this module is for Adafruit CircuitPython firmware and not firmware!
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
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Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ad
afruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
/ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
• adafruit_bus_device
• adafruit_register
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
If your board doesn't support USB mass storage, like the ESP8266, then use a tool
like ampy to copy the file to the board ( You can use the latest
version of ampy and its new directory copy command ( to easily
move module directories to the board.
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33, adafruit_bus_device, and adafruit_register folders/modules
copied over.
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The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
I2C Initialization
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. First import the necessary
import board
import busio as io
Note if you're using the ESP8266 or other boards which do not support hardware I2C
you need to import from the bitbangio module instead of busio:
import board
import bitbangio as io
Now for either board run this command to create the I2C instance using the default
SCL and SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or
similar Adafruit board):
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i2c = io.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
LED Matrix
To use a LED matrix you'll first need to import the adafruit_ht16k33.matrix module and
create an instance of the appropriate Matrix class. There are three classes currently
available to use:
• Matrix8x8 - This is for a simple 8x8 matrix (square or round pixels, they're both
the same driver and code).
• Matrix16x8 - This is for a 16x8 matrix (i.e. double the width of the 8x8 matrices).
For the LED Matrix FeatherWing you want to use this Matrix16x8 class.
• Matrix8x8x2 - This is for a 8x8 bi-color matrix.
For example to use the Matrix16x8 class import the module and create an instance
import adafruit_ht16k33.matrix
matrix = adafruit_ht16k33.matrix.Matrix16x8(i2c)
The above command will create the matrix class using the default I2C address of the
display (0x70). If you've changed the I2C address (like when using multiple
backpacks or displays) you can override it in the initializer using an optional address k
eyword argument.
For example to create an instance of the Matrix8x8 class on address 0x74:
matrix = adafruit_ht16k33.matrix.Matrix8x8(i2c, address=0x74)
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You might notice the matrix turns on to a 'jumbled' collection of random LEDs. Don't
worry! The display isn't broken, right now the module that controls it doesn't clear the
display state on startup so you might see noise from random memory values.
To clear the display and turn all the pixels off you can use the fill command with a
color of 0 (off):
By default the display will update automatically. This way you do not need to call the s
how function every time you update the display buffer. However, this means it is being
sent the contents of the display buffer with every change. This can slow things down
if you're trying to do something fancy. If you think you're running into that issue, you
can simply turn the auto write feature off. Then you will need to call show to update
the display.
# auto write can be turned off
matrix.auto_write = False
# and fill is same as before
# but now you have to call show()
To turn all the pixels on you can use fill with a color of 1 (on):
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If you're using the bi-color matrix you can even use a fill color of 2 or 3 to change to
different colors of red, green, and yellow (red + green).
Next you can set pixels on the display by accessing them using x,y coordinates and
setting a color:
• X position - X position of the pixel on the matrix.
• Y position - Y position of the pixel on the matrix.
• Color - 0 for off, 1 for on (or one of the LEDs for bi-color display), 2 or 3 for other
bi-color display colors.
The general way to set a pixel is:
matrix[x,y] = color
For example to set the first pixel at position 0, 0 to on:
matrix[0, 0] = 1
Or to set the opposite corner pixel at position 7, 7 to on:
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matrix[7, 7] = 1
That's all there is to controlling the pixels on a LED matrix! Right now the matrix
library is simple and only exposes basic pixel control. In the future more advanced
drawing commands might be avaialable.
Brightness and Blinking
You can change the brightness of the entire display with the brightness property. This
property has a value from 0 to 15 where 0 is the lowest brightness and 15 is the
highest brightness. Note that you don't need to call show after calling brightness, the
change is instant.
For example to set the brightness to the minimum:
matrix.brightness = 0
Or to set it back to maximum:
matrix.brightness = 15
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You can also make the entire display blink at 3 different rates using the blink_rate
property, which has a value 0 to 3:
• 0 = no blinking
• 1 = fast blinking (~once a 1/2 second)
• 2 = moderate blinking (~once a second)
• 3 = slow blinking (~once every 2 seconds)
Again you don't need to call show after setting the blink rate, the change will
immediately take effect.
For example to blink quickly:
matrix.blink_rate = 1
And to stop blinking:
matrix.blink_rate = 0
LED 7-segment Display
To use a 7-segment display you'll first need to import the adafruit_ht16k33.segments
module and create an instance of the Seg7x4 class.
import adafruit_ht16k33.segments
display = adafruit_ht16k33.segments.Seg7x4(i2c)
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The above command will create the 7-segment class using the default I2C address of
the display (0x70). If you've changed the I2C address (like when using multiple
backpacks or displays) you can override it in the initializer using an optional address k
eyword argument.
For example to create an instance of the Seg7x4 class on address 0x74:
display = adafruit_ht16k33.Seg7x4(i2c, address=0x74)
You might notice the display turns on to a 'jumbled' collection of random LEDs. Don't
worry! The display isn't broken, right now the module that controls it doesn't clear the
display state on startup so you might see noise from random memory values.
To clear the display and turn all the LEDs off you can use the fill command with a color
of 0 (off):
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Setting Individual Digits
You can put a numeric value in any of the display's 4 positions by accessing it using
the index of the position. For example to set position 0 to the number 1 and position 1
to the number 2 call:
display[0] = '1'
display[1] = '2'
Display Numbers and Hex Values
You can also use the print function to write to the entire display. Remember the
display only has 4 digits so a best effort will be made to display the number--you
might need to round the number or adjust it to fit!
To display hex values, pass in a string to print. The hex characters A-F can be
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If you want to work with actual integer values, then use the built in string formatting.
You can pass some special characters to the display to control extra capabilities:
• Colon - Use ':' to turn the colon on, you don't need to specify the position
parameter. Use ';' to turn the colon off.
• Hex character - Use a character 'a' through 'f' to display a high hex character
value at a specified position.
LED 14-segment Quad Alphanumeric
To use a 14-segment quad alphanumeric display it's almost exactly the same as the 7segment display, but with a slightly different class name. Import the adafruit_ht16k33
.segments module again but this time create an instance of the Seg14x4 class.
import adafruit_ht16k33.segments
display = adafruit_ht16k33.segments.Seg14x4(i2c)
The above command will create the 14-segment class using the default I2C address of
the display (0x70). If you've changed the I2C address (like when using multiple
backpacks or displays) you can override it in the initializer using an optional address k
eyword argument.
For example to create an instance of the Seg14x4 class on address 0x74:
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display = adafruit_ht16k33.segments.Seg14x4(i2c, address=0x74)
You might notice the display turns on to a 'jumbled' collection of random LEDs. Don't
worry! The display isn't broken, right now the module that controls it doesn't clear the
display state on startup so you might see noise from random memory values.
To clear the display and turn all the LEDs off you can use the fill command with a color
of 0 (off):
To access the individual digits, it's the same as with the 7-segment display. However,
the 14-segment display can take any alphanumeric character. For example:
display[0] = 'C'
display[1] = 'I'
display[2] = 'P'
display[3] = 'Y'
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You can use the print function to write to the entire display.
• Arduino LED Backpack Library (
• EagleCAD Featherwing PCB files (
• Fritzing objects in Adafruit Fritzing library (
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Fabrication Print
Dimensions in inches
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