Stereo 3.7W Class D Audio Amplifier
Created by Bill Earl
Last updated on 2021-11-15 05:55:22 PM EST
©Adafruit Industries
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Table of Contents
• Specifications:
• What is a Class D Amplifier?
• Other Audio amps available at Adafruit
Solder the header:
For breadboard use:
For use with connectors:
And Solder!
Add Gain Selection and Speaker Terminals
Connections and Settings
Build a Portable Sound System
Mount The Speakers
Mount the Controls
Wire it up!
Mount the Amplifier
Add some stuffing
Plug And Play!
• Files
• Schematic
• PCB Fabrication Print
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This incredibly small stereo amplifier is surprisingly powerful - able to deliver 2 x 3.7W
channels into 3 ohm impedance speakers. Inside the miniature chip is a class D
controller, able to run from 2.7V-5.5VDC. Since the amp is a class D, its incredibly
efficient (over 90% efficient when driving an 8Ω speaker at over a Watt).
This amplifier is perfect for portable and battery-powered projects. It has built in
thermal and over-current protection, but you really have to drive it hard before it even
gets warm! This board is a welcome upgrade to basic "LM386" amps!
• Output Power: 3.7W at 3Ω, 10% THD, 1.7W at 8Ω, 10% THD, with 5V Supply
• Passes EMI limit unfiltered with up to 12 inches (30 cm) of speaker cable
• High 83dB PSRR at 217Hz
• Spread-Spectrum Modulation and Active Emissions Limiting
• Differential Inputs
• Five pin-selectable gains: 6dB, 9dB, 12dB, 15dB and 18dB. Select with a jumper
or by setting the G and G' breakout pins (see schematic for breakout board
showing gain pin settings ( for details)
• Excellent click-and-pop suppression
• Thermal and short-circuit/over-current protection
• Low current draw: 2mA quiescent and 10uA in shutdown mode
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What is a Class D Amplifier?
A Class D Amplifier uses PWM to generate high-frequency square waves with a dutycycle proportional to the voltage level of the input audio signal. By minimizing the
transition time between fully on and fully off, the MOSFET drivers are able to operate
at a very high efficiency. Class D amplifiers such as this one typically operate at over
90% efficiency, compared to efficiencies of 50% or less for typical class AB amplifiers.
The high frequency square-wave component of the output signal is filtered by the
inductance of the speaker voice coil, leaving only the amplified audio signal.
Other Audio amps available at Adafruit
We have a few choices of audio amplifiers, here's how you can compare them
• MAX98306 ( - This class D audio amplifier has selectable
gains of 6dB, 9dB, 12dB, 15dB and 18dB that you can choose with a jumper. It
can do up to 3.7W into 3Ω, 2.8W into 4Ω and 1.7W into 8Ω. However, you cannot
shut down each speaker separately. Its a good choice where you don't mind
setting the gain with a jumper and if you do not need to ever turn off only one
audio channel and you do not need more than 18dB. Its an excellent amplifier
that can driver down to 3Ω speakers
Like the TS2012, it has differential inputs, bridge tied outputs, and can run from
2.7V to 5.5V
• TS2012 ( - This class D audio amplifier has selectable gains
of 6dB, 12dB, 18dB and 24dB that you can choose with a jumper (the MAX98306
goes up to 18dB only). It can do up to 2.8W into 4Ω and 1.7W into 8Ω. It cannot
drive 3Ω. You can shut down each channel separately. Setting the gain is easy
on the onboard DIP switches. Its a good choice where you don't need to drive
3Ω speakers or if you ever want to turn off only one audio channel. If you need
24dB gain this amp can do it.
Like the MAX98306, it has differential inputs, bridge tied outputs, and can run
from 2.7V to 5.5V
Available from Adafruit! (
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The amplifier breakout board is fully assembled and tested. To easily integrate the
amplifier into your project, we include the following:
• A 9-pin header for use with breadboard or connectors
• 3.5mm screw-terminal blocks for your speakers
• A 2x4 header + jumper for setting the gain
Solder the header:
Cut the header to size (9 pins) and insert
it into a breadboard (long pins down!) to
hold it steady.
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For breadboard use:
Place the amplifier module face-up over
the headers. Prop the back-edge up with
the leftover header strip to align it.
For use with connectors:
If you are going to build this into a
project and want to connect from the
front side, place the amplifier module
face down for soldering.
And Solder!
For tips on soldering, see our Adafruit
Guide to Excellent Soldering. (https://
Add Gain Selection and
Speaker Terminals
Solder the 2x4 pin header for gain
selection to the top of the board as
shown. Also solder in the 3.5mm screw
terminals for the speakers.
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Connections and Settings
The amplifier inputs are coupled via 1.0uF
capacitors so they can handle single
ended or differential signals.
For Single Ended signals (shown on left),
• R+ to R+
• GND to R• L+ to L+
• GND to LFor differential signals, connect:
• R+ to R+
• R- to R• L+ to L+
• L- to LFor volume control, a dual 50K audio
taper pot can be wired in series with the
inputs as shown.
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This amplifier is designed to drive
moving coil loudpeakers only. Speaker
impedence must be 3ohms or more. The
output signal is a 360KHz PWM square
wave with a duty cycle proportional to
the audio signal. The inductance of the
speaker coil serves as a low-pass filter to
average out the high-frequency
components. Do not try to use this as a
The outputs of each channel are "BridgeTied" with no connection to ground. This
means that for each of the two channels,
the + and - alternate polarity to create a
single channel amplifier with twice the
available power.
However, that means you cannot bridge
R and L together, so don't try to connect
ROUT to LOUT, it will damage the amp! If
you only need one speaker, just connect
to either ROUT or LOUT and leave the
other output set alone
Connect your speakers using the 3.5mm
screw-terminal blocks.
Gain is configurable for 9, 12, 15 or 18 dB.
For higher level outputs such as from a
WaveShield, you will want to select a
lower gain. For low-level outputs such as
from an iPod or MP3 player, a higher gain
setting works best. To set the gain, install
the jumper in one of the 4 marked
positions on the 4x2 header.
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The amplifier can be powered by 2.7 to
5.5v DC. Good power sources are:
• 5v 2A power supply (
• 3xAA (4.5v) battery holder (http://
Connect the negative wire to GND and
the positive wire to VDD.
Build a Portable Sound System
To build a portable sound system, you will need:
• 1 Adafruit Stereo Class-D Amplifier (
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• 2 speakers (3 ohm minimum. 3" to 4" is a good size)
• 1 3xAA Battery Pack (
• 1 Power Switch (
• 1 Phono Jack (We used a 1/4" here)
• 1 50kOhm Stereo Audio-taper pot
• 1 knob
• Jumper wires (
• 1 Box (We used the case from a power tool. But any lunch-box sized enclosure
will work as well)
• 2 Speaker Grilles (We used some 4" fan grilles here)
• Screws & nuts to mount the speakers.
• Polyester batting or pillow stuffing
Mount The Speakers
Cut holes in the box to fit your speakers
and mount them in the box with screws.
Here we used 4" speakers with 4" fan
grilles and mounted them with 3/4" 6-32
machine screws and nuts.
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Mount the Controls
Drill holes to fit your power switch,
volume pot and phono jack in a
convenient location and mount the
Here we used a 1/4" phono jack. Smaller
plugs can be accomodated via adapters.
Our volume pot has a Spinal-Tap
compliant volume scale that "goes to
Wire it up!
Make all connections as shown on the
diagram to the left. We used these preterminated jumper wires (
266) to simplify connections to the
Mount the Amplifier
Some double-sided foam tape will hold it
securely inside the box.
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Add some stuffing
Loosely stuff the back of the box with
some polyester batting or pillow stuffing
for a less 'hollow' sound.
Plug And Play!
For an iPod or similar player, you will
want to use the highest gain setting.
• MAX98306 Datasheet (
• Fritzing object in Adafruit Fritzing library (
• EagleCAD PCB files on GitHub (
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PCB Fabrication Print
Dimensions in inches
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