Fastest Path From Prototype to Production!
Three Graphical User Interface (GUI) hardware solutions available,
LCD Modules, Controller Boards, and Controller Chips
Regardless of which hardware solution you
choose, here’s a partial list of what our technology can do for your product:
• Considerably shorter GUI
development time
• Reduced microprocessor load
• FAST user-interface execution and
• FAST and easy updates and changes
• Field updateable GUI
• Animated graphics a piece-of-cake!
Improve Your Product's Performance and Shorten Your Development Time!
"With Easy GUI we were able to complete our basic user interface in less than two hours, saving me months
of hardware design and programming effort— and it freed up nearly 80% of our processor resources!"
— Mark Doble, President, MD Designs, Tampa, FL
Amulet's Technology Solution
At the heart of Amulet's LCD integration solution is the Easy GUI
Controller Chip. This chip (ASIC) is a combination LCD controller and a user interface engine. The chip eliminates the need for
complex code to draw each pixel on the LCD.
Amulet's Easy GUI Controller Chip renders graphical user interface (GUI) pages containing graphic images, Amulet Widgets,
and other UI objects directly to the LCD. This lets your embedded micro do its job more efficiently. Thus, the main application
can run on a smaller processor with less RAM and ROM, and
code development and maintenance time is significantly reduced.
Create A User Interface In Minutes!
If you have ever created a web page, you know how quick
and easy it is to create UI elements using HTML drag-anddrop tools. You can create a complex GUI for an embedded
product in four simple steps:
1. Use graphics programs to create rich images (e.g. JASC
Paintshop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc.).
2. Use web page (HTML) authoring tools to create desired
look and feel (e.g. Microsoft Front Page, Macromedia
Dreamweaver, Adobe GoLive, etc.).
3. Use the Amulet compiler to compile the HTML into µHTML
4. Program the flash.
Your Easy GUI is now ready to navigate!
"Easy GUI may be the answer to your prayers...!"
— Tom Cantrell, Circuit Cellar Magazine
Amulet Widgets
Amulet Widgets are UI objects common to embedded systems,
but not supported by standard HTML. Widgets provide userinput functions such as function buttons, radio buttons, and
check boxes, as well as display-data functions such as
bargraphs, line plots, and numeric fields. Generally, Widgets
are tied to an external variable, graphics files, or other µHTML
pages. Widgets are designed to functionally interface with
your embedded microprocessor (or other embedded device)
via the Amulet serial protocol.
Simple Serial Protocol
The Easy GUI serial protocol uses ASCII text to implement three
basic commands:
• Get Variable (byte, word, string)
• Set Variable
• Invoke Function
And the Easy GUI Protocol Simulator lets you emulate the
serial interface to the Easy GUI hardware, right from your PC!
Online and catalog distribution by
Amulet Technologies
GUI Engines For Embedded Systems
or call (408) 244-0363 today!
©2002 Amulet Technologies. Easy GUI and µHTML are Trademarks of Amulet Technologies. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending.
Ready For Product Integration
STK-GT320— Starter Kit with 3.8" LED backlt display and 9V battery
STK-GT570— Starter Kit with 5.7" CCFL backlit display and AC power adapter
Easy GUI LCD Module Kits—
The most complete LCD solution for production.
Two Kits Available:
STK-GT320— Starter Kit with 3.8"
LED backlt display
STK-GT570— Starter Kit with 5.7"
CCFL backlit display
•1/4 VGA Monochrome, Backlit Display
•Fully-integrated Analog Touch Panel
•LCD Controller Board with Easy GUI Controller Chip
Development software can be purchased separately or
comes bundled with Easy GUI Starter Kits.
Easy GUI Development Software
•Amulet OS
•HTML Compiler w/built-in
flash programmer
•Windows Font Converter
•Protocol Simulator
•Help Documentation
•Evaluation Version of web
page authoring tool
For use with Easy GUI Controller Chip, LCD Controller
Boards, or LCD Modules. Enables you to quickly and
easily create feature-rich graphical user interfaces
(GUI’s) for embedded systems, using web page editing
tools. Compiler then compresses HTML, GIF, and JPEG
files and converts them to Amulet µHTML pages. Includes widgets for creating UI objects such as
bargraphs, lineplots, check boxes, function buttons,
radio buttons, text strings, numeric fields, etc.
Easy GUI LCD Starter Kits—
The fastest path for integrating a graphical
user interface (GUI) into embedded products.
These kits include:
•1/4 VGA Monochrome, Backlit Display
•Fully-integrated Analog Touch Panel
•LCD Controller Board with Easy GUI Controller Chip
•External Power Source
•Easy GUI Development Software
Use these starter kits to evaluate the Easy GUI hardware and
software, and to create the user-interface for your end product. Then use the module kits, controller boards, or Easy GUI
controller chip to go from prototype-to-production.
Easy GUI LCD Controller Boards — The quickest path
to take a graphical LCD from prototype-to-production.
CB-GT320— 3.5" x 4.25"
controller board; for use with small,
3.3-volt displays.
CB-GT570— 6.5" x 4.25"
controller board; for use with larger,
3.3- or 5.0-volt displays; includes an
inverter for a CCFL backlight.
•Serial Interface
•Touch Screen Decoder
•Easy GUI Controller Chip
•Supports single-scan, Monochrom Displays, up to fullVGA resolution
Development software can be purchased separately or
comes bundled with Easy GUI Starter Kits.
Easy GUI Controller Chip— The
Heart of Amulet's LCD Solutions
Combination LCD Controller and
user-interface engine makes it
easy to integrate LCD’s into
embedded products that use
8/16/32-bit micros and DSP’s.
Replaces traditional LCD controller chip.
Eliminates need for complex code to draw each pixel on
LCD. Chip renders graphical user interface (GUI) pages
containing graphic images, widgets, and other UI
objects directly to LCD. Works with single-scan, monochrome displays, up to full VGA. Rapidly create GUI
using HTML-based development platform. Development
software can be purchased separately or comes bundled
with Easy GUI Starter Kits.
Custom modules and controller
boards are also available.
Contact us for volume pricing, order information
and technical documentation.