1300 Henley Court
Pullman, WA 99163
Discovery BNC™ Reference Manual
Revised January 9, 2013
This manual applies to the Discovery BNC rev. B
The Discovery BNC adapter board is intended to be used with the Analog Discovery™ tool to enable the use of
standard BNC terminated test leads and probes. The adapter board enables the user to AC couple or DC couple
signals to the oscilloscope in the Analog Discovery.
Features include:
Standard BNC interface to BNC terminated
test leads and oscilloscope probes.
Selectable AC and DC coupling to oscilloscope
Selectable 50-ohm or 0-ohm output
impedance on Arbitrary Waveform Generator
(AWG) channels.
The Discovery BNC Adapter Board.
Functional Description
The Discovery BNC adapter board has BNC terminations to each of the two oscilloscope channels on the Analog
Discovery. Each channel of the oscilloscope can be selected as AC or DC coupled by adjusting the jumper that is
located behind that channel's BNC input connector.
The two AWG channels are equipped with BNC terminations for use with BNC style test leads. Each of the two
channels can have either the 50Ω or the 0Ω termination selected. This enables the user to match the Analog
Discovery’s output impedance with either standard 50-ohm test leads or to be directly tied to the lead.
All the remaining signals from the Analog Discovery pass through the adaptor to a female header located on the
outer edge of the board.
DOC#: 502-263
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