Your butane powered heat tool was carefully lested and Inspected before 11was
sh~ppedlrom the factory We warrant thls product to be free from defects m materials
and workmansh~punder normal use and servlce for one year from date of purchase
In the event of a defect tn mater~alsor workmansh~p,we will e~therrepalr or replace.
w~thoutcharge, at our optton, any part which In our judgement shows evidence of
such defect.
This warranty does not apply to the attachments. t~ps,burner, or ejector, vhlch are
Items requlnng penodlc replacement, nor does ~tapply ~f the butane powered heat
tool has been mlsused. abused, altered, tampered wlth, or used with butane fuel
other than Master Appl~anceUltratane butane fuel At the end of the warranty per~od,
Master Appl~anceshall be under no further obl~gation,expressed or ~mpl~ed.
on how long an ~mpl~ed
warranty lasts, so the above
states do not allow l~mltat~ons
limltat~onmay not apply to you
Masler Appl~anceassumes no responslblllty for and thls warranty shall not cover any
tncldental or consequent~aldamages from any defect m this product or 11suse
Some slates do not allow the excluston or l~mflat~on
of ~nctdentafor consequential
damages, so the above exclus~onmay not apply to you.
This warranty glves you specrflc nghts and you may also have other nghts which may
vary from slate to state For warranty repalr a proof ofr %
t i && f
appropriate proof of date 1s required w~thyour retum for warranty repair to Master
Appl~ance All warranty cla~msmust be made to Master Appliance and not the
dlstr~butorWe decllne respons~b~lrty
where repairs have been made or attempted by
others Any d~tferentguarantee made by others IS not authorized by us If a warranty
clam 1s to be made please retum your Master Heat Tool prepa~d,w~thproof of
purchase and a note descr~b~ng
the problem to our Repar Department. See below.
For repalr servlce we charge a flat rate fee Please call Master Appl~ancefor the flat
rate charge return your Master Heat Toot prepa~d.w~tha note descrlblng the problem
Please read, understand and keep this
manual for future reference
Operating Instructions
Unit operates on butane gas
and creates infrared heat
effectively by the use of a catalyst.
Before filling, make sure
switch ring is off.
Press the nozzle into the refill
opening. When the unit is full, the
gas will overflow the refill nozzle.
OCheck the window for fuel level.
N0TICE:Before igniting your Ultratorch the first time, completely fill the
tank with butane. Then wait 5 minutes. During this time tilt the Ultratorch
up and down several times. This initial waiting period gives the wick inside
the fuel tank time to absorb the butane and allows for lubrication of the filter.
1.WARNING.Tha product, when uSed for soldering and slmllar appllcat~ons.
produces chemlcels known to the State of Calrfom~ato cause cancer
and birth defects or other reproductive harm
ADVERTENC1A:EI estado de Callfornla tlene conoclmlentos de que este producto,
cuando se usa en soldaduras o apllcac~onesstmtlares, produce
agentes quunlcos que pueden provocar cancer, defectos mgenitos
y danos al sistema reproductor
2.WARNING:By-products of the combust~onof the fuel used by thls product contaln
chernlcals known to the State of Cal~forn~a
to cause cancer and repro
dudlve harm,
ADVERTENCIA:EI estado de Callfomia tlene conoclmlentos de que 10s produclos
de la combus~ondel combustible usado por este
producto, cont~enesubstanc~asquimicas que pueden provocar
cancer y danos al sistema reproductor
3.WARNING:The Department of Transportatloo Hazardous Mater~alRegulat~om
forb~dthe carnage of butane or other flammable gas products on
passenger a~rcraflDo not pack thls Item or any other Hammable gas
Item. In any checked or carry-on baggage
- ----
Ignition hstructions
1. Push the switch ring up and turn to the right. Place
the indicator dot on 1 or lower.
2. Push the knurled nut upward exposing the
ignition vents.
3. Ignite as shown by Figure 3, keeping the vent open.
Hold knurled nut until glow appears from catalyst. Release
the knurled nut, which will return to its original position.
4. The heat of the soldering tip can be controlled by
rotating the switch ring between position 1 and 3.
Des~gnersand Manufacturers
of Heat Tool. for Industry
Master Appl~anceCorp
2420-18th Street
Raclne. WI 53402 U S A
Tel (262) 633-7791
(262) 633-9745
web www
e-mall sales@masterappllance com
Please sh~ptool prepa~dEnclose a note descrlb~ng
your problem
Rev 2
Made 10Japan
4. CAUTION: Temperature is high at tip area. Wait for tips
to cool before changing. Keep hands and combustibles
from tip area while in use.
5. Do not immerse heated parts in water; allow to
cool naturally.
6. Use only butane gas specified by manufacturer.
Do not use propane gas or any other types of fluids.
7. Do not store in temperatures over 4O0C/104"F.
1. Loosen and remove tip by turning the knurled nut to the
8. Do not store in a car during periods of high temperatures
as fuel tank could possibly rupture.
right as shown in Figure 4.
2. Push the switch ring up and turn to the right until the
indicator dot is on 1 or lower.
9. Store away from children.
3. Ignite as shown by Figure 5.
1 Trouble
- shooting
4. Adjust the flame length by rotating the switch ring
between position 1 and 3.
I Optional Parts A vailable
1. Empty fuel
1. Refuel
2. Loosen retaining ring.
screw out ejector & replace.
3. Reduce the fuel setting on
the switch ring.
2. Ejector nozzle is clogged
3. Fuel setting too high
LOW GAS PRESSURE 1. Forelgn object blocklngtips. 1. Clean out or replace tips.
2. Cold fuel
2. Hold in handsto allow unit
to warm up.
-. - - - -- -.
. - - - - . -- - - *. -----i5u--T
3. Low fuel
3. Refuel
1. Used-up catalyst
1. Purchase new tip
2. Low fueL
2. Refuel
NOTE: The Mini-Ultratorch UT-50 utilizes the energy produced while evaporating
butane gas. Ambient temperatures affect operation. Adjust the unit as necessary.
Sizelwithout cap
165 mm
with c a ~
173 mm
arld turning right till tight.
Soldering Iron
equivalent to 80 watt electric solderina iron
1. Avoid filling in areas where flames are present.
2. Be sure to turn switch ring "off" after use. Keep
protective cap on unit when not in use.
3. Do not use alcohol or alcohol base cleaner
on fuel window.
Flameless Heat Tool
430°C/806"F max.
Butane Torch
Operating Time/full tank
Approx. 20 min.
Specifications may change without notice.