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    无线充电线圈 6.5uH ±10%

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RWC5050AK060-500 数据手册
WPC A11 Wireless Charging Module APPLICATIONS FEATURES     Designed to meet WPC Qi Standard, power transmitter design A11 compliant Operating temperature -40℃ to +125℃ Assembled with ferrite plate which is built with WPC listed ferrite material, high Q for maximum power transmission    Wireless charger for general electronic device or aftermarket accessories Wireless charger for office, residential or public area application Wireless charger for power tools or any other devices that need contactless power Wireless charging embedded solution for automobile central console, arm rest…etc ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS INDUCTANCE ( 10%) PART NUMBER RWC5050AK060-500 1. 2. 3. MIN NOM MAX 5.85 6.50 7.15 DCR Max (mΩ ) Q@ 100 KHz/1V (MIN) 50 70 Inductance tested at 100KHz,1V Operating temperature range: -40 ~ +125 (Including self-heating) Storage temperature range (packaging conditions): -10 ~ +40 and RH 70%(MAX) SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS Unit:mm A 50.00 0.50 B 44.00 1.50 C 20.50 0.50 D 17.00 Min. E 10.00 Ref. F 5.00 2.00 G 1.00 0.10 H 3.00 Max. J 1.20 Ref. PART NUMBER SYSTEM EXAMPLE RWC 5050 AK 060 Coil Type Part Size Code Height Code Inductance Code 500 Catalog or Custom Information USA: +1.423.308.1690 Europe: +42.0.4885.7511.1 Asia: +86.757.2563.8860 MCP-DS-WPC A11 REV1.0 1213 www.lairdtech.com Any information furnished by Laird Technologies, Inc. and its agents is believed to be accurate and reliable. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Responsibility for the use and application of Laird Technologies materials rests with the end user. Laird Technologies makes no warranties as to the fitness, merchantability, suitability or non- infringement of any Laird Technologies materials or products for any specific or general uses. Laird Technologies shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind. All Laird Technologies products are sold pursuant to the Laird Technologies’ Terms and Conditions of sale in effect from time to time, a copy of which will be furnished upon request. © Copyright 2013 Laird Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Laird, Laird Technologies, the Laird Technologies Logo, and other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Laird Technologies, Inc. or an affiliate company thereof. Other product or service names may be the property of third parties. Nothing herein provides a license under any Laird Technologies or any third party intellectual property rights. Version A01
RWC5050AK060-500 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+73.363371+8.89564
  • 10+56.9081710+6.90037
  • 25+51.4130125+6.23406
  • 50+47.5959250+5.77122
