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    功率电感 IND_7X6.6MM_SM 4.7µH ±20% 7.00 x 6.60mm 5.00mm

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HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 数据手册
产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 第 1 页 共 9 页 承诺书 PRODUCT FOR APPROVAL 我们很高兴向您提交我们的规格图纸和样品供您批准。 经批准后请附上您授权签名的一份副 本寄回给我们。本规格承认书如客户未回签即下订单,则为承认此份规格承认书。 (We are pleased in submitting you here with our specification drawing together with samples for your approval. Please return to us one copy with your authorized signatures as approved.If the customer places an order without countersigning this specification acknowledgement,it is an acknowledgement of this specification acknowledgement.) 客户/ CUSTOMER : 类型/ DESCRIPTION : 一体成型电感 产品型号/ PART NUMBER : HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 客户编号/ CUSTOMER P/N : 客户代号/ CUSTOMER CODE : 发行日期/ ISSUE DATE : 2022-12-03 公司/C O M P A N Y 客户/C U S TO M E R 编制 审核 C H E C K E D 批准 批准 P R E PAR E D B Y BY APPRO VED BY APPROVED BY Siyi Zhang Tao Yang Liang Zheng 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 第 2 页 共 9 页 规格书更改备忘录: REV 版 本 DESCRIPTIO 更改内容 REASON 更改原因 CHANGED BY 更 改人 更改日期 A0 初版 新发行 张锶镱 2022/12/03 DATE 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 质量责任原则(T H E 第 3 页 共 9 页 P R IN C IP L E O F Q U A L IT Y R E S P O N S IB IL IT Y ) 未列入承认书的参数请参考下列标准或相关行业标准: F o r th e p a ram e te rs n o t p re sc rib ed in th e S p e c ific a tio n fo r A p p ro va l, p le a se refe r to th e fo llo w in g sta n d a rd s o r th e relative in d u s try sta n d a rd s. GB/T 15290-94 电子设备用电源变压器和滤波扼流圈总技术条件 GB 2423 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 GB 2828 逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于连续批的检查) GB 2829 周期检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于生产过程稳定性的检查)。 GB 8554 电子和通信设备用变压器和电感器测试方法及试验程序。 GB 4943-2001 信息技术的安全。 SJ 2488 电子设备用变压器、阻流和铁芯噪声测试方法。 SJ 2916-88 彩色电视广播接收机用开关电源变压器总技术条件。 SJ 3270-90 隔离变压器的安全要求。 GJB360A-96 UL1446 《电子及电气元件试验方法》 绝缘材料认证标准 IPC 9592 电脑和通信电源要求 IPC 020D 联合行业标准 IEC1007 电子和电信设备用变压器和电感器 测量方法和试验程序 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 第 4 页 共 9 页 1. 安装尺寸及外形图(C O N F IG R A T IO N & D IM E N S IO N S ) 4R7 编号 A B C D E 尺寸(mm) 7.0±0.50 6.6±0.30 5.0Max 3.0±0.30 1.6±0.30 2. 线圈联线图(S C H E M A T IC ) ① ② 3. 推荐焊盘(R e c o m m e n d L a n d P a ttern D im e ns io n s) A 3.5 B 2.5 C 8.4 Unit:mm 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 4. 电气特性(ELECTRIC 第 5 页 共 9 页 CHARACTERICS) @25℃ 编号 项目 测试表现 测试条件 测试设备 NO. Item Test Performance Test Condition Test Equipment 1 L(+0Adc) 4.7uH±20% 100KHz,1V WK3260B+WK3265B or Equivalent 25℃ HIOKI-RM3544 或等同 2 L(+8.0Adc) Cause L0 to drop approximately30% 使L0下降约30% 3 DCR 25mΩ Max 4 Isat 8.0A 5 Irms 6.5A , △T≤40℃ Notes:(1) All test data is referenced to 25 °C ambient (2) Operting temperature range - 55 °C to + 155 °C (3) The part temperature (ambient + temp. rise) should not exceed 155 °C under worst case operating conditions. Circuit design, component placement, PWB trace size and thickness, airflow and other cooling provisions all affect the part temperature. Part temperature should be verified in the end application. 注 : (1)所有测试数据均以 25 °C 环境温度为基准 (2)工作温度范围 - 55 °C 至 + 155 °C (3)在最坏的工作条件下,部件温度(环境温度 + 温度升高)不应超过 155 °C。电路设计、元件放置、PWB 走线尺寸和厚度、气流和其他冷却规定都会影响零件温度。应在最终应用中验证零件温度 5.电流曲线 5.1 电感-电流曲线(INDUCTANCE VS DC CURRENT ) 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 第 6 页 共 9 页 6.可靠性试验要求(R E L IA B IL IT Y T E S T R E Q U IR E M E N T ) Test items Mandatory Field Test content Remark 测试项目 必选项目 测试内容 (备注) Welding heat test 耐焊接热试验 √ Solderability test 可焊性试验 √ Store at low temperatures 低温储存 √ MIL-STD-202G Method 210F or JESD22-B106 MIL-STD-202, Method 208, or JESD22-B-102 JESD22-A119 JESD22-A103 Store at high temperatures 高温储存 √ MIL-STD-202 or Method 108 High temperature and high humidity test 高温高湿试验 JESD22-A101or √ MIL-STD-202G Method 103B √ JESD22-A104 MIL-STD-202 Hot and cold shock test 冷热冲击试验 or Method 107 √ Insulation test 绝缘试验 MIL-STD-202G Method 302 √ JESD22-A108 MIL-STD-202 Life test 寿命试验 or Method 108 √ Drop test 跌落试验 MIL-STD-202G Method 213 or JESD22B-104 √ Vibration test 震动试验 MIL-STD-202G Method 204D or JESD22B-103 √ Bending resistance test 抗弯试验 AEC-Q200-005 or JIS-C-5202 Section 4.33 √ MIL-PRF-55342 Section 3.20 resistance test 耐溶剂试验 or MIL-STD-202 Method 215 Mechanical impact test 机械冲击试验 7.推荐焊接条件(S O L D E R IN G √ MIL-STD-202G Method 213 or JESD22B-104 C O N D IT IO N R E C O M M E N D E D ) 器件焊接方式:回流焊(Device welding method: reflow welding) 7.1 回 流焊 焊 接方 式 及推 荐 炉温 曲 线(R eflo w w eld in g m e th o d an d rec o m m e n d e d fu rn a ce tem p e ra tu re cu rv e ) 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 第 7 页 共 9 页 无铅器件推荐温度要求(Recommended temperature requirements for lead-free devices) (IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C) 3 3 3 Package Thickness Volume mm < 350 Volume mm 350-2000 Volume mm > 2000 < 1.6mm 260℃ 260℃ 260℃ 1.6mm~2.5mm 260℃ 250℃ 245℃ > 2.5mm 250℃ 245℃ 245℃ 7.2 高温耐热性描述(在 265℃的熔融铅料中,停留时间不少于 10 秒,3 次最少,无质量问题。) High temperature heat resistance description (in the molten lead material at 265 ℃, the residence time shall not be less than 10 seconds, the least three times, and there is no quality problem.) O 7.3 返修温度和时间 (温度:400 C;时间:不少于 5 秒。) Repair temperature and time (temperature: 400oC; time: not less than 5S.) 7.4 焊接次数 (元器件能承受的焊接次数不少于 3 次。) Welding times (the welding times that components can withstand shall not be less than 3 times.) 8.包装及外观要求(PAC K A G E A N D S E M B L A B L E R E Q U IR E M E N T ) 8.1 包装(PAC K A G E R E Q U IR E M E N T ) ① 包装箱上标明产品型号、名称、数量、生产周期,出厂日期、承制方名称及出厂检验章; (可按客户要求印字包装) The packing box shall be marked with product model, name, quantity, production cycle, date, manufacturer's name and inspection seal; (printed and packaged according to customer requirements) ② 不同生产周期号的同一产品不得放入同一包装箱内; The same product with different production cycle numbers shall not be put into the same packing box; ③ 货物运达客户方后,包装箱封条应完好,箱体无破损、开裂等现象; After the goods arrive at the customer, the seal of the packing box shall be intact, and the box shall be free of damage, cracking and other phenomena; ④ 开箱后,箱内包装材料无破损。产品应分层、间隔包装,不满一箱应加垫填充物。 After unpacking, the packing materials in the box shall be free from damage. The products shall be packed in layers and at intervals, and padding shall be added if it is less than one box. 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 第 8 页 共 9 页 8.2 外观(SEMBLABLE REQUIREMENT) ① 外观整洁,印字清晰。 Clean appearance and clear printing. 8.3 检验(TEST REQUIREMENT) ① 产品生产中必须进行全数进行电气性能; All electrical performance tests must be carried out during product production; ② 产品出货前按批次,必须根据承认书按国家行业标准进行抽样检验,合格后出具出厂检验报告,记录抽 样测试数据,在每批次包装尾箱中放置一份; 注:批次按定单号发货为准。 Before shipment, the products must be sampled and inspected according to the national and industrial standards according to the letter of acceptance. After passing the inspection, the factory inspection report shall be issued and the sampling records shall be recorded.One copy of sample test data shall be placed in the tail box of each batch of packaging; Note: the batch shall be delivered according to the order number. 8.4 包装示意图: 8.4.1 卷轴尺寸(Reel Dimension) F A B C D 8.4.2 载带尺寸(Tape Dimension) TYPE A B C 16mm 330 100 21.0±0.8 D 13  0.5  0.2 E F 16±0.3 22.4 E Q’TY (PCS) A0 B0 KO W P T 1000 7.0±0.1 7.8±0.1 5.2±0.1 16.0±0.3 12.0±0.1 0.35±0.05 产品型号:HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 第 9 页 共 9 页 8.4.3 包装方式(Packaging method) 20 pcs ①一卷包装(Reel):1000Pcs; ② 小箱装两卷(Inner box):一共 2000Pcs; ③ 大箱装三小箱(Carton): 一共 6000Pcs. 20 pcs
HTDG0650H-4R7M-P01 价格&库存

