Rev. B (6/18) Page 1 of 2
Screen Prep™ Presaturated Wipe
Product# CSP20
Product Description
Screen Prep Presaturated Wipes are a convenient cleaning
and static control system for use on monitor screens. This two
part system is excellent for use on computer display screens,
scope and dial faces, and glass and plastic surfaces of
instruments. These highly effective cleaning wipes are safe on
plastics and are ideal for cleaning sensitive surfaces. Screen
Prep provides a static–dissipative treatment to the surface to
control static–generated contamination. Screen Prep removes
dust, fingerprint oils and other vision-inhibiting contaminants,
and leaves no residue.
Screen Prep Presaturated Wipes contain isopropyl alcohol and
an anti-static agent.
Plastic Safe
Leaves No Residue
Upper Ozone Safe; CFC/HCFC Free
Typical Applications
Screen Prep cleans:
Computer monitors
Display screens
Scope and dial faces
Instrument readouts
Equipment glass & plastic surfaces
Typical Product Data and Physical Properties
Solubility in Water:
Specific Gravity:
Evaporation Rate:
(ether =1)
Flash Point (TCC):
Percent Volatile