Laird Technologies
Table of Contents
Section 1.0 – Introduction to LT-Interface and PR-59 …………………………………3
1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………3
1.2 Compatibility………………………………………………………………….3
1.3 Feature list of LT-Interface and the PR-59………………………………..3
Section 2 – Quick Start Guide…………………………………………………………....4
Section 3 – Commands Overview……………………………………………………… ..6
3.1 View Menu………………………………………………………………………..6
3.2 Regulator Menu……………………………………………………………….. ..6
3.3 Setup Menu……………………………………………………………………. ..7
3.4 Logfile Menu…………………………………………………………………… ..8
Section 4 – User View…………………………………………………………………… ..8
4.1 Main View………………………………………………………………………. ..8
Section 5 – User Tabs……………………………………………………………………..9
5.1 Base………………………………………………………………………………9
5.2 Runtime………………………………………………………………………… 10
5.3 Alarm……………………………………………………………………………. 11
5.4 FAN……………………………………………………………………………... 12
5.5 Sensor………………………………………………………………………….. 13
5.6 Regulator………………………………………………………………………. 15
Section 6 – Error Handling……………………………………………………………… 18
Appendix A……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Appendix B……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
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Laird Technologies
Section 1.0 Introduction to LT- Interface and PR-59
1.1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the TC-XX-PR-59 programmable controller. The unit is designed for
reversible (cooling/heating) control of Thermoelectric Assemblies that require precise temperature
control accuracy. The controller not only regulates the temperature, but also features two
programmable fan outputs and an alarm output relay. The controller can be used as a stand-alone
unit with RS-232 interface to control settings and parameters live. An easy to use PC software is used
to input parameters visually and see output parameters in real time.
1.2 Compatibility
The software has been tested and is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 7
operating systems.
1.3 Feature List of LT-Interface and the PR-59
Serial interface for runtime information
One high resolution main sensor
Two sensor inputs for alarm
Regulator mode:
PID regulator
On/off control
Algo mode
Measurement of main current
Measurement of FAN current
H-bridge control of the output
Two FAN output controls
Save runtime data to file for later analysis in other software
More implementations in the future
License, see Appendix B.
Laird Technologies
Section 2.0 Quick Start Guide
Contents in package should contain the following:
TC-NTC1 (NTC thermistor)
TC-WIRE3 (sensor wire with 3 position connector)
Note: Controller comes with outer sheet metal casing to protect contents and dissipate heat generated
from MOSFETS. The sheet metal casing has eight 4.5 mm diameter thru holes, four per surface.
Mount onto system level wall with machine screws or standoffs.
Install the software onto PC. Software can be downloaded from website under
the download’s tab on the Thermoelectric Assemblies product page.
Connect power supply, communication to PC, sensor and thermoelectric assembly to the
Laird Technologies
Power up the controller and start the LT-Interface software on PC.
exceed Vmax rating on Thermoelectric Assembly.
Applied voltage should not
Note: If amperage exceeds 15 Amps it is recommended to incorporate external fan to circulate air over
MOSFETs to keep them from overheating.
To connect the software to the controller, first enter “Setup>Global setup” and choose the
communication port to which the PR-59 is connected. Then enter “Regulator > Connect” to
establish a connection between the software and the controller.
You should now see online information from the controller on your screen.
In the LT-Interface, configure the parameters that are needed for the application.
Download the configuration to the PR-59 by pressing the “SEND” button followed by the “START”
button to start the PR-59. To store the parameters permanently in the controller they must be
saved to the FLASH memory. Enter “Regulator > Save to FLASH”. Otherwise the parameters will
be lost at power down.
To retrieve the configuration that is in the PR-59, press “RETRIEVE” and the parameters will be
uploaded from the PR-59 to the LT-Interface.
Laird Technologies
Section 3.0 Commands Overview
3.1 View Menu
To change visible views.
Add or remove Toolbar
Status Bar
Add or remove Status Bar
Runtime View
Show or hide the runtime data window.
3.2 Regulator Menu
To send or receive commands and data to and from the regulator unit.
To connect regulator board to serial interface connection.
To disconnect the serial interface connection to regulator board.
Stop the regulator run mode.
Download Parameters Download parameters to regulator board.
Get Parameters
Receive parameters from regulator board.
Save to FLASH
Save all parameters currently in RAM to FLASH memory.
Read from FLASH
Read all parameters from FLASH to regulator memory.
Laird Technologies
Set FLASH to Default Revert all parameters in FLASH memory to default settings.
Reboot Regulator
Reboot the regulator. Use to test loading of parameters from FLASH to
3.3 Setup Menu
Global set up is used to change the recording data rate speed and format settings on the graph. The
global values are stored in the computer’s registry file.
Serial Port
Select the serial port which the PR-59 is connected to and baud rate. For the moment, only 115200
baud is supported.
Log File
Choose sample rate for the log file and maximum number of samples to be stored in one log file.
Celsius and Fahrenheit
Default temperature units are in Celsius, click on Fahrenheit to convert units into English.
Runtime Data
This is the transfer mode between the interface and control board. Runtime data should be IEEE754
type at all times. Only change this if you are advised by Laird Technologies.
Runtime Graph
Runtime graph can sometimes be difficult to see especially when multiple parameters are highlighted.
Adjustments can be made to color and line thickness to more easily define each parameter.
Pen Width
Set the number of pixels width used when drawing the graph on the screen. Default value is 1.
Higher value results in thicker line. Double click on each parameter to change color so graphs
are more easily differentiated from one another.
Set Default Color
If you need to get back to the default settings of the graph drawing colors and pen width, press
this button.
Graph Color
Background and grid color can also be changed by double clicking on each parameter to change
Background - to set the color on the graph view background
Grid - to set the color on the grid
Main, T1, T2, etc. - all graph colors
Laird Technologies
3.4 Logfile Menu
Log data on a file, which can be referenced and compared to other log files.
Click Start to log all runtime data onto a file.
When the log file is activated, runtime data from the regulator is stored to a tab-separated text file,
which can be opened in Excel formatted for further data analysis. If an existing file is selected the file is
opened and the new data will be added to the end of the file.
The header shows what kind of data will be stored in the log file, along with the software version used.
Then the runtime data records until the user stops the log file. Please note that a large amount of data
can accumulate over a short period of time, because a block of data will run up to 20 times a second.
Reference Section 3.3 to adjust data rate speed.
Stop logging and close file.
Section 4.0: User View
4.1 Main View
The Main view shows live information received from the regulator unit.
Regulator Status
Displays live data from the regulator unit such as the current software version in the regulator,
indication of any error, and the last command performed.
The LEDs on the right side indicate the following:
GREEN: that the serial port is open for communication.
YELLOW: that runtime data is received from regulator.
RED: that there is an error reported from the regulator.
Regulator Control
Click START button to start the regulator.
Click STOP button to stop the regulator.
Laird Technologies
Parameter Stream
Click SEND to download settings to the controller board. Note: To store the settings permanently in the
controller you need to save to FLASH. Otherwise settings will be lost at power down, ref Section 3.2.
Click RETRIEVE to upload settings from the controller board.
Displays live feedback from the controller board, calculated with user settings to indicate values.
Regulator Information
Displays the set point and temperature point used in the regulator control loop.
Displays controlled output values to main output, fan 1 and fan 2. The unit of measure for main is in
percent with range between -100% to +100%. The unit of measure for fans is in volts with range
between 0 to 60 Volts.
Section 5.0 User Tabs
There are six tabs that the user can reference to change parameters in controller and visually monitor
parameters. All data is saved in the setting file *.sc type.
5.1 Base
Base tab allows for quick setup of the regulator. Select temperature sensor, set point and enter
description information under notes to recall settings for future reference. All data will be stored in the
Laird Technologies
5.2 Runtime
Runtime tab allows user to visually monitor operation parameters of controller. A live running time
scale graph appears that allows user to view main power, thermistors, temperature set points, input
current draw, input voltage to TEMs, input power to fans and PID parameters.
The live data graph is updating data continuously when connected to the regulator board. The speed
can be adjusted by pushing [+] or [-] buttons. The view can be frozen by clicking on the freeze box.
The run time view dialog can be increased by double clicking on the graph view and adjusting size. The
graph view will remember the data of each graph parameter, so it is possible to click on the
enable/disable part of the list to change the graph line and turn on or off.
If you want to change the colors on the graph or line thickness, open the global setup and change the
settings, ref section 3.3.
The items on the right are a selection of the parameters viewable in the graph. Double click on each
parameter to adjust the min/max settings and change the height resolution of the graph. Use the UP
and DOWN arrow to move up and down the list. Press space bar to toggle visibility state of selected
Laird Technologies
5.3 Alarm
Alarm settings
Alarm tab allows user to input alarm settings for input voltage, output current, limits on current to fans
and high/low temperature limits for up to four thermistors. If alarm is activated unit will shut down until
user resets controller. This can be done by clicking REGULATOR, then REBOOT REGULATOR or
turn OFF main power supply then ON to controller. It is possible to disable all parts and only enable
the parts valid for the regulator. If an error is triggered, the corresponding LED will flash while the error
is active, and up to a couple of seconds after the error is cleared.
For the temperature sensor settings (T1, T2, T3 and T4), if high is active, check for short circuit. If low
is active check for "missing sensor". This will get total control over the temperature sensor check.
Laird Technologies
5.4 FAN
The FAN tab allows user to control two fans (hot side fan and cold side fan) independently by
turning on fans permanently, only in heating mode and/or cooling mode, during specific
temperature set points, during specific hysteresis range, under specified voltage limits or
turning off during specific dead bands.
Fan Mode List
The FAN mode works as follows.
Always on
Cool and heat
FAN is always off.
FAN is always on.
FAN is active when the regulator is in cooling mode.
FAN is active when the regulator is in heating mode.
FAN is active when the regulator is in cooling or heating mode.
FAN is active as result of an algorithm function.
FAN Algorithm
Algo mode runs the FAN by tracking the input temperature. The output is given by the temperature and
settings. Any sensor can be used for monitoring temperature.
Laird Technologies
5.5 Sensor
Sensor Settings
The Sensor tab allows user to specify thermistor. Laird has programmed six standard thermistors into
the software. Alternate thermistors can be specified by inputting Steinhart mode coefficients of
thermistor from manufacturer’s datasheet specification. Temperature values are entered in Kelvin.
Resistance values are entered in Ohms. Select a sensor from the drop selection list. After selecting it is
possible to edit this selection by clicking on the EDIT button. The edit mode differs for sensor one, and
the other sensors.
Use Copy and Paste to copy settings from one sensor to another. Right click in the sensor view, and
then copy or paste the sensor values.
Upload parameters will replace the sensor settings at position 0, with the values found in the regulator.
At the same time the name will be renamed to "Uploaded".
This is the main sensor used for closed loop feedback control. If necessary it is possible to change
the name and parameters in the edit box that are used to define the sensor and calculate the
Laird Technologies
Change the name on the sensor settings. The name is used in the drop list to easily remember the
sensor settings.
Is used to adjust the sensor value. Any value other than 1.0 will affect the sensor value, even if
Stainhart mode is selected. If unsure, choose Gain 1.0
Is used to offset the sensor value. Any value other than 0.0 will affect the sensor value, even if Stainhart
mode is selected. If unsure, choose Offset 0.0
Select to match the sensor mode. For NTC type select Steinhart mode and for PT type select PT mode.
If a custom NTC is used and parameters are set manually, then set the low and high values to match
the expected temperature range in the application. This will result in obtaining best accuracy. If a PT
sensor is used, select PT mode and assemble the jumper on the PR-59 board, ref the product drawing.
It is not recommended to use a PT 100 sensor since the accuracy and resolution will be poor.
Steinhart mode: The regulator board is calculating the temperature of an NTC resistance by using
Steinhart equation. Normally the NTC sensor is difficult to use, but after correct Steinhart values are
selected, the temperature is very accurate in the area where the points are selected. Note that normal
values for Gain are 1, and Offset is 0, in this mode. If gain and offset are changed, the result from the
Steinhart equation is affected. Please contact Laird Technologies for more information.
Sensor 2, 3, 4
Additional sensors can be used for monitoring multiple temperatures and alarms. They can also be
used as feedback for the fans when algo mode is used. As previously shown, it is possible to change
in the edit box the name, and all parameters in the regulator that are used to calculate the temperature
of the sensor input.
Laird Technologies
Sensor 4 is mounted on the metal bracket of the PR-59 and is monitoring the temperature of the
bracket so the PR-59 does not over heat. Default alarm level is set to 60°C and if it is reached, an
external fan is required for additional cooling.
5.6 Regulator
Allows user to operate Thermoelectric Assembly in three modes: on/off, thermostatic control with
hysteresis (algo) or thru custom algorithm via Proportional Integral Derivative (PID).
Regulator mode
This is the heart of the regulator unit. Here the regulator mode is defined by parameters to get the best
performance specific to an application. Regulator can function in one of the following modes: Off,
Power, Algo, P, PI, PD, PID mode.
Regulator will turn off
This mode is used to directly control the output power. It can be useful when determining the response
of a system. You can either connect a potentiometer to the External pot-connector, or can feed a
voltage to the center pin of the External pot-connector where 0V = -100%, 2.5V = 0% and 5V = +100%.
Note: Max power out/Dead band/Cool and Heat gain are active and might affect the output amplitude.
Algo Mode
The Algo mode is used to simulate "cool on”, “off" and "heat on" mode, similar to a thermostatic
controller. Dead-band setting turns off algo mode and Hysteresis turns on algo mode.
Laird Technologies
PID Mode
P, PI, PD, or PID mode will use all or selected parts of the PID regulator. Of course it is possible to use
PID mode and only set P, I or D constant to zero, but the possibility to change mode quickly without
changing the constants helps to trim the values for optimal use.
The picture shows the function of the PID regulator.
Output Block
The main output block handles the adjustments before the actual output signal.
The set point temperature the regulator will control to.
Range is -100 to 200°C.
Max power out
A limit can be specified to set a max output value. This function is always in effect. Valid range is
0 to 100%. Note that it is the average power that is reduced with PWM (Pulse Width
Modulation), so the peak voltage is still approximately the same as applied to the PR-59. This is
why applied voltage to the PR-59 should not be higher than Vmax of the load.
Specify a limit to the output control around zero. Any output lower than the value set in this field
will render 0% output. This is useful in order to avoid switching too fast between cooling and
heating mode in order to increase field life of the thermoelectric modules.
Heating Gain/Cooling Gain
Adjusts the effectiveness of the output elements to accommodate uneven output power in the
thermoelectric modules. This allows for a better balance between the power in cooling and
heating mode.
Decay when stopped
When the regulator is stopped the internal register values used in the PID regulator will decay to
zero with the speed of the value selected in this field. The value should be less than 1 and larger
than zero. If 1 is selected the regulator will not decay at all. If 0 is selected the internal value will
be cleared without any decay time. Internal register is multiplied with this value at a rate of
sampling speed.
Sampling speed (ts)
Fixed to 20Hz = 0.05s
Laird Technologies
PID Constants
Propotional (kP)
P constant value used in PID mode.
Integral (kI)
I constant value used in PID mode.
Derivative (kD)
D constant value used in PID mode.
Integral value limit
When the I part is accumulated up to this value, it will stop.
Lowpass Tr (kTr)
Filters set point changes. So if the set point is changed while the
regulator is running the speed of the change can be limited.
Lowpass Te (kTe)
Filters Te signal. Te is the difference between temperature sensor and
the set point temperature. All changes of this signal are filtered here.
Laird Technologies
Section 6.0
Error Handling
An error message will be shown in the main view if an error is received from the controller.
Error when writing data – error 3 [Timeout – echo msg]:
The LT-Interface does not get an expected response from the PR-59.
Check the following:
Controller is connected to the computer.
Controller is connected to the chosen COM port.
The yellow LED on the PR-59 is flashing.
The communication wires are not damaged.
Error when trying to open the serial port – error 6 [Cmd open error]:
Chosen COM port is not available. Click Setup > Global setup, change COM port to the port that
the PR-59 is connected to.
For additional assistance with error messages, please consult with Laird Technologies.
Laird Technologies
Appendix A
Change log and Release Notes
Released on October 17 , 2012.
Based on SC-Interface manual release February 16 , 2010.
Check for news, information, and support.
Support at
This document was last changed at October 17 , 2012
Appendix B: LT-Interface License
Copyright (C) Laird Technologies AB.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be
held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Laird Technologies