MMCX Right Angle Plug for .047 (1.20) Diameter and
RG-178 Size Flexible Cable with Crimp Insert
1. Identify piece parts. (3 piece parts)
2. Strip cable jacket to dimensions shown. Do not nick braid or
center conductor during strip operations.
3. Slide crimp insert over braid and against jacket. Fold braid
around crimp insert as shown. Strip cable dielectric to
dimension shown. Tin center conductor.
4. Slide body assembly over cable and crimp insert, then seat
firmly so cable dielectric butts against contact as shown.
Crimp body using recommended crimp hex. Maintain forward
pressure on cable while crimping.
5. Solder contact to center conductor through rear access port.
Use a minimum amount of solder for a full fillet joint.
6. Press end cap into access port using .156 (3.96) diameter flat
punch or Johnson assembly tool 141-0000-910.
Cable Group
Part No.
Crimp Hex
.047 Flexible
.140 (3.56)
.105 (2.67)
RG-178/U, 196
.188 (4.78)
.105 (2.67)
.047 Flexible
.140 (3.56)
.105 (2.67)
Cinch Connectivity Solutions Waseca
299 Johnson Avenue SW, Suite 100
Waseca, MN 56093 USA
+1 507.833.8822
© 2017 Cinch Connectors, Inc.
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