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WIZ110SR 数据手册
W 10SR WIZ11 R User’s Manua al (Ve ersion 2..1.0) ©200 08 WIZnet C Co., Ltd. All Rights Res served. ☞ Fo or more info ormation, vissit our webs site at http://www.wizneet.co.kr WIZnet’ss Onlin ne Technicall Supp ort If yo ou have som mething to ask about WIZnet pro oducts, wriite down yyour questio on on Q&A Board in WIZnet W webssite (www.w wiznet.co.k kr). WIZnet will give ann answer ass soon as po ossible. CLICK R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W WIZ110SR | 2 page CO OPYRIGHT NOTIC N CE Copyright 2008 WIZnet Co., Ltd. All Rightts Reserved. Tecchnical Suppo ort: support@ @wiznet.co.krr Salles & Distribu ution: sales@ @wiznet.co.kr Forr more inform mation, visit ou ur website at http://www.w wiznet.co.kr R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W IZ110SR | 3 page Table e of Contents 1. 2. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 6 1.1. KEY FEATU URES .......................................................................................... 6 1.2 2. SPECIFICAT ATION .......................................................................................... 6 1.3 3. PRODUCTSS CONTENTS .................................................................................. 7 W WIZ110SR BO OARD ........................................................................................ 8 2.1. BLOCK DIAAGRAM ........................................................................................ 8 2.2 2. CONFIGURRATION TOOL .................................................................................. 9 3. F FIRMWARE UPLOAD U ....................................................................................19 4. SSERIAL CONF FIGURATION ...............................................................................21 5. 6. 7. 4.1. SERIAL COMMAND O FORMAAT ............................................................................. 21 4.2 2. WIZ110SSR CONFIGURATTION WITH SERIIAL COMMAND .................................................. 24 D DEMONSTRAT ATION AND TEST ..........................................................................26 5.1. HARDWARRE INTERFACE ................................................................................. 26 5.2 2. TESTING SERIAL TO ETHEERNET FUNCTIOON ............................................................. 26 W WIZ110SR HA ARDWARE SPECIFICATIO ON .............................................................28 6.1. PARAMETEERS ........................................................................................... 28 6.2 2. SPECIFICAT ATION ......................................................................................... 28 6.3 3. BOARD DIMENSIONS AND PIN ASSIGNMENNT ............................................................. 28 W WARRANTY...............................................................................................30 R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W WIZ110SR | 4 page F FIGURES S Figure 1. Block Diagram ........................................................................... 8 Figure 2. etwork Config)............................................... 9 2 Configuration Tool (Ne Figure 3. 3 PPPoE Connection Pro ocess in Serial Console ................................... 10 Figure 4. 4 TCP Serve er mode ...................................................................... 11 Figure 5. 5 TCP Clientt mode ....................................................................... 12 Figure 6. 6 UDP mode e .............................................................................. 13 Figure 7. 7 Configuration Tool (Serrial Config.) .................................................. 15 Figure 8. 8 Configuration Tool (Opttion Config.) ................................................. 16 Figure 9. 9 Option Mod de for Passw word Configuration ......................................... 18 Figure 10. Board Search Window w .............................................................. 19 Figure 11. Open dialog box for up ploading ..................................................... 20 Figure 12. Firmware uploading w window ....................................................... 20 Figure 13. Complete e Uploading.................................................................. 20 Figure 14. WIZ110SR R Interface .................................................................. 26 Figure 15. Device Te erminal ....................................................................... 27 Figure 16. WIZ110SR R Dimension ................................................................. 28 Figure 17. RJ-45 PIN N Assignmen nt .............................................................. 29 Tables Table 1. Specification n............................................................................... 7 Table 2. Products Co ontents........................................................................ 7 Table 3. Serial Config guration Fra me Format .................................................. 21 Table 4. Serial Config guration Rep ply Frame Fo ormat .......................................... 21 Table 5. Serial Config guration STX X & ETX ..................................................... 21 Table 6. Serial Config guration Rep ply Code ..................................................... 21 Table 7. Serial Config guration Com mmand Code e ............................................... 23 Table 8. Serial Config guration Tes ting Process s ................................................ 25 Table 9. Testing Environment of W WIZ110SR .................................................. 26 Table 10 nt ............................................................. 29 0. RS-232 PIN Assignmen R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W WIZ110SR | 5 page 1. IIntroduc ction WIZ110SR is a gateway modu ule that convverts RS-232 protocol intto TCP/IP prrotocol. It en nables remo ote gauging, managing an nd control off a device th hrough the ne etwork basedd on Etherne et and TCP/IP by conneccting to the existing equ ipment with h RS-232 serial interface.. In other words, w WIZ110SR is a protocol conve erter that trransmits the data sent by b serial equuipment as TCP/IP T data type and converts back the TCP/IP d data receive ed through th he network iinto serial data to transmit back to the equipme ent. 1.1. - Key y Features s Direct Co onnection to o the Serial D Device  Adding Network Function Sim mply and Quiickly  are Customizzation Proviiding Firmwa - System Stability S and Reliability b by using W5100 Hardware e Chip - Supportss PPPoE Conn nection - Supportss Serial Confiiguration – w with Simple and a Easy com mmand - Supportss Password fo or the Securiity - Configura ation Tool Prrogram - 10/100 Ethernet E Inte erface and m max 230Kbps Serial Interfface - RoHS Com mpliant 1.2. Spe ecification IT TEM M MCU Descrip ption 8051 com mpliant (havving internal 62K Flash, 16K 1 SRAM, 22K EEPROM M) TC CP/IP W5100 (Ethernet MAC C & PHY Embbedded) Pro otocol TCP P, UDP, IP, ARP, A ICMP, MAC, M DHCP, PPPoE, DNS Networkk Interface 1 10/100 Mbps s(Auto detection), RJ-45 Connector Serial Interface RS232((DB9) Serial Signal TXD, RXD, RTS S, CTS, GND D Parity P : None, Even, Odd Serial Parameters Data Bits : 7,8 Flow Contrrol : None, RTS/CTS, XO ON/XOFF Speed S : up to o 230Kbps R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W WIZ110SR | 6 page Input Voltage DC 5V 5 Power Co onsumption Under 180mA Temp perature 0 0C ~ 80C (Operation), -40C ~ 85C C (Storage) Hum midity 10 ~ 90% 9 Table e 1. Specific cation 1.3. Products Con ntents WIZ110SR Boardd LAN Ca able (Optionaal) 5V Power Adaptor A (Opttional) Table 2.. Products Contents C ☞ If there is an ny missing item, contact to the shop where w you purchased. ☞ The optiona al items shou uld be purcha ased separattely. R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W WIZ110SR | 7 page 2. W WIZ110S SR Board d 2.1. Bloc ck Diagram Figure e 1. Block Diagram WIZ110SR is a pro otocol conve erter that traansmits the data d sent by y serial equippment to Eth hernet and cconverts bacck the TCP/IP data receiived through h the networrk into seriall data to tra ansmit back to the equiipment. Whe en the data is received from serial port, it is ssent to W5100 by MCU. If any data is transmittted from Eth hernet, it is received to the internal buffer of W5100, W and ssent to the serial port by b MCU. MC CU in the mo odule contro ols the data according to t the configuration value that user defined. R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W WIZ110SR | 8 page 2.2. 2 2.2.1. Con nfiguration n Tool Netw work Configuration ⓐ ⓑ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓒ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ Figure e 2. Configurration Tool (Network Config) C ⓐ Veersion : Dispplays firmware version. You can use PPP PoE, Serial Co ommand, Paassword function from firrmware Ver.22.5. ⓑ Enable Serial Debug Moode : If thiss mode is chhecked, you can monitoor the statuus and et message of o WIZ110SR R (listen OK, connect faiil etc.) through serial teerminal. If Debug D socke mode e is on, debug message can cause aabnormal op peration of the serial d evice. There efore, just u use this mode only for De ebug mode. ⓒ Booard List : Iff you click “Search” “ buttton, all the MAC addresses on a sam me subnet, will w be d displayed. R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved W WIZ110SR | 9 page ⓓ IPP Configurattion Method d: Select IP setting mode, you can n select amoong Static, DHCP, PPPoE E mode. Static c: “Static” is i the option n for settingg WIZ110SR with static IP address. First selectt MAC addre ess that you u want to set it as staatic IP in ‘b board list’. Then, T the ““Local IP, Su ubnet, Gatew way boxes are a enabled. Input Staticc IP address and click “setting” buttton. Then IP is set as you want. (PPP PoE ID, Passw word box willl be disabled d) DHCP P: Set this option o to use e DHCP mode e. First, chec ck ‘DHCP’ an nd click ‘Settting’ button n. If IP addre ess is successsfully acquired from DH HCP server, the t MAC add dress will bee displayed on o the board d list. (It tak kes some time to acquire e IP address from f DHCP server) When n a module on the boa ard list is se elected, IP address, Subnet mask aand Gatewa ay are displa ayed. If mod dule could not n acquire network infformation frrom DHCP seerver, IP address, Gatew way Address and Subnet mask will be e initialized to PPPo oE : WIZ110SSR supports PPPoE for A ADSL user. Wh hen you sele ect PPPoE in “IP Configuration Metho od” PPPoE ID D and Passwo ord box will be enabled. 1. To set PPPoE, connect PC to WIZ110SR R directly an nd execute Configuration C n Tool progra am on PC. (C Configuratio on Tool versio on should be e 2.1 or abov ve) 2. Select ‘PPPoE’ of the “IP Configuration C n Method” ta ab and input ID & Passwoord. 3. Cliick “setting” ” button to apply. a 4. Co onnect Modulle to ADSL Line. 5. If “ “Enable Serial Debug Mo ode” is selectted, you can n see PPPoE access a statuss via Se erial console e. Figure 3. PPPoE P Conn nection Proc cess in Seriial Console R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 10 0 page ⓔ LLocal IP/Portt : WIZ110SR’s IP addresss and Port nuumber for neetwork conneection ☞ Be e sure to inp put correct network infformation. If I you inputt incorrect IP address, it can cause e network collision c or mal-function m n. ⓕ Suubnet : WIZ1110SR’s subnet mask ⓖ Gaateway : WIZ110SR’s Gateway addreess ⓗ PPPoE ID/Passsword : If you y select ‘P PPPoE’ mode e, input ID/Password whhich you rec ceived from ISP companyy. ⓘ Seerver IP/Porrt : When WIZ110SR W is sset as “Clien nt mode” orr Mixed modde”, server IP and port sshould be se et. WIZ110SR R attempts too connect this IP addresss. ⓙ N Network mod de : clientt/server/mix xed : This iss to select th he communication meth hod based o on TCP. TCP is the proto ocol to estab blish the con nnection beffore data com mmunication n, but UDP jjust processe es the data communicattion withoutt connection n establishme ent. The Network mo ode of WIZ110SR can be divided into TCP Server, TCP C Client and Mixed mode e according to the conn nection estab blishing metthod. At the TCP server mode, WIZ1 110SR opera ates as serve er on the prrocess of con nnection, an nd waits for the connecttion trial from the clientt. WIZ110SR R operates as a client at tthe TCP Clie ent mode on the proceess of conne ection, and ttries to conn nect to the server’s IP aand Port. Miixed modes supports bo oth of Serve er and Client. The comm munication process p of eaach mode is as below. Figure 4 4. TCP Serv ver mode At the TCP Serverr mode, WIZ110SR waits for the conn nection requ uests. R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 11 1 page e can be use eful when th he monitorin ng center trries to conneect to the device d TCP SServer mode (where WIZ110SR R is installe ed) in order to check the t status or o provide thhe commands. In norm mal time WIZ110SR is on the waiting status, and if there is any connecttion request (SYN) from the monitoring cen nter, the cconnection is establisshed(ESTABLLISH), and data comm munication iss processed (Data ( Transaaction). Finallly connectio on is closed ((FIN). In orrder to operrate this mo ode, Local IP P, Subnet, Gateway G Add dress and Loocal Port Nu umber shoulld be configu ured first. As illu ustrated in the t above fig gure, data trransmission proceeds p as follows, 1. Th he host conne ects to the WIZ110SR W wh hich is config gured as TCP Server mod e. 2. As the connecttion is established, data can be transmitted in both directio ns – from the e host to the e WIZ110SR, and from th he WIZ110SR R to the host TCP client mode> m Config soc cket : ok >Listen : Ok k WIZ100SR//WIZ110SR V Ver. 03.01 MAC ADDR RESS : 00.0 08.DC.13.5E.24 SUBNET MASK M : 255..255.255.0 G/W IP ADD DRESS : 192.168 8.11.1 LOCAL IP ADDRESS A : 3 cket : ok >Config soc >Listen : Ok k Figure1 14. Serial C Configuratio on Console Display R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 25 5 page 5. D Demonstration and a Test In thiis chapter, we w give an ex xample that can be used to test the function of W WIZ110SR The ttesting environment is ass below. PC Ha ardware WIZ1100SR 1)) RS232 Port 1) WIZ110SR Boardd 2)) LAN Port 2) Serial Cable 3) LAN Cable C 4) DC5V V Power Adaaptor S Software on Tool Prog gram 1)) Configuratio 2)) Hyper Term minal Tablle 9. Testing g Environme ent of WIZ11 10SR 5.1. Hardwa are Interfa ace LAN Cable Serial Cable Power Figure 14 4. WIZ110SR R Interface Installl as below steps. STEP P 1: By using g RJ45 Etherrnet cable, co onnect the WIZ110SR W to the networkk. STEP P 2: Connectt the WIZ110 0SR to the se erial device by b using seria al cable. STEP P 3: Connectt 5V DC adap ptor for powe er supplying.. 5.2. Testing g Serial to Ethernet Function STEP P1: Power on n WIZ110SR R board. STEP P2: Configure e the WIZ110 0SR by using g Configuration Tool prog gram. STEP P3: Execute terminal em mulator progra am such as Hyper Terminal, and sellect the COM M port R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 26 6 page WIZ110SR will w use. that W STEP P4: Set the Baud B rate as WIZ110SR. STEP P5: Execute another Hyp per terminal, a and open the e TCP/IP(Winsock) for seetting IP and Port. STEP P6: Type some s charac cters at the e screen of o serial Hy yper terminaal. For exa ample, “0123 34567890” iss input. STEP P7: The inpu ut characters s of STEP 6, is displayed d in the screen of netwo rk Hyper terrminal. (Checcking “Serial to Ethernet”” function) STEP P8: You can check “Etherrnet to Seria l” function by y inputting so ome characte ter in the scre een of Netw work terminal and checkin ng them in the e serial term minal.  Abovve function can be tested d by Device Terminal T prog gram that WIIZnet is prov viding. Figure 1 15. Device Terminal T R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 27 7 page 6. W WIZ110S SR Hardw ware Spe ecification 6.1. Parame eters  Power 5V V DC / 180mA A  Dimension 75 5 x 50 x 17 (L L x W x H)  Tempera ature Op perating Tem mperature : 0 ~ 80 ℃  Ethernett 10 0/100 Base-T T Ethernet (A Auto detection n)  Serial interface RS S-232 6.2. Specific cation  MCU 80 051 Complian nt  FLASH 62 2KByte (MCU U Internal)  SRAM 16 6KByte (MCU U Internal)  EEPROM M 2KByt yte (MCU Inte ernal) 6.3. Board Dimension D ns and Pin n Assignm ment 6.3.1 1. Dimens sions [ un nit : mm ] 56.00 3.60 7.70 3.70 45.00 8.00 3.50 3.50 Ø3.00 75.90 Figure 16.. WIZ110SR Dimension R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 28 8 page 6.3.2 2. Connec ctor Speciification 6.3.2 2.1. RJ45 Etherrnet port Pin nouts Pin Signa l 1 TX+ 2 TX- 3 RX+ 6 RX- Figure 17. RJ-45 PIN Assignment A 6.3.2 2.2. RS-2 232 1 2 6 Pin Numberr 3 7 Signal 4 8 5 9 Description 1 NC Not Conn nected 2 RxD Receive Data 3 TxD Transmitt Data 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready y 5 GND Ground 6 DSR Data Sett Ready 7 RTS Request To Send 8 CTS Clear To Send 9 NC Not Conn nected Table 10. R RS-232 PIN Assignment A R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 29 9 page 7. W Warranty y WIZn net Co., Ltd offers o the following limite ed warranties s applicable only to the ooriginal purchaser. This o offer is non-ttransferable. WIZn net warrants our products s and its partts against de efects in materials and wo workmanship under normal use for pe eriod of stan ndard ONE(1 1) YEAR for the WIZ110 0SR board aand labor wa arranty after the date off original reta ail purchase e. During this period, WIZnet W will reepair or replace a defecctive productts or part free e of charge. Warrranty Condittions: 1 1. The warrranty applies s only to prod ducts distribu uted by WIZn net or our offiicial distributtors. 2 2. The warrranty applies s only to defe ects in materrial or workmanship as m mentioned above in 6.Warran nty. The warrranty appliess only to de efects which occur duringg normal use and does nott extend to damage d to p roducts or parts p which results from aalternation, repair, r modificattion, faulty in nstallation orr service by anyone a other than someoone authoriz zed by WIZnet Inc. ; damage to productss or parts ca aused by acc cident, abusee, or misuse e, poor maintena ance, mishan ndling, misap pplication, orr used in violation of insttructions furn nished by us ; damage occurring in shipm ment or any damage cau used by an acct of God, su uch as lightening g or line surg ge. cedure for Obtaining O Warranty W Serrvice Proc 1. Contact an a authorized d distributorss or dealer off WIZnet Inc.. for obtainin g an RMA (R Return Merchand dise Authoriz zation) reque est form within the applica able warranty ty period. 2 2. Send the e products to t the distrib butors or de ealers togeth her with thee completed RMA request form. f All pro oducts return ned for warra anty must be carefully rrepackaged in the original packing p materials. 3 3. Any serviice issue, ple ease contactt to sales@w wiznet.co.kr R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 30 0 page Document Re evision His story D Date Re evision 2007 7-09-01 v v1.0.0 Changes s Firrst Release A PPPoE E description ns(F/W updated) - Added 2008 8-02-27 v v1.1.0 - Added A serial cconfiguration n command - Removed R harrdware config guration description A and m modified seria al configuration commannd(F/W upda ated to - Added 2008 8-06-04 v v2.0.0 ver3.1) - Modified M boarrd dimension ns(Chapter 6.3.1) CD is not pro ovide anymorre. The software C ware contents s, please visit our websitee. For more softw 2013 3-06-19 v v2.1.0 (ww ww.wiznet.co o.kr) Mo odified the ta able of Prod duct contents in CH 1.33. Software CD is rem moved in the e table of con ntents. R Copyrigght © WIZnett All Rights Reserved WIIZ110SR | 31 1 page
WIZ110SR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+370.51914
  • 3+362.36797
  • 5+354.59144
