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    3V~5.5V电源±16kV ESD保护,10Mbps,半双工RS485/RS422收发器

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SIT65HVD08DR 数据手册
SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver Configuration: FEATURES:  3V~5.5V Power Supply, Half-duplex;  ESD Protection for Bus Terminals: Contact Discharge±16KV;  Bus Terminals Fault Voltage Up To ±15V  1/8-unit-load, allows up to 256 transceivers on the bus;  Short-circuit protection;       Thermal shutdown protection; Low-Current Shutdown Mode ; True Fail-Safe Receiver; Excellent noise immunity; Integrated transient voltage suppression ; 10Mbps in Electrically Noisy Environments; PB Free Package (RoHS) General Description Functional Block SIT65HVD08 RO R VCC RE B DE A DI D GND Fig1.Functional Block REC V1.6 2018.08 1 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage VCC +7 V CTR Port /RE,DE,DI -0.3~VCC+0.5 V Driver Output Voltage A、B -15~15 V RO -0.3~VCC+0.5 V -40~85 ℃ -60~150 ℃ 300 ℃ SOP8 470 mW MSOP8 830 mW DIP8 700 mW Receiver Output Voltage Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Soldering Temperature (reflow) Continuous Power Dissipation Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications are not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Pin Description Pin Number Pin Name 1 RO 2 /RE 3 DE 4 DI 5 GND 6 A No inverting Receiver Input A/Driver Output A. 7 B Inverting Receiver Input B/Driver Output B. 8 VCC REC V1.6 2018.08 FUNCTION Receiver Output. When enabled, if A –B ≥ 200 mV, then RO = high. If A -B ≤ -200 mV, then RO = low. Receiver Output Enable. A low level enables the RO; a high level places it in a high impedance state. Driver Output Enable. A high level enables the driver differential outputs, Pin A and Pin B; a low level places the driver in a high impedance state. Driver Input. When the driver is enabled, a logic low on DI forces Pin A low and Pin B high; a logic high on DI forces Pin A high and Pin B low. Ground Connection (0 V). Power Supply 2 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DRIVER PARAMETER Differential Driver Output(no load) SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN VOD1 3.0 Fig 2,RL = 54 Ω Differential Driver Output TYP 2 VCC=3.3V VOD2 MAX UNITS 5.5 V VCC V Fig 2,RL = 54 Ω 3.5 VCC=5.0V VCC Change in Magnitude of Differential Output Voltage (NOTE1) ∆VOD Fig 2,RL = 54 Ω 0.2 V Driver Common-Mode Output Voltage VOC Fig 2,RL = 54 Ω 3 V Change In Magnitude of Common-Mode Voltage (NOTE1) ∆VOC Fig 2,RL = 54 Ω 0.2 V Input High Voltage VIH DE,DI,/RE Input Low Voltage VIL DE,DI,/RE IIN1 DE,DI,/RE IOSD1 Short to 0V~12V IOSD2 Short to-7V~0V Input Current (RE,DI,/RE) Driver Short-Circuit Output Current (short to high) Driver Short-Circuit Output Current (short to low) 2.0 V -2 0.8 V 2 uA 250 mA -250 Thermal-Shutdown Threshold Thermal-Shutdown Hysteresis mA 140 ℃ 20 ℃ (If no special situation occurs Temp=TMIN~TMAX,Temp=25℃) NOTE1:ΔVOD and ΔVOC are the changes in VOD and VOC, respectively, when the DI input changes state. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RECEIVER PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN DE = 0 V, VCC=0 Input Current(A,B) IIN2 or3.3/ 5V, VIN = 12 V DE = 0 V,VCC=0 or 3.3/5V,VIN =-7 V REC V1.6 2018.08 3 / 14 -100 TYP MAX UNITS 125 uA uA www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver Positive-going input VIT+ -7V≦VCM≦12V VIT- -7V≦VCM≦12V -200 Receiver Input Hysteresis Vhys -7V≦VCM≦12V 10 RO Output-High Voltage VOH RO Output-Low Voltage VOL Three-State Output Current at Receiver IOZR 0.4 V < VO < 2.4 V RIN -7V≦VCM≦12V 96 IOSR 0 V≤VO≤VCC ±8 threshold voltage Negative-going input threshold voltage Receiver Input Resistance Receiver Output Short-Circuit IOUT = −4mA, VID = +200 mV +200 mV mV 30 mV VCC-1.5 V IOUT = +4mA, VID = -200 mV 0.4 V ±1 uA kΩ ±60 mA TYP MAX UNITS 430 650 uA 470 750 uA 450 650 uA 510 750 uA 0.4 10 uA 0.1 10 uA (If no special situation occurs, Temp=TMIN~TMAX,Temp=25℃) SUPPLY CURRENT PARAMETER SYMBOL ICC1 CONDITIONS /RE=0V, DE = 0 V, VCC=3.3V /RE=0V, DE = 0 V VCC=5V Supply Current MIN /RE=VCC, ICC2 DE=VCC, VCC=3.3V /RE=0V, DE = 0 V, VCC=5V /RE=VCC, DE=0V, Supply Current in Shutdown Mode ISHDN VCC=3.3V /RE=VCC, DE=0V, VCC=5V REC V1.6 2018.08 4 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS OF DRIVER PARAMETER Driver Differential Output Delay SYMBOL TYP MAX UNITS 12 32 ns 15 28 ns 18 40 ns 18 40 ns 2.5 ns 55 ns tPZL 55 ns tPLZ 85 ns 85 ns 400 1000 ns 400 1000 ns tDD Driver Differential Output Transition tTD CONDITIONS MIN RDIFF = 60 Ω, CL1=CL2=100pF (Fig 3,4) Time Driver Propagation Delay, Low-to-High tDZH Level Driver Propagation Delay, High-to-Low Level |tPLH - tPHL| Driver Propagation-Delay tDZL RDIFF = 27 Ω (Fig 3,4) tPDS 2 Skew (Note 2) Driver-Output Enable Time to High tPZH RL = 110Ω, (Fig 5,6) Level Driver-Output Enable Time to Low Level Driver-Output Disable Time from RL = 110Ω, (Fig 5,6) Low Level Driver-Output Disable Time from High Level Driver-Output Enable Time from Shutdown to Low tPHZ tDSH RL = 110Ω, (Fig 5,6) Level Driver-Output Enable Time from Shutdown to High Level REC V1.6 2018.08 tDSL RL = 110Ω, (Fig 5,6) 5 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS OF RECEIVER PARAMETER SYMBOL Receiver Propagation Delay tRPLH (low to high) Receiver Propagation Delay tRPHL (high to low) |tRPLH − tRPHL| tRPDS Receiver Enable to Output Low tRPZL Receiver Enable to Output High Receiver Disable Time from Low Receiver Disable Time from High Receiver Enable from shutdown to tRPZH tPRLZ tPRHZ tRPSH Output High Receiver Enable from Shutdown to MIN CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) tRPSL CL=15pF (Fig 7,8) tSHDN NOTE2 Output Low Time to Shutdown CONDITIONS 80 TYP MAX UNITS 70 ns 70 ns 5 ns 15 ns 15 ns 25 55 ns 25 55 ns 250 1500 ns 250 1500 ns 300 ns NOTE2: The device is put into shutdown by bringing RE high and DE low. If the enable inputs are in this state for less than 50ns, the device is guaranteed not to enter shutdown. If the enable inputs are in this state for at least 600ns, the device is guaranteed to have entered shutdown. REC V1.6 2018.08 6 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver FUNCTION TABLES TRANSMITTING CTR INPUTS RECEIVING OUTPUTS CTR INPUTS OUTPUTS /RE DE DI A B /RE DE A-B RO X 1 1 H L 0 X ≥200mV H X 1 0 L H 0 X ≤-200mV L 0 0 X Z Z 0 X Open/shorted H 1 0 X 1 X X Z Z(shutdown) X:Don’t care;Z:high impedance。 X:Don’t care;Z:high impedance。 TEST CIRCUIT Fig 2 Driver DC Test Load CL=15pF (CL includes probe and stray capacitance, Same as below) Fig 3 Driver Differential Output Delay and Transition Times REC V1.6 2018.08 7 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver Fig 4 Driver Propagation Times Fig 5 Driver Enable and Disable Times Fig 6 Driver Enable and Disable Times Fig 7 Receiver Propagation Delay REC V1.6 2018.08 8 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver Fig 8 Receiver Enable and Disable Times REC V1.6 2018.08 9 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver SUMMARY 1 Description SIT65HVD08, is 3.0~5.5V power supply, ±16kV contact discharge capacity and ±15V fault protect voltage of the A/B terminal, including a driver and a receiver, half-duplex high-speed transceivers for RS-485 / RS-422 communications. SIT65HVD08 features fail-safe, overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection, thermal protection. The SIT65HVD08 allows error-free data transmission up to 10Mbps. 2 Connecting 256 Transceivers on one Bus The standard RS-485 receiver input impedance is 12kΩ (1 unit load), the standard driver can drive up to 32 unit loads. Receiver SIT65HVD08 transceiver has a 1/8 unit load receiver input impedance (96kΩ), allowing up to 256 transceivers to be connected in parallel on one bus. These devices can be any combination, or in combination with other RS-485 transceiver combination, as long as the total load does not load more than 32 units, can be connected on the same bus. 3 Drive Output Protection Through two mechanisms to avoid failure or a bus contention causes power consumption is too high. First, in the entire common Mode voltage range, overcurrent protection circuit provides a fast short protection. Second, when the die temperature exceeds 140℃, driver output is forced into a high impedance state by the thermal shutdown circuit. 4 Typical Application 4.1 Backbone cable type: SIT65HVD08 transceiver is designed for multi-point bi-directional data communication bus transmission lines. Figure 9 shows a typical network application circuit. These devices can also be used as a cable longer than 4,000 feet of line repeater, to reduce the reflection, the transmission line should be in its ends terminated in its characteristic impedance, and stub lengths off the main line should be as short as possible. SIT65HVD08 120Ω RE VCC B DE A RO DI R VCC B RO RE DE D DI Slave N SIT65VHD08 D R R SIT65HVD08 VCC B A GND VCC B D Slave 1 A GND Master R A GND GND D SIT65HVD08 120Ω Slave 2 RE RO DI DE RE RO DI DE Fig.9 Backbone cable type RS485 communications network REC V1.6 2018.08 10 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver 4.2 Hand in hand type: Also known as daisy chain topology, is the prior RS485 bus topology recommended by the TIA organization. The routing method is the master device and a number of slave devices connected in hand-handle configuration, as shown in Figure 10. It' should be noted at that hand in handle means no branch line. This kind of topology has the advantages of small reflection and high rate of success communication. RO RE DI DE 120Ω DE A DI VCC B RO R RE A GND D SIT65HVD08 120Ω VCC B VCC B R A GND RE RO SIT65HVD08 R D SIT65HVD08 VCC B A GND DE DI D Slave N SIT65HVD08 R D SIT65HVD08 R D Slave1 VCC B A GND Master GND Slave 2 RE RO DI DE RE RO DI DE Fig.10 Daisy chain topology type RS485 communications network 4.3 The bus port protection:In harsh environments,RS485 communication ports are usually done with static protection, lightning surge protection, and other additional protection,even prepared to prevent 380V electricity access by mistake. To avoid the destruction of intelligent instruments and industrial control host, figure 11 demonstrates three general kinds of RS485 bus port protection configuration. SIT65HVD08 PTC1 RE VCC B DE A RO DI R D TVS1 GDT TVS3 GND TVS2 Master or Slave PTC2 PE SIT65HVD08 SIT65HVD08 TVS1 VCC B DE A DI R D Master or Slave GND PTC1 RE VCC B DE A RO PTC1 CK RE RO DI R D PTC1 TVS1 GND Master or Slave TVS2 Fig11 RS485 bus ports Protection configuration REC V1.6 2018.08 11 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver SOP8 PACKAGE OUTLINE Package Dimensions Symbol Min/mm Typ/mm Max/mm A 1.50 1.60 1.70 A1 0.1 0.15 0.2 A2 1.35 1.45 1.55 b 0.355 0.400 0.455 D 4.800 4.900 5.00 E 3.780 3.880 3.980 E1 5.800 6.000 6.200 e 1.270BSC L 0.40 0.60 0.80 c 0.153 0.203 0.253 θ -2° -4° -6° REC V1.6 2018.08 12 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver MSOP8 / 8μMAX / VSSOP8 PACKAGE OUTLINE Package Dimensions Symbol Min/mm Typ/mm Max/mm A 2.90 3.0 3.10 A1 0.28 0.35 A2 0.65TYP A3 0.375TYP B 2.90 3.0 B1 4.70 5.10 B2 0.45 0.75 C 0.75 0.95 C1 3.10 1.10 C2 0.328 TYP C3 0.152 C4 0.15 0.23 H 0.00 0.09 θ REC V1.6 2018.08 12°TYP 13 / 14 www.sitcores.com SIT65HVD08 3V~5.5V Supply ±16kV ESD Protected,10Mbps,Half-duplex RS485/RS422 Transceiver DIP8 PACKAGE OUTLINE Package Dimensions Symbol Min/mm Typ/mm Max/mm A 9.00 9.20 9.40 A1 0.33 0.45 0.51 A2 2.54TYP A3 1.525TYP B 8.40 8.70 9.10 B1 6.20 6.40 6.60 B2 7.32 7.62 7.92 C 3.20 3.40 3.60 C1 0.50 0.60 0.80 C2 3.71 4.00 4.31 D 0.20 0.28 0.36 L 3.00 3.30 3.60 Ordering Information PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE SIT65HVD08DR -40℃~85℃ 8 SO SIT65HVD08DGK -40℃~85℃ MSOP8/VSSOP8/8μMAX SIT65HVD08P -40℃~85℃ DIP8 Tape and Reel: Pack quantity is 2,500. REC V1.6 2018.08 14 / 14 www.sitcores.com
SIT65HVD08DR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.80263
  • 30+1.74047
  • 100+1.61615
  • 500+1.49183
  • 1000+1.42967


  •  国内价格
  • 1+2.91600
  • 10+2.36520
  • 30+2.13840
  • 100+1.84680
  • 500+1.71720
  • 1000+1.63080
