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SCD40-D-R2 数据手册
SCD4x Breaking the size barrier in CO2 sensing Features ▪ Photoacoustic NDIR sensor technology PASens® ▪ Smallest form factor: 10.1 x 10.1 x 6.5 mm3 ▪ Reflow solderable for cost effective assembly ▪ Large output range: 0 ppm – 40’000 ppm ▪ Large supply voltage range: 2.4 – 5.5 V ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ High accuracy: ±(40 ppm + 5 %) Digital I2C interface Integrated temperature and humidity sensor Low power operation down to < 0.4 mA avg. @ 5 V, 1 meas. / 5 minutes Product Summary The SCD4x is Sensirion’s next generation miniature CO2 sensor. This sensor builds on the photoacoustic NDIR sensing principle and Sensirion’s patented PASens® and CMOSens® technology to offer high accuracy at an unmatched price and smallest form factor. SMD assembly allows cost- and space-effective integration of the sensor combined with maximal freedom of design. On-chip signal compensation is realized with the build-in SHT4x humidity and temperature sensor. CO2 is a key indicator for indoor air quality as high levels compromise humans’ cognitive performance and wellbeing. The SCD4x enables smart ventilation systems to regulate ventilation in the most energy-efficient and human-friendly way. Moreover, indoor air quality monitors and other connected devices based on the SCD4x can help maintaining low CO2 concentration for a healthy, productive environment. Functional Block Diagram Device Overview Products Details SCD40-D-R2 Base accuracy, specified range 400 – 2’000 ppm SCD41-D-R2 High accuracy, specified range 400 – 5’000 ppm, single shot mode supported SCD42-D-R2 Separate datasheet, see https://sensirion.com/products/cat alog/SCD42/ Full product list on page 22 www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 1/24 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sensor Performance ......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 CO2 Sensing Performance .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Humidity Sensing Performance ................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Temperature Sensing Performance5 ........................................................................................................... 3 Specifications .................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Electrical Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Interface Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Timing Specifications................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Material Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Digital Interface Description ............................................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Power-Up and Communication Start ........................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Data type & length ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Command Sequence Types ........................................................................................................................ 7 3.4 SCD4x Command Overview ........................................................................................................................ 8 3.5 Basic Commands ........................................................................................................................................ 9 3.6 On-Chip Output Signal Compensation ...................................................................................................... 10 3.7 Field Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 12 3.8 Low Power operation ................................................................................................................................. 14 3.9 Advanced Features ................................................................................................................................... 15 3.10 Low power single shot (SCD41) ................................................................................................................ 17 3.11 Checksum Calculation ............................................................................................................................... 19 Mechanical specifications .............................................................................................................................. 20 4.1 Package Outline ........................................................................................................................................ 20 4.2 Land Pattern .............................................................................................................................................. 20 4.3 Tape & Reel Package................................................................................................................................ 21 4.4 Moisture Sensitivity Level .......................................................................................................................... 21 4.5 Soldering Instructions ................................................................................................................................ 22 4.6 Traceability ................................................................................................................................................ 22 Ordering Information....................................................................................................................................... 22 Revision History ................................................................................................................................................ 23 ESD Precautions ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Warranty .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 2/24 1 Sensor Performance 1.1 CO2 Sensing Performance Default conditions of 25 °C, 50 % RH, ambient pressure 1013 mbar, default periodic measurement and 3.3 V supply voltage apply to values in the table below, unless otherwise stated. Parameter CO2 output range1 SCD40 CO2 measurement accuracy2 SCD41 CO2 measurement accuracy2 Repeatability Response time3 Additional accuracy drift per year with automatic self-calibration algorithm enabled4 Conditions 400 ppm – 2’000 ppm 400 ppm – 5’000 ppm Typical τ63%, typical Value 0 – 40’000 ppm ± (50 ppm + 5% of reading) ± (40 ppm + 5% of reading) ± 10 ppm 60 s Typical ± (5 ppm + 0.5 % of reading) Table 1: SCD40 and SCD41 CO2 sensor specifications 1.2 Humidity Sensing Performance5 Parameter Humidity measurement range Accuracy (typ.) Repeatability Response time3 Accuracy drift Conditions 15 °C – 35 °C, 20 %RH – 65 %RH -10 °C – 60 °C, 0 %RH – 100 %RH Typical τ63%, typical - Value 0 %RH – 100 %RH ± 6 % RH ± 9 % RH ± 0.4 %RH 90 s < 0.25 %RH / year Table 2: SCD4x humidity sensor specifications 1.3 Temperature Sensing Performance5 Parameter Temperature measurement range Accuracy (typ.) Repeatability Response time3 Accuracy drift Conditions 15 °C – 35 °C -10 °C – 60 °C τ63%, typical - Value - 10°C – 60°C ± 0.8 °C ± 1.5 °C ± 0.1°C 120 s < 0.03 °C / year Table 3: SCD4x temperature sensor specifications Exposure to CO2 concentrations smaller than 400 ppm can affect the accuracy of the sensor if the automatic self-calibration (ASC) is on. Deviation to a high-precision reference. Accuracy is fulfilled by > 90% of the sensors after calibration. Rough handling and shipping reduce the accuracy of the sensor. Sensor assembly temporarily reduces sensor accuracy. Accuracy is fully restored with FRC or ASC recalibration features > 5 days after sensor assembly. Accuracy is based on tests with gas mixtures having a tolerance of ± 1.5%. 3 Time for achieving 63% of a respective step function when operating the SCD41 Evaluation Kit with default measurement mode. Response time depends on design-in, signal update rate and environment of the sensor in the final application. 4 For proper function of ASC field-calibration algorithm SCD4x must be exposed to air with CO2 concentration 400 ppm regularly. Maximum accuracy drift per year estimated from stress tests is ± (5 ppm + 2 % of reading). Higher drift values may occur if the sensor is not handled according to its handling instructions. 5 Design-in of the SCD4x in final application, self-heating of the sensor and the environment impacts the accuracy of the RH/T sensor. To realize indicated specifications, the temperature-offset of the SCD4x inside the customer device must be set correctly (see chapter 3.6). Best RH/T accuracy is realized when operating the SCD4x in low power periodic measurement mode. 1 2 www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 3/24 2 Specifications 2.1 Electrical Specifications Parameter Supply voltage DC6 Voltage ripple peak to peak Peak supply current7 Average supply current for periodic measurement Average supply current for low power periodic measurement Average supply current for periodic single shot measurement, 1 measurement / 5 minutes (SCD41 only)8 Input high level voltage Input low level voltage Output low level voltage Symbol Conditions VDD VRPP VDD = 3.3 V Ipeak VDD = 5 V VDD = 3.3 V IDD VDD = 5 V VDD = 3.3 V IDD VDD = 5 V VDD = 3.3 V IDD VDD = 5 V Min. 2.4 Typical 3.3 or 5.0 VIH VIL VOL 0.65 x VDD 175 115 15 11 3.2 2.8 0.45 0.36 3 mA sink current Max. 5.5 30 205 137 18 13 3.5 3 0.5 0.4 Units V mV mA mA mA mA mA mA mA 1 x VDD 0.3 x VDD 0.66 V mA Table 4 SCD4x electrical specifications 2.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stress levels beyond those listed in Table 5 may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to minimum/maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect sensor performance and reliability of the device. Parameter Temperature operating conditions Humidity operating conditions9 MSL Level DC supply voltage Max voltage on pins SDA, SCL, GND Input current on pins SDA, SCL, GND Short term storage temperature10 Recommended storage temperature ESD HBM ESD CDM Maintenance Interval Sensor lifetime12 Conditions Non-condensing Maintenance free when ASC fieldcalibration algorithm11 is used. Typical operating conditions Value -10 – 60°C 0 – 95 %RH 3 - 0.3 V – 6.0 V – 0.3 V to VDD+0.3 V - 280 mA to 100 mA - 40°C – 70°C 10 °C – 50 °C 2 kV 500 V None > 10 years Table 5: SCD4x operation conditions, lifetime and maximum ratings Supply voltage must be kept stable during sensor operation Power supply should be designed with respect to peak current. 8 On-demand measurement with freely adjustable interval. See chapter 3.10 9 Accuracy can be reduced at relative humidity levels lower than 10 %. 10 Short term storage refers to temporary conditions during e.g. transport. 11 For proper function of ASC field-calibration algorithm the SCD4x has to be exposed to clean air with 400 ppm CO2 concentration regularly. 12 Sensor tested over simulated lifetime of > 10 years for indoor environment mission profile 6 7 www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 4/24 2.3 Interface Specifications The SCD4x comes in an LGA package (Table 6). The package outline is schematically displayed in chapter 4.1. The landing pattern of the SCD4x can be found in chapter 4.2. Name Comments VDD Supply voltage VDDH Supply voltage IR source, must be connected to VDD on customer PCB GND Ground contact SDA I2C Serial data, bidirectional SCL I2C Serial clock DNC Do not connect, pads must be soldered to a floating pad on the customer PCB Table 6 Pin assignment (top view). The notched corner of the protection membrane serves as a polarity mark to indicate pin 1 location. VDD and VDDH are used to supply the sensor and must always be kept at the same voltage, i.e. should both be connected to the same power supply. The combined maximum current drawn on VDD and VDDH is indicated in Table 4. Care should be taken to choose a low noise power supply (preferably a low-dropout regulator, LDO, with output ripple of less than 30 mV p-p), which is adequately dimensioned for the relatively large peak currents. Power supply configurations with large transient voltage drops are to be avoided to ensure proper sensor operation. SCL is used to synchronize the I2C communication between the master (microcontroller) and the slave (sensor). The SDA pin is used to transfer data to and from the sensor. For safe communication, the timing specifications defined in the I 2C manual13 must be met. Both SCL and SDA lines should be connected to external pull-up resistors (e.g. Rp = 10 kΩ, see Figure 1). To avoid signal contention, the microcontroller must only drive SDA and SCL low. For dimensioning resistor sizes please take bus capacity and communication frequency into account (see example in Section 7.1 of NXPs I2C Manual for more details13). It should be noted that pull-up resistors may be included in I/O circuits of microcontrollers. Figure 1: Typical application circuit (for better clarity in the image, the positioning of the pins does not reflect the positions on the real sensor). VDD and VDDH must be connected to each other close to the sensor on the customer PCB. 13 NXP’s I2C-bus specification and user manual UM10204, Rev.6, 4 April 2014 www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 5/24 2.4 Timing Specifications Table 7 list the timings of the ASIC part and does not reflect the availability or usefulness of the sensor readings. The SCD4x supports the I2C “standard-mode” as is described elsewhere (see footnote 13). Parameter Condition Min. Max. Unit Power-up time After hard reset, VDD ≥ 2.25 V - 1000 ms Soft reset time After re-initialization (i.e. reinit) - 1000 ms SCL clock frequency - 0 100 kHz Table 7 System timing specifications. 2.5 Material Contents The device is fully REACH and RoHS compliant. www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 6/24 3 Digital Interface Description All SCD4x commands and data are mapped to a 16-bit address space. SCD4x Hex. Code I2 C 0x62 address Table 8 I2C device address. 3.1 Power-Up and Communication Start The sensor starts powering-up after reaching the power-up threshold voltage VDD,Min = 2.25 V. After reaching this threshold voltage, the sensor needs 1000 ms to enter the idle state. Once the idle state is entered it is ready to receive commands from the master. Each transmission sequence begins with a START condition (S) and ends with a STOP condition (P) as described in the I 2Cbus specification. 3.2 Data type & length Data sent to and received from the sensor consists of a sequence of 16-bit commands and/or 16-bit words (each to be interpreted as unsigned integer, most significant byte transmitted first). Each data word is immediately succeeded by an 8-bit CRC. In write direction it is mandatory to transmit the checksum. In read direction it is up to the master to decide if it wants to process the checksum (see chapter 3.11). 3.3 Command Sequence Types The SCD4x features four different I2C command sequence types: “read I2C sequences”, “write I2C sequences”,“send I2C command” and “send command and fetch result” sequences. Figure 2 illustrates how the I2C communication for the different sequence types is built-up. Figure 2: Command Sequence types: “write” sequence, “send command” sequence, “read” sequence, and “send command and fetch result” sequence. For “read”” or “send command and fetch results” sequences, after writing the address and/or data to the sensor and sending the ACK bit, the sensor needs the execution time (see Table 9) to respond to the I2C read header with an ACK bit. Hence, it is required to wait the command execution time before issuing the read header. Commands must not be sent while a previous command is being processed. www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 7/24 3.4 SCD4x Command Overview Table 9: List of SCD4x sensor commands. Detailed description of SCD4x commands can be found further down. *Column indicates whether command can be executed while a periodic measurement is running. Domain Basic Commands Chapter 3.5 On-chip output signal compensation Chapter 3.6 Field calibration Chapter 3.7 Low power Chapter 3.8 Advanced features Chapter 3.9 Low power single shot (SCD41 only) Chapter 3.10 www.sensirion.com Hex. Code I2C sequence type (see chapter 3.3) Execution time [ms] During meas.* start_periodic_measurement 0x21b1 send command - no read_measurement 0xec05 read 1 yes stop_periodic_measurement 0x3f86 send command 500 yes set_temperature_offset 0x241d write 1 no get_temperature_offset 0x2318 read 1 no set_sensor_altitude 0x2427 write 1 no get_sensor_altitude 0x2322 read 1 no set_ambient_pressure 0xe000 write 1 yes perform_forced_recalibration 0x362f send command and fetch result 400 no set_automatic_self_calibration_enabled 0x2416 write 1 no get_automatic_self_calibration_enabled 0x2313 read 1 no start_low_power_periodic_measurement 0x21ac send command - no get_data_ready_status 0xe4b8 read 1 yes persist_settings 0x3615 send command 800 no get_serial_number 0x3682 read 1 no perform_self_test 0x3639 read 10000 no perform_factory_reset 0x3632 send command 1200 no reinit 0x3646 send command 20 no measure_single_shot 0x219d send command 5000 no measure_single_shot_rht_only 0x2196 send command 50 no power_down 0x36e0 send command 1 no wake_up 0x36f6 send command 20 no Command Version 1.3 – September 2022 8/24 3.5 Basic Commands This section lists the basic SCD4x commands that are necessary to start a periodic measurement and subsequently read out the sensor outputs. The typical communication sequence between the I2C master (e.g., a microcontroller) and the SCD4x sensor is as follows: 1. The sensor is powered up 2. The I2C master sends a start_periodic_measurement command. Signal update interval is 5 seconds. 3. The I2C master periodically reads out data with the read measurement sequence. 4. To put the sensor back to idle mode, the I2C master sends a stop periodic measurement command. While a periodic measurement is running, no other commands must be issued with the exception of read_measurement, get_data_ready_status, stop_periodic_measurement and set_ambient_pressure. 3.5.1 start_periodic_measurement Description: start periodic measurement, signal update interval is 5 seconds. Table 10: start_periodic_measurement I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: - Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x21b1 - - - - not applicable Example: start periodic measurement Write 0x21b1 (hexadecimal) Command 3.5.2 read_measurement Description: read sensor output. The measurement data can only be read out once per signal update interval as the buffer is emptied upon read-out. If no data is available in the buffer, the sensor returns a NACK. To avoid a NACK response, the get_data_ready_status can be issued to check data status (see chapter 3.8.2 for further details). The I2C master can abort the read transfer with a NACK followed by a STOP condition after any data byte if the user is not interested in subsequent data. Table 11: read_measurment I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) 0xec05 Response parameter: CO2, Temperature, Relative Humidity Input parameter: length [bytes] signal conversion - - length [bytes] signal conversion 3 CO2 [ppm] = word[0] 3 T = −45 + 175 ∗ 3 RH = 100 ∗ word[1] 216 −1 Max. command duration [ms] 1 word[2] 216 −1 Example: read sensor output (500 ppm, 25 °C, 37 % RH) Write 0xec05 (hexadecimal) Command Wait 1 ms Response 0x01f4 0x7b 0x6667 0xa2 0x5eb9 0x3c (hexadecimal) CO2 = 500 ppm CRC of 0x01f4 Temp. = 25 °C CRC of 0x6667 RH = 37 % CRC of 0x5eb9 www.sensirion.com command execution time Version 1.3 – September 2022 9/24 3.5.3 stop_periodic_measurement Description: stop periodic measurement to change the sensor configuration or to save power. Note that the sensor will only respond to other commands after waiting 500 ms after issuing the stop_periodic_measurement command. Table 12: stop_periodic_measurement I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: - Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x3f86 - - - - 500 Example: stop periodic measurement Write 0x3f86 (hexadecimal) Command 3.6 On-Chip Output Signal Compensation The SCD4x features on-chip signal compensation to counteract pressure and temperature effects. Feeding the SCD4x with the pressure or altitude enables highest accuracy of the CO2 output signal across a large pressure range. Setting the temperature offset improves the accuracy of the relative humidity and temperature output signal. Note that the temperature offset does not impact the accuracy of the CO2 output. To change or read sensor settings, the SCD4x must be in idle mode. A typical sequence between the I2C master and the SCD4x is described as follows: 1. If the sensor is operated in a periodic measurement mode, the I2C master sends a stop_periodic_measurement command. 2. The I2C master sends one or several commands to get or set the sensor settings. 3. If configurations shall be preserved after power-cycle events, the persist_settings command must be sent (see chapter 3.9.1) 4. The I2C master sends a start measurement command to set the sensor in the operating mode again. 3.6.1 set_temperature_offset Description: The temperature offset has no influence on the SCD4x CO2 accuracy. Setting the temperature offset of the SCD4x inside the customer device correctly allows the user to leverage the RH and T output signal. Note that the temperature offset can depend on various factors such as the SCD4x measurement mode, self-heating of close components, the ambient temperature and air flow. Thus, the SCD4x temperature offset should be determined inside the customer device under its typical operation conditions (including the operation mode to be used in the application) and in thermal equilibrium. Per default, the temperature offset is set to 4° C. To save the setting to the EEPROM, the persist setting (see chapter 3.9.1) command must be issued. Equation (1) shows how the characteristic temperature offset can be obtained. (1) 𝑇𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑡_𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 = 𝑇𝑆𝐶𝐷40 − 𝑇𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 + 𝑇𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑡_ 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 Table 13: set_temperature_offset I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: Offset temperature Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x241d 3 word[0] = Toffset [°C] * 216 / 175 - - 1 Example: set temperature offset to 5.4 °C Write 0x241d 0x07e6 0x48 (hexadecimal) Command Toffset = 5.4 °C CRC of 0x7e6 www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 10/24 3.6.2 get_temperature_offset Table 14: get_temperature_offset I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x2318 - - 3 Toffset [°C] = 175 * word[0] / 216 1 Response parameter: Offset temperature Example: temperature offset is 6.2 °C Write 0x2318 (hexadecimal) Command Wait 1 ms command execution time Response 0x0912 0x63 (hexadecimal) Toffset = 6.2 °C CRC of 0x0912 3.6.3 set_sensor_altitude Description: Reading and writing of the sensor altitude must be done while the SCD4x is in idle mode. Typically, the sensor altitude is set once after device installation. To save the setting to the EEPROM, the persist setting (see chapter 3.9.1) command must be issued. Per default, the sensor altitude is set to 0 meter above sea-level. Table 15: set_sensor_altitude I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: Sensor altitude Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x2427 3 word[0] = Sensor altitude [m] - - 1 Example: set sensor altitude to 1’950 m.a.s.l. Write 0x2427 0x079e 0x09 (hexadecimal) Command Sensor altitude = 1’950 m CRC of 0x79e 3.6.4 get_sensor_altitude Table 16: get_sensor_altitude I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: - Response parameter: Sensor altitude length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x2322 - - 3 Sensor altitude [m] = word[0] 1 Example: sensor altitude is 1’100 m.a.s.l. Write 0x2322 (hexadecimal) Command Wait 1 ms command execution time Response 0x044c 0x42 (hexadecimal) Sensor altitude = 1’100 m CRC of 0x044c www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 11/24 3.6.5 set_ambient_pressure Description: The set_ambient_pressure command can be sent during periodic measurements to enable continuous pressure compensation. Note that setting an ambient pressure using set_ambient_pressure overrides any pressure compensation based on a previously set sensor altitude. Use of this command is highly recommended for applications experiencing significant ambient pressure changes to ensure sensor accuracy. Table 17: set_ambient_pressure I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: Ambient pressure Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0xe000 3 word[0] = ambient P [Pa] / 100 - - 1 Example: set ambient pressure to 98’700 Pa Write 0xe000 0x03db 0x42 (hexadecimal) Command Ambient P = 98’700 Pa CRC of 0x03db 3.7 Field Calibration To realize high initial and long-term accuracy, the SCD4x includes two field calibration features. Forced recalibration (FRC) enables restoring highest accuracy with the assistance of a CO2 reference value immediately. Typically, FRC is applied to compensate for drifts originating from the sensor assembly process or other extensive stresses. Automatic self-calibration (ASC) ensures highest long-term stability of the SCD4x without the need of manual action steps from the user. The automatic selfcalibration algorithm assumes that the sensor is exposed to the atmospheric CO2 concentration of 400 ppm at least once per week. 3.7.1 perform_forced_recalibration Description: To successfully conduct an accurate forced recalibration, the following steps need to be carried out: 1. Operate the SCD4x in the operation mode later used in normal sensor operation (periodic measurement, low power periodic measurement or single shot) for > 3 minutes in an environment with homogenous and constant CO2 concentration. 2. Issue stop_periodic_measurement. Wait 500 ms for the stop command to complete. 3. Subsequently issue the perform_forced_recalibration command and optionally read out the FRC correction (i.e. the magnitude of the correction) after waiting for 400 ms for the command to complete. • A return value of 0xffff indicates that the forced recalibration has failed. Note that the sensor will fail to perform a forced recalibration if it was not operated before sending the command. Please make sure that the sensor is operated at the voltage desired for the application when applying the forced recalibration sequence. www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 12/24 Table 18: perform_forced_recalibration I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: Target CO2 concentration Response parameter: FRC-correction length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion 0x362f 3 word[0] = Target concentration [ppm CO2] 3 FRC correction [ppm CO2] = word[0] – 0x8000 Max. command duration [ms] 400 word[0] = 0xffff in case of failed FRC Example: perform forced recalibration, reference CO2 concentration is 480 ppm Write 0x362f 0x01e0 0xb4 (hexadecimal) Command Input: 480 ppm CRC of 0x01e0 Wait 400 ms command execution time Response 0x7fce 0x7b (hexadecimal) Response: - 50 ppm CRC of 0x7fce 3.7.2 set_automatic_self_calibration_enabled Description: Set the current state (enabled / disabled) of the automatic self-calibration. By default, ASC is enabled. To save the setting to the EEPROM, the persist_setting (see chapter 3.9.1) command must be issued. Table 19: set_automatic_self_calibration_enabled I2C sequence description. Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: ASC enabled Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x2416 3 word[0] = 1 → ASC enabled word[0] = 0 → ASC disabled - - 1 Example: set automatic self-calibration status: enabled Write 0x2416 0x0001 0xB0 (hexadecimal) Command ASC enabled CRC of 0x0001 3.7.3 get_automatic_self_calibration_enabled Table 20: get_automatic_self_calibration_enabled I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: - Response parameter: ASC enabled length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion 0x2313 - - 3 word[0] = 1 → ASC enabled word[0] = 0 → ASC disabled Max. command duration [ms] 1 Example: read automatic self-calibration status: disabled Write 0x2313 (hexadecimal) Command Wait 1 ms command execution time Response 0x0000 0x81 (hexadecimal) ASC disabled CRC of 0x0000 www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 13/24 3.8 Low Power operation To enable use-cases with a constrained power-budget, the SCD4x features a low power periodic measurement mode with signal update interval of approximately 30 seconds. While the low power mode saves power and reduces self-heating of the sensor, the low power periodic measurement mode has a longer response time. The low power periodic measurement mode is initiated and read-out in a similar manner as the default periodic measurement. Please consult chapter 3.5.2 for further instructions. To avoid receiving a NACK in case the result of a subsequent measurement is not ready yet, the get_data_ready_status command can be used to check whether new measurement data is available for read-out. 3.8.1 start_low_power_periodic_measurement Description: start low power periodic measurement, signal update interval is approximately 30 seconds. Table 21: start_low_power_periodic_measurement I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: - Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x21ac - - - - not applicable Example: start low power periodic measurement Write 0x21ac (hexadecimal) Command 3.8.2 get_data_ready_status Table 22: get_data_ready_status I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) 0xe4b8 Input parameter: - Response parameter: data ready status length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] - - 3 signal conversion If the least significant 11 bits of word[0] are 0 → data not ready else → data ready for read-out Max. command duration [ms] 1 Example: read data ready status: data not ready Write 0xe4b8 (hexadecimal) Command Wait 1 ms Response 0x8000 0xa2 (hexadecimal) Least significant 11 bits are 0 → data not ready CRC of 0x8000 www.sensirion.com command execution time Version 1.3 – September 2022 14/24 3.9 Advanced Features 3.9.1 persist_settings Description: Configuration settings such as the temperature offset, sensor altitude and the ASC enabled/disabled parameter are by default stored in the volatile memory (RAM) only and will be lost after a power-cycle. The persist_settings command stores the current configuration in the EEPROM of the SCD4x, making them persistent across power-cycling. To avoid unnecessary wear of the EEPROM, the persist_settings command should only be sent when persistence is required and if actual changes to the configuration have been made. The EEPROM is guaranteed to endure at least 2000 write cycles before failure. Note that field calibration history (i.e. FRC and ASC, see chapter 3.7) is automatically stored in a separate EEPROM dimensioned for the specified sensor lifetime. Table 23: persist_settings I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: - Response parameter: - length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion Max. command duration [ms] 0x3615 - - - - 800 Example: persist settings Write 0x3615 (hexadecimal) Command 3.9.2 get_serial_number Description: Reading out the serial number can be used to identify the chip and to verify the presence of the sensor. The get serial number command returns 3 words, and every word is followed by an 8-bit CRC checksum. Together, the 3 words constitute a unique serial number with a length of 48 bits (big endian format). Table 24: get_serial_number I2C sequence description Write (hexadecimal) Input parameter: - Response parameter: serial number length [bytes] signal conversion length [bytes] signal conversion 0x3682 - - 9 Serial number = word[0] 220 °C < 60 seconds Peak temperature ▪ TP ▪ tP ≤ 235 °C < 30 seconds Ramp-down rate < 4 °C / seconds for temperature > TL Table 35 Soldering profile parameter 4.6 Traceability All SCD4x sensors have a distinct electronic serial number for identification and traceability (see chapter 3.9.2). The serial number can be decoded by Sensirion only and allows for tracking through production, calibration, and testing. 5 Ordering Information Use the part names and product numbers shown in the following table when ordering the SCD4x CO2 sensor. For the latest product information and local distributors, visit http://www.sensirion.com/. Part Name SCD40-D-R2 SCD40-D-R1 SCD41-D-R2 SCD41-D-R1 SEK-SCD41-Sensor SEK-SensorBridge Description SCD40 CO2 sensor SMD component as reel, I2C SCD40 CO2 sensor SMD component as reel, I2C SCD41 CO2 sensor SMD component as reel, I2C SCD41 CO2 sensor SMD component as reel, I2C SEK-SCD41-Sensor set; SCD41 on development board with cables Sensor Bridge to connect SEK-SCD41-Sensor to computer Ordering quantity (pcs) 600 sensors per reel 60 sensors per reel 600 sensors per reel 60 sensors per reel 1 Product Number 3.000.521 3.000.496 3.000.498 3.000.497 3.000.455 1 3.000.124 Table 36 SCD4x ordering options www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 22/24 6 Revision History Date January 2021 April 2021 Version 1 1.1 Page(s) all 16 - 17 May 2022 1.2 September 2022 1.3 3 12 18 22 all All www.sensirion.com Changes Initial release Adjustment max. command time self-test (chapter 3.9) and single shot (chapter 3.10), minor revisions on other pages Clarification on additional sensor accuracy drift (Table 1) Clarification of set_ambient_pressure command description (chapter 3.6.5) Addition of power_down and wake_up commands (chapter 3.10) Addition of minor temporary accuracy deviation after reflow soldering (chapter 4.5) Minor editorial revisions Minor editorial revisions Version 1.3 – September 2022 23/24 Important Notices Warning, Personal Injury Do not use this product as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury. Do not use this product for applications other than its intended and authorized use. Before installing, handling, using or servicing this product, please consult the data sheet and application notes. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury. If the Buyer shall purchase or use SENSIRION products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless SENSIRION and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors against all claims, costs, damages and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if SENSIRION shall be allegedly negligent with respect to the design or the manufacture of the product. ESD Precautions The inherent design of this component causes it to be sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To prevent ESD-induced damage and/or degradation, take customary and statutory ESD precautions when handling this product. Warranty SENSIRION warrants solely to the original purchaser of this product for a period of 12 months (one year) from the date of delivery that this product shall be of the quality, material and workmanship defined in SENSIRION’s published specifications of the product. Within such period, if proven to be defective, SENSIRION shall repair and/or replace this product, in SENSIRION’s discretion, free of charge to the Buyer, provided that: • notice in writing describing the defects shall be given to SENSIRION within fourteen (14) days after their appearance; • such defects shall be found, to SENSIRION’s reasonable satisfaction, to have arisen from SENSIRION’s faulty design, material, or workmanship; • the defective product shall be returned to SENSIRION’s factory at the Buyer’s expense; and • the warranty period for any repaired or replaced product shall be limited to the unexpired portion of the original period. This warranty does not apply to any equipment which has not been installed and used within the specifications recommended by SENSIRION for the intended and proper use of the equipment. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, SENSIRION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DECLINED. SENSIRION is only liable for defects of this product arising under the conditions of operation provided for in the data sheet and proper use of the goods. SENSIRION explicitly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, for any period during which the goods are operated or stored not in accordance with the technical specifications. SENSIRION does not assume any liability arising out of any application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. All operating parameters, including without limitation recommended parameters, must be validated for each customer’s applications by customer’s technical experts. Recommended parameters can and do vary in different applications. SENSIRION reserves the right, without further notice, (i) to change the product specifications and/or the information in this document and (ii) to improve reliability, functions and design of this product. Copyright © 2022, by SENSIRION. CMOSens® is a trademark of Sensirion. All rights reserved Headquarters and Subsidiaries Sensirion AG Laubisruetistr. 50 CH-8712 Staefa ZH Switzerland Sensirion Inc., USA phone: +1 312 690 5858 info-us@sensirion.com www.sensirion.com Sensirion Korea Co. Ltd. phone: +82 31 337 7700~3 info-kr@sensirion.com www.sensirion.com/kr phone: +41 44 306 40 00 fax: +41 44 306 40 30 info@sensirion.com www.sensirion.com Sensirion Japan Co. Ltd. phone: +81 3 3444 4940 info-jp@sensirion.com www.sensirion.com/jp Sensirion China Co. Ltd. phone: +86 755 8252 1501 info-cn@sensirion.com www.sensirion.com/cn Sensirion Taiwan Co. Ltd phone: +886 3 5506701 info@sensirion.com www.sensirion.com To find your local representative, please visit www.sensirion.com/distributors www.sensirion.com Version 1.3 – September 2022 24/24
SCD40-D-R2 价格&库存


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 600+124.30153600+15.04908


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+272.661771+33.01091
      • 10+239.6090010+29.00924
      • 100+199.21485100+24.11876
