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    电压基准 SOT23G-3

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TPR3325-S3TR 数据手册
TPR33-S Voltage Reference Features Applications  Fixed Output Voltage:  Power − 1.25 V, 2.048 V, 2.5 V, 3 V, 3.3 V, 4.096 V  High Initial Accuracy and Low Temperature Coefficient − Max 0.15% − 30 ppm/°C  Operation Temperature Range: −40°C to 125°C  Output Noise: 50 μVpp of TPR3325  Quiescent Current: 180 μA  Instrumentation  Industry Description The TPR33-S is a voltage reference with guaranteed temperature stability over the entire operating temperature range. The temperature range is extended from −40 °C to +125 °C.  Stable with 0.1 to 10-μF Capacitive Loads  Qualified for Automotive Applications with AECQ100 Reliability Test (SOT23G-3 Package)  Package Options: − SOT23G-3 − QFN1.5X1.5-8 Pin Configuration IN TPR33-S TPR33-S SOT23G-3 Package QFN1.5X1.5-8 Package Top View Top View O T 1 3 O T GN 2 NC 1 NC 2 NC 3 8 4 NC 6 NC 5 IN GN www.3peakic.com.cn 1 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Product Family Table Output Voltage (V) AEC-Q100 Reliability Test Package TPR3312-S3TR-S 1.25 Pass SOT23G-3 TPR3320-S3TR-S 2.048 Pass SOT23G-3 TPR3325-S3TR-S 2.5 Pass SOT23G-3 TPR3330-S3TR-S 3 Pass SOT23G-3 TPR3333-S3TR-S 3.3 Pass SOT23G-3 TPR3340-S3TR-S 4.096 Pass SOT23G-3 TPR3312-QF11R-S 1.25 - QFN1.5X1.5-8 TPR3320-QF11R-S 2.048 - QFN1.5X1.5-8 TPR3325-QF11R-S 2.5 - QFN1.5X1.5-8 TPR3330-QF11R-S 3 - QFN1.5X1.5-8 TPR3333-QF11R-S 3.3 - QFN1.5X1.5-8 TPR3340-QF11R-S 4.096 - QFN1.5X1.5-8 Order Number www.3peakic.com.cn 2 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Table of Contents Features .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Applications ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Pin Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Product Family Table ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Revision History ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Specifications .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................................................................................................................... 5 ES , Electrostatic ischarge Protection ...................................................................................................... 5 Recommended Operating Conditions .......................................................................................................... 5 Thermal Information ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Electrical Characteristics .............................................................................................................................. 6 Typical Performance Characteristics – TPR3325 ........................................................................................ 8 Tape and Reel Information ............................................................................................................................... 11 Package Outline Dimensions ......................................................................................................................... 12 SOT23G-3 .................................................................................................................................................. 12 QFN1.5X1.5-8 ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Order Information ............................................................................................................................................ 14 www.3peakic.com.cn 3 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Revision History Revision Rev.Pre.0 Notes Pre-Release version. Rev.Pre.1 pdated Limit. Rev.Pre.2 pdated Voltage Output. Rev.A.0 Rev.A.1 Rev.A.2 Rev.A.3 Rev.A.4 Initial Version. 1. Added Tape and Reel Information. 2. Add common condition in electrical characteristics: VS = 5 V. pdated ES Rating. 1. Added typical value of Long-term stability. 2. Corrected test conditions in Electrical Characteristics table. pdated SOT23G-3 Package Products with Qualified for Automotive Applications with AEC-Q100 Reliability Test. www.3peakic.com.cn 4 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min Max Unit VIN Supply Voltage −0.3 6.9 V TJ Junction Temperature Range −40 150 °C TA Operating Temperature Range −40 125 °C TSTG Storage Temperature Range −65 150 °C TL Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) 260 °C (1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. ESD, Electrostatic Discharge Protection Symbol Parameter Condition Minimum Level Unit ±4 kV ±1.5 kV (1) HBM Human Body Model ES ANSI/ES A/JE EC JS-001 C M Charged evice Model ES ANSI/ES A/JE EC JS-002 (2) (1) JE EC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ES control process. (2) JE EC document JEP15 states that 250-V C M allows safe manufacturing with a standard ES control process. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Min Max Unit VIN Supply Voltage 2.1 5.5 V TJ Junction Temperature Range −40 125 °C Thermal Information θJA θJC Unit SOT23G-3 250 81 °C/W QFN 1.5X1.5-8 80 40 °C/W Package Type www.3peakic.com.cn 5 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Electrical Characteristics All test conditions: VIN = 5 V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit TPR3312 VO T Output Voltage 1.25 Initial Accuracy Output Voltage Noise −0.15 f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz V 0.15 % 25 μVpp 2.048 V TPR3320 VO T Output Voltage Initial Accuracy Output Voltage Noise −0.15 f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 0.15 % 40 μVpp 2.5 V TPR3325 VO T Output Voltage Initial Accuracy Output Voltage Noise −0.15 f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 0.15 % 50 μVpp 3.0 V TPR3330 VO T Output Voltage Initial Accuracy Output Voltage Noise −0.15 f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 0.15 % 60 μVpp 3.3 V TPR3333 VO T Output Voltage Initial Accuracy Output Voltage Noise −0.15 f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 0.15 % 66 μVpp 4.096 V TPR3340 VO T Output Voltage Initial Accuracy Output Voltage Noise www.3peakic.com.cn −0.15 f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 6 / 14 0.15 80 % μVpp Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Electrical Characteristics (Continued) All test conditions: VIN = 5 V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 2.1 5.5 V VO T + 0.05 5.5 V 180 μA 215 μA 50 mV TA = 0°C to 0°C 50 mV TPR3312, TPR3320, TPR3325, TPR3330, TPR3333, TPR3340, Power Supply TPR3312 VIN Supply Voltage Iq Quiescent Current Minimum ropout Voltage All parts except TPR3312, ILOA = ±1 mA TA = −40 to 125°C ILOA = ±1 mA, all parts except TPR3312 TA = 25°C 25 TA = −40°C to 125°C 100 mV ILOA = ±5 mA, all parts except TPR3312 TA = 25°C 200 mV TA = −40°C to 125°C 250 mV TPR3312, TPR3320, TPR3325, TPR3330, TPR3333, TPR3340, Reference Output Output Voltage Temperature rift Line Regulation, TPR3312 TA = −40°C to 85°C 10 20 TA = −40°C to 125°C 15 30 VIN = 2.1 to 5.5 V(1) VIN = 2.1 to 5.5 V(1), Line Regulation, TPR33XX except for TPR3312 VIN = VO T + 300 mV to 5.5 V Load Regulation VIN = VO T + 300 mV, ILOA = −5 to 5 mA(1) Long Term Stability TA = −40°C to 125°C TA = −40°C to 125°C TA = −40°C to 125°C −65 65 ppm/V −85 85 ppm/V −50 50 ppm/V − 0 0 ppm/V −20 20 ppm/mA −30 30 ppm/mA 0 to 1000 hours, TA = 25°C 200 ppm 1000 to 2000 hours, TA = 25°C 200 ppm 80 ppm 50 mA Thermal Hysteresis ISC Short-circuit Current Sourcing and sinking Capacitive Load Turn-on Settling Time ppm/°C 0.1 To 0.1% with CL = 1 μF 10 500 μF μs (1) The minimum supply voltage for the TPR3312 is 2.1 V. www.3peakic.com.cn 7 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Typical Performance Characteristics – TPR3325 All test conditions: TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. 12.0 Reference Output - 2.5V (mV) 10.0 8.0 2 6 10 3 7 4 8 Reference Output - Average Output (uV) 30 1 5 9 20 10 6.0 4.0 2.0 0 -10 0.0 -20 -2.0 -30 -4.0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Temperature (°C) 0 100 120 0.25 140 0.20 Drop Voltage (V) Iq (uA) 110 100 90 -40°C 0°C 80°C 125°C 40°C 6 8 10 -40°C 0°C 80°C 125°C 40°C 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 80 -0.05 2.5 3.5 4.5 Input Voltage (V) 5.5 -5 -3 -1 1 Load Current (mA) 3 5 Figure 4. Drop Voltage vs. Load Current Figure 3. Iq vs. Input Voltage 6.00 6.00 -40°C 5.00 0°C 80°C 40°C Reference Output - 2.5V (mV) Reference Output - 2.5V (mV) Time (s) VIN = 5 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF 150 120 4 Figure 2. 0.1 to 10-Hz Voltage Noise, Figure 1. VOUT vs. Temperature, 10 pcs Samples, VIN = 5 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF 130 2 125°C 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 2.5 3.5 4.5 Input Voltage (V) -40°C 0°C 80°C 125°C 40°C 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 5.5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Load Current (mA) 3 4 5 Figure 6. Output Voltage vs. Load Current Figure 5. Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage www.3peakic.com.cn 5.00 8 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Typical Performance Characteristics – TPR3325 (Continued) All test conditions: TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. 100 90 80 PSRR (dB) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5 50 500 5K Frequency (Hz) 50K Figure 7. PSRR vs. Frequency Figure 8. Step Response, VIN = 5 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 0.1 μF, 200 μs/div Figure 9. Step Response, VIN = 5 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF, 200 μs/div Figure 10. Step Response, VIN = 5 V, VIN = 5 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 10 μF, 200 μs/div Figure 11. Load Transient, ±5 mA, VIN = 5 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF, 50 mV/div Figure 12. Load Transient, ±5 mA, VIN = 2.8 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF, 50 mV/div www.3peakic.com.cn 9 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Typical Performance Characteristics – TPR3325 (Continued) All test conditions: TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Figure 13. Load Transient, ±2 mA, VIN = 5 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF, 20 mV/div Figure 14. Load Transient, ±2 mA, VIN = 2.8 V, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF, 20 mV/div Figure 15. Line Transient, 500 mV Step, CIN = 1 μF, COUT = 1 μF, 50 mV/div www.3peakic.com.cn 10 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Tape and Reel Information Order Number Package D1 W1 A0 B0 K0 P0 W0 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Pin1 Quadrant TPR33xx-S3TR-S SOT23G-3 1 8 12.1 3.15 2. 1.22 4.0 8.0 Q3 TPR33xx-QF11R-S QFN1.5X1.5-8 180 12.3 1. 1. 0.8 4.0 8.0 Q2 (1) Output voltage, xx = 12 to 40. www.3peakic.com.cn 11 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Package Outline Dimensions SOT23G-3 www.3peakic.com.cn 12 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference QFN1.5X1.5-8 www.3peakic.com.cn 13 / 14 Rev.A.4 TPR33-S Voltage Reference Order Information Operating Temperature Range Package Marking Information MSL Transport Media, Quantity Eco Plan TPR3312-S3TR-S −40 to 125°C SOT23G-3 R3A MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3320-S3TR-S −40 to 125°C SOT23G-3 R3B MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3325-S3TR-S −40 to 125°C SOT23G-3 R3C MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3330-S3TR-S −40 to 125°C SOT23G-3 R3 MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3333-S3TR-S −40 to 125°C SOT23G-3 R3E MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3340-S3TR-S −40 to 125°C SOT23G-3 R3F MSL3 3,000 Green −40 to 125°C QFN1.5X1.5-8 3A MSL3 3,000 Green −40 to 125°C QFN1.5X1.5-8 3B MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3325-QF11R-S −40 to 125°C QFN1.5X1.5-8 3C MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3330-QF11R-S −40 to 125°C QFN1.5X1.5-8 3 MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3333-QF11R-S (1) −40 to 125°C QFN1.5X1.5-8 3E MSL3 3,000 Green TPR3340-QF11R-S (1) −40 to 125°C QFN1.5X1.5-8 3F MSL3 3,000 Green Order Number TPR3312-QF11R-S TPR3320-QF11R-S (1) (1) For future products, contact the 3PEAK factory for more information and samples. (2) Green: 3PEAK defines "Green" to mean RoHS compatible and free of halogen substances. 3PEAK and the 3PEAK logo are registered trademarks of 3PEAK INCORPORATED. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.3peakic.com.cn 14 / 14 Rev.A.4
TPR3325-S3TR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+3.61900
  • 100+3.00300
  • 750+2.78300
  • 1500+2.66200
  • 3000+2.54100
