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    电源监视 3.00 x 3.00mm 2.7V~5.5V 10Pin

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TPA626-VR-S 数据手册
TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Features Description  Senses Bus Voltages From 0V to 36V The TPA626 is a current and power monitor, with I 2C  High-Side or Low-Side Sensing or SMBUS-compatible interface. The device monitors  Reports Current, Voltage, and Power both a shunt voltage drop and bus supply voltage.  High Accuracy  Configurable Averaging Options  16 Programmable Addresses The TPA626 common mode input voltage can vary from 0V to 36V. The TPA626 features up to 16 programmable addresses on the I2C-compatible interface.  Operates from 2.7-V to 5.5-V Power Supply  10-Pin, MSOP Package Applications  Power management  Servers  Telecom Equipment  Computing  Test Equipment www.3peakic.com.cn 1 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Function block or application schematic Figure 1. www.3peakic.com.cn 2 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Table of Contents Features ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Applications .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Description .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Function block or application schematic ................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Pin Configuration and Functions ................................................................................................................................ 4 Pin Functions ...........................................................................................................................................................................4 Order Information ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................................................................................................................................... 5 ESD, Electrostatic Discharge Protection .................................................................................................................... 5 Recommended Operating Conditions......................................................................................................................... 5 Thermal Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Typical Performance Characteristics .......................................................................................................................... 9 Detailed description.................................................................................................................................................... 11 Programming ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 I2C address ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Register map ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Tape And Reel Information ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Package Outline Dimensions ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Revision History ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 www.3peakic.com.cn 3 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Pin Configuration and Functions MSOP10 A1 1 10 IN+ A0 2 9 IN- Alert 3 8 VBUS SDA 4 7 GND SCL 5 6 VS Pin Functions PIN I/O DESCRIPTION NAME NO. A0 2 Digital input Address pin. Connect to GND, SCL, SDA, or VS. A1 1 Digital input Address pin. Connect to GND, SCL, SDA, or VS. Alert 3 Digital output Multi-functional alert, open-drain output. GND 7 IN+ 10 Analog input Connect to supply side of shunt resistor. IN– 9 Analog input Connect to load side of shunt resistor. SCL 5 Digital input Serial bus clock line, open-drain input. SDA 4 Digital I/O Serial bus data line, open-drain input/output. VBUS 8 Analog input VS 6 Analog Ground. Bus voltage input. Analog Power supply, 2.7 V to 5.5 V. Order Information Model Name Order Number Package MSL Level Transport Media, Quantity Marking Information TPA626 TPA626-VR-S www.3peakic.com.cn MSOP10 1 4 / 20 Tape and Reel, 3000 TPA626 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Absolute Maximum Ratings Cover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1) MIN VVS Supply voltage Differential (V IN+ – V IN- ) (2) MAX UNIT 6 V –40 40 –0.3 40 VVBUS –0.3 40 V VSDA GND – 0.3 6 V VSCL GND – 0.3 VVS + 0.3 V Analog Inputs, IN+, IN– Common-Mode (V IN+ + VIN-) / 2 V IIN Input current into any pin 5 mA IOUT Open-drain digital output current 10 mA TJ Junction temperature 150 °C Tstg Storage temperature range 150 °C (1) (2) –65 Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. IN+ and IN– may have a differential voltage between –40 V and 40 V. However, the voltage at these pins must not exceed the range –0.3 V to 40 V. ESD, Electrostatic Discharge Protection VALUE Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins (1) ±2000 Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) ±1000 UNIT Electrostatic V(ESD) V Recommended Operating Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Common mode input VCM 12 V 3.3 V voltage VVS Operating supply voltage Operating free-air TA -40 125 temperature www.3peakic.com.cn 5 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Thermal Information Package Type θJA θJC Unit MSOP10 171 42.9 °C/W www.3peakic.com.cn 6 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Electrical Characteristics TA = 25°C, VVS = 3.3 V, VIN+ = 12 V, VSENSE = (VIN+ – VIN–) = 0 mV and VVBUS = 12 V, unless otherwise noted PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT mV INPUT Shunt voltage input range –81.9175 81.92 Bus voltage input range (1) 0 36 0 V ≤ VIN+ ≤ 36 V CMRR Common-mode rejection VOS Shunt offset voltage, RTI (2) Shunt offset voltage, RTI (2) vs temperature PSRR Shunt offset voltage, RTI(2) vs power 120 140 ±2.5 –40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C 2.7 V ≤ VS ≤ 5.5 V V dB ±30 μV μV/°C 0.15 μV/V 5 supply VOS Bus offset voltage, RTI (2) ±10 Bus offset voltage, RTI (2) vs temperature PSRR Bus offset voltage, RTI (2) –40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C vs power ±20 mV 60 μV/°C 1 mV/V supply IB Input bias current 10 VBUS input impedance Input leakage (3) (IN+ pin) + (IN– pin), Power-down mode μA 830 kΩ 1 μA 16 Bits 2.5 μV 1.25 mV DC ACCURACY ADC native resolution 1 LSB step size Shunt voltage Bus voltage Shunt voltage gain error Shunt voltage gain error vs temperature 0.02% –40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C 50 Shunt voltage linearity 0.02% –40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C ADC conversion time www.3peakic.com.cn 0.4% 50 Bus voltage linearity tCT ppm/°C 0.5% Bus voltage gain error Bus voltage gain error vs temperature 0.4% ppm/°C 0.5% CT bit = 000 66 CT bit = 001 134 CT bit = 010 269 7 / 20 μs Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor CT bit = 011 542 CT bit = 100 1085 CT bit = 101 2170 CT bit = 110 4341 CT bit = 111 8682 μs SMBus SMBus timeout (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 28 ms While the input range is 36 V, the full-scale range of the ADC scaling is 40.96 V. RTI = Referred-to-input. Input leakage is positive (current flowing into the pin) for the conditions shown at the top of this table. Negative leakage currents can occur under different input conditions. SMBus timeout in the TPA626 resets the interface any time SCL is low for more than 28 ms. Test Levels: (A) Tested at final test. Over temperature limits are set by characterization and simulation. (B) Set by characterization and simulation. (C) Typical value only for information, provided by design simulation. Electrical Characteristics TA = 25°C, VVS = 3.3 V, VIN+ = 12 V, VSENSE = (VIN+ – VIN–) = 0 mV and VVBUS = 12 V, unless otherwise noted PARAMETER TEST MIN TYP MAX UNIT CONDITIONS DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT Input capacitance Leakage input current VIH High-level input voltage VIL Low-level input voltage VOL Low-level output voltage, SDA, Alert 3 0 V ≤ VSCL ≤ VVS , 0 V ≤ VSDA ≤ VVS, 0 V ≤ VAlert ≤ V VS , 0 V ≤ VA0 ≤ VVS , 0 V ≤ V A1 ≤ VVS pF μA 0.1 0.7×V VS V 0.3×V VS 0 Hysteresis V 0.4 150 V mV POWER SUPPLY Operating supply range IQ VPOR 2.7 5.5 V Quiescent current 1100 μA Quiescent current, power-down (shutdown) mode 8 μA Power-on reset threshold 2.2 V www.3peakic.com.cn 8 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Typical Performance Characteristics At TA = 25°C, VVS = 3.3 V, VIN+ = 12 V, VSENSE = (VIN+ – VIN–) = 0 mV and VVBUS = 12 V, unless otherwise noted. 0 1.30 -10 Active Current(mA) 1.25 Gain (dB) -20 -30 -40 -50 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 -60 1.00 1 -70 10 100 1K 10K 10 100 1000 10000 Active IQ vs I2C Clock Frequency(KHz) 100K 18.00 1.40 17.00 1.20 Input Bias Current -shuntdown(µA) Input Bias Current (µA) Frequency(Hz) 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 -50 9.0 1.5 8.0 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature (°C) 1.6 shuntdown Current (µA) Quiescent Current (mA) Temperature (°C) 1.00 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 -50 Temperature (°C) www.3peakic.com.cn -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature (°C) 9 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor 50 50 0 0 bus Gain error (m%)) Shunt Gain error (m%)) At TA = 25°C, VVS = 3.3 V, VIN+ = 12 V, VSENSE = (VIN+ – VIN–) = 0 mV and VVBUS = 12 V, unless otherwise noted. -50 -100 -50 -100 -150 -150 -200 -200 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -40 -20 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) 10 2 5 1 Bus Offset (mV) Shunt Offset (μV) 0 0 -5 -10 -1 -2 -3 -4 -15 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 80 100 120 www.3peakic.com.cn 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) 10 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Detailed description The T PA626 is a digital current sense amplifier with an I2C- and SMBus-compatible interface. It performs two measurements on the power-supply bus: The differential shunt voltage created by load current flowing through a shunt resistor is measured at the IN+ and IN– pins. And the power supply bus voltage is measured at the VBUS pin. There are no special requirements for power supply sequencing, since power supply and input voltages are independent of each other. Programming Table 1 lists the steps for configuring, measuring, and calculating the values for current and power for this device. Table 1 Calculating Current and Power STEP REGISTER NAME ADDRESS CONTENTS DEC LSB VALUE Step 1 Configuration Register 00h 4127h — — — Step 2 Shunt Register 01h 1F40h 8000 2.5 µV 20 mV Step 3 Bus Voltage Register 02h 2570h 9584 1.25 mV 11.98 V Step 4 Calibration Register 05h A00h 2560 — — Step 5 Current Register 04h 2710 10000 1 mA 10 A Step 6 Power Register 03h 12B8h 4792 25 mW 119.82 W I2C address The device has two address pins, A0 and A1 . The device samples the state of pins A0 and A1 on every bus communication. Following table lists the pin logic levels for each of the 16 possible addresses. Table 2 Address Pins and Slave Addresses www.3peakic.com.cn A1 A0 SLAVE ADDRESS GND GND 1000000 GND VS 1000001 GND SDA 1000010 GND SCL 1000011 VS GND 1000100 VS VS 1000101 VS SDA 1000110 VS SCL 1000111 SDA GND 1001000 SDA VS 1001001 SDA SDA 1001010 SDA SCL 1001011 SCL GND 1001100 SCL VS 1001101 SCL SDA 1001110 11 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor SCL SCL 1001111 Register map Table 3 Register Set Summary POINTER ADDRESS POWER-ON RESET REGISTER NAME HEX 00h Configuration Register 01h Shunt Voltage Register 02h Bus Voltage Register FUNCTION BINARY All-register reset, shunt voltage and bus voltage ADC conversion times and averaging, operating mode. 01000001 00100111 4127 R/W Shunt voltage measurement data. 00000000 00000000 0000 R Bus voltage measurement data. 00000000 00000000 0000 R 00000000 00000000 0000 R 00000000 00000000 0000 R 03h Power Register (2) Contains the value of the calculated power being delivered to the load. 04h Register (2) Contains the value of the calculated current flowing through the shunt resistor. Current TYPE (1) HEX Table 4 POINTER ADDRESS POWER-ON RESET REGISTER NAME HEX 05h Calibration Register 06h Mask/Enable Register 07h Alert Limit Register FEh Manufacturer ID Register FFh FUNCTION BINARY Sets full-scale range and LSB of current and power measurements. Overall system calibration. Alert configuration and Conversion Ready flag. Contains the limit value to compare to the selected Alert function. Contains unique manufacturer identification number. Contains unique die identification number. Die ID Register TYPE (1) HEX 00000000 00000000 0000 R/W 00000000 00000000 0000 R/W 00000000 00000000 0000 R/W 0101010001001001 5549 R 0010001001100000 2260 R Table 5 Configuration Register (00h) (Read/Write) Descriptions BIT NO. BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RST — — — AVG2 AVG1 AVG0 VBUSCT2 VBUSCT1 VBUSCT0 VSHCT2 VSHCT1 VSHCT0 MODE3 MODE2 MODE1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 NAME POR VALUE www.3peakic.com.cn 12 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Table 6 (1) AVG 2 D11 AVG1 D10 AVG0 D9 NUMBER OF AVERAGES (1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 16 0 1 1 64 1 0 0 128 1 0 1 256 1 1 0 512 1 1 1 1024 ) Shaded values are default. Table 7 VBUSCT2 D8 VBUSCT Bit Settings [8:6] Combinations VBUSCT1 D7 VBUSCT0 D6 CONVERSIO N TIME (μS ) 0 0 0 66 0 0 1 134 0 1 0 269 0 1 1 542 1 0 0 1085 1 0 1 2170 1 1 0 4341 1 1 1 8682 Table 8 VSHCT2 D5 www.3peakic.com.cn AVG Bit Settings[11:9] Combinations VSHCT Bit Settings [5:3] Combinations VSHCT1 D4 VSHCT0 D3 0 0 0 66 0 0 1 134 0 1 0 269 0 1 1 542 1 0 0 1085 1 0 1 2170 1 1 0 4341 1 1 1 8682 13 / 20 CONVERSION TIME (1) Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Table 9 Mode Settings [2:0] Combinations MODE 3 D2 MODE2 D1 MODE1 D0 MODE (1) 0 0 0 Power-Down (or Shutdown) 0 0 1 Shunt Voltage, Triggered 0 1 0 Bus Voltage, Triggered 0 1 1 Shunt and Bus, Triggered 1 0 0 Power-Down (or Shutdown) 1 0 1 Shunt Voltage, Continuous 1 1 0 Bus Voltage, Continuous 1 1 1 Shunt and Bus, Continuous Table 10 Shunt Voltage Register (01h) (Read-Only) Description BIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SIGN SD14 SD13 SD12 SD11 SD10 SD9 SD8 SD7 SD6 SD5 SD4 SD3 SD2 SD1 SD0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE Table 11 Bus Voltage Register (02h) (Read-Only) Description BIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 — BD14 BD13 BD12 BD11 BD10 BD9 BD8 BD7 BD6 BD5 BD4 BD3 BD2 BD1 BD0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE Table 12 Power Register (03h) (Read-Only) Description BIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PD15 PD14 PD13 PD12 PD11 PD10 PD9 PD8 PD7 PD6 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE Table 13 Current Register (04h) (Read-Only) Register Description www.3peakic.com.cn 14 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor BIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 CSIGN CD14 CD13 CD12 CD11 CD10 CD9 CD8 CD7 CD6 CD5 CD4 CD3 CD2 CD1 CD0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE Table 14 Calibration Register (05h) (Read/Write) Description BIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 — FS14 FS13 FS12 FS11 FS10 FS9 FS8 FS7 FS6 FS5 FS4 FS3 FS2 FS1 FS0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE Table 15 Mask/Enable Register (06h) (Read/Write) BIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SOL SUL BOL BUL POL CNVR — — — — — AFF CVRF OVF APOL LEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE SOL: Shunt Voltage Over-Voltage Bit 15 Setting this bit high configures the Alert pin to be asserted if the shunt voltage measurement following a conversion exceeds the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register. SUL: Shunt Voltage Under-Voltage Bit 14 Setting this bit high configures the Alert pin to be asserted if the shunt voltage measurement following a conversion drops below the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register. BOL: Bus Voltage Over-Voltage Bit 13 Setting this bit high configures the Alert pin to be asserted if the bus voltage measurement following a conversion exceeds the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register. BUL: Bus Voltage Under-Voltage Bit 12 Setting this bit high configures the Alert pin to be asserted if the bus voltage measurement following a conversion drops below the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register. POL: Power Over-Limit Bit 11 Setting this bit high configures the Alert pin to be asserted if the Power calculation made following a bus voltage measurement exceeds the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register. CNVR: Conversion Ready Bit 10 www.3peakic.com.cn 15 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Setting this bit high configures the Alert pin to be asserted when the Conversion Ready Flag, Bit 3, is asserted indicating that the device is ready for the next conversion. AFF: Alert Function Flag Bit 4 While only one Alert Function can be monitored at the Alert pin at a time, the Conversion Ready can also be enabled to assert the Alert pin. Reading the Alert Function Flag following an alert allows the user to determine if the Alert Function was the source of the Alert. When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Latch mode, the Alert Function Flag bit clears only when the Mask/Enable Register is read. When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to transparent mode, the Alert Function Flag bit is cleared following the next conversion that does not result in an Alert condition. CVRF: Conversion Ready Flag Bit 3 Although the device can be read at any time, and the data from the last conversion is available, the Conversion Ready Flag bit is provided to help coordinate one-shot or triggered conversions. The Conversion Ready Flag bit is set after all conversions, averaging, and multiplications are complete. Conversion Ready Flag bit clears under the following conditions: 1.) Writing to the Configuration Register (except for Power-Down selection) 2.) Reading the Mask/Enable Register OVF: Math Overflow Flag Bit 2 This bit is set to '1' if an arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow error. It indicates that current and power data may be invalid. APOL: Alert Polarity bit; sets the Alert pin polarity. Bit 1 1 = Inverted (active-high open collector) 0 = Normal (active-low open collector) (default) LEN: Alert Latch Enable; configures the latching feature of the Alert pin and Alert Flag bits. Bit 0 1 = Latch enabled 0 = Transparent (default) When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to transparent mode, the Alert pin and Flag bit resets to the idle states when the fault has been cleared. When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Latch mode, the Alert pin and Alert Flag bit remains active following a fault until the Mask/Enable Register has been read. Table 16 Alert Limit Register (07h) (Read/Write) Description ddBIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 AUL15 AUL14 AUL13 AUL12 AUL11 AUL10 AUL9 AUL8 AUL7 AUL6 AUL5 AUL4 AUL3 AUL2 AUL1 AUL0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE Table 17 Manufacturer ID Register (FEh) (Read-Only) Description BIT # BIT D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10 ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3 ID2 ID1 ID0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 NAME POR VALUE www.3peakic.com.cn 16 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Table 18 Die ID Register (FFh) (Read-Only) Description BIT # D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 f BIT DID11 DID10 DID9 DID8 DID7 DID6 DID5 DID4 DID3 DID2 DID1 DID0 RID3 RID2 RID1 RID0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAME POR VALUE www.3peakic.com.cn 17 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Tape And Reel Information Order Package D1 W1 A0 B0 K0 P0 W0 Number Pin1 Quadr ant MSOP10 www.3peakic.com.cn 330.0 17.6 5.20 18 / 20 3.30 1.50 8.0 12.0 Rev.A.06 Q1 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Package Outline Dimensions MSOP10 www.3peakic.com.cn 19 / 20 Rev.A.06 TPA626 Bi-Directional Current and Power Monitor Revision History Date Version Note 2019/9/6 A.01 First version 2019/11/23 A.02 Add Ib bias current max limit. Add shunt and bus linearity parameters. Correct register bit number typo in Table 8 2020/09/04 A.03 Add notice for no requirements of power up sequence. 2020/09/11 A.04 Update register explanations. 2021/5/25 A.05 Update diagram 2021/12/8 A.06 Update recommended operating conditions www.3peakic.com.cn 20 / 20 Rev.A.06
TPA626-VR-S 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+7.94880
    • 10+6.64200
    • 30+5.92920
    • 100+5.13000


    •  国内价格
    • 1+5.65400
    • 100+4.70800
    • 750+4.36700
    • 1500+4.16900
    • 3000+3.96000


    •  国内价格
    • 1+6.34390
    • 10+6.21940
    • 100+4.84000
    • 1000+4.40000


      •  国内价格
      • 1+3.66120


      •  国内价格
      • 1+4.59820
      • 100+4.40660
