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    零漂移,双向电流检测放大器 600mV/μs 30KHz SC70-6

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TP181A2-CR 数据手册
TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier Features Description  VOLTAGE OFFSET: ±100uV (MAX)  WIDE COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: -0.3V to +36V  SUPPLY VOLTAGE: 2.7V to +30V amplifier can sense voltage drops across shunts at common-  ACCURACY and ZERO-DRIFT PERFORMANCE mode voltages from –0.3V to 36V, independent of the supply  The TP181 series of zero-drift, bi-directional current sense  ±1% Gain Error (Max over temperature) voltage. Three fixed gains are available: 50V/V, 100V/V and  0.5μV/°C Offset Drift (Max) 200V/V. The low offset of the zero-drift architecture enables  10ppm/°C Gain Drift (Max) current sensing with maximum drops across the shunt as low as THREE GAIN OPTIONS for VOLTAGE OUTPUT 10mV full-scale.  TP181A1: 50V/V TP181 devices operate from a single +2.7V to 30V power  TP181A2: 100V/V supply, with drawing a typical of 120uA of supply current. All  TP181A3: 200V/V versions are specified from –40°C +125°C, and offered in SC70-  LOW SUPPLY CURRENT: 120uA (TYP)  Rail-to-Rail Output  PACKAGE: SC70-6  Industrial –40°C to 125°C Operation Range  ESD Rating: Robust 2KV – HBM, 2KV – CDM  6 packages. GAIN OPTIONS TABLE PRODUCT GAIN R3 and R4 R1 and R2 Higher performance Drop-In Compatible With TP181A1 50 20kΩ 1MΩ INA213, INA214, INA199, NCS199 Products TP181A2 100 10kΩ 1MΩ TP181A3 200 5kΩ 1MΩ Applications  CURRENT SENSING  BATTERY CHARGERS  POWER MANAGEMENT  CELL PHONE CHARGER  ELECTRICAL CIGIRATE  WIRELESS CHARGER  TELECOM EQUIPMENT 𝑉 (High−Side/Low−Side) Application schematic Reference voltage R SHUNT GND OUT R1 R3 + Output C BYPASS 0.01µF to 0.1µF www.3peakic.com.cn R2 REF 1 6 OUT GND 2 5 IN- V+ 3 4 IN+ IN- IN+ V+ )𝐺𝐴𝐼𝑁 + 𝑉 TP181 6-Pin SC70 (-C Suffix) Load +2.7V to +30V ×𝑅 Pin Configuration Supply REF = (𝐼 R4 1/ 9 Rev.A.3 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier Order Information Model Name TP181 Order Number Gain Package Transport Media, Quantity Package Marking TP181A1-CR 50V/V 6-Pin SC70 Tape and Reel, 3,000 9A1 TP181A2-CR 100V/V 6-Pin SC70 Tape and Reel, 3,000 9A2 TP181A3-CR 200V/V 6-Pin SC70 Tape and Reel, 3,000 9A3 Absolute Maximum Ratings Note 1 Supply Voltage Note 2 …………………..................42.0V Current at Supply Pins……………............... ±60mA Input Voltage.....................................GND– 0.3 to 42V Operating Temperature Range........–40°C to 125°C Input Current: +IN, –IN Note 3...............................±5mA Maximum Junction Temperature................... 150°C Output Current: OUT...................................... ±35mA Storage Temperature Range.......... –65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) ......... 260°C Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: The op amp supplies must be established simultaneously, with, or before, the application of any input signals. Note 3: The inputs are protected by ESD protection diodes to each power supply. If the input extends more than 500mV beyond the power supply, the input current should be limited to less than 10mA. ESD, Electrostatic Discharge Protection Symbol Parameter Condition Minimum Level Unit HBM Human Body Model ESD ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 ±2 kV CDM Charged Device Model ESD ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 ±2 kV Thermal Resistance Package Type θJA θJC Unit 6-Pin SC70 227 80 °C/W www.3peakic.com.cn 2/ 9 Rev.A.3 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier Electrical Characteristics The specifications are at TA = 25°C, VSENSE = VIN+ – VIN–, VS = 5 V, VIN+ = 12V, and VREF = VS / 2, unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit INPUT VOS Input Offset Voltage VSENSE = 0 mV ±10 ±100 uV Input Offset Voltage Drift VSENSE = 0 mV, -40°C to 125°C 0.1 0.5 μV/°C Common-mode Input Range -40°C to 125°C 36 V Common Mode Rejection Ratio VIN+ = 5~26 V, VSENSE = 0 mV, -40°C to 125°C IB Input Bias Current IOS VOS TC VCM CMRR PSRR -0.3 95 120 dB VSENSE = 0 mV 35 uA Input Offset Current VSENSE = 0 mV 0.4 uA Power Supply Rejection Ratio Vs = +2.7~18V, VIN+ = +18V, VSENSE = 0 mV ±1 uV/V f = 1kHz 30 nV/√Hz TP181A1 50 V/V TP181A2 100 V/V TP181A3 200 V/V NOISE RTI Note 4 en Input Voltage Noise Density OUTPUT G GE Gain Gain Error VSENSE = -5~5mV, -40°C to 125°C ±0.1% ±1% GE TC Gain Error Vs Temperature -40°C to 125°C 3 10 CLOAD Maxim capacitive load No oscillation 1 VOH Output Swing from Supply Rail RLOAD = 10kΩ to REF, -40°C to 125°C 0.02 0.05 V VOL Output Swing from Supply Rail RLOAD = 10kΩ to REF, -40°C to 125°C 0.01 0.05 V ppm nF FREQUENCY RESPONSE BW SR Bandwidth CLOAD = 10pF, TP181A1 48 kHz CLOAD = 10pF, TP181A2 30 kHz CLOAD = 10pF, TP181A3 20 kHz 0.6 V/μs Slew Rate POWER SUPPLY V+ Supply Voltage IQ Quiescent Current 2.7 VSENSE = 0 mV 120 30 V 150 μA TEMPERATURE RANGE Specified range -40 125 °C Operating range -55 150 °C Note 4: RTI = referred to input www.3peakic.com.cn 3/ 9 Rev.A.3 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier Typical Performance Characteristics The TP181A1 is used for characteristics at TA = 25°C, VS = 5V, VIN+ =12V, and VREF=VS/2, unless otherwise noted CMRR vs. Temperature 140 1 120 -1 100 CMRR (uV/V) Voltage offset (uV) Voltage Offset vs Temperature 80 60 40 -3 -5 -7 -9 -11 20 -13 0 -50 -20 10 40 70 100 -15 130 -50 0 Figure 2 Figure 1 CMRR Vs Frequency Gain vs. Frequency 40 100 30 80 CMRR(dB) Gain(dB) 100 Temperature(℃) Temperature(℃) 20 10 60 40 0 20 200 2000 Frequency(Hz) 20000 200000 20 20 200 Figure 3 2000 Frequency(Hz) 20000 200000 Figure 4 PSRR vs. Frequency 0.1-Hz to 10Hz Voltage (Referred-to-Input) PSRRNoise vs. Frequency 120 120 100 100 PSRR (dB) Referred-to-Iput Voltage Noise (1uV/div) PSRR (dB) 50 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 20 0 20 200 2000 Frequency(Hz) 20000 200000 Figure 5 www.3peakic.com.cn 200 2000 Frequency(Hz) Time(1s/div) Figure 5 20000 Figure 6 4/ 9 Rev.A.3 200000 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier Typical Performance Characteristics The TP181A1 is used for characteristics at TA = 25°C, VS = 5V, VIN+ =12V, and VREF=VS/2, unless otherwise noted Common-Mode PSRR Voltage Transient Response vs. Frequency Step response (10-mVpp Input Step) PSRR vs. Frequency 100 100 80 80 60 (dB) Output VoltagePSRRVCM (200mV/div) (2V/div) 120 PSRR (dB) Input Voltage Output Voltage (10mV/ (200mV/div) 120 60 40 40 20 20 0 20 200 2000 Frequency(Hz) Time(100us/div) Figure 5 20000 200000 0 20 200 Figure 7 200000 Inverting Differential Overload PSRR vs. Input Frequency 120 120 Input Voltage 100 PSRR (dB) 80 2V/div 60 40 0V Output Voltage 20 0V 0 20 Input Voltage 80 60 2V/div 100 PSRR (dB) 20000 Figure 8 Noninverting PSRR Differential Input Overload vs. Frequency 40 0V 20 0V 0 200 2000 Frequency(Hz) Time(100us/div) Figure 5 20000 20 200000 200 Output Voltage 2000 Frequency(Hz) Time(100us/div) Figure 5 20000 200000 Figure 10 Figure 9 PSRR vs. Frequency Brownout Recovery Start-up PSRRResponse vs. Frequency 120 120 100 100 Supply Voltage Supply Voltage PSRR (dB) 60 Output Voltage 40 20 80 60 1V/div 80 1V/div PSRR (dB) 2000 Frequency(Hz) Time(50us/div) Figure 5 Output Voltage 0V 40 20 0V 0 20 200 2000 Frequency(Hz) Figure 5 Time(100us/div) 20000 200000 20 200 2000 Frequency(Hz) Time(100us/div) Figure 5 20000 200000 Figure 12 Figure 11 www.3peakic.com.cn 0 5/ 9 Rev.A.3 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier Typical Performance Characteristics The TP181A1 is used for characteristics at TA = 25°C, VS = 5V, VIN+ =12V, and VREF=VS/2, unless otherwise noted Quiescent Current vs Temperature 50 140 45 Input Bias Current (uA) Quiescent Current (uA) 150 130 120 110 100 90 Input Bias Current vs Temperature 40 35 30 25 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Temperature(°C) 100 120 -40 -20 0 20 Figure 13 60 80 100 120 Figure 14 Input Bias Current vs Common-Mode Voltage 80 Input Bias Current (uA) 40 Temperature(°C) 60 40 20 0 -20 0 10 20 30 40 Common-Mode Voltage Figure 15 Pin Functions IN-: Inverting Input of the Amplifier. V+: Positive Power Supply. Typically, the voltage is from 2.7V to IN+: Non-Inverting Input of Amplifier. 30V. A bypass capacitor of 0.1μF as close to the part as possible OUT: Amplifier Output. The voltage range extends to within mV should be used between power supply pin and ground pin. of each supply rail. GND: Negative Power Supply. REF: Reference voltage Operation Overview The TP181 family is 36V common-mode, zero-drift topology, current-sensing amplifiers that can be used in both low-side and high-side configurations. These specially-designed, current-sensing amplifiers are able to accurately measure voltages developed across current-sensing resistors on common-mode voltages that far exceed the supply voltage powering the device. Current can be www.3peakic.com.cn 6/ 9 Rev.A.3 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier measured on input voltage rails as high as 36 V while the device can be powered from supply voltages as low as 2.7 V. The zero-drift topology enables high-precision measurements with maximum input offset voltages as low as 100μV with a maximum temperature contribution of 0.5 μV/°C over the full temperature range of –40°C to 125°C. Applications Information Application schematic Reference voltage R SHUNT Supply REF GND OUT R1 R3 Load Output IN- + +2.7V to +30V IN+ V+ C BYPASS 0.01µF to 0.1µF R2 R4 Above figure shows the basic connections of the TP181. The input pins, IN+ and IN–, should be connected as closely as possible to the shunt resistor to minimize any resistance in series with the shunt resistor. Power-supply bypass capacitors are required for stability. Applications with noisy or high-impedance power supplies may require additional decoupling capacitors to reject power-supply noise. Connect bypass capacitors close to the device pins. Selecting RSHUNT The zero-drift offset performance of the TP181 offers several benefits. Most often, the primary advantage of the low offset characteristic enables lower full-scale drops across the shunt. For example, nonzero-drift current shunt monitors typically require a full-scale range of 100 mV. The TP181 family gives equivalent accuracy at a full-scale range on the order of 10 mV. This accuracy reduces shunt dissipation by an order of magnitude with many additional benefits. Alternatively, there are applications that must measure current over a wide dynamic range that can take advantage of the low offset on the low end of the measurement. Most often, these applications can use the lower gains of the TP181 to accommodate larger shunt drops on the upper end of the scale. For instance, an TP181A1 operating on a 3.3-V supply could easily handle a fullscale shunt drop of 60 mV, with only 100uV of offset. REF Input Impedance Effects As with any difference amplifier, the TP181 family common-mode rejection ratio is affected by any impedance present at the REF input. This concern is not a problem when the REF pin is connected directly to most references or power supplies. When using resistive dividers from the power supply or a reference voltage, the REF pin should be buffered by an op amp. Power Supply Recommendation The input circuitry of the TP181 can accurately measure beyond its power-supply voltage, V+. For example, the V+ power supply www.3peakic.com.cn 7/ 9 Rev.A.3 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier can be 5 V, whereas the load power-supply voltage can be as high as 30 V. However, the output voltage range of the OUT pin is limited by the voltages on the power-supply pin. Note also that the TP181 can withstand the full input signal range up to 36 V at the input pins, regardless of whether the device has power applied or not. Proper Board Layout To ensure optimum performance at the PCB level, care must be taken in the design of the board layout. To avoid leakage currents, the surface of the board should be kept clean and free of moisture. Coating the surface creates a barrier to moisture accumulation and helps reduce parasitic resistance on the board. Keeping supply traces short and properly bypassing the power supplies minimizes power supply disturbances due to output current variation, such as when driving an ac signal into a heavy load. Bypass capacitors should be connected as closely as possible to the device supply pins. Stray capacitances are a concern at the outputs and the inputs of the amplifier. It is recommended that signal traces be kept at least 5mm from supply lines to minimize coupling. A variation in temperature across the PCB can cause a mismatch in the Seebeck voltages at solder joints and other points where dissimilar metals are in contact, resulting in thermal voltage errors. To minimize these thermocouple effects, orient resistors so heat sources warm both ends equally. Input signal paths should contain matching numbers and types of components, where possible to match the number and type of thermocouple junctions. For example, dummy components such as zero value resistors can be used to match real resistors in the opposite input path. Matching components should be located in close proximity and should be oriented in the same manner. Ensure leads are of equal length so that thermal conduction is in equilibrium. Keep heat sources on the PCB as far away from amplifier input circuitry as is practical. The use of a ground plane is highly recommended. A ground plane reduces EMI noise and also helps to maintain a constant temperature across the circuit board. www.3peakic.com.cn 8/ 9 Rev.A.3 TP181 Zero-Drift, Bi-directional Current Sense Amplifier Package Outline Dimensions SC70-6 /SOT-363 3PEAK and the 3PEAK logo are registered trademarks of 3PEAK INCORPORATED. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.3peakic.com.cn 9/ 9 Rev.A.3
TP181A2-CR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.15500
  • 200+0.88770
  • 1500+0.77220
  • 3000+0.67100


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.11999
  • 30+1.07999
  • 100+1.03999
  • 500+0.95999
  • 1000+0.91999
  • 2000+0.89599


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.68370


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.64800
    • 10+0.63110


      •  国内价格
      • 5+1.09404
      • 50+0.84910
      • 150+0.74412
      • 500+0.61312


      •  国内价格
      • 1+1.50150
      • 10+1.38600
      • 100+1.27050
      • 1000+0.97650
