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    薄膜电容 CAP_17X7MM_TM 220nF ±5% 630V 17.00 x 7.00mm

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KP224J2J1502 数据手册
东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 规 格 承 认 书 SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPROVAL TEL0769-83919069 FAX:0769-83500269 客户名称 CUSTOMER 规格类别 DESCRIPTION 科雅料号 CHIEFCON P/N 客户料号 CUSTOMER P/N 承认编号 APPROVAL NO 发行日期 ISSUED DATE 立创商城 MPP:金屬化聚丙烯薄膜電容器(CBB22 粉包型) KP224J2J1502 2019041201 2019/04/12 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 广东省东莞市常平镇朗贝村常泰新村 4 街 128 号四楼 刘斌 13537302676 TEL:0769-83919069 FAX:0769-83500269 工厂地址:广东省中山市港口镇建达工业村 C 厂房三楼 B 区 Website : HTTP://www.dgkeya.com 客户承认栏 CUSTOMER APPROVAL 製作 PREPARED BY 審核 CHECKED BY 核準 APPROVAL BY This specification will be invalidated assuming that it is not accepted when it is not returned within sixth months from the date of issue. 此承认书若未在发行日期起二个月内签回,将视为无效。 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 1/11 SPECIFICATION CHIEFCON ELECTRONICS CO LTD 客户名称 CUSTOMER 科 雅 料号 立创商城 KP224J2J1502 CHIEFCON TYPE 产品尺寸图 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS 实际产品印字: 印字标识 Marking 客户产品型号 CUSTOMER P/N 容值 标志 公差 电压 R.V. CAP. (uF) Symbol 0.22 224 Tol. ±% 5 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 (VDC) 宽W 高H 630 17 14 ±1 ±1 尺寸毫米为单位 厚 脚距 线径φd 脚长 L Dimensions in mm T P ±1 ±0.5 7.0 15 ±0.05 0.8 15 科雅产品型号 CHIEFCON P/N KP224J2J1502 2/11 产品编码对照表 PRODUCT CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE 产品编码 Product coding ○产品类别 Type of capacitor 1 类别 model 代码 Code 型号 model 代码 Code MPP MPR KP KP CBB21 CBB22 KP KP MER CL21 PPS CBB81 PE PE PS PS ○产品容量代码 Capacitance code (EIA Code) 2 代码 Code 容量换算 代码 Code Capacitance 容量换算 CBB28 PPN CBB13 X2 MPB PN PN PX PC PS 代码 Code Capacitance 容量换算 Capacitance 101 100pF 0.1nF 0.0001uF 103 10,000pF 10nF 0.01uF 105 1,000,000pF 1,000nF 1uF 102 1,000pF 1nF 0.001uF 104 100,000pF 100nF 0.1uF 106 10,000,000pF 10,000nF 10uF ○产品容量误差 Tolerance (EIA Code) 3 误差 Tol. 代码 Code ±1% F ±2% G ±3% I ±5% J ○产品额定电压 Rated Voltage ±10% K ±20% M –10%~ 0% L 0%~+10% P –5%~+10% U –10%~+5% V 0%~+20% W 4 电压 Voltage 代码 Code 63 100 125 250 275 310 350 380 400 450 630 800 1000 1200 1250 1600 2000 3000 1J 2A 2B 2E 2C 2H 2K 2L 2G 2W 2J 2D 3A 3I 3B 3C 3F 3G ○产品本体脚距 Lead Space 5 本体脚距 Lead Space 代码 Code 5 05 7.5 07 10 10 ○辅助码(内部识别码) Accessories Yards 6 NO. 1 2 说明 15 15 20 20 22.5 22 24 24 25 25 26 26 27.5 27 31 31 Descriptions 每个规格第一料号时用“01" Each specification first edit with" 01" 同种规格原料、外观及尺寸有差异时用“01,02,03...”进行区分 The same specifications appearance and size differ with non-simultaneous 01, 02, 03 to distinguish Guideline of notabilia for the usage of plastic film capacitors 塑胶薄膜电容器的使用上注意事项及指导 Plastic film capacitors use organic films for their dielectrics, thus the capacitors may fume of flame, depending on the circuit conditions they are in, when they are damaged by applying over-voltage or over-current. 塑胶薄膜电容器使用有机薄膜为介质,当使用超过额定电压及额定电流,可能产生火焰,导致电容损坏,故请使用于正确的电路。 1. Circuit Design 电路设计 ① Please use capacitors within the range of their characteristic ratings, only after confirming their operating and mounting environments. 请确认电容器的使用范围仅止于明定之额定特性规范,请先确认电容器使用之环境是否符合规范。 请依照适合的作业条件选择相对应的电容器使用。 ② In case of selecting a capacitor, please select the most suitable one which fits to your operating conditions. ③ An applying voltage to a capacitor, including the peak of surge and ripple voltage (D.C. voltage + A.C. Peak), cannot be exceeded the rating voltage. 电容器之应用电压,包括突波和纹波电压的峰值 直流电压 交流峰值 不可超过额定电压。 ( + ) ④ Do not apply a current over its permissible level. Also, make sure the check the surrounding temperature and inherent temperature rise of a capacitor since a permissible current can be restricted by those factors. 切勿使用超出电容器可承载之电流并检查电容器周围之温度,因有许多因素会影响电流之变化,进而造成电容器之温度上升。 ⑤ Do not conduct a rapid charge and discharge to a capacitor which may lead to characteristics degradations or break down of the capacitor. 请不要对电容器进行快速的充电和放电,此可能会导致电容器之特性退化或损坏。 安装 请不要使用任何超过电容导线可承受之张力进行插件。 ② Please mount a capacitor where it dose not contact any other heating parts, high voltage parts and other parts. 请确认电容器使用环境,避免接触任何其他升温热物件 高压和其他部分料件。 ③ Please conduct soldering process by strictly following the specified conditions. 进行焊接过程实,请严格遵循指定之焊接条件。 3.Storing and handling 储存和处理 ① A storage needs to be kept indoors at -10~+30℃ and relative humidity of under 75% without any sudden temperature changes, direct sunlight and corrosive gas around. 需保存于 ,相对湿度低于 并确保没有任何突然的温度变化,避免直接阳光之曝晒及接触腐蚀性气体之环境。 ② Do not apply and exceeding vibration, shock (dropping) and pressure. 不应过度震动、碰撞和及外力的冲击。 ③ According to normal conditions, the storage time exceeds 3 months, and all capacitor characteristics must be checked before production and use. 按正常条件储存时间超出3个月时间,生产使用前需全部检查电容器特。 2. Mounting ① Do not apply any exceeding tension or torsion to lead wires of a capacitor, during the mounting process. , -10 ~ 30℃ 75% 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 3/11 产品规格说明 NO. 项目 ITEM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 1 2 2.1 承认范围 SCOPE 说明 DESCRIPTIONS 本规格适用于科雅之要求 This specifications cover the requirements of KYET 金属化聚丙烯薄膜电容器 Metallized Polypropylene Film capacitor MPP/MPR/CBB21/CBB22 各测量皆于标准大气下进行 STANDARD ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS FOR MAKING MEASUREMENTS 环境温度 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 15℃ 至 35℃ (如对结果有任何疑问,该测量环境温度应为+20 ± 5℃之间) 15℃ to 35℃ (If there is any doubt on the results, the measurements shall be made at +20 ± 5℃) 至 如对结果有任何疑问,该测量相对湿度应为 之间 2.2 相对湿度 RELATIVE HUMIDITY(R.H.) 45% 75% ( 60% to 70% ) 45%to 75% (If there is any doubt on the results, the measurements shall be made at 60% to 70%) 2.3 大气压力 AIR PRESSURE 86 106 86 kpa to 106 kpa 2.4 工作温度范围 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 千帕之 于-40℃至+100℃间,电容可在额定电压下持续运作 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE 结构 CONSTRUCTION 电介质 喷金层 导线 环氧树脂 塑料外壳 千帕至 DIELECTRIC METAL SPRAY LEAD WIRE EPOXY RESIN PLASTIC CASE 打印 MARKING -40℃ to +100℃ for which the capacitor can be operated continuously at rated voltage. 金属化聚丙烯薄膜 Metallized Polypropylene Film 特殊焊料 Special Solder 镀锡铜包钢线 Copper-clad Steel Wire UL V-0 耐燃等级 UL V-0 耐燃等级 4.1 制造商标志 MANUFACTURER'S SYMBOL 4.2 型号或材质 TYPE OR MATERIAL “MPP” stands for “Metallized Polypropylene Film” 4.3 电容类别 CAPACITOR CLASS “CBB22” “CBB” “CBB22stands for “CBB” class 4.4 静电容量 NOMINAL CAPACITANCE EIA Capacitance Expressed in 3-digit (EIA) code. 4.5 容量容许差值 TOLERANCE J (±5%) , K(±10%) , M(±20%) 4.6 额定电压 100, 250,400,450,630 VDC 4.7 RATED VOLTAGE 工作温度范围 Operating Temperature Range 4.8 散逸因素(损耗角正切) 4.9 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 表示为”科雅电子科技有限公司 KYET ELECTRONICS CO., LTD” “MPP”代表“金属化聚丙烯”材质 代表 类别 容量用 三码表示 -40 范例 example ℃~100℃ Max 0.1%(at 1KHZ, 25℃) CR≤0.33µF IR≥10000MΩ UR≤100V CR 0.33 F IR 5000M / F UR 100V > μ ≥ Ωμ ≤ 4/11 产品规格说明 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS NO. 5.1 电气特性 项目 ITEM 耐压 (TV) 说明 DESCRIPTIONS 引线之间 应无异常 引线与外包封之间 应无异常 Between Terminals 5.3 5.4 Apply 1.5*Ur (DC) for 60 sec (Should be no more than 150V/s rate increased from zero to the test voltage, testing time, meets the test voltage should be calculated at the end of the trial, the voltage should be reduced to zero and the capacitor through a resistor of appropriate discharge. Shall be no abnormality Withstand Voltage Between Terminals &Enclosure 5.2 施加 1.6 倍额定直流电压测试 60 秒(电压应 以不超过 150V/s 的速率从零升高到试验电 压,时间应从达到电压时计算,在结束时, 电压应减少到接近零,并且电容器应通过一 个适当的电阻放电) 介质损耗 (DF) 2 倍额定电压+500V,测试 2 到 5 秒 最小值 1,000VDC Shall be no abnormality Apply 2*Ur+500V for 2 to 5 sec. Min. 1,000VDC 于 1KHz 时 ≤ 0.001(0.1%) Dissipation Factor ≤ 0.001(0.1%) at 1 KHz 容量 (CAP) ( +20 ± 5℃) Within the tolerance specified 环境温度 于 Capacitance 。 (at +20 ± 5℃). ≥10,000 Mohm (C≤0.33uf) ≤0.33uf ≥10,000M ≥5,000 Mohm*uF/C (C>0.33uf) >0.33uf 容值 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) Insulation Resistance 容值 Ω Ω 时,绝缘电阻 时,绝缘电阻 测量频率 测量电压 测量频率 测量电压 : ±2% ; : ≤1 rms Measuring Frequency: ±2% Measuring Voltage: ≤1 Vrms.. : ±2% ; : ≤1 rms Measuring Frequency: ±2% Measuring Voltage: ≤1 Vrms.. 测试电压 100 伏 充电时间 60±5 秒。 Vt=100 VDC Charge Time : 60±5 sec. ≥5,000M *uF / C 5.5 6 6.1 焊料覆盖面积应超过导线表面 圆周 90%。 焊料附着性 Soldering Property 焊接温度为: +260 ± 5℃ 浸焊时间为: 2 ± 0.5 秒 More than 90% of circumferential surface of lead wire shall be covered with new solder. Soldering temperature: +260 ± 5℃ Immersion duration: 2 ± 0.5 sec. 应无异常。 沿着引出方向,施加 1 公斤力量,保持 10±1 秒。 机械特性 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS 引线强度 引线强度 Tensile Strength Terminal Strength 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 Shall be no abnormality Apply 1.0Kg for 10 ± 1 sec. to the terminal in the axial direction and acting in a direction away from the body. 5/11 产品规格说明 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 7 NO. 耐久性特性 ENDURANCE CHARACTERISTICS 项目 ITEM 外观 Appearance 耐压 Withstand Voltage 7.1 说明 DESCRIPTIONS 应当无显著变化 Shall be no remarkable change 应满足 NO.5.1 shall satisfy NO.5.1 容值变化率 (△C/C) 变化率小于 ±5% 温度变化循环 Capacitance Change Rate Within ±5% of the value before test Temperature Cycle 介质损耗 Dissipation Factor 于 1KHz 时: 最大值为 0.002 (0.2%) @ 1KHz: 0.002 (0.2%) max. 共 5 次温度循环测试,循环条件: 1. +20 ± 2℃ 持续 3 分钟 2. -40 ± 3℃ 持续 10 分钟 3. +20 ± 2℃ 持续 3 分钟 4. +100 ± 2℃ 持续 10 分钟 5. +20 ± 2℃ 持续 3 分钟 试验后放置于室内 1.5 ± 0.5 小时后再进行量 测。 Test Temperature Cycle: Total 5 cycles. Each cycle includes 1. 20 ± 2℃ for 3 min. 2. -40 ± 3℃ for 10 min. 3. +20 ± 2℃ for 3 min. 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) ≥50% NO.5.4 ≥50% of the limit value of NO.5.4 外观 应当无显著变化 Appearance 耐压 Withstand Voltage 7.2 耐干热试验 Dry Heat Resistance 容值变化率 △ 于 1KHz 时: 最大值为 0.002 (0.2%) 外观 应当无显著变化 Shall be no remarkable change 应满足 Withstand Voltage NO.5.1 Shall satisfy NO.5.1 容值变化率 (△C/C) 变化率小于 ±5% Capacitance Change Rate Within ±5% of the value before test 介质损耗 于 1KHz 时: 最大值为 0.002 (0.2%) 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) Insulation Resistance 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 Test Temperature: +100 ± 2℃ Test Duration: 16 + 1/-0 hrs. 的限制值在 ≥50% NO.5.4 ≥50% of the limit value of NO.5.4 Dissipation Factor 试验温度: +100 ± 2℃ 测试时间: 16 ± 1 小时 @ 1KHz: 0.002 (0.2%) max. Insulation Resistance 耐压 Cold Resistance 变化率小于 介质损耗 Appearance 7.3 应满足 NO.5.1 Shall satisfy NO.5.1 ±5% Within ±5% of the value before test 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) 5. +20 ± 2℃ for 3 min. After test, allow it stay alone for 1.5 ± 0.5 Hrs. at ordinary condition before making measurements. Shall be no remarkable change ( C/C) Capacitance Change Rate Dissipation Factor 耐干寒试验 的限制值在 Insulation Resistance 4.+100 ± 2℃ for 10min. 试验温度: -40 ± 3℃ 测试时间: 2 ± 1 小时 Test Temperature: -40 ± 3℃ Test Duration: 2 ± 1 hrs. @ 1KHz: 0.002 (0.2%) max. 的限制值在 ≥50% NO.5.4 ≥50% of the limit value of NO.5.4 6/11 产品规格说明 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NO. 项目 ITEM 外观 说明 DESCRIPTIONS 应当无显著变化 耐压 应满足 NO.5.1 Appearance Withstand Voltage 7.4 耐湿绝缘 Damp Heat 容值变化率 △ 变化率小于 ±5% Within ±5% of the value before test 介质损耗 于 1KHz 时: 最大值为 0.002 (0.2%) 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) @ 1KHz: 0.002 (0.2%) max. 的限制值在 Insulation Resistance ≥50% NO.5.4 ≥50% of the limit value of NO.5.4 外观 应无机械性损伤 连接强度 不得为短路或开路连接。 连接点应稳定。 外观 应当无显著变化 印字标志应清晰 Appearance Shall be no mechanical damage. 振动试验 Vibration Resistance Connection strength Appearance 端子间的耐电压值 Withstand Voltage Between Terminals 焊接耐热 7.6 Shall satisfy NO.5.1 ( C/C) Capacitance Change Rate Dissipation Factor 7.5 Shall be no remarkable change Soldering Heat Resistance 容值变化率 △ ( C/C) Capacitance Change Rate 介质损耗 Dissipation Factor 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) Insulation Resistance 连接元件 Connection of Element 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 Shall be no short-circuiting or open. The connection shall be stable. Shall be no remarkable change. The marking shall be legible. 应满足 NO.5.1 Shall satisfy NO.5.1 变化率小于 ±5% Within ±3% of the value before test 于 1KHz 时: 最大值为 0.002 (0.2%) @ 1KHz: 0.002 (0.2%) max. 的限制值在 ≥50% NO.5.4 ≥50% of the limit value of NO.5.4 试验温度:+40 ± 2℃ 试验湿度:90%至 95%相对湿度 试验时间:2 ± 1 小时 试验后放置于室内 1.5 ± 0.5 小时后再进行量 测。 Test Temperature: +40 ± 2℃. Test Humidity: 90% to 95% R.H. Test Duration: 2 ± 1 hrs.. After test, allow it stay alone for 1.5 ± 0.5 Hrs. at ordinary condition before making measurements. 频率变化: 10-55-10Hz 振动距离: 1.5 毫米. 试验方向: X,Y,Z 试验时间:每个方向 2± 1 小时 Frequency Change : 10-55-10 Hz Vibration Distance:1.5 mm. Test Direction : X,Y,Z Test Duration : 2± 1hrs each direction 预热温度: 85 ~100℃ 预热时间:最大为 60 秒 温度升高:最大为 3℃/秒 锡炉温度: +260 ± 5℃ 浸焊时间: 2 ± 1 秒 浸焊深度:导线根部 4 ± 0.8 毫米 试验后放置于室内 1.5 ± 0.5 小时后再进行量 测。 Preheat Temp. : 85~100℃ Preheat Duration : 60 sec. max. Temperature Increase by 3℃/sec. max. Soldering Temperature : +260 ± 5℃ Immersion Duration : 2 ± 1sec. Immersion Depth : 4 ± 0.8mm from roots. After test, allow it stay alone for 1.5 ± 0.5 Hrs. at ordinary condition before making measurements. 应稳定 Shall be stable 7/11 产品规格说明 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NO. 7.7 项目 ITEM 耐久寿命 Endurance 外观 Appearance 耐压 Withstand Voltage Shall satisfy NO.5.1 容值变化率 (△C/C) 变化率小于 ±10% Capacitance Change Rate 介质损耗 Dissipation Factor 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) 7.8 耐湿负荷 Moisture Resistant Loading 性能 PERFORMANCE 应当无显著变化 Shall be no remarkable change 应满足 NO.5.1 Within±10% of the value before test 于 1KHz 时: 最大值为@ 1KHz Cr ≤1uF : 0.008 (0.8%) max. Cr >1uF : 0.005 (0.5%) max. 的限制值在 Insulation Resistance ≥50% NO.5.4 ≥50% of the limit value of NO.5.4 外观 Appearance 耐压 应当无显著变化 Shall be no remarkable change 应满足 NO.5.1 Withstand Voltage Shall satisfy NO.5.1 容值变化率 (△C/C) 变化率小于 ±5% Capacitance Change Rate Within ±5% of the value before test 介质损耗 于 1KHz 时: 最大值为 0.002 (0.2%) Dissipation Factor 绝缘电阻 (I.R.) Insulation Resistance 东莞市科雅电子科技有限公司 @ 1KHz: 0.002 (0.2%) max. 的限制值在 ≥50% NO.5.4 ≥50% of the limit value of NO.5.4 测试条件 TEST CONDITIONS 试验温度: +85 ± 2℃ 测试电压: 额定电压 试验时间 小时 每小时将电压升至额定电压,持续 0.1 秒 每个电容分别通过一个 47Ω±5 %.电阻。 : 16 Test Temperature: +85± 2℃ Test Voltage: 100% * rated voltage. Test Duration: 16 Hrs. Once every hour the voltage For 0.1 sec. The test voltage is applied to each capacitor individually through a resistor of 47Ω±5 %. 试验温度: +40 ± 2℃. 试验湿度: 87%至 93%相对湿度 测试电压: 额定电压 试验时间 小时 试验后放置于室内 1.5 ± 0.5 小时后再进行量 测。 : 16 Test Temperature: +40 ± 2℃. Test Humidity: 87% to 93% R.H. Test Voltage: rated voltage. Test Duration: 16 Hrs. After test, allow it stay alone for 1.5 ± 0.5 Hrs. at ordinary condition before making measurements. 8/11
KP224J2J1502 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 5+0.53578
    • 50+0.44139
    • 150+0.39419
    • 500+0.32976
    • 2500+0.30144
    • 5000+0.28728
