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HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL 数据手册
Under Development Mass production RoHS Specification 规 格 书 Customer Name: 客户名称: Customer P/N: 客户品号: Factory P/N: HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL 公司品号: Sending Date: 送样日期: Client approval Hongli approval 客户审核 鸿利智汇审核 Approval Audit Approval Audit Confirmation 核准 确认 核准 确认 制作 廖娟 □ Qualified 接受 DATE: 日期: □ Disqualified 不接受 Adr:No.1,Xianke Yi Road,Huadong Town,Huadu District,Guangzhou,China 地址:中国广州市花都区花东镇先科一路1号 Tel/电话:020-86733333 Fax/传真:020-86733883 86733938 86733265 Web/网址:www.honglitronic.com 注:1.此规格书以中英文方式书写,若有冲突以中文版本为准文本. 2.此规格书的最终解释权归鸿利智汇集团股份有限公司 3.此规格书的有效期限为两年,自盖章或签字之日起计算,期满时双方可以续签协议,但应采用书面形式 SPEC NO:B-11-A-1292 REV NO: A/0 DATE: July/15/2017 PAGE: 1 OF 10 ● Under Development Mass production HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL Features( 特征) PLCC-2 Package.(PLCC-2 封装) Extremely wide viewing angle.(宽的发光角度) Suitable for all SMT assembly and solder process.(适用于所有的SMT组装和焊接工艺) Available on tape and reel.(适用于载带及卷轴) Moisture sensitivity level: Level 4.(防潮等级 Level 4) Package:2000pcs/reel..(包装每卷2000PCS) RoHS compliant. (RoHS 认证) ATTENTION Description(描述) OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES The GREEN source color devices are made with InGaN on Substrate Light Emitting Diode 注意:操作时应注意静电敏感 绿光LED由InGaN三种元素芯片激发而成 释放设备装置 Applications(应用) Package Dimensions(封装尺寸) ■ Optical indicator(光学指示) 3.50 [0.14] 3.20 [0.13] ■ Indoor display(室内显示) 1 2 2.6【0.10】 (LCD背光、转换器,开关和标志,显示器等) 2.15【0.08】 ■ Backlight for LCD, switch and Symbol, display 2.80 [0.11] ■ Automotive lighting(汽车照明) ■ Tubular light application(用于日光灯管) POLARITY MARK 0.70 [0.03] Recommended Soldering Pattern (建议焊盘尺寸图) 1.40 [0.06] ■ General use(一般应用) 0.80 [0.03] 1 2 2 1 Notes:(备注) 1. All dimension units are millimeters.(所有标注尺寸单位为毫米) 2.All dimension tolerance is ±0.15mm unless otherwise noted.(除特别标注外,所有尺寸允许公差±0.15mm ) SPEC NO:B-11-A-1292 REV NO: A/0 DATE: July/15/2017 PAGE: 2 OF 10 ● Under Development Mass production HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL Selection Guide(选择指南) Dice Part No. 型号 HL-A-3528U51GC-S113HL Luminous intensity(mcd) 光强@ 20mA Lens Type 胶体类型 Green (InGaN) Water Clear Viewing Angle 视角度 Min. Typ. 21/2 1000 1300 120° Note:(备注) 21/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value. 21/2 是半值角,指光强是光学中心线光强的1/2处到光学中心线的角度 2. The above luminous intensity measurement allowance tolerance is ±10%. 上述发光强度的测试允许公差为±10% Electrical / Optical Characteristics at Ta=25°C 电性与光学特性 Parameter(参数) Symbol (符号) Min. (最小) Typ. (平均) Max. (最大) Units (单位) Test Conditions 测试条件 Forward Voltage 正向电压 VF 2.8 -- 3.4 V IF=20mA Reverse Current 反向电流 IR -- -- 10 uA VR = 5V Dominate Wavelength 主波长 λd 515 -- 525 nm IF=20mA Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C 绝对最大额定值 Parameter(参数) Symbol(符号) Rating(值) Units(单位) Power Dissipation(功耗) Pd 102 mW Forward Current(正向电流) IF 30 mA Peak Forward Current [1](峰值正向电流) IFP 100 mA Reverse Voltage(反向电压) VR 5 V Electrostatic Discharge (HBM)(静电) ESD 1000 V Operating Temperature(操作温度) Topr -40 ~ +85 ℃ Storage Temperature(保存温度) Tstg -40 ~ +100 ℃ Note:(备注) 1. 1/10 Duty cycle, 0.1ms pulse width.(脉宽0.1ms,周期1/10) 2. The above forward voltage measurement allowance tolerance is ± 0.1V.(以上所示电压测量误差±0.1V) 3.The above dominate wavelength measurement allowance tolerance is ±1nm.(以上所示波长测量误差±1nm) SPEC NO:B-11-A-1292 REV NO: A/0 DATE: July/15/2017 PAGE: 3 OF 10 ● Under Development Mass production HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL Typical optical characteristics curves 典型光学特性曲线 Ambient Temperature vs. Forward Current Forward Current VS. Relative Intensity 正向电流与相对光强特性曲线 环境温度与正向电流特性曲线 2.5 Relative Luminous Intensity 50 Forward Current(mA) 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 120 0.0 0 Soldering Temperature Ts(℃) 10 20 30 40 50 Forward Current(mA) Ambient Temperature VS. Relative Intensity Forward Voltage VS. Forward Current 环境温度与相对光强特性曲线 正向电压与正向电流特性曲线 Forward Current(mA) 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Forward Voltage(V) Relative spectral emission Radiation diagram 相对光谱分布特性曲线 辐射图特性曲线 Relative luminous intensity 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 380 460 540 620 700 780 Wavelength(nm ) SPEC NO:B-11-A-1292 REV NO: A/0 DATE: July/15/2017 PAGE: 4 OF 10 ● Under Development Mass production HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL Reliability Test Items And Conditions 信赖性测试项目及条件 Test Items 项目 Ref. Standard 参考标准 Test Condition 测试条件 Time 时间 Quantity 数量 Ac/Re 接收/拒收 Reflow 回流焊 JESD22-B106 Temp:260℃max T=10 sec 3 times. 22Pcs. 0/1 Temperature Cycle 温度循环 JESD22-A104 120℃±5℃ 30 min. ↑↓5 min -40℃±5℃ 30 min. 100 Cycles 22Pcs. 0/1 High Temperature Storage 高温保存 JESD22-A103 Temp:100℃±5℃ 1000Hrs. 11Pcs. 0/1 Low Temperature Storage 低温保存 JESD22-A119 Temp:-40℃±5℃ 1000Hrs. 11Pcs. 0/1 Life Test 常温通电 JESD22-A108 Ta=25℃±5℃ IF=20mA 1000Hrs. 11Pcs. 0/1 High Temperature High Humidity Life Test 高温高湿通电 JESD22-A101 85℃±5℃/ 85%RH IF=10mA 1000Hrs. 11Pcs. 0/1 Failure Criteria 失效判定标准 Test Items 项目 Symbol 符号 Failure Criteria 判定标准 Test Condition 测试条件 Min. 最小 Max. 最大 Forward Voltage 正向电压 VF IF=20mA -- U.S.L*)x1.1 Reverse Current 反向电流 IR VR = 5V -- 10uA Luminous Flux 光通量 lm IF=20mA L.S.L*)x0.7 -- U.S.L: Upper Specification Limit 规格上限 L.S.L: Lower Specification Limit 规格下限 *The technical information shown in the data sheets are limited to the typical characteristics and circuit examples of the referenced products. It does not constitute the warranting of industrial property nor the granting of any license. 数据工作表中所示的技术信息仅限于典型特征和电路实例引用的产品.它既不构成工业特性的保证,也不构成任何许 可的授权 SPEC NO:B-11-A-1292 REV NO: A/0 DATE: July/15/2017 PAGE: 5 OF 10 ● Under Development Mass production HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL SMT Reflow Soldering Instructions SMT回流焊说明 1.Reflow soldering should not be done more than two times. 回流焊不可以做两次以上 2.When soldering , do not put stress on the LEDs during heating 当焊接时,不要在材料受热时用力压胶体表面 Soldering iron 烙铁焊接 1.When hand soldering, keep the temperature of iron below less 300℃ less than 3 seconds 当手工焊接时,烙铁的温度必须小于300℃,时间不可超过3秒 2.The hand solder should be done only one times 手工焊接只可焊接一次 Repairing 修补 Repair should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable, a double-head soldering iron should be used (as below figure). It should be confirmed in advance whether the characteristics of LEDs will or will not be damaged by repairing. LED回流焊后不应该修复,当修复是不可避免时,必须使用双头烙铁(如下图),但必须事先确认此种方式会或不会 损坏LED本身的特性。 Cautions 注意事项 The encapsulated material of the LEDs is silicone. Therefore the LEDs have a soft surface on the top of package. The pressure to the top surface will be influence to the reliability of the LEDs. Precautions should be taken to avoid the strong pressure on the encapsulated part. So when use the picking up nozzle, the pressure on the silicone resin should be proper. LED封装为硅胶,故LED胶体表面较软,用力按压胶体表面会影响LED可靠性,因此应有预防措施避免在封装的零件上的 强大压力,当使用吸嘴时,胶体表面的压力应是恰当的。 SPEC NO:B-11-A-1292 REV NO: A/0 DATE: July/15/2017 PAGE: 6 OF 10 ● Under Development Mass production HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL Handling Precautions 处理防备措施 Compare to epoxy encapsulant that is hard and brittle, silicone is softer and flexible. Although its characteristic significantly reduces thermal stress, it is more prone to damage by external mechanical force . As a result, Special handling precautions must be observed during assembling using silicone encapsulated LED products, Failure to comply might leads to damage and premature failure of the LED. 相对环氧树脂较脆较硬而言,硅胶封装较柔软且有弹性,虽然它的特性大大减少了热应力,但易受机械外力损坏,因此 在手工处理方面须要对硅胶封装材料做预防措施,若未按要求操作,可能会导致LED损坏和光衰 1.Handle the component along the side surface by using forceps or appropriate tools; do not directly touch or Handle the silicone lens surface, it may damage the internal circuitry. 通过使用适当的工具从材料侧面夹取,不可直接用手或尖锐金属压胶体表面,它可能会损坏内部电路 3528 2.The outer diameter of the SMD pickup nozzle should not exceed the size of the LED to prevent air leaks. The inner diameter of the nozzle should be as large as possible. A pliable material is suggested for the nozzle tip to avoid scratching or damaging the LED surface during pickup. The dimensions of the component must be accurately programmed in the pick-and-place machine to insure precise pickup and avoid damage during production. 为防止气压泄漏,SMD吸咀外径不可以超过LED尺寸,吸咀内径尺寸应尽可能大,吸咀顶端材 质建议采用柔软材料以防在吸取期间刮伤或损坏LED胶体表面,元件的尺寸必须在取放机里准 确的编程好,以确保精确的吸取和避免生产过程中的损害 3.Do not stack together assembled PCBs containing LEDs. Impact may scratch the silicone lens or damage the internal circuitry 4.Not suitable to operate in acidic environment, PH
HL-A-3528U51GC-S1-13HL 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.17445
    • 100+0.16282
    • 300+0.15119
    • 500+0.13956
    • 2000+0.13375
    • 5000+0.13026
