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    MCP2515,MCP2551 CANbus 接口 平台评估扩展板

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MOTG Modules On The Go Series DATASHEET DOCUMENT DATE: 4th May 2021 DOCUMENT REVISION: 1.7 MOTG-WiFi-ESP MOTG-MP3 MOTG-RS232 MOTG-RS485 MOTG-BLUETOOTH MOTG-CAN gen4-MOTG-AC1 gen4-MOTG-AC2 gen4-MOTG-AC3 gen4-MOTG-AC4 MOTG-BREADTOOTH Uncontrolled Copy when printed or downloaded. Please refer to the 4D Systems website for the latest Revision of this document W W W . 4 D S Y S T E M S . C O M . A U Table of Contents Table of Contents MOTG Introduction ..............................................................................................................6 Universal MOTG Interface (UMI) ..........................................................................................6 Pin Description ............................................................................................................................... 6 Board Dimension............................................................................................................................ 7 Hardware Support ...............................................................................................................7 MOTG-BREADTOOTH ..................................................................................................................... 7 gen4-MOTG-AC1 ............................................................................................................................ 8 gen4-MOTG-AC2 ............................................................................................................................ 8 gen4-MOTG-AC3 ............................................................................................................................ 8 gen4-MOTG-AC4 ............................................................................................................................ 9 Software Support.................................................................................................................9 1. MOTG–WiFi-ESP ............................................................................................................. 10 1.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 10 1.2. Features .................................................................................................................................. 10 1.3. Before Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 10 1.4. Chipset Features ..................................................................................................................... 11 1.5. Pins, Buttons and Solder Bridges ............................................................................................ 11 1.6. Firmware Programming .......................................................................................................... 12 1.7. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 15 1.8. Schematic Details REV 1.1 ....................................................................................................... 16 1.9. Schematic Details REV 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 17 1.10. Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 18 1.11. Hardware Revision History .................................................................................................... 19 2. MOTG-MP3 .................................................................................................................... 20 2.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 20 2.2. Features .................................................................................................................................. 20 2.3. Before Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 20 2.4. Pin and Solder Bridges ............................................................................................................ 21 2.5. Serial Commands .................................................................................................................... 22 2.6. Media – micro-SD card ............................................................................................................ 25 2.7. File & Folder Structure ............................................................................................................ 25 2.8. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 26 2.9. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 27 2.10. Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 28 2.11. Hardware Revision History .................................................................................................... 29 MOTG Page 2 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au Table of Contents 3. MOTG-RS232 ................................................................................................................. 30 3.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 30 3.2. Features .................................................................................................................................. 30 3.3. Before Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 30 3.4. Chipset Features ..................................................................................................................... 30 3.5. Pins and Solder Bridges ........................................................................................................... 31 3.6. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 32 3.7. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 33 3.8. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 34 3.9. Hardware Revision History ...................................................................................................... 35 4. MOTG-RS485 ................................................................................................................. 36 4.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 36 4.2. Features .................................................................................................................................. 36 4.3. Before Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 36 4.4. Chipset Features ..................................................................................................................... 36 4.5. Pins and Solder Bridges ........................................................................................................... 37 4.6. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 38 4.7. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 39 4.8. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 40 4.9. Hardware Revision History ...................................................................................................... 41 5. MOTG-BLUETOOTH ........................................................................................................ 42 5.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 42 5.2. Features .................................................................................................................................. 42 5.3. Before Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 42 5.4. Chipset Features ..................................................................................................................... 43 5.5. Pins and Solder Bridges ........................................................................................................... 43 5.6. Firmware Programming .......................................................................................................... 44 5.7. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 50 5.8. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 51 5.9. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 52 5.10. Hardware Revision History .................................................................................................... 53 6. MOTG-CAN .................................................................................................................... 54 6.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 54 6.2. Features .................................................................................................................................. 54 6.3. Chipset Features ..................................................................................................................... 54 6.4. Pins and Solder Bridges ........................................................................................................... 54 6.5. Limitations with Diablo16 ....................................................................................................... 55 6.6. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 56 MOTG Page 3 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au Table of Contents 6.7. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 57 6.8. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 58 6.9. Hardware Revision History ...................................................................................................... 59 7. gen4-MOTG-AC1 ............................................................................................................ 60 7.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 60 7.2. Hardware Overview ................................................................................................................ 60 7.3. Pin Description ........................................................................................................................ 60 7.4. Accessing pins of MOTG via gen4-PA ...................................................................................... 61 7.5. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 62 7.6. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 63 7.7. Hardware Revision History ...................................................................................................... 64 8. gen4–MOTG–AC2 ........................................................................................................... 65 8.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 65 8.2. Hardware Overview ................................................................................................................ 65 8.3. Pin Description ........................................................................................................................ 65 8.4. Communication ....................................................................................................................... 66 8.5. Accessing MOTG pins via gen4-PA .......................................................................................... 67 8.6. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 68 8.7. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 69 8.8. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 70 8.9. Hardware Revision History ...................................................................................................... 71 9. gen4–MOTG–AC3 ........................................................................................................... 72 9.1. Description .............................................................................................................................. 72 9.2. Hardware Overview ................................................................................................................ 72 9.3. Pin Description ........................................................................................................................ 72 9.4. Accessing pins of MOTG via gen4-PA ...................................................................................... 73 9.5. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................... 74 9.6. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................... 75 9.7. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 76 9.8. Hardware Revision History ...................................................................................................... 77 10. gen4–MOTG–AC4 ......................................................................................................... 78 10.1. Description ............................................................................................................................ 78 10.2. Hardware Overview .............................................................................................................. 78 10.3. Pin Description ...................................................................................................................... 78 10.4. Communication ..................................................................................................................... 79 10.5. Accessing MOTG pins via gen4-PA ........................................................................................ 80 10.6. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................. 81 10.7. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................. 82 MOTG Page 4 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au Table of Contents 10.8. Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 83 10.9. Hardware Revision History .................................................................................................... 84 11. MOTG-BREADTOOTH.................................................................................................... 85 11.1. Description ............................................................................................................................ 85 11.2. Hardware Overview .............................................................................................................. 85 11.3. Pin Description ...................................................................................................................... 85 11.4. Mechanical Views ................................................................................................................. 86 11.5. Schematic Details .................................................................................................................. 87 11.6. MOTG-Breadtooth Hardware Revision History ..................................................................... 88 11.7. Datasheet Revision History ................................................................................................... 89 12. Legal Notice ................................................................................................................. 90 13. Contact Information ..................................................................................................... 90 MOTG Page 5 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go MOTG Introduction MOTG, Modules on the Go is a concept from 4D Systems revolutionizing embedded design allowing instant and flexible hardware expansion solution. MOTG modules offer a simple plug and play interface to Universal MOTG BUS (UMI) allowing rapid assembly and maintenance. This removes the hassle of having to solder and end up with a wiring nest. It also allows the designer to easily remove the existing module or add another module instead, which could be very useful during the phase of prototyping. Importantly, MOTG series was designed with careful consideration for space with its compact and low-profile design. Universal MOTG Interface (UMI) Pin Description Not all Modules use all Pins – as indicated, some pins marked as N/C (No Connect). Header possible signals PIN 3.3V GND RX TX GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 SCL SDA SCK MISO MOSI GND 5.0V MOTG Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin General Purpose Input Output Pin General Purpose Input Output Pin General Purpose Input Output Pin General Purpose Input Output Pin General Purpose Input Output Pin I2C Clock Pin I2C Data Pin Clock Master In Salve Out Master Out Slave In Supply Ground 5.0V Input Supply Page 6 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go Board Dimension The MOTG boards are designed in such a way that the leading edge (header end) of the MOTG modules is a fixed design, and depending how complex the MOTG module is, will determine how long the board itself is. By default, the standard MOTG module is around 38mm in length, but can be extended longer if required. Note that depending on the target application, longer boards may have mounting challenges. The headers used are 1.27mm pitch Through Hole headers, which are mounted on their side and surface mounted. Suitable headers are JAWS (www.jaws.com.tw) F4SC38S16GFDA24000V or Palyoo (www.palyoo.com) F3341116A1BSUX1, other brands may also be suitable with the same specification. These headers are 2.2mm thick at the plastic end, which corresponds well to using a 1.0mm thick PCB once the plating and paste is considered. UMI is an open standard – anyone can implement UMI in their hardware design provided the requirements for UMI are met. If you are designing a custom MOTG module and need more information, potential help with supply of parts, or an exported PCB from Altium Designer (or supported export formats), please make contact with us. Hardware Support Improving the experience with MOTG modules, 4D Systems provides interface boards enabling easy connectivity to popular host controllers such as gen4 modules, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black. MOTG-BREADTOOTH The MOTG-BREADTOOTH breaks out the UMI pins of the MOTG. It is compatible with all MOTG modules and is a quick and easy way to make your MOTG module breadboard friendly. The MOTGBREADTOOTH permits the MOTG to be interfaced to a breadboard for prototyping and for interfacing to virtually any host. For more information, refer to the MOTG-BREADTOOTH section of this datasheet. MOTG Page 7 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go gen4-MOTG-AC1 The gen4-MOTG-AC1 Interface Board allows easy interface of a MOTG module to Diablo16-based gen4 display modules. The board carries one UMIcompatible MOTG slot which acts as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. The interface board is designed to sit flush on the back of the Diablo16 2.4” to 3.5” display modules (stuck on the gen4 plastics with double sided adhesive tape) enabling sleek and compact designs. For more information, refer to gen4-MOTG-AC1 section of this datasheet. gen4-MOTG-AC2 The gen4-MOTG-AC2 Interface Board allows easy interface of a MOTG module to Diablo16-based gen4 display modules. The board carries two UMIcompatible MOTG slots which act as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. The interface board is designed to sit flush on the back of the Diablo16 3.2” and 3.5” display modules (stuck on the gen4 plastics with double sided adhesive tape) enabling sleek and compact designs. For more information, refer to gen4-MOTG-AC2 section of this datasheet. gen4-MOTG-AC3 The gen4-MOTG-AC3 Interface Board allows easy interface of a MOTG module to Picaso-based gen4 display modules. The board carries one UMIcompatible MOTG slot which acts as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. The interface board is designed to sit flush on the back of the Picaso 2.4” to 3.2” display modules (stuck on the gen4 plastics with double sided adhesive tape) enabling sleek and compact designs. For more information, refer to gen4-MOTG-AC3 section of this datasheet. MOTG Page 8 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go information, refer to gen4-MOTG-AC4 section of this datasheet. gen4-MOTG-AC4 The gen4-MOTG-AC4 Interface Board allows easy interface of a MOTG module to Diablo16-based gen4 display modules. The board carries two UMIcompatible MOTG slot which acts as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. The interface board is designed to sit flush on the back of the Diablo16 4.3” display modules (stuck on the gen4 plastics with double sided adhesive tape) enabling sleek and compact designs. For more Software Support 4D Systems provides software support allowing designers to get started easily with popular host controller platforms. In addition, projects, application notes and code base examples utilising MOTG modules are available at www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG Page 9 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go 1.3. Before Getting Started 1. MOTG–WiFi-ESP Out of the box, the chipset’s UART pins are not connected to the UMI of the MOTG. MOTG-WiFi-ESP hardware allows the UART pins to be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB1 and SB2, using a solder blob and a soldering iron. This must be done by the User. 1.1. Description MOTG-WiFi-ESP provides a low-cost solution for all embedded wireless applications. It features an ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC, a leading platform for Wi-Fi related projects or Internet of Things (IoT). The MOTG-WiFi-ESP supports APSD for VoIP applications and Bluetooth co-existence interface. It contains a self-calibrated RF allowing it to work under all operating conditions. 1.2. Features • ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module by Espressif with ◦ 802.11 b/g/n ◦ Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP ◦ TCP/IP protocol stack ◦ 1MB Flash Unless the designer intends to use two UART MOTGs on a gen4-MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins should be directed to TX, RX of the UMI as shown above. When two UART MOTGs are being used on a gen4MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins of one of the MOTGs should be diverted to GPIO1 and GPIO2 of the UMI, as shown below. This prevents both MOTGs from utilising the same pins of the gen4 display module for UART communication. • 3.3V Power supply only • Supports 2-Wire 3.3V TTL UART interface • On board Reset and Flash Buttons • On board PCB trace antenna MOTG Page 10 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go 13 14 15 16 1.4. Chipset Features 1.4.1 ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module The ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC is a leading platform for Wi-Fi related projects or Internet of Things (IoT). The ESP8266 supports APSD for VoIP applications and Bluetooth co-existence interfaces, it contains a selfcalibrated RF allowing it to work under all operating conditions. N/C N/C GND N/C Not Connected Not Connected Supply Ground Not Connected Note: Designer can choose if the UART pins of the MOTG should be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB1 and SB2.This is discussed in detail in the Before Getting Started section. 1.5.2 Button Description The MOTG-WiFi-ESP also has two buttons, the functionalities of which are described in the table below. There is an almost limitless fountain of information available for the ESP8266, all of which has been provided by amazing community support. By default, the MOTG-WiFi-ESP module comes with the AT Command set, so no programming of the WiFi module’s firmware is required to get it running. The datasheet for the ESP8266 is available from the https://espressif.com website. 1.5. Pins, Buttons and Solder Bridges 1.5.1 Pin Description Button Reset Flash Description Resets the ESP8266 module Used along with Reset button to update/change firmware on ESP8266 The Flash button, when held down and the reset button pressed, puts the ESP8266 WiFi processor into its bootloader mode. This is required when flashing the ESP8266 with an updated or alternative firmware. 1.5.3 Solder Bridge Description The MOTG-WiFi-ESP also has two solder bridges. The functionality of these solder bridges is described in the table below. These are soldered by the User. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Symbol 3.3V GND RX TX N/C N/C GPIO3 8 9 10 11 12 GPIO2 GPIO1 N/C N/C N/C MOTG Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin Not Connected Not Connected Reset pin. An active Low pulse will reset the module RX Bypass TX Bypass Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Solder Bridge SB1 SB2 Page 11 of 90 Description TX Selector RX Selector www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go Click the [...] mark and locate the path to the file it is referring to. 1.6. Firmware Programming The MOTG-WiFi-ESP comes preprogramed with the AT command set firmware. If an updated command set is desired, or if another program is to be loaded on to the ESP8266 instead, then the default AT command set will be lost. The following procedure outlines on how to reload the ESP8266 with the AT command set. Please download the AT command set files from the MOTG-WiFi-ESP product page on the 4D Systems website. Extract the files to a known location on your hard drive that is easy to access. The lines will be highlighted if the files are found. Ensure that the addresses are correct as per the picture and set to the following: boot_v1.6.bin user1.1024.new.2.bin esp_init_data_default.bin blank.bin blank.bin blank1mb.bin Run the application: ESPFlashDownloadTool_v3.6.6.exe The application window will appear. – ADDR 0x0000 – ADDR 0x01000 – ADDR 0xfc000 – ADDR 0x7e000 – ADDR 0xfe000 – ADDR 0x0000 All of these files are located in the root folder, along with the ESPFlashDownloadTool_v3.3.4.exe file. The following five pins of the MOTG-WiFi-ESP will be used when uploading a firmware. TX, RX sides of the SB1 and SB2 should be shorted for the following procedure. • • • • • +3.3V (not 5V tolerant) GND RX TX GPIO3 (Reset) In this case, a gen4-MOTG-AC1 is used to gain access to the above five pins of the MOTG-WiFi-ESP. However, other gen4-MOTG-AC interface boards provided by 4D Systems could be used as well. The gen4-MOTG-AC1 is then interfaced to the gen4-PA, which essentially serves as a breakout board for the UMI pins in this setup. It will be noticed there are six different files preloaded into the Download Path Config boxes. These need to be changed to the location where the files were extracted to. MOTG Note: If you opt to use a MOTG-BREADTOOTH instead of the gen4-MOTG-AC + gen4-PA combo, the 5V supply needs to be dropped to 3.3V externally, as MOTGBREADTOOTH does not facilitate this internally. Page 12 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go Lastly, a programming module is needed to program the MOTG-WiFi-ESP through the gen4-MOTG-AC + gen4-PA combo. This process does not necessarily require a 4D Systems programming module - the 4D USB programming cable or the uUSB-PA5. However, these are compatible and could be used to perform this procedure. Carefully slide the MOTG-WiFi-ESP on to the gen4MOTG-AC. Then connect the gen4-MOTG-AC to the gen4-PA using a 30-way FFC cable. Then connect the 4D programming module to the corresponding pins of the gen4-PA as shown in the image below. Now the ESP8266 needs to be placed into bootloader mode. To do this, simply press and hold the Flash button on the MOTG-WiFi-ESP, and then press the Reset button for a second, and then finally release the Reset button. Keep holding the Flash button. A second or so later, you can release the Flash button. The ESP8266 should now be in bootloader mode. Press the Start Button, to start the programming of the ESP8266 module. MOTG-WiFi-ESP GND RX TX GPIO3 (Reset) gen4-PA +5V GND GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO10 4D programming cable 5V GND TX RX RES After clicking the START button the application will SYNC as shown below. Then check the com port of the programmer you are using and change it accordingly in the application. Then the application will load and the ESP8266 is wiped blank. It will complete when the progress bar goes to the very right-hand side. Before anything is programmed, the ESP8266 module needs to be wiped blank. It is always best to do this before programming in any new firmware, as residual data can be left which can cause unexpected results. To wipe the ESP8266 blank, untick all the files in the Download Path Config section, except for blank1mb.bin – ADDR 0x0000 (the last file) If the initiation was not successful, the loading will fail. If failed, try the procedure again till it loads. MOTG Page 13 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG - Module On The Go Now the module is ready to be programmed with the firmware. This procedure is almost same as earlier. Tick all the files except for blank1mb.bin – ADDR 0x0000 (the only difference in the procedure compared to before). Again, the ESP8266 needs to be placed into bootloader mode. To do this, simply press and hold the Flash button on the MOTG-WiFi-ESP, and then press the Reset button for a second, and then finally release the Reset button. Keep holding the Flash button. A second or so later, you can release the Flash button. The ESP8266 should now be in bootloader mode. Press the Start Button, to start the programming of the ESP8266 module. When the progress bar goes to the very right-hand side, the process is complete, and the module should have been sucessfully loaded with the AT command set. MOTG Page 14 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 1.7. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 15 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 1.8. Schematic Details REV 1.1 MOTG Page 16 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 1.9. Schematic Details REV 1.2 MOTG Page 17 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 1.10. Specifications RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Conditions Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating Temperature Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) All pins All pins Min Typ Max Units 1.7 -20 3.3 -- 3.6 70 V °C -0.3 0.75*VCC --- 0.25*VCC 3.6 V V GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Conditions Supply Current (ICC) Output Low Voltage (VOL) Output High Voltage (VOH) MOTG Page 18 of 90 Min Typ Max Units --0.3 0.8*VCC 215.0 --- -0.1*VCC VCC mA V V www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 1.11. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 1.2 23/09/2016 26/07/2017 Description Initial Public Release version Change of the ESP module used from ESP-06 to ESP-12S End of MOTG-WiFi-ESP Datasheet MOTG Page 19 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 2.3. Before Getting Started 2. MOTG-MP3 Out of the box, the chipset’s UART pins are not connected to the UMI of the MOTG. MOTG-MP3 hardware allows the UART pins to be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB1 and SB2 with a blob of solder, using a soldering iron. This must be done by the User. 2.1. Description MOTG-MP3 is an audio sound module that can play MP3 audio files stored on a micro-SD card, such as voice and music. The MOTG-MP3 features an on board 16-bit MCU, specifically designed for hardware audio decoding by 4D Systems. It features an on-board mono amplifier capable of driving a 4-ohm 3-watt speaker. It also features stereo DAC output for connecting directly to headphones or to an external amplifier. In short, the MOTG-MP3 offers very flexible, compact and low-cost embedded audio solution for many applications. Unless the designer intends to use two UART MOTGs on a gen4-MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins should be directed to TX, RX of the UMI as shown above. When two UART MOTGs are being used on a gen4MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins of one of the MOTGs should be diverted to GPIO1 and GPIO2 of the UMI, as shown below. This prevents both MOTGs from utilising the same pins of the gen4 display module for UART communication. 2.2. Features • Features SOMO II 16-bit MCU by 4D Systems • Supports 5V power supply only • Supports bit rates 11172-3 & ISO1381303 • Sample rates from 8Khz to 48Khz • 24-bit DAC audio output • Supports 2-Wire 3.3V TTL UART interface • Mono amplified Speaker output • On-board micro-SD memory card connector MOTG Page 20 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 2.4. Pin and Solder Bridges 2.4.2 Solder Bridge Description 2.4.1 Pin Description The MOTG-MP3 also has three solder bridges. The functionality of those solder bridges is described in the table below. These are soldered by the User. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Symbol 3.3V GND RX TX GPIO5 N/C N/C GPIO2 GPIO1 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C GND 5.0V Description Not Connected Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin Busy Signal Not Connected Not Connected RX Bypass Pin TX Bypass Pin Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Supply Ground 5V Input Supply Solder Bridge SB1 SB2 SB3 Description TX Selector RX Selector Enable Busy Pin Note: GPIO 5 indicates if the Audio is playing. It can be used to trigger an external amplifier. Low indicates Audio output is occurring. High indicates no Audio output. SB3 requires to be shorted in order to utilize this functionality. The designer can choose if the UART pins of the MOTG should be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB1 and SB2.This is discussed in detail in Before Getting Started section. SPK+, SPK- provides a differential amplified output to a single speaker. Connect these pins to a 4/8/16/32ohm speaker, at max of 3 watts when powered from a 5V supply. An 8-ohm 2.5W speaker is recommended. DAC_R, DAC_L provides the Left and Right audio outputs, capable of driving headphones directly or small speakers, or fed into an external amplifier. To utilise these signals, wires or pins can be soldered to these pads by the User. MOTG Page 21 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 2.5. Serial Commands The SERIAL-MODE provides a simple 2-wire TTL Serial UART interface to any micro-controller capable of interfacing to 5.0V TLL Serial UART system that can be configured to output the simple protocol required to communicate with the MOTG-MP3. Baud Rate: 9600 bps Data bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Parity bit: none Flow Control: none The MOTG-MP3 audio operations such as PLAY, PAUSE, STOP, NEXT, PREVIOUS and VOLUME etc are all available to the host micro-controller to control using a simple set of bytes sent to the MOTG-MP3, along with many more, which can be found under the Valid Commands listed below. Command Format: The format of the serial commands are as follows FORMAT: $S, CMD, Feedback, Para1, Para2, Checksum1, Checksum2, $0 $S Start Character $S is 0x7E in HEX Every command starts with this CMD Command Code Feedback Command Feedback Para1 Parameter #1 Para2 Parameter #2 Checksum1 Checksum #1 Checksum2 Checksum #2 $0 End Character $0 is 0xEF in HEX Every command has a unique command code, which determines the operation Specifies whether feedback is required by the host microcontroller in reply to the command. 1 = Feedback, 0 = No Feedback First parameter of the specific Command Code Second parameter of the specific Command Code First byte of the checksum. Checksum calculation shown below Second byte of the checksum. Checksum calculation shown below. Every command ends with this Checksum Calculation: The checksum is calculated using the following formula. Checksum (2 bytes) = 0xFFFF – (CMD + Feedback + Para1 + Para2) + 1 MOTG Page 22 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go Valid Commands: All commands shown below have Feedback turned off so there will be no data sent from the MOTG-MP3 after the command has been sent from the microcontroller (except for the Query commands which are requesting data). Function Serial Command Description NEXT 7E 01 00 00 00 FF FF EF PREVIOUS 7E 02 00 00 00 FF FE EF SPECIFY TRACK # VOLUME + 7E 03 00 00 01 FF FC EF 7E 03 00 00 02 FF FB EF 7E 03 00 00 0A FF F3 EF 7E 04 00 00 00 FF FC EF VOLUME - 7E 05 00 00 00 FF FB EF VOLUME # 7E 06 00 00 1E FF DC EF 7E 06 00 00 05 FF F5 EF 7E 07 00 00 01 FF F8 EF 7E 07 00 00 04 FF F5 EF If no track is currently playing, issuing the NEXT command will start playing the first track copied to the media (see Section 6). If the MOTGMP3 is currently playing a song or has previously played a song, this will play the next song in the order copied on to the media. If no track is currently playing, issuing the PREVIOUS command will start playing the last track copied to the media (see Section 6). If the MOTG-MP3 is currently playing a song or has previously played a song, this will play the previous song in the order copied on to the media. Start playing the first track copied to the media. (See Section 6) This will start playing the second track copied to the media. This will start playing the tenth track copied to the media. This will increase the volume by 1 (0 – 30 range, level 20 is default power on setting) This will decrease the volume by 1 (0 – 30 range, level 20 is default power on setting) This will set the volume to be 30 (30 is the Max) This will set the volume to be 5 This will set the EQ to pop This will set the EQ to classic (0/1/2/3/4/5 Normal, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classic, Bass) This will repeat the first track copied to the media. (See Section 2.6) This will repeat the second track copied to the media. This will repeat the thirty first track copied to the media. This will set the MOTG-MP3 to play from a micro-SD Card This will reset the MOTG-MP3, to be in its powered-on state Play the audio track selected (if selected) else the first track copied on to the media (See Section 2.6) Pause the current playing audio Track. If PLAY command is then sent, the audio track will resume from where it was paused. This will start playing Folder 1 from Track 1. (See Section 2.6) This will start playing Folder 1 from Track 10. This will start playing Folder 99 from Track 255 This will enable continuous mode (disable RANDOM TRACK and REPEAT CURRENT if previously enabled), which will play all songs on the memory card, one after the other. Start track with PLAY. Stop the current playing audio Track. If PLAY command is then sent, the audio track will start from the beginning. This will enable Random Mode (disable CONTINUOUS and REPEAT CURRENT if previously enabled), which plays random tracks one after the other, continuously. Start track with PLAY. This will enable the repeat play mode (disable CONTINUOUS and RANDOM TRACK if previously enabled), which repeats the currently playing track, so it will play over and over continuously. Track must be playing before this command is sent. This will disable CONTINUOUS, RANDOM TRACK or REPEAT CURRENT modes if previously enabled, which is how the module starts up by default. This will allow one song to play and then stop. Start track with PLAY. SPECIFY EQ REPEAT A TRACK PLAY SOURCE RESET PLAY 7E 08 00 00 01 FF F7 EF 7E 08 00 00 02 FF F6 EF 7E 08 00 00 1F FF D9 EF 7E 09 00 00 02 FF F5 EF 7E 0C 00 00 00 FF F4 EF 7E 0D 00 00 00 FF F3 EF PAUSE 7E 0E 00 00 00 FF F2 EF SPECIFY FOLDER & TRACK CONTINUOUS 7E 0F 00 01 01 FF EF EF 7E 0F 00 01 0A FF E6 EF 7E 0F 00 63 FF FE 8F EF 7E 11 00 00 01 FF EE EF STOP 7E 16 00 00 00 FF EA EF RANDOM TRACK 7E 18 00 00 00 FF E8 EF REPEAT CURRENT 7E 19 00 00 00 FF E7 EF SINGLE PLAY 7E 19 00 00 01 FF E6 EF MOTG Page 23 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go QUERY VOLUME QUERY EQ 7E 43 00 00 00 FF BD EF Query the current volume. 7E 44 00 00 00 FF BC EF QUERY TRACKS uSD QUERY CURRENT TRACK uSD QUERY TRACKS FOLDER 7E 48 00 00 00 FF B8 EF Query the current EQ Setting (0/1/2/3/4/5 Normal, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classic, Bass) Query the number of files present on the micro-SD Card 7E 4C 00 00 00 FF B4 EF Query the current track playing from the micro-SD Card 7E 4E 00 00 01 FF B1 EF 7E 4E 00 00 0B FF A7 EF This will return the number of tracks in Folder 1 (001) This will return the number of tracks in Folder 11 (011) Successful command received by MOTG-MP3 (Feedback Byte needs to be ON): If Feedback is required for successful receipt of a command, simply change the Feedback byte from 0x00 to 0x01, and a confirmation message will be sent from the MOTG-MP3 after the command is sent and received. Feedback Received 7E 41 00 00 00 FF BF EF Description Command Successfully Received Errors received from the MOTG-MP3: If a command is sent to the MOTG-MP3 and the MOTG-MP3 resulted in an error from that command, the following messages could be sent. These are sent on error regardless of if the feedback byte is enabled or disabled. ERRORS Received Description 7E 40 00 00 01 FF BF EF Module is busy 7E 40 00 00 02 FF BE EF Module is currently in sleep mode 7E 40 00 00 03 FF BD EF Serial received an error 7E 40 00 00 04 FF BC EF Checksum error 7E 40 00 00 05 FF BB EF Beyond scope of specified file/folder 7E 40 00 00 06 FF BA EF Specified file/Folder not found Other information received from MOTG-MP3: These commands are sent from the MOTG-MP3 when certain events occur and could come at various times. DATA Received Description 7E 3A 00 00 02 FF C4 EF micro-SD Card Inserted. Sent every time a micro-SD card is inserted. 7E 3B 00 00 02 FF C3 EF 7E 3D 00 00 02 FF C1 EF 7E 3D 00 00 0A FF B9 EF micro-SD Card Removed. Sent every time a micro-SD card is ejected. NOTE: when the card is ejected, multiple messages may be sent (ejected, inserted and ejected again). This is a side-effect of the type of micro-SD socket that is installed if the card is ejected slowly, i.e. holding in the card before releasing. micro-SD Card source, finished playing Track 02 micro-SD Card source, finished playing Track 10 (0x0A) 7E 3F 00 00 00 FF C1 EF MOTG-MP3 has just started up, no media detected 7E 3F 00 00 02 FF BF EF MOTG-MP3 has just started up, micro-SD Card detected MOTG Page 24 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go The folder structure should have then the following naming convention: 2.6. Media – micro-SD card The MOTG-MP3 uses off the shelf micro-SD and microSD-HC memory cards with up to 32GB capacity, and compatible with both FAT16 and FAT32 file formats. The formatting of the card can be done on any PC/Mac/Linux system with a card reader. Select appropriate drive and choose the FAT16 or FAT32 file format, depending on capacity of your micro-SD card. The card is now ready to be used in the MOTG-MP3. 01 Where 01 refers to a number from 01 to 99, as the MOTG-MP3 can address up to 99 folders. NOTE: Certain brands of micro-SD memory cards may not work properly. This is evident by some files that may be skipped and not played by the MOTG-MP3. 2.7. File & Folder Structure The MOTG-MP3 is flexible how files are stored on the micro-SD, however in order to have control over which files are played, it is important to follow some simple naming rules in order for the MOTG-MP3 to play the specific file you intend to play. The MOTG-MP3 is capable of addressing up to 99 Folders, each with up to 255 songs. MOTG-MP3 is not capable of reading ID3 information from the MP3 files, so purely relies on the name of the file as the index (Primary method), or the order the files were copied onto the media (Secondary Method). While MOTG-MP3 files can be named almost anything and they will play, in order to index the files so they can be picked on request using a specific serial command to select the folder/file using the Primary Method, the following must be observed: 001ABCDEFG.mp3 Where 001 refers to the track number from 1 (001) to 255 as the MOTG-MP3 can address up to 255 songs in each folder, and ABCDEFG refers to any alphanumeric name of your choosing, where the total file name length can be 32 characters long (Operating System dependant), ending with .mp3 extension. MOTG If Songs are placed on the media and they may or may not follow the naming convention, then the song can be played using the PLAY, NEXT, PREV commands or buttons, or using the SPECIFY TRACK # command, which uses the Secondary Method and plays based on the order the songs were copied (Secondary Method) on to the media and not the name or location of the files. The SPECIFY FOLDER & TRACK command however cannot be used if the naming convention has not been followed (Primary Method), as this relies on the formatting above to be observed. Note, when using the SPECIFY FOLDER & TRACK command, Folder and Track numbering is in HEX. So the Folders are 0x01 through 0x63 (1 to 99), and the Tracks are 0x01 through 0xFF (1 to 255). If the above formatting is observed, all commands will work corretly, so both Primary and Secondary methods are fucntional. It may be difficult to determine the order songs were copied onto the media, so the Secondary Method should only be used if the order is not critical or the copy order is known. The Primary Method should be used as the perferred method. Page 25 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 2.8. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 26 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 2.9. Schematic Details MOTG Page 27 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 2.10. Specifications RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Conditions Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating Temperature Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) All pins All pins Min Typ Max Units 3.3 0.0 5.0 -- 5.0 70.0 V °C -0.3 0.7*VCC --- 0.3*VCC VCC+0.3 V V GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Current (ICC) Standby Current Output Low Voltage (VOL) Output High Voltage (VOH) MOTG Conditions VCC = 5.0V, Audio Playing VCC = 5.0V Page 28 of 90 Min Typ Max Units 30.0 --2.7 -20.0 --- 300.0 -0.3 VCC mA uA V V www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 2.11. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 21/11/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of MOTG-MP3 Datasheet MOTG Page 29 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 3.3. Before Getting Started 3. MOTG-RS232 Out of the box, the chipset’s UART pins are not connected to the UMI of the MOTG. MOTG-RS232 hardware allows the UART pins to be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB1 and SB2 using a solder blob and a soldering iron. This is done by the User. 3.1. Description RS232 is a standard communication port for various industry and networking equipment. However, most of the microcontrollers do not facilitate direct RS232 communication as they do not support RS232 voltage levels. MOTG-RS232 provides a low power, high speed and low-cost solution for incorporating RS232 serial communication to your design. 3.2. Features Unless the designer intends to use two UART MOTGs on a gen4-MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins should be directed to TX, RX of the UMI as shown above. When two UART MOTGs are being used on a gen4MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins of one of the MOTGs should be diverted to GPIO1 and GPIO2 of the UMI, as shown below. This prevents both MOTGs from utilising the same pins of the gen4 display module for UART communication. • Level conversion using ST232CDR IC by ST • Supports both 3.3V and 5V power supply • Up to 400kbps data rate • ±25V input levels • 300 µA supply current • 6 V/µs minimum slew rate • Supports 2-wire 3.3V/5V TTL UART interface (the logic depends on the supply) 3.4. Chipset Features MOTG-RS232 carries the ST3232, low power RS232 driver and receiver IC. The datasheet for the ST3232 is available from the http://www.st.com/ website MOTG Page 30 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 3.5. Pins and Solder Bridges 3.5.2 Solder Bridge Description 3.5.1 Pin Description The MOTG-RS232 also has four solder bridges. The functionality of those solder bridges is described in the table below. These are soldered by the User. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Symbol 3.3V GND RX TX N/C N/C N/C GPIO2 GPIO1 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C GND 5.0V Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected RX Bypass Pin TX Bypass Pin Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Supply Ground 5V Input Supply Note: Designer can choose if the UART pins of the MOTG should be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB1 and SB2. This is discussed in detail in Before Getting Started. MOTG Solder Bridge SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 Description Short SB1 for 5.0V input supply Short SB2 for 3.3V input supply TX selector RX Selector The MOTG-RS232 supports both 3.3V and 5V supply. The preferred supply voltage could be chosen by shorting the appropriate solder bridge. Page 31 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 3.6. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 32 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 3.7. Schematic Details MOTG Page 33 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 3.8. Specifications RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Conditions Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating Temperature Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) All pins All pins Min Typ Max Units 3.3 0.0 5.0 -- 5.0 70.0 V °C -0.3 0.7*VCC --- 0.3*VCC VCC+0.3 V V GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Current (ICC) Standby Current Output Low Voltage (VOL) Output High Voltage (VOH) MOTG Conditions VCC = 5.0V, Audio Playing VCC = 5.0V Page 34 of 90 Min Typ Max Units 30.0 --2.7 -20.0 --- 300.0 -0.3 VCC mA uA V V www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 3.9. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 23/09/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of MOTG-RS232 Datasheet MOTG Page 35 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 4.3. Before Getting Started 4. MOTG-RS485 Out of the box, the chipset’s UART pins are not connected to the UMI of the MOTG. MOTG-RS485 hardware allows the UART pins to be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB2 and SB3 using a solder blob and a soldering iron. This is done by the User. 4.1. Description RS485 is a standard communication port for various industry and networking equipment and enables easy configuration of local networks and multipoint communications links. Unfortunately, most of the microcontrollers do not support RS485 voltage levels. MOTG-RS485 provides a high-speed and low-cost solution for incorporating RS485 Serial communication to your design. 4.2. Features Unless the designer intends to use two UART MOTGs on a gen4-MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins should be directed to TX, RX of the UMI as shown above. When two UART MOTGs are being used on a gen4MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins of one of the MOTGs should be diverted to GPIO1 and GPIO2 of the UMI, as shown below. This prevents both MOTGs from utilising the same pins of the gen4 display module for UART communication. • ST1480ACDR differential line transceiver • 3.3V power supply only • ESD protection: ±15 kV human body model • Guaranteed 12 Mbps data rate • 7 to 12 common model input voltage range • Supports 2-wire 3.3V/5V TTL UART interface 4.4. Chipset Features MOTG-RS485 carries a ST1480ACDR differential line transceiver. The datasheet for the ST3232 is available from the http://www.st.com/ website. MOTG Page 36 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 4.5. Pins and Solder Bridges 4.5.2 Solder Bridge Description 4.5.1 Pin Description The MOTG-RS485 also has three solder bridges. The functionality of those solder bridges is described in the table below. These are soldered by the User. Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Symbol 3.3V GND RX TX GPIO5 N/C N/C GPIO2 GPIO1 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C GND N/C Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin Turn Around Pin, DE/RE Not Connected Not Connected RX Bypass Pin TX Bypass Pin Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Supply Ground Not Connected Note: Designer can choose if the UART pins of the MOTG should be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB2 and SB3. This is discussed in detail in Before Getting Started. Solder Bridge SB1 SB2 SB3 Description Use terminating resistor TX selector RX Selector Note: Each differential pair of wires is a remission line and proper termination of the line will prevent reflection. MOTG-RS485 has a termination resistor (120 ohms) for this purpose. Solder Bridge 1 (SB1) provides the option for using the terminating resistor in the module. Note: Please take note that GPIO5 marking is missing on the PCB silkscreen overlay on PCB HW REV 1.1. This is the Turn Around pin and is used to select if the module is transmitting or receiving. Please refer to the schematic to see connection details. MOTG Page 37 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 4.6. Mechanical Views Please note – PCB Silkscreen on REV 1.1 PCB’s is missing GPIO5 label. MOTG Page 38 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 4.7. Schematic Details MOTG Page 39 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 4.8. Specifications RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating Temperature Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) Conditions Min Typ Max Units DE, DI, RE DE, DI, RE 3.0 0.0 -2.0 ----- 3.6 70.0 0.8 -- V °C V V GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Current (ICC) Transmitter Input Voltage Conditions No Load, DI = 0 V or VCC, DE=VCC, RE=0 V or VCC No Load, DI=0 V or VCC, DE=0 V, RE=0 V Control Input Voltage Driver Input Voltage Receiver Output Voltage Receiver Input Voltage Driver Output Voltage MOTG Page 40 of 90 Min Typ Max Units -- 1.3 2.2 mA -- 1.2 1.9 mA -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -14.0 -14.0 ------ 7.0 7.0 VCC+0.3 14.0 14.0 V V V V V www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 4.9. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 21/11/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of MOTG-RS485 Datasheet MOTG Page 41 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 5.3. Before Getting Started 5. MOTG-BLUETOOTH Out of the box, the chipset’s UART pins are not connected to the UMI of the MOTG. MOTG-BLUETOOTH hardware allows the UART pins to be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB2 and SB3 using a solder blob and soldering iron. This must be completed by the User. 5.1. Description MOTG-BLUETOOTH provides low cost and low energy solution for all embedded Bluetooth applications. The MOTG-BLUETOOTH carries a RN4870 Bluetooth module, providing a complete solution to implement Bluetooth 4.2 Low energy connectivity. The MOTG-BLUETOOTH can be dynamically configured easily using ASCII commands using the host microcontroller. 5.2. Features • RN4870 Bluetooth Module by Microchip with ◦ Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy Stack ◦ ASCII Command interface API over UART ◦ Secure AES128 Encryption Unless the designer intends to use two UART MOTGs on a gen4-MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins should be directed to TX, RX of the UMI as shown above. When two UART MOTGs are being used on a gen4MOTG-AC2 or gen4-MOTG-AC4 board, the UART pins of one of the MOTGs should be diverted to GPIO1 and GPIO2 of the UMI, as shown below. This prevents both MOTGs from utilising the same pins of the gen4 display module for UART communication. • 3.3V Power supply only • Supports 2-Wire 3.3V TTL UART Interface • Integrated Ceramic Chip Antenna • On board Status LED • Remote configuration Over The Air • ISM Band 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz Operation • Channels: 0-39 • Receive Sensitivity: -90 dBm (LE) • Transmit Power: 0dBm MOTG Page 42 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 5.4. Chipset Features 5.4.1 RN4870 Bluetooth Module The RN4870 module, based on Microchip’s IS187x Bluetooth LE ICs, is a leading platform for Bluetooth related projects or Internet of Things (IoT). Note: Designer can choose if the UART pins of the MOTG should be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of solder bridges SB2 and SB3.This is discussed in detail in Before Getting Started. 5.5.2 Solder Bridge Description The MOTG-BLUETOOTH has three solder bridges. The functionality of those solder bridges is described in the table below. These are soldered by the User. This Bluetooth Low Energy module incorporates Bluetooth 4.2 baseband controller, on-board Bluetooth stack and RF power amplifier. The data sheet for the RN4870 is available from the https://www.microchip.com website. In addition, more support has been made available for this module by Microchip. 5.5. Pins and Solder Bridges Solder Bridge 5.5.1 Pin Description Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Symbol 3.3V GND RX TX N/C GPIO4 GPIO3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GPIO2 GPIO1 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C GND N/C MOTG SB1 Description Short to use the GPIO4 to change/upgrade firmware SB2 TX selector SB3 RX Selector Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin Not Connected P2_0/MODE Pin Reset pin. An active Low pulse will reset the module RX Bypass TX Bypass Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Supply Ground Not Connected Page 43 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 5.6. Firmware Programming The MOTG-BLUETOOTH comes pre-programmed with the firmware version 1.18.3. If an updated command set is desired instead, then the default firmware will be lost. The following procedure outlines how to reload the RN4870 with the default firmware. Below are the six pins of the MOTG-BLUETOOTH that will be used when uploading a firmware. • • • • • • +3.3V (not 5V tolerant) GND RX TX GPIO3 (Reset) GPIO4 (P2_0/MODE) In this case, a gen4-MOTG-AC1 is used to gain access to the essential pins of the MOTG-BLUETOOTH. However, other gen4-MOTG-AC interface boards provided by 4D Systems could be used as well. The gen4-MOTG-AC1 is then interfaced to the gen4-PA, which essentially serves as a breakout board for the UMI pins in this setup. Note: If you opt to use MOTG-BREADTOOTH instead of the gen4-MOTG-AC1 + gen4-PA combo, the 5V needs to be dropped to 3.3V externally, as MOTG-BREADTOOTH does not facilitate this internally. Lastly, a programming module is needed to program the MOTG-WiFi-ESP through the gen4-MOTG-AC1 + gen4-PA combo. This process does not necessarily require a 4D Systems programming module - the 4D USB programming cable or the uUSB-PA5. However, these are compatible and could be used to perform this procedure. Carefully, slide the MOTG-BLUETOOTH on the gen4-MOTG-AC1 board. Connect the 4D programming module to the corresponding pins of the gen4 PA as shown in the image below. The RN4870 needs to be placed into Test mode. The following procedure will place the Bluetooth module in Test mode. • Connect GPIO 9 (P2_0/MODE Pin) of the gen4 PA to Ground. MOTG Page 44 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go • While GPIO 9 of the gen4 PA is grounded, connect the GPIO10 (Reset) pin to Ground for a second and disconnect it (Reset) from Ground. • Now disconnect GPIO 9 as well from Ground. Please download the RN4870 firmware files from the MOTG-BLUETOOTH product page on the 4D Systems website. Extract the files to a known location on your hard drive that is easy to access. Run the ISupdate Programming Utility and set the baudrate to 115200 and the memory type to Flash/Embedded. Then check the com port of the 4D programming module and change it accordingly in the application. MOTG Page 45 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go Click Connect. If the connection was successful, the application will confirm by printing the following message. MOTG Page 46 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go Click the Browse button and navigate to the folder where the firmware package was extracted to. Select all hex files and click Open. MOTG Page 47 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go Click Update. Allow a few seconds for the update to complete. Now you can disconnect and close the ISupdate tool. MOTG Page 48 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go The version of the firmware can be varifyed by opening a CoolTerm connection. Ensure the details are correct as per the picture, and set to the following: Baudrate: 115200 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: None In addition, the Local Echo has been turned on in the Terminal tab. Now, enter the Command Mode and Verify Version using the following steps. • Press $ to enter Command Mode • Press V to display firmware version. The above confirms that the Bluetooth module has been updated to version 1.18.3 of the firmware. MOTG Page 49 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 5.7. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 50 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 5.8. Schematic Details MOTG Page 51 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 5.9. Specifications RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) Relative to VSS 1.9 -20.0 -65.0 VSS 0.7*VCC 3.3 -- 3.6 70.0 150.0 0.3*VCC VCC V °C °C V V All pins All pins --- GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Peak Current Conditions TX mode, VCC = 3V, TX = 0 dBm, Buck mode RX mode, VCC = 3V, Buck mode Standby Current Output Low Voltage (VOL) Output High Voltage (VOH) MOTG Page 52 of 90 Min Typ Max Units -- -- 13.0 mA -- -- 13.0 mA 1.9 VSS 0.8*VCC ---- 2.9 0.2*VCC VCC uA V V www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 5.10. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 23/09/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of MOTG-BLUETOOTH Datasheet MOTG Page 53 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 6.4. Pins and Solder Bridges 6. MOTG-CAN 6.4.1 Pin Description 6.1. Description Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) is a multi-master communication network for various industrial and automotive applications. Unfortunately, most microcontroller does not have an on-board CAN Bus controller and transceiver. MOTG-CAN provides a high speed and low-cost solution for incorporating a CAN bus controller and transceiver to your design. 6.2. Features • Supports CAN V2.0B at 1 Mb/s operation • Supports both 3.3V and 5V power supply • Maximum of 112 nodes connected • MCP2515 CAN Controller ◦ ISO-11898 standard physical layer ◦ High-speed SPI Interface (10 MHz) Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Symbol N/C GND N/C N/C GPIO5 GPIO4 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C SCK MISO MOSI GND 5.0V Description Not Connected Supply Ground Not Connected Not Connected Interrupt Pin (INT) Chip Select (CS) Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Clock input for SPI interface Data output for SPI interface Data input for SPI interface Supply Ground 5.0V Input Supply 6.4.2 Solder Bridge Description The MOTG-CAN has one solder bridge. The functionality of those solder bridge is described in the table below. These are soldered by the User. • MCP2551 High-Speed CAN Transceiver ◦ ISO-11898 standard physical layer ◦ High-voltage transient protection ◦ Short circuit protection 6.3. Chipset Features MOTG-CAN carries the MCP2515 CAN controller and MCP2551 CAN Transceiver. The datasheets are available from https://www.microchip.com. Please refer to these datasheets for specific information. MOTG Solder Bridge SB1 Description Use terminating resistor Note: Solder Bridge 1 (SB1) provides the option for using the terminating resistor (120-ohms) in the module. Page 54 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 6.5. Limitations with Diablo16 Due to limitations with GPIO pins PA12 and PA13 on Diablo modules, these pins are utilised for I2C by the Diablo modules themselves. This makes PA12 and PA13 not available to the SPI bus on MOTG, meaning all SPI MOTG modules are not compatible with Diablo based modules which feature external touch controllers. This includes this MOTG-CAN MOTG This includes all Diablo modules with Capacitive Touch (CTP) – All sizes, and Resistive Touch modules on 4.3” and above. SPI MOTG modules are however compatible with Resistive Touch modules 2.4” to 3.5” as these do not feature an external RTP controller. Applies to gen4 2.4” to 3.5” with board revisions 1.2 and lower, and gen4 4.3” to 7.0” with board revisions 1.5 and lower. MOTG Page 55 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 6.6. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 56 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 6.7. Schematic Details MOTG Page 57 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 6.8. Specifications RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative to VSS 4.5 -20.0 -65.0 5.0 -- 5.5 70.0 150.0 V °C °C GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Operating Current Standby Current Conditions Typical – Please refer to Chip Datasheets Typical – Please refer to Chip Datasheets Min Typ Max Units -- 85 -- mA -- 13 -- uA Please refer to the Datasheets of the MCP2515 and MCP2551 for more specific information. MOTG Page 58 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 6.9. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 30/03/2020 Description Initial Public Release version End of MOTG-CAN Datasheet MOTG Page 59 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 7.3. Pin Description 7. gen4-MOTG-AC1 7.1. Description The gen4-MOTG-AC1 Interface Board allows easy interface of a MOTG module to Diablo16-based gen4 display modules. The board carries one UMIcompatible MOTG slot which acts as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. The interface board is designed to sit flush on the back of the Diablo16 2.4” to 3.5” display modules enabling sleek and compact designs. It also features a 30 pin ZIF socket, for easy connection to application boards for further functionality advancement. Pin 1 2 3 Symbol 3.3V GND TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 16 GND 5.0V 7.2. Hardware Overview Space to access the uSD card of the gen4 Display Module FPC for gen4 Display Module MOTG MOTG Slot Pins for the UMI of the MOTG Pads for External Power Supply FPC for User I/O and gen4 Programming Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin connected to PA3 of gen4 Display Module Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin connected to PA2 of the gen4 Display Module General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA6 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA5 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA4 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA1 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA0 of the Display. I2C Clock Pin connected to PA9 of the gen4 Display Module I2C Data Pin connected to PA10 of the gen4 Display Module SPI Clock Pin connected to PA13 of the Display (see NOTE) SPI Master In Slave Out Pin connected to PA11 of the Display SPI Master Out Slave In Pin connected to PA12 of the Display (see NOTE) Supply Ground 5V Input Supply Page 60 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go NOTE: Due to limitations with GPIO pins PA12 and PA13 on Diablo modules, these pins are utilised for I2C by the Diablo modules themselves. This makes PA12 and PA13 not available to the SPI bus on MOTG, meaning all SPI MOTG modules are not compatible with Diablo based modules which feature external touch controllers. This includes all Diablo modules with Capacitive Touch (CTP) – All sizes, and Resistive Touch modules on 4.3” and above. SPI MOTG modules are however compatible with Resistive Touch modules 2.4” to 3.5” as these do not feature an external RTP controller. Applies to gen4 2.4” to 3.5” with board revisions 1.2 and lower, and gen4 4.3” to 7.0” with board revisions 1.5 and lower. 7.4. Accessing pins of MOTG via gen4-PA MOTG Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UMI Symbol 3.3V GND TX RX GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 gen4-PA Symbol NA GND GPIO1 (PA3) GPIO2 (PA2) GPIO8 (PA6) GPIO9 (PA5) GPIO10 (PA4) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GPIO2 GPIO1 SCL SDA SCK MISO MOSI GND 5.0V GPIO3 (PA1) GPIO4 (PA0) GPIO5 (PA9) GPIO11 (PA10) GPIO14 (PA13) GPIO12 (PA11) GPIO13 (PA12) GND +5V Page 61 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 7.5. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 62 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 7.6. Schematic Details MOTG Page 63 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 7.7. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 16/11/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of MOTG-AC1 Datasheet MOTG Page 64 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 8.3. Pin Description 8. gen4–MOTG–AC2 8.3.1 MOTG Slot #1 Pin Description 8.1. Description The gen4-MOTG-AC2 Interface Board allows easy interface of a MOTG module to Diablo16-based gen4 display modules. The board carries two UMIcompatible MOTG slots which act as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. Pin 1 2 3 Symbol 3.3V GND TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 16 GND 5.0V The interface board is designed to sit flush on the back of the Diablo16 3.2” and 3.5” display modules enabling sleek and compact designs. It also features a 30 pin ZIF socket, for easy connection to application boards for a further functionality advancement. 8.2. Hardware Overview Pads for External Power Supply FPC for gen4 Display Module MOTG MOTG Slot #1 Audio Speaker Space to access the uSD card of the gen4 Display Module FPC for User I/O and gen4 Programming MOTG Slot #2 Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin connected to PA3 of gen4 Display Module Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin connected to PA2 of the gen4 Display Module General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA6 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA5 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA4 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA1 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA0 of the Display. I2C Clock Pin connected to PA9 of the gen4 Display Module I2C Data Pin connected to PA10 of the gen4 Display Module SPI Clock Pin connected to PA13 of the Display (see Note) SPI Master In Slave Out Pin connected to PA11 of the Display SPI Master Out Slave In Pin connected to PA12 of the Display (see Note) Supply Ground 5V Input Supply Pins for the UMI of the MOTG Page 65 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 8.3.2 MOTG Slot #2 Pin Description 8.4.1 UART TX (Pin3) and RX (Pin4) of the UMI enable UART communication. However, UART pins for both slots are connected to the same pins of the display modules as shown in Pin Description. Pin 1 2 3 Symbol 3.3V GND TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 16 GND 5.0V Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin connected to PA3 of gen4 Display Module Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin connected to PA2 of the gen4 Display Module General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA14 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA8 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA7 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA1 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA0 of the Display. I2C Clock Pin connected to PA9 of the gen4 Display Module I2C Data Pin connected to PA10 of the gen4 Display Module SPI Clock Pin connected to PA13 of the Display (see Note) SPI Master In Slave Out Pin connected to PA11 of the Display SPI Master Out Slave In Pin connected to PA12 of the Display (see Note) Supply Ground 5V Input Supply For all MOTG modules requiring UART communication, the hardware is designed to allow the UART pins to be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of the solder bridges. Hence, one of the MOTGs could use the GPIO1 and GPIO2 pins, while the other could use the TX and RX pins, making serial communication with both MOTG possible. 8.4.2 SPI SCK (Pin12), MISO (Pin13) and MOSI (Pin14) of the UMI permit SPI communication. The SPI communication pins of both slots are connected to the SPI pins of the gen4 display module. The slave- or chip-select pins could then be utilised by the display module to communicate to a specific MOTG module. NOTE: Due to limitations with GPIO pins PA12 and PA13 on Diablo modules, these pins are utilised for I2C by the Diablo modules themselves. This makes PA12 and PA13 not available to the SPI bus on MOTG, meaning all SPI MOTG modules are not compatible with Diablo based modules which feature external touch controllers. This includes all Diablo modules with Capacitive Touch (CTP) – All sizes, and Resistive Touch modules on 4.3” and above. SPI MOTG modules are however compatible with Resistive Touch modules 2.4” to 3.5” as these do not feature an external RTP controller. Applies to gen4 2.4” to 3.5” with board revisions 1.2 and lower, and gen4 4.3” to 7.0” with board revisions 1.5 and lower. 8.4.3 I2C 8.4. Communication Both slots of the gen4-MOTG-AC2 facilitate communication between the display module and the MOTG modules using UART, SPI or I2C communication protocol. Below are a few tips that might be useful when using two MOTG modules with the same communication protocol. MOTG SCL (Pin10) and SDA (Pin11) of the UMI are responsible for I2C communication. The I2C communication pins of both slots are connected to the I2C pins of the gen4 display module. The host could then select the desired MOTG module by using the correct slave address. Page 66 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 8.5. Accessing MOTG pins via gen4-PA MOTG UMI (MOTG Slot 1) Pin Symbol 1 3.3V 2 GND 3 TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 GND 16 5.0V gen4-PA Symbol NA GND GPIO1 (PA3) GPIO2 (PA2) GPIO8 (PA6) GPIO9 (PA5) GPIO10 (PA4) GPIO3 (PA1) GPIO4 (PA0) GPIO5 (PA9) GPIO11 (PA10) GPIO14 (PA13) GPIO12 (PA11) GPIO13 (PA12) GND +5V UMI (MOTG Slot 2) Pin Symbol 1 3.3V 2 GND 3 TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 GND 16 5.0V gen4-PA Symbol NA GND GPIO1 (PA3) GPIO2 (PA2) GPIO15 (PA14) GPIO6 (PA8) GPIO7 (PA7) GPIO3 (PA1) GPIO4 (PA0) GPIO5 (PA9) GPIO11 (PA10) GPIO14 (PA13) GPIO12 (PA11) GPIO13 (PA12) GND +5V Page 67 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 8.6. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 68 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 8.7. Schematic Details MOTG Page 69 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 8.8. Specifications RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Voltage Supply Current Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Audio Pin (PWM) Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) MOTG Conditions AUDIO-OUT (Pin 19 FPC) AUDENB (Pin 20 FPC) AUDENB (Pin 20 FPC) Page 70 of 90 Min Typ Max Units -- 5.0 ---3.3 --- -1500 70.0 150.0 -0.5 V mA °C 12.0 -20.0 -65.0 --1.15 -- v V V www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 8.9. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 16/11/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of gen4-MOTG-AC2 Datasheet MOTG Page 71 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 9.3. Pin Description 9. gen4–MOTG–AC3 Pin Symbol Description 1 2 3 3.3V GND TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 13 14 15 16 N/C N/C N/C GND 5.0V 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin connected to TX1 of gen4 Display Module Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin connected to RX1 of the gen4 Display Module General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to IO5 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to IO4 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to IO3 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to IO2 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to IO1 of the Display. I2C Clock Pin connected to SCL of the gen4 Display Module I2C Data Pin connected to SDA of the gen4 Display Module No Connect No Connect No Connect Supply Ground 5V Input Supply 9.1. Description The gen4-MOTG-AC3 Interface Board allows easy interface of a MOTG module to Picaso-based gen4 display modules. The board carries one UMIcompatible MOTG slot which acts as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. The interface board is designed to sit flush on the back of the Picaso 2.4” to 3.2” display modules enabling sleek and compact designs. It also features a 30 pin ZIF socket, for easy connection to application boards for a further functionality advancement. 9.2. Hardware Overview Space to access the uSD card of the gen4 Display Module FPC for gen4 Display Module MOTG MOTG Slot Pins for the UMI of the MOTG Pads for External Power Supply FPC for User I/O and gen4 Programming Page 72 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 9.4. Accessing pins of MOTG via gen4-PA MOTG Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UMI Symbol 3.3V GND TX RX GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 gen4-PA Symbol NA GND GPIO15 (TX1) GPIO14 (RX1) GPIO13 (IO5) GPIO4 (IO4) GPIO3 (IO3) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GPIO2 GPIO1 SCL SDA N/C N/C N/C GND 5.0V GPIO2 (IO2) GPIO1 (IO1) GPIO16 (SCL) GPIO17 (SDA) NA NA NA GND +5V Page 73 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 9.5. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 74 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 9.6. Schematic Details MOTG Page 75 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 9.7. Specifications RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Voltage Supply Current Operating Temperature Storage Temperature MOTG Page 76 of 90 Min Typ Max Units -10.0 -20.0 -65.0 5.0 ---- -1000 70.0 150.0 V mA °C °C www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 9.8. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 16/11/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of gen4-MOTG-AC3 Datasheet MOTG Page 77 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 10.3. Pin Description 10. gen4–MOTG–AC4 10.3.1 MOTG Slot #1 Pin Description 10.1. Description The gen4-MOTG-AC4 Interface Board allows easy interface of up to two MOTG modules to Diablo16based gen4 display modules. The board carries two UMI-compatible MOTG slots which act as an extension to the display module providing plug-and-play interface with MOTG. Pin 1 2 3 Symbol 3.3V GND TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 16 GND 5.0V The interface board is designed to stick on flush to the back of the Diablo16 4.3” display modules enabling sleek and compact designs. It also features a 30-pin ZIF socket, for easy connection to application boards for a further functionality advancement. 10.2. Hardware Overview FPC for User I/O and gen4 Programming Pads for External Power Supply Audio Speaker MOTG Slot #1 FPC for gen4 Display Module MOTG Space to access the uSD card of the gen4 Display Module Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin connected to PA3 of gen4 Display Module Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin connected to PA2 of the gen4 Display Module General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA6 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA5 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA4 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA1 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA0 of the Display. I2C Clock Pin connected to PA9 of the gen4 Display Module I2C Data Pin connected to PA10 of the gen4 Display Module SPI Clock Pin connected to PA13 of the Display (See Note) SPI Master In Slave Out Pin connected to PA11 of the Display SPI Master Out Slave In Pin connected to PA12 of the Display (See Note) Supply Ground 5V Input Supply MOTG Slot #2 Pins for the UMI of the MOTG Page 78 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 10.3.2 MOTG Slot #2 Pin Description 10.4.1 UART TX (Pin3) and RX (Pin4) of the UMI enable UART communication. However, UART pins for both slots are connected to the same pins of the display modules as shown in Pin Description. Pin 1 2 3 Symbol 3.3V GND TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 16 GND 5.0V Description 3.3V Input Supply Supply Ground Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin connected to PA3 of gen4 Display Module Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin connected to PA2 of the gen4 Display Module General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA14 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA8 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA7 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA1 of the Display. General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to PA0 of the Display. I2C Clock Pin connected to PA9 of the gen4 Display Module I2C Data Pin connected to PA10 of the gen4 Display Module SPI Clock Pin connected to PA13 of the Display (See Note) SPI Master In Slave Out Pin connected to PA11 of the Display SPI Master Out Slave In Pin connected to PA12 of the Display (See Note) Supply Ground 5V Input Supply For all MOTG modules requiring UART communication, the hardware is designed to allow the UART pins to be connected to either TX, RX or GPIO1, GPIO2 of the UMI. This is could be achieved by shorting the respective sides of the solder bridges. Hence, one of the MOTGs could use the GPIO1 and GPIO2 pins, while the other could use the TX and RX pins, making serial communication with both MOTG possible. 10.4.2 SPI SCK (Pin12), MISO (Pin13) and MOSI (Pin14) of the UMI permit SPI communication. The SPI communication pins of both slots are connected to the SPI pins of the gen4 display module. The slave- or chip-select pins could then be utilised by the display module to communicate to a specific MOTG module. NOTE: Due to limitations with GPIO pins PA12 and PA13 on Diablo modules, these pins are utilised for I2C by the Diablo modules themselves. This makes PA12 and PA13 not available to the SPI bus on MOTG, meaning all SPI MOTG modules are not compatible with Diablo based modules which feature external touch controllers. This includes all Diablo modules with Capacitive Touch (CTP) – All sizes, and Resistive Touch modules on 4.3” and above. SPI MOTG modules are however compatible with Resistive Touch modules 2.4” to 3.5” as these do not feature an external RTP controller Applies to gen4 2.4” to 3.5” with board revisions 1.2 and lower, and gen4 4.3” to 7.0” with board revisions 1.5 and lower. 10.4.3 I2C 10.4. Communication Both slots of the gen4-MOTG-AC4 facilitate communication between the display module and the MOTG modules using UART, SPI or I2C communication protocol. Below are a few tips that might be useful when using two MOTG modules with the same communication protocol. MOTG SCL (Pin10) and SDA (Pin11) of the UMI are responsible for I2C communication. The I2C communication pins of both slots are connected to the I2C pins of the gen4 display module. The host could then select the desired MOTG module by using the correct slave address. Page 79 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 10.5. Accessing MOTG pins via gen4-PA MOTG UMI (MOTG Slot 1) Pin Symbol 1 3.3V 2 GND 3 TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 GND 16 5.0V gen4-PA Symbol NA GND GPIO1 (PA3) GPIO2 (PA2) GPIO8 (PA6) GPIO9 (PA5) GPIO10 (PA4) GPIO3 (PA1) GPIO4 (PA0) GPIO5 (PA9) GPIO11 (PA10) GPIO14 (PA13) GPIO12 (PA11) GPIO13 (PA12) GND +5V UMI (MOTG Slot 2) Pin Symbol 1 3.3V 2 GND 3 TX 4 RX 5 GPIO5 6 GPIO4 7 GPIO3 8 GPIO2 9 GPIO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 GND 16 5.0V gen4-PA Symbol NA GND GPIO1 (PA3) GPIO2 (PA2) GPIO15 (PA14) GPIO6 (PA8) GPIO7 (PA7) GPIO3 (PA1) GPIO4 (PA0) GPIO5 (PA9) GPIO11 (PA10) GPIO14 (PA13) GPIO12 (PA11) GPIO13 (PA12) GND +5V Page 80 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 10.6. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 81 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 10.7. Schematic Details MOTG Page 82 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 10.8. Specifications RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Parameter Supply Voltage Supply Current Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Audio Pin (PWM) Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) MOTG Conditions AUDIO-OUT (Pin 19 FPC) AUDENB (Pin 20 FPC) AUDENB (Pin 20 FPC) Min Typ Max Units -- 5.0 ---3.3 --- -1500 70.0 150.0 -0.5 V mA °C 12.0 -20.0 -65.0 --1.15 -- v V V Page 83 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 10.9. Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 16/11/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of gen4-MOTG-AC4 Datasheet MOTG Page 84 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 11.3. Pin Description 11. MOTG-BREADTOOTH 11.1. Description The MOTG-BREADTOOTH breaks out the UMI pins of the MOTG. It is compatible with all MOTG modules and is a quick and easy way to make your MOTG module breadboard friendly. The MOTGBREADTOOTH permits the MOTG to be interfaced to a breadboard for prototyping and for interfacing to virtually any host. 11.2. Hardware Overview Pin 1 Symbol GND 2 3.3V 3 RX 4 TX 5 IO5 6 IO4 7 IO3 8 IO2 9 IO1 10 SCL 11 SDA 12 SCK 13 MISO 14 MOSI 15 16 5.0V GND Breadboard friendly UMI pins Pins for the UMI of the MOTG MOTG Description Supply Ground connected to GND of the UMI 3.3V Input Supply connected to 3.3V of the UMI Asynchronous Serial Transmit Pin connected to RX of UMI Asynchronous Serial Receive Pin connected to RX of UMI General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to GPIO5 of the UMI General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to GPIO4 of the UMI General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to GPIO3 of the UMI General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to GPIO2 of the UMI General Purpose Input Output Pin connected to GPIO1 of the UMI I2C Clock Pin connected to SCL of the UMI I2C Data Pin connected to SDA of UMI SPI Clock Pin connected to SCK of the UMI SPI Master In Slave Out Pin connected to MISO of the UMI SPI Master Out Slave In Pin connected to MOSI of the UMI 5V Input Supply Supply Ground MOTG slot Page 85 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 11.4. Mechanical Views MOTG Page 86 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Module On The Go 11.5. Schematic Details MOTG Page 87 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 11.6. MOTG-Breadtooth Hardware Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 16/11/2016 Description Initial Public Release version End of MOTG-BREADTOOTH Datasheet MOTG Page 88 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 11.7. Datasheet Revision History Revision Number Date 1.1 1.3 16/11/2016 28/10/2019 1.4 1.5 1.6 18/08/2020 24/08/2020 03/11/2020 1.7 04/05/2021 MOTG Description Initial Public Release version Addition of gen4-MOTG-AC4 module Addition of MOTG-CAN module Formatting and additional information added Fixed pinout mistakes associated with MOTG-CAN information Added some information about the MOTG UMI specification, PCB size, Compatible Headers, etc – for people designing their own custom MOTG’s Added notes about SPI Bus on Diablo16 based modules with external touch controllers and limitations. Page 89 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au MOTG – Modules On The Go 12. Legal Notice Proprietary Information The information contained in this document is the property of 4D Systems Pty. Ltd. and may be the subject of patents pending or granted, and must not be copied or disclosed without prior written permission. 4D Systems endeavours to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated but does not accept liability for any error or omission. The development of 4D Systems products and services is continuous and published information may not be up to date. It is important to check the current position with 4D Systems. 4D Systems reserves the right to modify, update or makes changes to Specifications or written material without prior notice at any time. All trademarks belong to their respective owners and are recognised and acknowledged. Disclaimer of Warranties & Limitation of Liability 4D Systems makes no warranty, either expressed or implied with respect to any product, and specifically disclaims all other warranties, including, without limitation, warranties for merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for any particular purpose. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. Images and graphics used throughout this document are for illustrative purposes only. All images and graphics used are possible to be displayed on the 4D Systems range of products, however the quality may vary. In no event shall 4D Systems be liable to the buyer or to any third party for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost profits, lost savings, or loss of business opportunity) arising out of or relating to any product or service provided or to be provided by 4D Systems, or the use or inability to use the same, even if 4D Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 4D Systems products are not fault tolerant nor designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail – safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines or weapons systems in which the failure of the product could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe physical or environmental damage (‘High Risk Activities’). 4D Systems and its suppliers specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. Use of 4D Systems’ products and devices in 'High Risk Activities' and in any other application is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless 4D Systems from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any 4D Systems intellectual property rights. 13. Contact Information For Technical Support: www.4dsystems.com.au/support For Sales Support: sales@4dsystems.com.au Website: www.4dsystems.com.au Copyright 4D Systems Pty. Ltd. 2000-2021. MOTG Page 90 of 90 www.4dsystems.com.au
MOTG-CAN 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+140.61425


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 1+180.177401+21.75697


      •  国内价格
      • 1+163.92475
      • 5+160.64403
      • 10+157.42406
