Convex Plastic Lens with Edge - 40mm
The eyes have it! Add this little lens to make a big expression with our Spooky
Eyes demo for microcontrollers or Raspberry Pi. These are plastic lenses, with
brilliant clarity and a nice convexity (is that a word?) They've even got a lip-edge
so you can mount them easily with a 38mm cutout.
We've attached these to our Raspberry Pi Animated Eyes Bonnet Kit for a real
nice upgrade!
This product is just a single PLASTIC lens. Perfect for use with our Raspberry Pi
Snake Eyes Bonnet guide or our Electronic Animated Eyes guide. Check out both
of those for the full listing of what you'll need. Of course, these work great for
other purposes when you need a convex lens.
Interested in an even fancier upgrade? Check out the GLASS lens - it's heavier
but less scratch-prone.
Outer Diameter: 40mm
"Inner" Diameter: 35mm
Height: 15mm
Focal Length: 22mm 10‐2‐18
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- 1+34.921871+4.17391