KittenBot Meowbit - Codable Console for
MakeCode Arcade
From the creative and cat-lovin' engineers at KittenBot comes the Meowbit - a
handheld retro gaming computer for coding your own games with MakeCode
Arcade and MicroPython. This design is really fun, with a GameBoy-like shape
that can plug into micro:bit expansion boards. The built in display is a 160x128
color 1.8" TFT screen with the familiar ST7735 chipset over SPI. You also get 8
buttons (4-way D-Pad, A and B, menu and reset) to make games or interface
with, and there's also a built-in speaker and SD card. For inputs there's a bunch
of sensors including a light sensor, temperature sensor and even a 6-DoF
The micro:bit-familiar edge connector opens up access to many micro:bit
expansion boards, but please note that the Meowbit isn't a micro:bit, it uses a
different chipset (STM32) and does not have wireless or bluetooth. However, it is
a great portable game platform for both Arcade and MicroPython (and you could
probably get it working with Arduino or other C platforms, pretty easily!)
Check out these cool features:
STM32F401 Cortex M4 CPU with native USB support
USB program download port / charging port with USB drag-n-drop
bootloader (UF2)
Li-Poly charging circuitry and charging indicator LED. Lipoly battery not
included, please pick one up separately.
160 x 128 TFT color screen
4 x Direction buttons, A + B Buttons, menu/boot mode button, reset
Light sensor
Temperature sensor
MPU6050 gyroscope
On-off power switch
2 x Programmable LEDs
SD card slot
Headphone "JACDAC" Multiplayer Connector (this is not a headphone
audio port!)
2 MB SPI-flash (default download unicode character table)
Edge connectors compatible with micro:bit
Silicone cover
Note: We have Meowbit in blue and orange, but the selection is random per
order. We can't change which one you get!‐8‐19