Geiger Counter Kit - Radiation Sensor
Detect particles and/or make a cool random number generator with this
handsome Geiger counter kit. This easy-to-make pack of parts turns a
simple Geiger-Muller tube (included) into a portable blink, beeping
radiation detector. You can also connect an FTDI friend to the header, to
get serial output for datalogging on your computer.
We put this kit together in a couple of hours and hand lots of fun bringing
it around and listening for ticking sounds near our smoke
detectors, bananas, countertops, Brazil nuts, chunks of Uranium, etc. It
includes all components (PCB, tube, & parts) but you will need basic
soldering tools and two AAA batteries to complete it.
Please note! This Geiger Counter kit is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.
Don't even think about using it to monitor radiation in life-threatening
situations, or in any environment where you may expose yourself to
dangerous levels of radiation. Don't rely on the collected data to be an
accurate measure of radiation exposure! Be safe!
For more details, check out the product page!
For product support, replacement parts and warranty for all Geiger
Counter products, click here!‐8‐19