Code: AKX00027
Barcode: explore-kit
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a giant network of connected devices that
collect and share data from all over the world, and it’s changing the way
we live, work and study. Alongside this, we’re also seeing the
development of new career opportunities. By learning about IoT, students
will have access to these new opportunities, and better scope for the
The Arduino Explore IoT Kit is a gateway to the digital world of connected
objects and people and helps advanced high school and college students
get started with the fundamental concepts of the Internet of Things quickly
and easily, as it’s based on open hardware and plug-and-play
The kit includes ten online activities that adopt a learning -by-doing
approach, through which students acquire knowledge step -by-step by
constructing fully functional solutions, including experiments, challenges,
and building meaningful applications. You can teach students to innovate,
investigate, and explore with connected devices that use sensors,
automation, protocols, and graphing to collect data they can analyze and
learn from. For more information about all the online learning materials
check out the content tab.
Students also learn to control objects remotely using a digital dashboard the Arduino IoT Cloud. Through the IoT Cloud, students can gather,
manage and analyze data, understand how devices communicate with
each other, and which tools to use to facilitate communication.
The Arduino Explore IoT Kit also includes a MKR IoT Carrier, which was
specially developed for this kit. The MKR IoT Carrier is an extension of
your MKR1010 board, and it’s designed to help students and teachers
focus more on prototyping ideas and programming, rather than on wiring
and troubleshooting, by making it easier to build circuits using plug -andplay connections.
The kit includes:
Arduino MKR1010
MKR IoT Carrier designed for this kit, including:
- Two 24 V relays
- SD card holder
- Five Tactile buttons
- Plug and play connectors for different sensors
- Temperature sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Pressure sensor
- RGBC, Gesture and Proximity
- RGB 1.20” display
- 18650 Li-Ion rechargeable battery holder (battery not included)
- Five RGB LEDs
Plastic encasing
Micro USB cable
Moisture sensor
PIR sensor
Plug-and-play cables for all the sensors
Access to an online platform including all the content, information, and
activities you need to learn the basics of IoT in one place:
10 step-by-step hands-on activities, covering the fundamentals of IoT :
Algorithms and programming
Data handling
10 open-ended challenges
The Explore IoT Kit includes a 12 months free trial to the Arduino Create
Maker Plan. Once the trial expires you will need to renew the subscription
to the maker plan by going to this page. The Arduino Create Maker Plan
included in the kit offers unlimited compilation time and extended access
to some of the features of the Arduino IoT Cloud allowing teachers to run
their classes with the certainty that they won’t find any limitation on them.
If you don’t renew your Maker Plan subscription, you will be automatically
downgraded to the Arduino Create Free Plan. This plan (Arduino Create
Free Plan) offers lower compilation time per day, and limit the access to
some of the features of the Arduino IoT Cloud, which means that only 3
out of the 10 activities of the kit can be completed with it.
Get students started with creating connected devices - known as the
Internet of Things (IoT). By following the step-by-step tutorials for ten
different projects, they´ll learn how to build internet -connected objects and
enhance their understanding of real-world technology.
The students will learn how to build internet-connected objects by
following the content with step-by-step tutorials for ten different activities fun, creative experiments with real-life components. The activities in the
kit teach students how to collect and present data (for example, building a
weather station), how to use these devices and services safely and
securely (by creating a home security alarm), and they’ll have more tools
to design and make their own projects or tweak existi ng ones.
Visit a preview of the content at this link