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    光学传感器 环境 I²C,SPI 20-BFLGA

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AS7261-BLGT 数据手册
AS7261 XYZ Chromatic White Color Sensor + NIR with Electronic Shutter and Smart Interface General Description The AS7261is a chromatic white color sensor providing direct XYZ color coordinates consistent with the CIE 1931 2° Standard Observer color coordinates. It also maps the XYZ coordinates to the x, y (Y) of the 2-dimensional color gamut and scales the coordinates to the CIE 1976 u’v’ coordinate system. The device provides accurate Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) measurements and provides color point deviation from the black body curve for white light color in the delta u’ v’ coordinate system. It also integrates a Near-IR channel for other applications. LED drivers with programmable currents are provided for electronic shutter applications. The AS7261 integrates Gaussian filters into standard CMOS silicon via Nano-optic deposited interference filter technology and is packaged in an LGA package that provides a built in aperture to control the light entering the sensor array. Control and spectral data access is implemented through either the I²C register set, or with a high level AT Spectral Command set via a serial UART. Ordering Information and Content Guide appear at end of datasheet. Key Benefits & Features The benefits and features of AS7261, XYZ Chromatic White Color Sensor + NIR with Electronic Shutter and Smart Interface are listed below: Figure 1: AS7261 Benefits and Features Benefits Features • Calibrated Chromatic white data • • • • • Simple text-based command interface via UART, or direct register read and write with interrupt on sensor ready option on I²C • UART or I²C slave digital Interface • Lifetime-calibrated sensing with minimal drift over time or temperature • Filter set realized by silicon interference filters • No additional signal conditioning required • 16-bit ADC with digital access ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 XYZ xy data (CIE 1931) DUV, u’v’, uv (CIE 1976) CCT, LUX Page 1 Document Feedback AS7261 − General Description Benefits Features • Electronic shutter control/synchronization • Programmable LED drivers • Low voltage operation • 2.7V to 3.6V with I²C interface • Small, robust package, with built-in aperture • 20-pin LGA package 4.5mm x 4.7mm x 2.5mm • -40°C to 85°C temperature range Applications The AS7261 applications include: • Color measurement and absorbance • Color matching and identification • Precision color tuning/calibration Block Diagram The functional blocks of this device are shown below: Figure 2: AS7261 Chromatic White Color System 3.3V 100nF uP 10uF VDD1 VDD2 RX / SCL_S TX / SDA_S LED_IND INT LED_DRV AS7261 Flash Memory MOSI MISO SCK CSN_EE GND Page 2 Document Feedback XYZ, NIR, C&D Sensors 3.3V 3.3V Light Source Light in Reflective Surface ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Pin Assignments Pin Assignments The device pin assignments are described below. Figure 3: AS7261 Pin Diagram (Top View) 20 16 1 15 5 11 6 10 Figure 4: AS7261 Pin Description Pin # Pin Name 1 NC 2 RESN Reset, active LOW 3 SCK SPI serial clock 4 MOSI SPI master out slave in 5 MISO SPI master in slave out 6 CSN_EE Chip Select for external serial Flash memory, Active LOW 7 CSN_SD Chip Select for SD Card Interface, Active LOW 8 I2C_ENB Select UART (Low) or I²C (High) Operation 9 NF ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Description Not functional. Do not connect Not Functional. Do not connect. Page 3 Document Feedback AS7261 − Pin Assignments Pin # Pin Name 10 NF 11 RX/SCL_S RX (UART) or SCL_S (I²C Slave) Depending on I2C_ENB 12 TX/SDA_S TX (UART) or SDA_S (I²C Slave) Depending on I2C_ENB 13 INT 14 VDD2 15 LED_DRV 16 GND Ground 17 VDD1 Voltage Supply 18 LED_IND 19 NF Not Functional. Do not connect. 20 NF Not Functional. Do not connect. Page 4 Document Feedback Description Not Functional. Do not connect. Interrupt, Active LOW Voltage Supply LED Driver Output for Driving LED, Current Sink LED Driver Output for Indicator LED, Current Sink ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Electrical Characteristics is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Figure 5: Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Comments Electrical Parameters VDD1_MAX Supply voltage VDD1 -0.3 5 V Pin VDD1 to GND VDD2_MAX Supply voltage VDD2 -0.3 5 V Pin VDD2 to GND Input/output pin voltage -0.3 VDD + 0.3 V Input/output pin to GND VDD_IO I_scr Input current (latch-up immunity) ±100 mA JESD78D Electrostatic Discharge ESDHBM Electrostatic discharge HBM ±1000 V JS-001-2014 ESDCDM Electrostatic discharge CDM ±500 V JSD22-C101F Temperature Ranges and Storage Conditions Tstrg Storage temperature range Tbody Package body temperature RHNC Relative humidity non-condensing MSL Moisture sensitivity level ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 -40 85 5 3 °C 260 °C 85 % IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020. The reflow peak soldering temperature (body temperature) is specified according IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 “Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices” Represents a 168 hours max. floor life time Page 5 Document Feedback AS7261 − Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics All limits are guaranteed with VDD = VDD1 = VDD2 = 3.3V, TAMB = 25°C. The parameters with min and max values are guaranteed with production tests or SQC (Statistical Quality Control) methods.VDD1 and VDD2 must be sourced from the same power supply. Figure 6: AS7261 Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit General Operating Conditions VDD1 /VDD2 Voltage operating supply UART interface 2.97 3.3 3.6 V VDD1 /VDD2 Voltage operating supply I²C interface 2.7 3.3 3.6 V -40 25 85 °C 5 mA 16.3 MHz 1.2 ns -8.5 8.5 °C 1 8 mA -30 30 % 0.3 VDD V TAMB Operating temperature IVDD Operating current Internal RC Oscillator FOSC Internal RC oscillator frequency tJITTER Internal clock jitter 15.7 @25°C 16 Temperature Sensor DTEMP Absolute accuracy of the internal temperature measurement Indicator LED IIND LED current IACC Accuracy of current VLED Voltage range of connected LED Vds of current sink LED_DRV ILED1 LED current 12.5 100 mA IACC Accuracy of current -10 10 % VLED Voltage range of connected LED 0.3 VDD V Page 6 Document Feedback Vds of current sink ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit -1 -0.2 mA Digital Inputs and Outputs IIL RESN Logic input current (RESN pin) Vin=0V VIH CMOS logic high input 0.7* VDD VDD V VIL CMOS logic low input 0 0.3* VDD V VOH CMOS logic high output I=1mA VDD-0.4 V VOL CMOS logic low output I=1mA 0.4 V tRISE(1) Current rise time C(Pad)=30pF 5 ns tFALL(1) Current fall time C(Pad)=30pF 5 ns Note(s): 1. Guaranteed, not tested in production. ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 7 Document Feedback AS7261 − Electrical Characteristics Timing Characteristics Figure 7: AS7261 I²C Slave Timing Characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 400 kHz I²C Interface fSCLK SCL Clock Frequency tBUF Bus Free Time Between a STOP and START 1.3 μs Hold Time (Repeated) START 0.6 μs tLOW LOW Period of SCL Clock 1.3 μs tHIGH HIGH Period of SCL Clock 0.6 μs tSU:STA Setup Time for a Repeated START 0.6 μs tHD:DAT Data Hold Time 0 tSU:DAT Data Setup Time 100 tR Rise Time of Both SDA and SCL 20 300 ns tF Fall Time of Both SDA and SCL 20 300 ns Setup Time for STOP Condition 0.6 tHD:STA tSU:STO 0 CB Capacitive Load for Each Bus Line CI/O I/O Capacitance (SDA, SCL) 0.9 μs ns μs CB — total capacitance of one bus line in pF 400 pF 10 pF Figure 8: I²C Slave Timing Diagram tR tF tLOW SCL P tHIGH S tHD:STA tHD:DAT S tSU:DAT t SU:STA P tSU:STO VIH SDA tBUF Stop VIL Start Page 8 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Electrical Characteristics Figure 9: AS7261SPI Slave Timing Characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 16 MHz SPI Interface fSCLK Clock Frequency 0 tSCK_H Clock high time 40 ns tSCK_L Clock low time 40 ns tSCK_RISE SCK rise time 5 ns tSCK_FALL SCK fall time 5 ns tCSN_S CSN setup time Time between CSN high-low transition to first SCK high transition 50 ns tCSN_H CSN hold time Time between last SCK falling edge and CSN low-high transition 100 ns tCSN_DIS CSN disable time 100 ns tDO_S Data-out setup time 5 ns tDO_H Data-out hold time 5 ns tDI_V Data-in valid 10 ns Figure 10: SPI Master Write Timing Diagram tCSN_DIS CSN tSCK_RISE tCSN_S tCSN_H tSCK_FALL SCK tDO_S MOSI tDO_H MSB HI-Z LSB HI-Z MISO ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 9 Document Feedback AS7261 − Electrical Characteristics Figure 11: SPI Master Read Timing Diagram CSN_xx tSCK_H tSCK_L SCK tDI_V Dont care MOSI MISO Page 10 Document Feedback MSB LSB ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Typical Optical Characteristics Typical Optical Characteristics Figure 12: Spectral Responsivity CIE 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 380 395 410 425 440 455 470 485 500 515 530 545 560 575 590 605 620 635 650 665 680 695 710 725 740 755 770 X Y Z Figure 13: AS7261 Optical Characteristics Symbol (2) Color_m Z_count Parameter Test Conditions Color measurement accuracy White Light CCT = 2700K, 3500K, 4500K and 5700K Z channel count accuracy White Light CCT = 5700K Min Typ(1) Max 0.002 3.375 4.5 Unit du’v’ 5.625 counts/ (μW/cm2) Note(s): 1. Typical values at Lux ≥50, Integration time=400.4ms, Gain=1x, TAMB = 25ºC. 2. Calibration and measurements are made using diffused light. Figure 14: AS7261 LGA Package Field of View ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 11 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Detailed Descriptions Figure 15: Internal Block Diagram VDD1 VDD2 INT LED_IND RX / SCL_S 2 UART / I C TX / SDA_S LED_DRV I2C_ENB °C Cognitive Light Engine (CLE) MISO SPI Master MOSI SCK CSN_SD Multi Spectral Sensor X Y Z D C NIR RESN RC Osc 16MHz AS7261 GND XYZ Chromatic White Color Sensor The XYZ Chromatic White Color sensor is a next-generation digital color sensor device. Each channel is a designed to meet the X, Y, Z standard observer filter characteristics compliant with the CIE 1931 standard or an NIR spectrum. The sensor contains analog-to-digital converters (16-bit resolution ADC), which integrate the current from each channel’s photodiode. Upon completion of the conversion cycle, the integrated result is transferred to the corresponding data registers. The transfers are double-buffered to ensure that the integrity of the data is maintained. Standard observer interference filters realize the XYZ response, which enables minimal life-time drift and very high temperature stability. Filter accuracy will be affected by the angle of incidence which itself is limited by an integrated aperture and an internal micro-lens structure. The aperture-limited field of view is ±20.5° to deliver specified accuracy. Page 12 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Data Conversion Description AS7261 Spectral Conversion is implemented via two photodiode banks. The First Bank, Bank1 consists of data from the X, Y, Z and NIR (near-IR) photodiodes. Bank2 provides data from the same X and Y photodiodes as well as the D (dark) and C (Clear) photodiodes. Spectral conversion requires the integration time (IT in ms) set to complete. If both photodiode banks are required to complete the conversion, the 2nd bank requires an additional IT ms. Minimum IT for a single bank conversion is 2.8 ms. If data is required from all 6 photodiodes then the device must perform 2 full conversions (2 x Integration Time). The spectral conversion process is controlled with four BANK Mode settings as follows: BANK Mode 0: Conversions will occur continuously and data will be available in I²C registers X, Y, Z, and NIR or via the ATDATA command when using the UART device interface. BANK Mode 1: Conversions will occur continuously and data will be available in I²C registers X, Y, D, and C or via the ATDATA command. BANK Mode 2: Conversions occur continuously and data will be available in registers X, Y, Z, NIR, D and C or via the ATDATA command after two integration periods. In this Mode 2 the calibrated, corrected values may also be obtained from the appropriate I²C registers or using the ATXYZC command. When the bank setting is Mode 0, Mode 1, or Mode 2, the spectral data conversion process operates continuously, with new data available after each IT ms period. In the continuous modes, care should be taken to assure prompt interrupt servicing so that integration values from both banks are all derived from the same spectral conversion cycle. BANK Mode 3: Data will be available in registers X, Y, Z, NIR, D and C in One-Shot mode. And in this Mode 3 the calibrated, corrected values may also be obtained from the appropriate I²C registers or using the ATXYZC command. When the bank setting is set to Mode 3 the device initiates One-Shot operation. The DATA_RDY bit is set to 1 once data is available, indicating spectral conversion is complete. One-Shot mode is intended for use when it is critical to ensure spectral conversion results are obtained contemporaneously. ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 13 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Figure 16: Photo Diode Array Photo Diode Array X Y C Z D NIR Figure 17: Bank Mode and Data Conversion BANK Mode 0 One Conversion X, Y, Z, NIR Integration Time BANK Mode 1 One Conversion X, Y, D, C Integration Time BANK Mode 2 1st Conversion Integration Time X, Y, Z, NIR 2nd Conversion X, Y, D, C Integration Time RC Oscillator The timing generation circuit consists of an on-chip 16MHz, temperature compensated oscillator which provides the master clock for the AS7261. Page 14 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Temperature Sensor The internal temperature sensor is constantly measuring the on-chip temperature and enables temperature compensation procedures. It can be read via I²C or AT Command. Reset Pulling down the RESN pin for longer than 100ms resets the AS7261. Figure 18: Reset Circuit Cognitive Lighting Engine Reset AS7261 RESN Push > 100ms Indicator LED for Flash Memory Programming Progress The LED, connected to pin LED_IND, can be used to indicate Flash memory programming progress of the device. While programming the AS7261 via the external SD card the indicator LED automatically starts flashing. When programming is completed the indicator LED is automatically switched off. The Flash Memory Programming is initiated by the user as needed, but once started the LED flashing is not under user control. Electronic Shutter with LED_IND or LED_DRV Driver Control Under user control there are two LED driver outputs that can be used to control LEDs on each driver pin. This allows different wavelength light sources to be used in the same system. The LED output sink currents are programmable and can drive external LED sources: LED_IND for 1mA, 2mA, 4mA or 8mA and LED_DRV for 12.5mA, 25mA, 50mA or 100mA. After programming for current the sources can be turned off and on via I²C registers or AT commands to provide the AS7261 with an electronic shutter capability. ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 15 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Interrupt Operation If BANK is set to Mode 0 or Mode 1 then the data is ready after the 1st integration time. If BANK is set to Mode 2 or Mode 3 then the data is ready after two integration times. If the interrupt is enabled (INT = 1) then when the data is ready, the INT line is pulled low and DATA_RDY is set to 1. The INT line is released (returns high) when the control register is read. DATA_RDY is cleared to 0 when any of the sensor registers X, Y, Z, NIR, D and C are read. For multi-byte sensor data (2 or 4 bytes), after the 1st byte is read the remaining bytes are shadow protected in case an integration cycle completes just after the 1st byte is read. In continuous spectral conversion mode (BANK setting of Mode 0, 1, or 2), the sensors continue to gather information at the rate of the integration time, hence if the sensor registers are not read when the interrupt line goes low, it will stay low and the next cycle’s sensor data will be available in the registers at the end of the next integration cycle. When the control register BANK bits are written with a value of Mode 3, One-Shot Spectral Conversion mode is entered. When a single set of contemporaneous sensor readings is desired, writing BANK Mode 3 to the control register immediately triggers exactly two spectral data conversion cycles. At the end of these two conversion cycles, the DATA_RDY bit is set as for the other BANK modes. To perform a new One-Shot sequence, the control register BANK bits should be written with a value of Mode 3 again. This process may continue until the user writes a different value into the BANK bits. I²C Slave Interface If selected by the I2C_ENB pin setting, interface and control can be accomplished through an I²C compatible slave interface to a set of registers that provide access to device control functions and output data. These registers on the AS7261 are, in reality, implemented as virtual registers in software. The actual I²C slave hardware registers number only three and are described in the table below. The steps necessary to access the virtual registers defined in the following are explained in pseudocode for external I²C master writes and reads below. Page 16 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions I²C Feature List • Fast mode (400kHz) and standard mode (100kHz) support • 7+1-bit addressing mode • Write format: Byte • Read format: Byte Figure 19: I²C Slave Device Address and Physical Registers Entity Description Note 8-bit Slave Address Byte = 1001001x (device address = 49 hex) x= 1 for Master Read (byte = 93 hex) x= 0 for Master Write (byte = 92 hex) STATUS Register I²C slave interface STATUS register Read-only Register Address = 0x00 Bit 1: TX_VALID 0  New data may be written to WRITE register 1  WRITE register occupied. Do NOT write. Bit 0: RX_VALID 0  No data is ready to be read in READ register. 1  Data byte available in READ register. WRITE Register I²C slave interface WRITE register Write-only Register Address = 0x01 8-Bits of data written by the I²C Master intended for receipt by the I²C slave. Used for both virtual register addresses and write data. READ Register I²C slave interface READ register Read-only Register Address = 0x02 8-Bits of data to be read by the I²C Master. Device Slave Address I²C Virtual Register Write Access I²C Virtual Resister Byte Write, detailed below, shows the pseudocode necessary to write virtual registers on the AS7261. Note that, because the actual registers of interest are realized as virtual registers, a means of indicating whether there is a pending read or write operation of a given virtual register is needed. To convey this information, the most significant bit of the virtual register address is used as a marker. If it is 1, then a write is pending, otherwise the slave is expecting a virtual read operation. The pseudocode illustrates the proper technique for polling of the I²C slave status register to ensure the slave is ready for each transaction. ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 17 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions I²C Virtual Register Byte Write Pseudocode Poll I²C slave STATUS register; If TX_VALID bit is 0, a write can be performed on the interface; Send a virtual register address and set the MSB of the register address to 1 to indicate the pending write; Poll I²C slave STATUS register; If TX_VALID bit is 0, the virtual register address for the write has been received and the data may now be written; Write the data. Sample Code: #define I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_STATUS_REG 0x00 #define I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_WRITE_REG 0x01 #define I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_READ_REG 0x02 #define I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_TX_VALID 0x02 #define I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_RX_VALID 0x01 void i2cm_AS72xx_write(uint8_t virtualReg, uint8_t d) { volatile uint8_t status; while (1) { // Read slave I²C status to see if the write buffer is ready. status = i2cm_read(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_STATUS_REG); if ((status & I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_TX_VALID) == 0) // No inbound TX pending at slave. Okay to write now. break, } // Send the virtual register address (setting bit 7 to indicate a pending write). i2cm_write(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_WRITE_REG, (virtualReg | 0x80)) ; while (1) { // Read the slave I²C status to see if the write buffer is ready. status = i2cm_read(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_STATUS_REG) ; if ((status & I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_TX_VALID) == 0) // No inbound TX pending at slave. Okay to write data now. break; } //Send the data to complete the operation. i2cm_write(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_WRITE_REG, d) ; } I²C Virtual Register Read Access I²C Virtual Register Byte Read, detailed below, shows the pseudocode necessary to read virtual registers on the AS7261. Note that in this case, reading a virtual register, the register address is not modified. Page 18 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions I²C Virtual Register Byte Read Pseudocode Poll I²C slave STATUS register; If TX_VALID bit is 0, the virtual register address for the read may be written; Send a virtual register address; Poll I²C slave STATUS register; If RX_VALID bit is 1, the read data is ready; Read the data. Sample Code: uint8_t i2cm_AS72xx_read(uint8_t virtualReg) { volatile uint8_t status, d ; while (1) { // Read slave I²C status to see if the read buffer is ready. status = i2cm_read(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_STATUS_REG); if ((status & I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_TX_VALID) == 0) // No inbound TX pending at slave. Okay to write now. break; } // Send the virtual register address (setting bit 7 to indicate a pending write). i2cm_write(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_WRITE_REG, virtualReg); while (1) { // Read the slave I²C status to see if our read data is available. status = i2cm_read(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_STATUS_REG) ; if ((status & I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_RX_VALID) != 0) // Read data is ready. break ; } // Read the data to complete the operation. d = i2cm_read(I2C_AS72XX_SLAVE_READ_REG) ; return d ;s } The details of the i2cm_read() and i2cm_write() functions in previous Figures are dependent upon the nature and implementation of the external I²C master device. ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 19 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions 4-Btye Floating-Point (FP) Registers Several 4 byte registers (hex) are used by the AS7261. Here is an example of how these registers are used to represent floating point data (based on the IEEE 754 standard): Figure 20: Example of the IEEE 754 Standard The floating point (FP) value assumed by 32 bit binary32 data with a biased exponent e (the 8 bit unsigned integer) and a 23 bit fraction is (for the above example): 23  – i 1 + b 2  23 – i  × 2 ( e – 127 )    i=1  sign  (EQ1) FPvalue = ( – 1 ) (EQ2)  –i FPvalue = ( – 1 )  1 +  b 23 – i 2  × 2 ( 124 – 127 )   i=1 (EQ3) FPvalue = 1 × ( 1 + 2 ) × 2 ( – 3 ) = 0.15625  Page 20 Document Feedback 23 0 –2 ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions I²C Virtual Register Set The figure below provides a summary of the AS7261 I²C register set. Figures after that provide additional register details. All register data is hex, and all multi-byte entities are Big Endian (most significant byte is situated at the lowest register address). Multiple byte registers (2 byte integer, or, 4 byte floating point) must be read in the order of ascending register addresses (low to high). And if capable of being written to, must also be written in the order ascending register addresses. Figure 21: I²C Virtual Register Set Overview Addr Name DATA_ RDY RSVD Version Registers 0x00:0x01 HW_Version Hardware Version 0x02:0x03 FW_Version Firmware Version Control Registers 0x04 Control_Setup 0x05 INT_T 0x06 Device_Temp 0x07 LED_Control RST INT GAIN Bank Integration Time Device Temperature RSVD ICL_DRV LED_ DRV ICL_IND LED_IND Sensor Raw Data Registers 0x08 X_High Channel X High Data Byte 0x09 X_Low Channel X Low Data Byte 0x0A Y_High Channel Y High Data Byte 0x0B Y_Low Channel Y Low Data Byte 0x0C Z_High Channel Z High Data Byte 0x0D Z_Low Channel Z Low Data Byte 0x0E NIR_High Channel NIR High Data Byte 0x0F NIR_Low Channel NIR Low Data Byte 0x10 Dark_High Channel Dark High Data Byte 0x11 Dark_Low Channel Dark Low Data Byte 0x12 Clear_High Channel Clear High Data Byte 0x13 Clear_Low Channel Clear Low Data Byte ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 21 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Sensor Calibrated Data Registers 0x14:0x17 Cal_X Cal-X data (4-byte floating-point) 0x18:0x1B Cal_Y Cal-Y data (4-byte floating-point) 0x1C:0x1F Cal_Z Cal-Z data (4-byte floating-point) 0x20:0x23 Cal_x_1931 Cal-x (CIE 1931) (4-byte floating-point) 0x24:0x27 Cal_y_1931 Cal-y (CIE 1931) (4-byte floating-point) 0x28:0x2B Cal_upri Cal_u’ (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) 0x2C:0x2F Cal_vpri Cal_v’ (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) 0x30:0x33 Cal_u Cal_u (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) 0x34:0x37 Cal_v Cal_y (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) 0x38:0x3B Cal_DUV Cal_DUV (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) 0x3C:0x3F Cal_LUX Calibrated LUX (4-byte) 0x40:0x4F Cal_CCT Calibrated CCT (4-byte) Detailed Register Description Figure 22: HW Version Registers Addr: 0x00 HW_Version Bit Bit Name Default Access 7:0 Device Type 01000000 R Addr: 0x01 Device type number HW_Version Bit Bit Name Default Access 7:0 HW Version 00111101 R Page 22 Document Feedback Bit Description Bit Description Hardware version ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Figure 23: FW Version Registers Addr: 0x02 FW_Version Bit Bit Name Default Access 7:6 Minor version R Minor version [1:0] 5:0 Sub version R Sub version Addr: 0x03 Bit Description FW_Version Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description 7:4 Major version R Major version 3:0 Minor version R Minor version [5:2] Figure 24: Control Setup Register Addr: 0x04/0x84 Control_Setup Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description 7 RST 0 R/W Soft Reset, Set to 1 for soft reset, goes to 0 automatically after the reset 6 INT 0 R/W Enable interrupt pin output (INT), 1: Enable, 0: Disable 5:4 GAIN 10 R/W Sensor Channel Gain Setting (all channels) ‘b00=1x; ‘b01=3.7x; ‘b10=16x; ‘b11=64x; 3:2 BANK 10 R/W Data Conversion Type (continuous) ‘b00=Mode 0: X, Y, Z and NIR ‘b01=Mode 1: X, Y, D and C ‘b10=Mode 2: X, Y, Z, NIR, D and C ‘b11=Mode 3: One-Shot operation 1 DATA_RDY 0 R/W 1: Data Ready to Read, sets INT active if interrupt is enabled. Can be polled if not using INT. 0 RSVD 0 R ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Reserved; Unused Page 23 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Figure 25: Integration Time Register Addr: 0x05/0x85 INT_T Bit Bit Name Default Access 7:0 INT_T 0xFF R/W Bit Description Integration time = * 2.8ms Figure 26: Device Temperature Register Addr: 0x06 Device_Temp Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description 7:0 Device_Temp 0xFF R/W Internal device temperature data byte (°C) Figure 27: LED Control Register Addr: 0x07/0x87 LED Control Bit Bit Name Default Access 7:6 RSVD 0 R 5:4 ICL_DRV 00 R/W LED_DRV current limit ‘b00=12.5mA; ‘b01=25mA; ‘b10=50mA; ‘b11=100mA; 3 LED_DRV 0 R/W Enable LED_DRV 1: Enabled; 0: Disabled 2:1 ICL_IND 00 R/W LED_IND current limit ‘b00=1mA; ‘b01=2mA; ‘b10=4mA; ‘b11=8mA; 0 LED_IND 0 R/W Enable LED_IND 1: Enabled; 0: Disabled Page 24 Document Feedback Bit Description Reserved ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Figure 28: Sensor Raw Data Registers Addr: 0x08 Bit Bit Name 7:0 X_High X_High Default Access R Addr: 0x09 Bit Bit Name 7:0 X_Low Bit Name 7:0 Y_High Default Access R Bit Name 7:0 Y_Low Default Access R Bit Name 7:0 Z_High Default Access R Bit Name 7:0 Z_Low Default Access R Bit Name 7:0 NIR_High Default Access R Bit Name 7:0 NIR_Low Default Access R Bit Name 7:0 Dark_High ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Channel Y Low Data Byte Bit Description Channel Z High Data Byte Bit Description Channel Z Low Data Byte Bit Description Channel NIR High Data Byte NIR_Low Default Access R Addr: 0x10 Bit Bit Description NIR_High Addr: 0x0F Bit Channel Y High Data Byte Z_Low Addr: 0x0E Bit Bit Description Z_High Addr: 0x0D Bit Channel X Low Data Byte Y_Low Addr: 0x0C Bit Bit Description Y_High Addr: 0x0B Bit Channel X High Data Byte X_Low Addr: 0x0A Bit Bit Description Bit Description Channel NIR Low Data Byte Dark_High Default Access R Bit Description Channel Dark High Data Byte Page 25 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Addr: 0x11 Bit Bit Name 7:0 Dark_Low Dark_Low Default Access R Addr: 0x12 Bit Bit Name 7:0 Clear_High Bit Name 7:0 Clear_Low Page 26 Document Feedback Channel Dark Low Data Byte Clear_High Default Access R Addr: 0x13 Bit Bit Description Bit Description Channel Clear High Data Byte Clear_Low Default Access R Bit Description Channel Clear Low Data Byte ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Figure 29: Sensor Calibrated Data Registers Addr: 0x14:0x17 Bit Bit Name 31:0 X_Cal Cal_X Default Access R Addr: 0x18:0x1B Bit Bit Name 31:0 Y_Cal Bit Name 31:0 Z_Cal Default Access R Bit Name 31:0 Cal_x_1931 Default Access R Bit Name 31:0 Cal_y_1931 Default Access R Bit Name 31:0 Cal_upri Default Access R Bit Name 31:0 Cal_vpri Default Access R Bit Name 31:0 Cal_u Default Access R Bit Name 31:0 Cal_v ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Calibrated x (CIE 1931) (4-byte floating-point) Bit Description Calibrated y (CIE 1931) (4-byte floating-point) Bit Description Calibrated u’ (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) Bit Description Calibrated v’ (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) Cal_u Default Access R Addr: 0x1C:0x1F Bit Bit Description Cal_vpri Addr: 0x18:0x1B Bit Calibrated Z data (4-byte floating-point) Cal_upri Addr: 0x14:0x17 Bit Bit Description Cal_y_1931 Addr: 0x28:0x2B Bit Calibrated Y data (4-byte floating-point) Cal_x_1931 Addr: 0x24:0x27 Bit Bit Description Cal_Z Addr: 0x20:0x23 Bit Calibrated X data (4-byte floating-point) Cal_Y Addr: 0x1C:0x1F Bit Bit Description Bit Description Calibrated u (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) Cal_v Default Access R Bit Description Calibrated v (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) Page 27 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Addr: 0x20:0x23 Bit Bit Name 31:0 Cal_DUV Cal_DUV Default Access R Bit Description Calibrated DUV (CIE 1976) (4-byte floating-point) Addr: 0x24:0x27 Bit Bit Name 31:0 Cal_LUX Cal_LUX Default Access R Bit Description Calibrated LUX (4-byte) Addr: 0x28:0x2B Bit Bit Name 31:0 Cal_CCT Cal_CCT Default Access R Bit Description Calibrated CCT (4-byte) UART Interface If selected by the I2C_ENB pin setting, the UART module implements the TX and RX signals as defined in the RS-232 / V.24 standard communication protocol. It has on both, receive and transmit path, a 16 entry deep FIFO. It can generate interrupts as required. UART Feature List 1 • Full Duplex Operation (Independent Serial Receive and Transmit Registers) with FIFO buffer of 8 byte for each. • At a clock rate of 16MHz it supports communication at 115200 Baud. • Supports Serial Frames with 8 Data Bits, no Parity and 1 Stop Bit Theory of Operation TRANSMISSION If data is available in the transmit FIFO, it will be moved into the output shift register and the data will be transmitted at the configured Baud Rate, starting with a Start Bit (logic zero) and followed by a Stop Bit (logic one). RECEPTION At any time, with the receiver being idle, if a falling edge of a start bit is detected on the input, a byte will be received and stored in the receive FIFO. The following Stop Bit will be checked to be logic one. 1. With UART operation, min VDD of 2.97V is required as shown in Electrical Characteristics figures. Page 28 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Figure 30: UART Protocol Data Bits TX D1 D0 Start Bit D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Stop Bit Tbit=1/Baude Rate Always Low RX D0 D7 Next Start Always High D1 D0 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D0 D7 Start Bit detected After Tbit/2: Sampling of Start Bit After Tbit: Sampling of Data Sample Points AT Command Interface The microprocessor interface to control the AS7261 is via the UART, using AT Commands across the UART interface. This AT Command interface provides a text-based serial command interface borrowed from the “AT Command” model used in early Hayes modems. For example: • Read DATA value: ATDATA → OK • Set the gain of the sensor to 1x: ATGAIN =0 → OK The “AT Command Interface Block Diagram”, shown below between the network interface and the core of the system, provides access to the AS7261’s Cognitive Light Engine’s control and configuration functions. Figure 31: AT Command Interface Block Diagram RX uP AT Commands TX AT Command Interface Cognitive Light Engine AT Command Interface AS7261 ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 29 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions In the figure below, numeric values may be specified with no leading prefix, in which case they will be interpreted as decimals, or with a leading “0x” to indicate that they are hexadecimal numbers, or with a leading “‘b” to indicate that they are binary numbers. The commands are loosely grouped into functional areas. Texts appearing between angle brackets (‘‘) are commands or response arguments. A carriage return character, a linefeed character, or both may terminate commands and responses. Note that any command that encounters an error will generate the “ERROR” response shown, for example, in the NOP command at the top of the first table, but has been omitted elsewhere in the interest of readability and clarity. Figure 32: AT Commands Command Response Description/Parameters XYZ Calibrated Data with Its Derivatives ATXYZC , , OK Read calibrated X, Y, and Z data. Returns comma-separated floating-point values ATLUXC OK Read the calibrated LUX value from the sensor. ATCCTC OK Read the calibrated CCT value from the sensor. ATSMALLXYC , OK Read calibrated x and y for CIE 1931 color gamut. Returns comma separated floating-point values (5 decimal places). ATUVPRIMEC , , , OK Read calibrated u’, v’ and u, v for CIE 1976 color gamut. Returns comma separated floating-point values (5 decimal places). ATDUVC OK Read calibrated Duv for CIE 1976-color gamut. Returns comma separated floating-point values (5 decimal places). Spectral Data per Channel ATXYZR , , OK Read raw X, Y, and Z data. Returns comma-separated 16-bit integers. ATDATA , , , , , OK Read raw X, Y, Z and NIR data as well as two special internal registers D, & C. Returns comma-separated 16-bit integers. Page 30 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions Sensor Configuration OK Set sensor integration time. Values should be in the range [1... 255], with integration time = * 2.8msecs. OK Read sensor integration time, with integration time = * 2.8msecs. OK Set sensor gain: 0=1X, 1=3.7X, 2=16X, 3=64X ATGAIN OK Read sensor gain setting, returning 0, 1, 2, or 3 as defined immediately above. ATTEMP OK Read temperature of chip in Celsius OK Set Chromatic White Color Sensor Mode 0  Captures X, Y, Z, and IR (1 integration period) 1  Captures X, Y, Dk, and CLR (1 integration period) 2  Captures X, Y, Z, Dk, IR and CLR (2 integration period) 3  Sensors are OFF OK Read Color Sensor Mode, see above OK Set the sampling interval as an integer multiple of the Integration time. The is an integer between [1..255]. A sampling interval=1 implies a sampling rate of 1x the current integration time. A sampling interval=255 implies a slow sampling rate of 255 times the current integration time. OK Read the sampling interval as an integer multiple of the Integration time. Returns an integer in the range [1..255] as defined above OK = # of samples (ATBURST=1 means run until ATBURST=0 is received (a special case for continuous output) ATINTTIME= ATINTTIME ATGAIN= ATTCSMD= ATTCSMD ATINTRVL= ATINTRVL ATBURST=. LED Driver Controls ATLED0= ATLED0 ATLED1= ATLED1 ATLEDC= ATLEDC ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 OK Sets LED_IND: 100=ON, 0=OFF OK Reads LED_IND setting: 100=ON, 0=OFF OK Sets LED_DRV: 100=ON, 0=OFF OK Reads LED_DRV setting: 100=ON, 0=OFF OK Sets LED_IND and LED_DRV current LED_IND: bits 3:0; LED_DRV: 7:4 bits LED_IND: ‘b00=1mA; ‘b01=2mA; ‘b10=4mA; ‘b11=8mA LED_DRV: ‘b00=12.5mA; ‘b01=25mA; ‘b10=50mA; ‘b11=100mA OK Reads LED_IND and LED_DRV current settings as shown above Page 31 Document Feedback AS7261 − Detailed Descriptions NOP, Version Access, System Reset AT OK  Success ERROR  Failure NOP ATSRST OK  Success ERROR  Failure Software Reset ATVERSW OK ERROR  Failure Returns the system software version number ATVERHW OK ERROR  Failure Returns the system hardware revision and product ID, with bits 7:4 containing the part ID, and bits 3:0 yielding the chip revision value. Firmware Update OK = 16-bit checksum. Initializes the firmware update process. Number of bytes that follow are always 56 KBytes ATFW= OK Download new firmware Up to 7 bytes represented as hex chars with no leading or trailing 0x. Repeat command till all 56Kbytes of firmware are downloaded ATFWA OK Causes target address for FW updates to advance. Should be called after every successful “OK” returned after “ATFW=” command usage. ATFWS OK Causes the active image to switch between the two possible current images and then resets the IC ATFWU= Page 32 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Application Information Application Information Figure 33: AS7261 Typical Application Circuit 3V3 3V3 7 14 VDD2 CSN_EE 6 1 /CS 2 RESN MISO 5 2 DO 16 GND MOSI 4 5 DI SCK 3 6 Flash Memory CLK 8 3 /WP 7 /HOLD 3V3 Vled 15 LED_DRV 18 LED_IND AS7261 I2C_ENB DNP RX TX INT ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 11 RX/SCL_S 12 TX/SDA_S 13 INT NC NC NC NC NC 19 20 1 10 9 1uF VCC 8 CSN_SD GND 10K RST VDD1 4 100nF 10uF 17 0R Page 33 Document Feedback AS7261 − Application Information PCB Layout Figure 34: Typical Layout Reading In order to prevent interference, avoid trace routing feedthroughs with exposure directly under the AS7261. An example routing is illustrated in the diagram. Page 34 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Package Drawings & Markings Package Drawings & Markings Figure 35: AS7261 Package Drawing AS7261 RoHS Green Note(s): 1. XXXXX = tracecode ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 35 Document Feedback AS7261 − PCB Pad Layout Suggested PCB pad layout guidelines for the LGA device are shown. PCB Pad Layout Figure 36: Recommended PCB Pad Layout Unit: mm 0.30 1.10 0.65 4.60 1 4.40 Note(s): 1. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Dimensional tolerances are ±0.05mm unless otherwise noted. 3. This drawing is subject to change without notice. Page 36 Document Feedback ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Mechanical Data Mechanical Data Figure 37: Tape & Reel Information Note(s): 1. All dimensions in millimeters unless of otherwise stated. 2. Measured from centreline of sprocket hole to centreline of pocket. 3. Cumulative tolerance of 10 sprocket holes is ±0.20. 4. Measured from centreline of sprocket hole to centreline of pocket. 5. Other material available. ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 37 Document Feedback AS7261 − Soldering & Storage Information Soldering & Storage Information Soldering Information The module has been tested and has demonstrated an ability to be reflow soldered to a PCB substrate. The solder reflow profile describes the expected maximum heat exposure of components during the solder reflow process of product on a PCB. Temperature is measured on top of component. The components should be limited to a maximum of three passes through this solder reflow profile. Figure 38: Solder Reflow Profile Parameter Reference Device Average temperature gradient in preheating Soak time 2.5 ºC/s tsoak 2 to 3 minutes Time above 217°C (T1) t1 Max 60 s Time above 230°C (T2) t2 Max 50 s Time above Tpeak - 10ºC (T3) t3 Max 10 s Tpeak 260 ºC Peak temperature in reflow Temperature gradient in cooling Max -5 ºC/s Figure 39: Solder Reflow Profile Graph Tpeak Not to scale — for reference only T3 T2 Temperature (5C) T1 Time (s) t3 t2 tsoak Page 38 Document Feedback t1 ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 AS7261 − Soldering & Storage Information Manufacturing Process Considerations The AS7261 package is compatible with standard reflow no-clean and cleaning processes including aqueous, solvent or ultrasonic techniques. However, as an open-aperture device, precautions must be taken to avoid particulate or solvent con-tamination as a result of any manufacturing processes, including pick and place, reflow, cleaning, integration assembly and/or testing. Temporary covering of the ap-erture is allowed. To avoid degradation of accuracy or performance in the end prod-uct, care should be taken that any temporary covering and associated seal-ants/debris are thoroughly removed prior to any optical testing or final packaging. Storage Information Moisture Sensitivity Optical characteristics of the device can be adversely affected during the soldering process by the release and vaporization of moisture that has been previously absorbed into the package. To ensure the package contains the smallest amount of absorbed moisture possible, each device is baked prior to being dry packed for shipping. Devices are dry packed in a sealed aluminized envelope called a moisture-barrier bag with silica gel to protect them from ambient moisture during shipping, handling, and storage before use. Shelf Life The calculated shelf life of the device in an unopened moisture barrier bag is 12 months from the date code on the bag when stored under the following conditions: • Shelf Life: 12 months • Ambient Temperature: < 40°C • Relative Humidity: < 90% Rebaking of the devices will be required if the devices exceed the 12 month shelf life or the Humidity Indicator Card shows that the devices were exposed to conditions beyond the allowable moisture region. ams Datasheet [v1-00] 2016-Dec-30 Page 39 Document Feedback AS7261 − Soldering & Storage Information Floor Life The CS package has been assigned a moisture sensitivity level of MSL 2. As a result, the floor life of devices removed from the moisture barrier bag is 1 year from the time the bag was opened, provided that the devices are stored under the following conditions: • Floor Life: 1 year • Ambient Temperature:
AS7261-BLGT 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+74.856121+9.06152
  • 5+67.614455+8.18490
  • 10+64.9445110+7.86169
  • 25+61.7426525+7.47410
  • 50+59.5585250+7.20971
  • 100+57.55481100+6.96715
  • 500+53.51838500+6.47853
  • 1000+52.014121000+6.29644


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2000+46.110522000+5.58179


  •  国内价格
  • 2+44.52771
  • 50+43.74803
  • 100+42.65952
  • 250+41.59126
  • 1000+40.54832


  •  国内价格
  • 2000+35.56648
  • 10000+34.85464
