Makerspace-in-a-Box Deluxe Bundle
Get stocked and milling right away with our our Makerspace-in-a-Box Deluxe
Bundle. This package comes with two seven-packs of our most popular bits
and everything you need to create 2D and 3D objects in a variety of materials.
Printed Circuit Board Blank, FR-1, 4”x5”, Single-Sided (10-pack)
Delrin, White, 4”x5”x0.25” (3-pack)
High Speed Machining Wax (1)
Machining Wax (5-pack)
Machinable Foam, 4"x5"x1" (1)
Linoleum Block, 2"x3"x0.9" (1)
Linoleum Block, 3"x5"x0.9" (1)
Linoleum Block, 3"x4"x0.9" (1)
Linoleum Block, 4"x5"x0.9" (1)
Ball End Mill, 1/8" (2)
Ball End Mill, 1/16" (2)
Flat End Mill, 1/8" (2)
Flat End Mill, 1/16" (2)
Flat End Mill, 1/32" (2)
Flat End Mill, 1/64" (2)
Metal Engraving Bit, 0.005" (2)
PCB Engraving Bit, 0.005" (2‐in‐a‐box‐deluxe‐bundle 3‐9‐18