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    MC3419 - 加速计,3 轴 评估板 - 传感器

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EV3419A 数据手册
The MC3419 Evaluation Board GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MC3419 is a small form factor, integrated digital output 3-axis accelerometer with a feature set optimized for cell phones and IoT product motion sensing. Applications include user interface control, gaming motion input, electronic compass tilt compensation for cell phones, game controllers, remote controls and portable media products. sensor data shortly comes out in raw data count and SI unit accelerometer measurements. An easy-to-use demonstration on EV3419A using the Arduino platform is depicted in this document. MC3419 FEATURES Range, Sampling & Power       The MC3419 features a dedicated motion block which implements embedded algorithms to support “any motion” and shake detection, tilt/flip and tilt 35 position detection. The EV3419A is a prebuilt circuit board with MC3419 LGA-12 3-axes sensor. The MC3419 has internal sample rate from 0.5 to 1000 samples / second and measures acceleration with a wide usage range, from +/-2g up to +/-16g, and 16-bit high precision ADC output, which is easy to fit on top of the microcontroller, such as an Arduino. The accelerometer communicates via I2C/SPI and gives out motion detection or sample acquisition conditions to trigger an interrupt toward an MCU. Quick Start Guide and Demo ±2,4,8,12 or 16g range 16-bit single sample resolution 16-bit resolution with FIFO 0.5 to 1000 Hz Output Data Rate 4 μA typical Standby current Low typical active current Simple System Integration      I2C interface, up to 1 MHz SPI Interface, up to 10 MHz 2×2×0.92 mm 12-pin LGA package Single-chip 3D silicon MEMS RoHS compliant The sensor data is easily readable by connecting DVDD to 3.3V, GND to ground, and SCL/SDA pins to your Arduino I2C clock and data pin respectively. Download the MC3419 library from MEMSIC onto the board, run the example sketch, and then MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 1 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 General Operation ........................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Pinouts ................................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Power Pins ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 I2C Pins ............................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 SPI Pins ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Interrupt Pins........................................................................................................................ 5 2 Assembly and Test .......................................................................................................... 6 2.1 I2C Interface ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.2 SPI Interface ........................................................................................................................ 7 3 Demo ............................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 GET the Driver from MEMSIC .............................................................................................. 8 3.2 Load the Demo .................................................................................................................... 8 4 Library Reference .......................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Create MEMSIC_MC34X9 Object ...................................................................................... 11 4.2 Initialize and Configure Sensor........................................................................................... 11 4.3 Set Range .......................................................................................................................... 11 4.4 Read Range ....................................................................................................................... 11 4.5 Set Sampling Rate ............................................................................................................. 11 4.6 Read Sampling Rate .......................................................................................................... 12 4.7 Config Motion Feature ........................................................................................................ 12 4.8 Config Interrupt Mode ........................................................................................................ 12 4.9 Read Raw Count Data ....................................................................................................... 13 5 Schematics .................................................................................................................... 14 6 Bill of Materials .............................................................................................................. 15 7 Fabrication Print............................................................................................................. 16 8 Note ............................................................................................................................... 17 9 Revision History ............................................................................................................. 18 MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 2 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 1 GENERAL OPERATION 1.1 PINOUTS 1.2 POWER PINS      DVDD – 3.3V Power Supply Input GND – Ground Pin for Power and Logic R7: The current draw from the sensor can be measured by putting an ammeter in place of R7. In the following demonstration, an Arduino DUE is used to illustrate on how to test the evaluation board with a microcontroller. Please be advised that if an Arduino UNO is used instead, hardware modification on Arduino UNO MUST be made for it to output at 3.3V. (WARNING: attempting to power the part at 5V is likely to damage it.) By default, Arduino UNO operates at 5V, which is higher than the maximum voltage rating for the evaluation board. Please refer to an excellent tutorial on modifying Arduino UNO to output at 3.3V: https://learn.adafruit.com/arduino-tips-tricks-and-techniques/3-3v-conversion MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 3 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 1.3 I2C PINS   Connect the SCL (I2C clock pin) to your microcontroller’s I2C clock line. Connect the SDA (I2C data pin) to your microcontroller’s I2C data line. R4, R5: If using I2C and I2C pull-up resistors are needed for your application then install~4.7KΩ resistors into R4 (SCL clock pin) and R5 (SDA data pin) which are not installed by factory default. In addition, besides soldering resisters on R4/R5, you can add axial lead 4.7K ohm resistors to the SDA and SCL pin respectively. It will work the same either way. NOTE: DO NOT install more than one setup pull-up resistors per I2C bus. MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 4 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 1.4 SPI PINS With an SPI connection, there is always one master device (usually a microcontroller) which controls the peripheral devices. Typically, there are four wires commonly connected to all the devices: Connect the SCS (Slave Chip Select) to the pin on the device that the master can use to enable and disable SPI cycles. Connect the SCL (Serial clock) to the pin where the clock pulses synchronize data transmission generated by the master Connect SDO to the pin where the Slave sends data to the master (Master Input, Slave Output). Connect SDA to the pin where the Master sends data to the peripherals (Master Output, Slave Input). 1.5 INTERRUPT PINS INT - HW interrupt signal pin. This pin will be triggered by the device when data is ready to read, or a motion event is detected by the accelerometer. (Not currently supported in the library for the interrupt pin, so please check the datasheet for the I2C commands and related registers). R6: If using the sensor interrupt signal as open-drain, then install pull-up resistor ~4.7KΩ into R6 (not installed by default). MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 5 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 2 ASSEMBLY AND TEST Please note that the SPI and I2C interfaces cannot both be active at the same time as the clock (SCK) and data (SDA) are shared between the two protocols. 2.1 I2C INTERFACE The EV3419A evaluation board can be easily wired to any microcontroller. This example shows a typical Arduino DUE platform. For other microcontrollers, be sure it has I2C with repeated-start support, then port the code. Please refer to the illustration below to connect the related pins.     Connect DVDD to the power supply, 3.3V. (WARNING: attempting to power the part at a voltage exceeds the maximum rating of 3.6V is likely to damage it.) Connect GND to common power/data ground. Connect the SCL pin to the I2C clock SCL pin on your Arduino. Connect the SDA pin to the I2C data SDA pin on your Arduino. The MC3419 has a default I2C address of 0x4C and it can be changed to 0x6C by tying the SDO pin to VDD. MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 6 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 2.2 SPI INTERFACE The EV3419A evaluation board can be easily wired to any microcontroller. This example shows a typical Arduino DUE platform. Please refer to the illustration below for connecting the related pins and then port the code to get the raw X, Y, Z sensor data.       Connect DVDD to the power supply, 3.3V. (WARNING: attempting to power the part at a voltage exceeds the maximum rating of 3.6V is likely to damage it.) Connect GND to common power/data ground. Connect SCL to ICSP-3 as Serial Clock. Connect SDO to ICSP-1 as Master Input, Slave Output. Connect SDA to ICSP-4 as Master Output, Slave Input. Connect SCS to digital I/O pin 10 as Slave Chip Select. MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 7 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 3 DEMO 3.1 GET THE DRIVER FROM MEMSIC To begin reading sensor data, you will need to get the MC3419 Library from MEMSIC. Get the ZIP file from MEMSIC and check the zip file consisting of MC34X9.cpp, MC34X9.h and examples directory. An excellent tutorial on Arduino library installation is located at: https://www.arduino.cc/en/guide/libraries#toc4 You may need to create the library subfolder if it is your first library files. Then just restart the IDE. 3.2 LOAD THE DEMO Open File->Examples->MC34X9-> MC34X9_demo and upload to your Arduino while it is wired to the sensor. MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 8 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 If you need the sensor running on SPI, please configure the bus as SPI in the MC34X9_demo.ino shown as below. Otherwise, the default is I2C bus. /*** bSpi: I2C/SPI bus selection. SPI: 0, I2C: 1 ***/ const uint8_t bSpi = 1; Setup I2C interface as 2.1 will get I2C address 0x4C. Setup SPI interface as 2.2 will get SPI select pin 10. /* Chip Select & Address */ uint8_t chipSelect = 0; const uint8_t SPIChipSelectPin = 10; // SPI chipSelectPin const uint8_t I2CAddress = 0x4c; // I2C address Now open the serial terminal window at 115,200 baud rate speed to begin the test. You will see the output from the serial terminal showing the current range scale and resolution of the sensor in the first three lines followed by two lines of output sensor data at some output data rate which depict “raw count" data for line 1: X: 174 Y: 21 Z: 4074 with 8G range, 16bit ADC resolution. Line 2 indicates the SI units for measuring acceleration as X: 0.42 m/s^2 Y: 0.05 m/s^2 Z: 9.75 m/s^2. MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 9 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 To enable FIFO mode, which is controlled by the configurations below. FIFO size could be set up to maximum 31 samples. Enable FIFO threshold interrupt will automatically enable FIFO feature. /*** FIFO control ***/ int FIFO_THRE_SIZE = 30; /* FIFO Interrupt */ const bool enableFifoThrINT = false; /* For FIFO feature, enable FIFO interrupt will automatically enable FIFO feature */ bool enableFIFO = false; To control embedded motion blocks, which is enabled by the configurations below. Enable individual motion mode will also enable corresponding interrupt. These modes can only be enabled separately. /*** Motion control ***/ /* Enabling motion feature below also enables corresponded motion interrupt */ const bool enableTILT = false; const bool enableFLIP = false; const bool enableANYM = true; const bool enableSHAKE = false; const bool enableTILT_35 = false; MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 10 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 4 LIBRARY REFERENCE 4.1 CREATE MEMSIC_MC34X9 OBJECT You can create the MEMSIC_MC34X9 object with: MC34X9 MC34X9_acc = MC34X9(); 4.2 INITIALIZE AND CONFIGURE SENSOR Initialize and configure the sensor with: MC34X9_acc.start(bSpi, chipSelect); Wake up sensor with your own configuration, it will follow the factory default setting: MC34X9_acc.wake(); Stop sensor to change setting: MC34X9_acc.stop(); 4.3 SET RANGE Set the accelerometer max range to ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, ±16g or ±12g with: MC34X9_acc.SetRangeCtrl(MC34X9_RANGE_8G); 4.4 READ RANGE Read the current range with: MC34X9_acc.GetRangeCtrl(); It returns: 0 for ±2g, | 1 for ±4g, | 2 for ±8g | 3 for ±16g | 4 for ±12g. 4.5 SET SAMPLING RATE Set the accelerometer sampling rate with: MC34X9_acc.SetSampleRate(MC34X9_ SR_DEFAULT_1000Hz); MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 11 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 4.6 READ SAMPLING RATE Read the current sampling rate with: MC34X9_acc.GetSampleRate (); It returns sampling rate from 25 ~ 1000 Hz. 4.7 CONFIG MOTION FEATURE To configure motion feature, open MC34X9.h Set the threshold and debounce value used by the tilt and flip logic for activity detection: #define s_bCfgFTThr 100 #define s_bCfgFTDebounce 50 Set the threshold and debounce value used by the any motion logic for activity detection: #define s_bCfgANYMThr 200 #define s_bCfgANYMDebounce 100 Set the threshold, duration and count value used by the shake logic for activity detection: #define s_bCfgShakeThr 300 #define s_bCfgShakeP2PDuration 10 #define s_bCfgShakeCount 1 Set the threshold and duration value used by the tilt35 logic for activity detection: #define s_bCfgTILT35Thr 20 #define s_bCfgTILT35Timer MC34X9_TILT35_2p0 4.8 CONFIG INTERRUPT MODE Configure the FIFO interrupt mode with: MC34X9_acc.SetFIFOINTCtrl(false, false, enableFifoThrINT); MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 12 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 Configure the motion interrupt mode with: MC34X9_acc.SetINTCtrl(enableTILT, enableFLIP, enableANYM, enableSHAKE, enableTILT_35); MC34X9 has 5 motion interrupt modes – TILT | FILP | ANYM | SHAKE | TILT35. These modes can only be enabled separately. 4.9 READ RAW COUNT DATA Read the raw count data and SI unit measurement with: MC34X9_acc.readRawAccel(); MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 13 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 5 SCHEMATICS Above is a schematic on EV3419A. This is the factory preset when receiving the part. For other options, please refer to the following table: Interface R1 R2 R3 SPI or I2C 0x4C (Factory default) 100KΩ DNI1 10KΩ SPI or I2C 0x6C 100KΩ 10KΩ DNI R4, R5: Install ~4.7KΩ as the I2C pull-ups if using I2C mode and there is no I2C pull-ups installed. (DNI by default) Note: It is recommended not to install more than one pull-ups per I2C bus. R6: Install ~4.7KΩ pull-up resistor if setting the sensor interrupt pin to open-drain. (DNI by default) R7: Sensor’s driving current can be measured by putting an ammeter in place of R7. The physical location of the resistor is in the diagram in Section 8. 1 DNI: Do Not Install MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 14 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 6 BILL OF MATERIALS MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 15 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 7 FABRICATION PRINT NOTE: All dimensions are in millimeters. MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 16 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 8 NOTE All the mCube logo in the document will be replaced later by MEMSIC logo. MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Page 17 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12 9 REVISION HISTORY Date 2020-02-05 2020-08-12 Revision APS-045-0033v1.0 APS-045-0033v1.1 MEMSIC EV3419A APS-045-0033 v1.1 Description First release. Change to MEMSIC format based on the License Agreement with mCube. Page 18 of 18 Formal release date: 2020/08/12
EV3419A 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+123.105831+14.86540
