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    C1026B002F 触觉/振动电机 电机/触觉 mikroBUS™ Click™ 平台评估扩展板

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MIKROE-2826 数据手册
      Vibro Motor click PID: MIKROE-2826 Weight: 24 g Vibro Motor click features a compact size Eccentric Rotating Mass (ERM) motor, labeled as C1026B002F. This type of motor is often used for haptic feedback on many small handheld devices, such as the cellphones, pagers, RFID scanners and similar devices. This motor contains a small eccentric weight on its rotor, so while rotating it also produces vibration effect. This kind of motors is sometimes referred to as coin motors, due to its shape. Besides the vibration motor, the click is also equipped with the DMG3420U, a small MOSFET, which is used to drive the motor. The Vibro Motor click is an ideal solution for adding a simple, one pin driven haptic feedback on any design. How does it work? The click uses the DMG3420U MOSFET to drive the ERM motor, since the MCU itself cannot provide enough power for the motor driving. The circuit also contains a protection diode, which is used to protect the transistor from the reverse voltage, since the motor represents an inductive load and turning off its current can produce a kickback voltage that can damage the transistor. The gate of the MOSFET is driven by the PWM signal, routed through the PWM pin of the mikroBUS™. The PWM signal toggles the gate of the MOSFET with the pulses of a certain width. As a result, the current through the motor is varied depending on the pulse width of the PWM signal, which directly affects the speed of the motor, effectively controlling the vibration force that way. The small, eccentric weight attached to the rotor of the coin motor, generates the centrifugal force while it rotates, which in turn results with the wobbling effect of the motor itself. The faster the rotation is, the bigger the force gets. Controlling the motor speed allows for the vibration intensity to be controlled. MikroElektronika library contains functions that are used to easily drive the motor by changing the PWM pulse width, saving time for the application firmware development. Specifications Type  DC  Applications  An ideal solution for adding a simple, one pin driven haptic feedback on any design. Key Features  Low power consumption, compact size  Interface  PWM  Input Voltage  3.3V  Click board size  M (42.9 x 25.4 mm)  Pinout diagram This table shows how the pinout on Vibro Motor click corresponds to the pinout on the mikroBUS™ socket (the latter shown in the two middle columns). Notes  Pin  Pin  Notes    NC  1  AN  PWM  16  PWM  NC  2  RST  INT  15  NC  NC  3  CS  RX  14  NC  NC  4  SCK  TX  13  NC  NC  5  MISO  SCL  12  NC  NC  6  MOSI  SDA  11  NC  Power supply  3V3  7  3.3V  5V  10  NC  Ground  GND  GND  9  GND  Motor speed control              GND  8  Vibro Motor click specifications Description  Min  Typ  Max Rated ERM motor speed  9000  RPM     9.8  Bracket deflection strength  Unit  N   Mechanical noise    Operating Temperature  50 dB  +60 °C    ‐20    Onboard settings and indicators Label  Name  Default  Description  VM  Vibro motor  ‐  Vibration motor  PWR  Power LED   ‐  Power LED indicator Ground  Software support We provide an example for Vibro Motor click on our LibStock page, as well as a demo application (example), developed using MikroElektronika compilers. The demo can run on all the main MikroElektronika development boards. Examples description This demo application demonstrates how to control Vibro Motor click by using the MCU's PWM module. The demo application is composed of two sections:   systemInit ‐ Initializes the PWM module   applicationTask ‐ Sequential call of each pattern with 1 second delay in between  Additional functions: void vibromotor_pattern1(uint8_t loops)- Long vibration pattern - 1 second vibration + 1 second delay void vibromotor_pattern2(uint8_t loops)- Short vibration pattern - 200 ms vibration + 500 ms delay The full application code and ready to use projects can be found on our LibStock page.     Other mikroE Libraries used in the example:    PWM  Additional notes and information Depending on the development board you are using, you may need USB UART click, USB UART 2 click or RS232 click to connect to your PC, for development systems with no UART to USB interface available on the board. The terminal available in all MikroElektronika compilers, or any other terminal application of your choice, can be used to read the message.                                                          https://www.mikroe.com/vibro‐motor‐click 12‐20‐17 
MIKROE-2826 价格&库存

