High Capacity Li‐ion Cell
Product ID: 28987
This is a rechargable Li‐ion Cell in an "18650" form factor. Made by Tenergy, this cell is rated at
3.7 V and 2600 mAh. This is a "protected" type of lithium cell, with a built in PCB. Pair these
with our Small Robot Pack‐Charger to provide long‐lasting, consistent power for your Boe‐Bot,
Shield‐Bot or ActivityBot robot.
Key Features:
3.7 volt Li‐ion 18650 cell
Built‐in protection circuit prevents voltages outside of 2.5–4.25 V
Fits our Li‐ion Small Robot Pack‐Charger (28988) which mounts within our small robot chasssis
https://www.parallax.com/product/28987 04/11/2017