CamJam EduKit
The CamJam EduKit is your way into the world of building electronic circuits and
programming the Raspberry Pi in Python. The CamJam EduKit features the
following components all neatly packaged in a tin:
A 400pt breadboard
3 LEDs (Red, Yellow and Green)
A button
A buzzer
Resistors and jumper cables
The kit is accompanied by a set of downloadable worksheets that will take you
through a series of exercises from writing a simple program in the Python
programming language to lighting up LEDs, reading button presses and making a
buzzer go beep! Whereas other products come pre‐assembled, the CamJam EduKit
introduces you to the world of breadboarding and building electronic circuits
yourself, which we think is much more exciting! All the worksheets are freely
available to download. The CamJam EduKit is a joint venture between The Pi Hut
and the Cambridge Raspberry Jam (CamJam). Profits from the sale of the kit will go
to CamJam so that they can continue their educational and community work.
https://uk.pi‐‐edukit 6‐25‐18