iFixit All‐In‐One PC Driver
PC repair driver features the 6 most common driver and nut drivers used in PC
building and repair.
Designed using the input from hundreds of PC repair technicians, finding out what
tools they use the most. They all have a few coveted drivers with well worn handles,
including T15, a 5mm nut driver, and of course the classic Phillips!
We've combined them into this driver, making an all‐in‐one solution for IT
professionals, PC builders, and repair technicians.
Phillips #1 used for common PC screws
Flathead 1/4" used for PC and rack server hardware
Torx T15 used for name brand PC's
Nut Driver 5mm used for motherboard standoffs
Nut driver 1/4" used for case screws, nuts, and rack server hardware
Nut driver 5/16" used for rack server hardware
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