enviro:bit PIM355
Sense the world around you with enviro:bit! It's loaded with
sensors for air and weather, colour and light, and sound, and
slots right onto your micro:bit.
Just slot in your micro:bit, then code enviro:bit with the block-based Microsoft
MakeCode editor, or with MicroPython in the Mu code editor. The sensors go hand-inhand really well with the LED matrix on micro:bit, letting you graph sensors readings or
have the LEDs react to sound, for example.
Comes fully-assembled and ready to use
BME280 temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor
TCS3472 light and colour sensor
MEMS microphone
Compatible with micro:bit
Microsoft MakeCode and MicroPython support
No soldering required!
You can code enviro:bit with the block-based Microsoft MakeCode editor, that'll get you
started with using the sensor readings from enviro:bit, if you want to delve deeper, then
you can use MicroPython in the Mu code editor.
To add the enviro:bit library in MakeCode, click on the cog at the top right hand corner,
then "Add Package", then search for "envirobit". You can find full instructions at
the GitHub repository for the library.
Our MicroPython library for enviro:bit is also available at GitHub, again with full
instructions on how to get going with it.
https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/enviro-bit 6-11-18