Replicape Rev B ‐ 3D printer controller board
SKU 102991007
Replicape is a high end 3D‐printer electronics package in the form of a Cape that can be placed on a
BeagleBone Black. This page is about the Major revision B. It has five high power and low noise stepper
motors with cool running MosFets and it has been designed to fit in small spaces without active cooling and
without the need for physical access to the board once installed. That means no potentiometers to trim or
switches to flip.
This page is about the hardware. It explains how to install the board and wire everything up. If you are
looking for software that will run, have a look at the Kamikaze CNC image. There are other options as well,
but that is the standard that will work for most people.
Blazing fast
Replicape runs on BeagleBone Black, a 1GHz CPU with two additional 200 MHz PRUs.
What does that mean? It means you can have a huge delta while still running
OctoPrint and Toggle.
Stealthy silent
By using the industry leading TMC 2100 stepper motor drivers, the sound leves are lowered to an incredibly
low level. The stepper motor whining will not be the most prominent sound for your 3D‐printer
Smart and connected
Replicape is a connected device, meaning it has access to the internet.
That is good, because it means it can run a web server giving instant access to all computers and smart
phones in the network.
Mounting the Replicape on the BeagleBone.
As the name suggests, Replicape is a cape. Capes are one of the defining things about BeagleBone
black/white/green, where the main development board acts as a base unit, and then accepts different add‐
on hardware through the two 48 pin headers, which in turn define some of the pin behaviors during Linux
kernel startup. This is similar to"shields"on Arduino and"HAT"s on Raspberry Pi. Mounting the Replicape on
BeagleBone should be pretty straight forward, just make sure the notch in the cape goes around the Ethernet
connector so it makes a.. cape!
How to wire up the board
Fritzing example
The Fritzing board below shows the most basic setup for connecting the board.
Connector overview
Bipolar and hybrid stepper motors are supported with these stepper motor drivers (SMD). Some smaller
stepper motors are known to produce a high pitch noise and get very warm even with a low current setting.
They will appear to work, but they may very well burn do to the large heat being produced.
With the board oriented as in the above image, the wires for the steppers are:
Rev B2: 1, 2, 3, 4 = OB1, OA1, OA2, OB2