SKU 114990348
Arduboy is an open platform for people to play, create and share games. A game system
the size of a credit card. Choose your favorite classic game from the completely free
Arduboy Arcade. Built on the popular Arduino software, it’s also an excellent way to learn how
to program! Because you can learn to make your own games, Arduboy is a game system the size
of your imagination!
1.3″ Brilliant Black & White OLED Display
6 Tactile Momentary Push Buttons
2 Channel Piezo Speaker
Durable Metal & Polycarbonate Construction
8+ Hour Battery Life & Rechargable
Fully Programmable with Arduino!
Processor: ATmega32u4 (same as Arduino Leonardo & Micro)
Memory: 32KB Flash, 2.5KB RAM, 1KB EEPROM
Connectivity: USB 2.0 w/ built in HID profile
Inputs: 6 momentary tactile buttons
Outputs: 128x64 1Bit OLED, 2 Ch. Piezo Speaker & Blinky LED
Battery: 180 mAh Thin-Film Lithium Polymer
Programming: Codebender, Arduino IDE, GCC & AVRDude
A polycarbonate front, ultra thin circuit board, and stamped metal back gave us the
ultimate combination.
A rechargeable lithium polymer battery provides over 8 hours of battery life, and the same
cable you use to charge can be used to upload new games!
Every game published on Arduboy Arcade will be free, open source and available to be
edited. We have sent out over a hundred developer kits and here are a few titles the community
has built and we are working on adapting to the platform:
Special thanks to the Arduino Gaming Community!! We are proud to join the party of
open source gaming started by these awesome projects that pioneered the way to make and share
You can find various games from Arduboy community here.
1x Arduboy (Color: White) 2/23/2017