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    频谱分析仪 扩展件 配用 RF Explorer

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114991828 数据手册
       RF Explorer RFEM2.4G PLUS Expansion SKU 114991828 RF Explorer RFEM2.4G PLUS is an expansion board compatible with RF Explorer WSUB1G PLUS models. It can be assembled in PLUS models only. This expansion board adds 2.4GHz band support, covering frequency ranges used by WiFi, Bluetooth, wireless video, ISM applications, etc. Features       Compatible with RF Explorer WSUB1G PLUS to be converted into an ISM COMBO PLUS model High‐frequency support for the 2.4GHz band starting at 2.35GHz and covering up to 2.55GHz. Excellent performance to diagnose and generate signals in the 2.4GHz ISM band Spectrum Analyzer mode with Peak Max and Hold, Normal, Overwrite and Averaging modes Signal Generator mode with up to +11dBm output power Extend internal FLASH memory for additional capabilities Specification             Frequency band: 2350 – 2550MHz Frequency span: 2 – 85MHz Wifi Analyzer for the 2.4GHz band Standard SMA 50 ohms connector 2.4GHz whip antenna included Dynamic range: ‐105dBm to ‐10dBm Absolute Max input power: +10dBm Frequency stability and accuracy (typical): +‐10ppm Amplitude stability and accuracy (typical): +‐3dBm Amplitude resolution: 0.5dBm Frequency resolution: 1Khz Resolution bandwidth (RBW): automatic 58Khz to 812Khz Note RF Explorer is a very sensitive spectrum analyzer, specially designed to detect signals with aerial a ntenna. For extra protection when connecting the analyzer to a signal source with a coaxial cable, w e suggest using a RF Explorer Power Limiter. More details at www.rf‐explorer.com/PLIMITER Part List 1 x RF Explorer RFEM2.4G PLUS Expansion 1 x 2.4GHz whip antenna 1 x CNC Top Cover for RF Explorer PLUS models 1 x SMA nut 1 x SMA washer ECCN/HTS ECCN  EAR99  HSCODE  9030900090  UPC    How to: Assembling an Expansion Module RF Explorer modular design helps to extend device performance by adding an expansion module. Currently there are options to enhance Spectrum Analyzers and Signal Generator models, please select your choice for correct instructions. Spectrum Analyzer expansion modules There are two generations of RF Explorer Spectrum Analyzers: 1. Spectrum Analyzer Standard: 7 frontend buttons, these include RF Explorer WSUB1G or RF Explorer 2.4G models. This category also includes Combo models such as 3G Combo or 6G Combo, but these Combo models already include an internal expansion module and cannot be enhanced except by replacing the expansion module with a different one. 2. Spectrum Analyzer PLUS: 9 frontend buttons, including RF Explorer WSUB1G PLUS model. Depending on the different expansion modules, please select below specific online instructions:   Spectrum Analyzer Standard: Assemble RFEMWSUB3G or RFEM2.4G standard modules instructions. Spectrum Analyzer PLUS: o Assemble RFEMWSUB3G or RFEM2.4G standard modules instructions. o Assemble RFEM2.4G PLUS modules (coming soon) Signal Generator expansion module The Signal Generator baseline RFE6GEN can be enhanced to become a RF Explorer Signal Generator Combo. Full specifications are available in this article.  Full instructions to assemble the module are available in these online instructions.       http://j3.rf‐explorer.com/43‐rfe/how‐to/60‐expansion‐module‐assembly  https://www.seeedstudio.com/2‐Channel‐CAN‐BUS‐FD‐Shield‐for‐Raspberry‐Pi‐p‐4072.html/9‐17‐19 
114991828 价格&库存

